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学习困难儿童同时性加工水平低下;性别对同时性加工任务没有显著影响;综合学业成就与同时性加工效率呈显著正相关.分析发现注意的缺陷和计划性的不足可能使学习困难儿童无法将自身的三个动态联系的机能系统有效地协调起来,无法根据经验作出正确的反应;而教育缺陷的积累可能也是导致其同时性加工水平低下的原因之一.  相似文献   

学业不良儿童的社会信息加工是当前学业不良研究的一个重要领域。本文从学业不良儿童社会信息加工的阶段及其特点,社会信息加工与各影响因素之间关系这两个角度出发,对现有研究进行梳理,并进行了简要评价与展望。  相似文献   

为探查数学学习障碍学生在数学语言转换方面的特点,本研究以自编材料分别对数学学习障碍学生、普通学生(含优、中、差三类学生)进行了纸笔测试,结果发现:(1)数学学习障碍学生在自然语言转换为数学图形语言时缺乏空间想象,对自然语言中表示图形信息的文字信息利用不完全;(2)在数学语言之间的相互转换过程中表现为数学学习障碍学生的数学符号文字化和数学符号图形化能力不足.  相似文献   

语义研究在信息检索、机器翻译等计算语义学诸多领域有着广阔的应用空间和发展前景,而且对自然语言处理中词语、短语和句子的理解、生成研究具有强大的解释力。通过对维吾尔语词语的语义属性及配价特征、语义场、语义角色等方面进行描述,为建立一套面向信息处理的维吾尔语语义属性描述体系奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

Now almost 15 years after the implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) data are emerging in the literature related to job entry and employment outcomes of adults with learning disabilities (LD). Although these data are derived from varying methodologies, they converge in three critical areas: Knowledge of the ADA, realities of workplace self‐disclosure, and the importance of self‐determination. This review presents findings in each of these areas. The messages obtained from adults with LD who experience the realities of the workplace can provide significant information for secondary programs that assist students with hidden disabilities preparing to transition to college or to employment.  相似文献   

学习不良者的工作记忆特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有关学习不良者的工作记忆特点的研究表明,阅读不良者与数学学习不良者都存在语音回路功能缺陷(如语音表征的效率低)以及中央执行器功能缺陷(如对注意控制的能力不足) ,即学习不良与工作记忆缺陷密切相关。今后的研究应进一步探明学习不良者工作记忆缺陷的深层原因。  相似文献   

Although little is known about learning disabilities (LDs) in English language learners (ELLs), there is a substantial knowledge base about the identification, assessment, and intervention of and for LDs in monolingual native English‐speaking students. Building on this knowledge, participants at an October 2003 National Symposium on Learning Disabilities in English Language Learners were asked to suggest research questions, priorities, and suggestions on how to build the necessary infrastructure to address critical research needs. In the discussions that took place, important themes emerged: (1) identification and assessment of LD and/or reading disabilities (RD) in ELLs (ELL/Ds), (2) understanding of the language and literacy developmental trajectories of ELLs, (3) understanding of the individual and contextual factors affecting outcomes, (4) the intersection of all of these areas with neurobiology, and (5) developing and testing the effectiveness of interventions for learning disabilities in ELL/Ds. These themes, and the research agenda that was forged around them, are presented. In addition, the practice implications of this agenda are presented, along with some suggestions for current practice while we await future research findings.  相似文献   

The need for effective approaches for identifying English language learners with learning disabilities is great and growing. Meeting this need is complicated by recent developments in the field of learning disabilities that are unrelated to the English language learning status, and by limitations in existing knowledge specific to the identification of English language learners with learning disabilities. We review recent developments in the field of learning disabilities concerning the need for earlier identification, the need for a more appropriate conceptualization of learning disability, and the need for more effective assessments and treatments. We discuss challenges to assessment and identification of English language learners with learning disabilities, provide examples of two approaches to meeting these challenges, and describe some remaining challenges.  相似文献   

学习困难儿童学习策略训练模式的比较与研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本在对国外大量有关学习困难儿童学习策略训练模式分析的基础上,介绍了当今较为流行的三类学习策略训练模式,根据笔多年研究与实践的经验,结合这三类训练模式的主要特点,提出了“认知与监控”训练模式,并对该模式及内容作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

学习不良儿童信息加工特点和影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据学习不良儿童筛选标准 ,采用认知研究范式 ,运用自然实验法和教育实验法 ,以及量表法和访谈法等 ,对 1 2 2名学习不良儿童信息加工特点和影响因素进行了实证研究 ,同时通过个案研究和调查研究进行了定性分析。研究结果表明 ,学习不良儿童属于异质群体 ,其实质在于信息加工存在缺陷 ,且可以从一般信息加工或基本心理过程障碍和社会信息加工过程障碍 ,来研究其学业和社会性困难的心理机制。这可以为制定科学的学习不良儿童干预和矫治方案提供心理学依据。  相似文献   

学习障碍学生在运用学习策略方面存在显著困难 ,学习策略干预对提高学习障碍学生的学习效率和学习效果具有显著作用。学习障碍学生学习策略干预研究主要包括学习障碍学生学习策略缺乏的表现、学习策略干预的内容与模式以及学习策略干预应注意的问题三个方面。后继的研究应扩大研究对象的类型和干预策略所适用的学科种类并进一步提高干预的可迁移性。  相似文献   

学习困难学生(以下简称学困生)的动机水平和任务坚持性已越来越受到特殊教育界的关注.传统的学习困难研究一般从学困生的认知角度进行分析和设计教育手段,但现在人们越来越认识到非认知因素对学困生的影响.  相似文献   

学习困难学生自主学习策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为揭示自主学习策略对学习困难学生的影响,并为学习困难学生的训练和矫正提供心理学依据,应用自主学习策略问卷,对小学5年级95名学习优秀学生和89名学习困难学生进行了自主学习策略比较研究。结果发现:学习困难学生自主学习策略明显低于学习优秀学生;学习困难女学生自主学习策略水平整体显著高于男生;影响学生学习成绩是多个自主学习策略因子共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

Risk taking may be regarded as a normative behavior in adolescence. Risk-taking behaviors may include alcohol, smoking, drug use, delinquency, and acts of aggression. Many studies have explored the relationship between adolescents and risk-taking behavior; however, only a few studies have examined this link in adolescents with learning disabilities. The purpose of this study was to compare the risk-taking behavior of adolescents with learning disabilities ( N  = 307) and without learning disabilities ( N  = 307) over time. Specifically, this study investigated changes over time in adolescents' substance use, engagement in major and minor delinquency, acts of aggression, and gambling activities. Results indicated that, compared to their non–learning disabled peers, adolescents with learning disabilities engaged more frequently in some risk-taking behaviors including smoking, marijuana use, acts of delinquency, acts of aggression, and gambling. The results also indicate that for some risk-taking behaviors adolescents with and without learning disabilities differ in their trajectory of engagement. Implications of this study point to the importance of supporting adolescents with learning disabilities when they are faced with difficult decisions around risk taking.  相似文献   

This literature review examines the relationship between allergies and learning disabilities. Do allergies cause learning disabilities and related behavioural difficulties? The existing research is summarized and evaluated. The authors conclude that the role that allergies play in LD is complex and interrelated with other factors.  相似文献   

学困生与学优生学习时间管理能力的对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的:①了解学困生与学优生在学习时间管理各维度上的差异及其程度;②依据