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Behavioral studies on bilingual learning have revealed cognitive costs (lower accuracy and/or higher processing time) when the language of application differs from the language of learning. The aim of this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study was to provide insights into the cognitive underpinnings of these costs (so‐called language‐switching costs) in mathematics. Twenty‐nine bilingual adults underwent a 4‐day arithmetic training in one language, followed by an fMRI test session in which they had to solve the trained problems in both languages. Language‐switching costs were accompanied by increased activation in areas associated with magnitude processing (intraparietal sulcus), visuo‐spatial imagery (precuneus), numerical stimulus recognition (fusiform gyrus) and executive functions (frontal areas). These findings suggest that language‐switching costs in arithmetic are due to additional numerical information processing. Bilingual education programs need to take these findings into account to reduce language‐switching costs in order to fully exploit the potential of bilingual learning.  相似文献   

This article describes a game used in an MBA‐level operations management course to help students understand the concept of the learning curve. Student teams participate in an interactive, hands‐on Lego assembly exercise, measuring their times through repeated trials after which they calculate their team's learning curve rate. The exercise is oriented to illustrate the mechanisms by which learning occurs both individually and organizationally. After students complete their work in groups, the data is aggregated across the class and analyzed to further illustrate key principles of the learning curve. A modified version of the game based on cup‐stacking has been developed for online students.  相似文献   

非言语学习困难问题是近年来学习困难研究的新领域。本文对非言语性学习困难的概念、症状表现及干预模式等方面的研究进展进行了述评,并提出未来研究应从统一非言语性学习困难的界定标准、扩展研究领域及探索适合的干预模式入手,进一步深化和推动非言语性学习困难的研究。  相似文献   

We report results from 2 language‐based processing tasks designed to investigate the performance of linguistically diverse learners. The tasks were the Competing Language Processing Task (CLPT) and Non‐Word Repetition (NWR). Participants were 100 school‐age children in 1 of 3 different experimental groups: monolingual English‐speaking children with specific or primary language impairment (LI), typical English‐only‐speaking children (EO), or typical Spanish–English bilingual children (BI). On both CLPT and NWR, EO group performance was best and LI group performance was poorest, with BI group performance falling in between. Likelihood ratios indicated that performance on these tasks does not provide compelling diagnostic power for separating typically developing bilinguals from monolingual children with LI. One exception is that children who obtained an NWR score of 93 percent or higher could be ruled out of the LI group with a high degree of confidence.  相似文献   

This meta‐analysis synthesized research on math performance outcomes for English learners (EL) as a function of language‐focused (math vocabulary) interventions. We included group and single‐subject design studies with children from kindergarten to 8th grade (3,766 students for group, 30 for single‐subject). Group studies yielded a mean Hedges’ g of 0.26 in favor of the interventions relative to the control conditions, whereas single‐subject studies yielded a mean Percentage of Non‐Overlapping Data of 81.01% and Phi coefficient of .66 relative to baseline. Although group studies yielded small effect sizes (ESs), we found significant moderators for grade level, intervention focus, and length of intervention. Single‐subject studies yielded higher ESs than group studies, and were considered generally effective, with a high ES. This finding was attributed to a direct focus on children with math difficulties and one‐to‐one instruction. The implications for practice and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

以心理模型为视角,外语自主学习就是学习者在外语学习过程中不断建构不同模型的在线心理运作过程。心理模型是外语自主学习的认知基础,也是判断学习者外语自主学习是否“富有成效”的标准。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the current fashion for brain‐based learning, in which value‐laden claims about learning are grounded in neurophysiology. It argues that brain science cannot have the ‘authority’ about learning that some seek to give it. It goes on to discuss whether the claim that brain science is relevant to learning involves a category mistake. The heart of the paper tries to show how the contribution of brain science to our grasp of the nature of learning is limited in principle. Finally the paper explores the potential of brain science to illuminate specific learning disabilities.  相似文献   

对学习不良学生的教育长期以来一直是教育中的难题。新课程改革倡导学生学习方式要有所改变,强调学生自主、合作、探究式的学习,要求教师在多元智力理论的指导下重新审视学生,并提出相应的教育对策,以期解决学习不良这一难题。  相似文献   

对Stephen B.McCamey1996年修订完成的《学习障碍评价量表》(学校版)进行了修订。中文版量表共85个项目,包括7个分量表:听、思考、说、阅读、书写/写作、拼写和数学运算。对416名小学二至五年级学生的测量表明:(1)项目的回答模式合理; (2)该量表具有较高的内部一致性系数和重测信度系数;(3)该量表具有较好的结构效度、效标关联效度和内容效度。  相似文献   

Project‐based, collaborative learning is an effective teaching method when compared to traditional cognitive learning. The purpose of this study was to assess student learning after the completion of a final meal project that involved a group of sensory panelists. A paper survey was conducted among 73 senior nutrition and dietetics students enrolling in Experimental Food Science, Spring 2013 and 2014. The survey comprised of qualitative and quantitative questions about students’ perceived learning outcomes. The project required students to prepare a 4‐course meal in 90 min, in groups of 4. Eighteen sensory panelists consisting of faculty and graduate students from the Nutrition, Dietetics, and Hospitality Management Department and administrative staff from the college evaluated the foods, asked students several food science‐related questions, and completed a survey about their involvement in the project. Students reported that this project reinforced class material (4.7 ± 0.6), and was enjoyable (4.6 ± 0.6) yet challenging (4.4 ± 0.7); numerous skills were developed, including team‐building (4.7 ± 0.5), food preparation (4.6 ± 0.5), and time management (4.4 ± 0.5). Students perceived that the involvement of sensory panelists was beneficial in terms of providing constructive feedback for improvement and motivating them to prepare high‐quality foods. It also prepared them for serving foods to individuals from different cultural backgrounds. However, some students found the experience stressful. For the sensory panelists, the project helped them to venture out of their areas of expertise. In conclusion, a meal project involving sensory panelists can result in positive learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) experience pervasive academic deficits requiring extensive academic intervention; however, they may also engage in problem behaviors that adversely affect teaching and learning, thus lessening the potential impact of specialized instruction and supports. The learning deficits of students with LD are prevalent in the extant research, but behavioral needs appear to receive less attention. The authors report the results of a systematic review investigating the evidence‐base for function‐based interventions for students with LD using the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) criteria for evaluating single‐case studies. Fourteen studies with 17 participants met inclusion criteria, with the majority occurring in elementary settings. Although interventions tended to be effective, few included maintenance and generalization measures. Because of the small number of studies (n = 4) that met WWC design and effectiveness standards, the authors conclude that function‐based interventions, although promising, cannot currently be considered an evidence‐based practice for students with LD. Implications for practice, areas for future research, and study limitations are reported.  相似文献   

化学学业不良学生的人格特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对化学学业不良学生16PF人格特征的调查研究发现,化学学业不良学生与化学优等生在聪慧性等6个方面存在显性差并;此外,化学学业不良学生的人格特征在性别、城乡等方面也表现为差异显。  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to address how to effectively predict mathematics learning disability (MLD). Specifically, we addressed whether cognitive data obtained during kindergarten can effectively predict which children will have MLD in third grade, whether an abbreviated test battery could be as effective as a standard psychoeducational assessment at predicting MLD, and whether the abbreviated battery corresponded to the literature on MLD characteristics. Participants were 226 children who enrolled in a 4‐year prospective longitudinal study during kindergarten. We administered measures of mathematics achievement, formal and informal mathematics ability, visual‐spatial reasoning, and rapid automatized naming and examined which test scores and test items from kindergarten best predicted MLD at grades 2 and 3. Statistical models using standardized scores from the entire test battery correctly classified ~80–83 percent of the participants as having, or not having, MLD. Regression models using scores from only individual test items were less predictive than models containing the standard scores, except for models using a specific subset of test items that dealt with reading numerals, number constancy, magnitude judgments of one‐digit numbers, or mental addition of one‐digit numbers. These models were as accurate in predicting MLD as was the model including the entire set of standard scores from the battery of tests examined. Our findings indicate that it is possible to effectively predict which kindergartners are at risk for MLD, and thus the findings have implications for early screening of MLD.  相似文献   

This article discusses a design studio teaching experience exploring the design process itself as a methodological tool. We consider the structure of important phases of the process that contain different levels of design thinking: conception, function and practical knowledge as well as the transitions from inception to construction. We show how this approach to the design process allows the possibility of addressing elusive issues that underlie the practice of design.  相似文献   

The Learning Disability Index (LDI) is one of many diagnostic indicators proposed for the identification of students with learning disabilities that relies on patterns of performance on cognitive tests. The LDI is hypothesized to relate to students' specific neuropsychological deficits. The present study investigated the diagnostic utility of the LDI with the third edition of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children by comparing students previously diagnosed with learning disabilities (n = 2,053) to students without learning disabilities (n = 2,200). Subsamples of youth with specific reading (n = 445) and math (n = 168) disabilities permitted further assessment of the efficacy of the LDI. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves revealed that the LDI resulted in a correct diagnostic decision only 55% to 64% of the time. These results demonstrate that the LDI is not a valid diagnostic indicator of learning disabilities.  相似文献   

学习不良至今仍没有一个明确的定义,不同的研究从不同侧面揭示了学习不良儿童在不同方面与学习良好儿童存在的差异,因此在试图教育和纠正学习不良儿童时采取的策略也应当有所侧重.  相似文献   

This meta‐analysis reviewed 82 school‐based, universal social and emotional learning (SEL) interventions involving 97,406 kindergarten to high school students (Mage = 11.09 years; mean percent low socioeconomic status = 41.1; mean percent students of color = 45.9). Thirty‐eight interventions took place outside the United States. Follow‐up outcomes (collected 6 months to 18 years postintervention) demonstrate SEL's enhancement of positive youth development. Participants fared significantly better than controls in social‐emotional skills, attitudes, and indicators of well‐being. Benefits were similar regardless of students’ race, socioeconomic background, or school location. Postintervention social‐emotional skill development was the strongest predictor of well‐being at follow‐up. Infrequently assessed but notable outcomes (e.g., graduation and safe sexual behaviors) illustrate SEL's improvement of critical aspects of students’ developmental trajectories.  相似文献   

When training occurs on the job over time, the collective wisdom of the organization becomes the norm. This knowledge or way of doing things is not always the best way and may cause problems elsewhere in the system. This article is a case study that looks at the order entry process of a midsized company and describes the motivational aspects of the performance intervention, as well as the systematic design and development of scenario‐based learning.  相似文献   

One classical instructional effect of cognitive load theory (CLT) is the worked-example effect. Although the vast majority of studies have focused on well-structured and algorithmic sub-domains of mathematics or physics, more recent studies have also analyzed learning with examples from complex domains in which only heuristic solution strategies can be taught (e.g., troubleshooting, mathematical proving). Is learning by such examples also effective, and do the same instructional design principles apply? We discuss the main findings of an own research program and of related studies that addressed such questions. We found that CLT’s basic design principles also hold true for heuristic domains: Reduce extraneous load by employing examples, maximize germane load by fostering self-explanations, prevent cognitive overload by pretraining in the case of difficult learning materials, and by focusing attention on the most relevant aspects. Other typical CLT assumptions (e.g., better provide information for novice learners) were not confirmed in its generality. The present findings extend the applicability of CLT but also identify some potentially too simplistic assumptions.  相似文献   

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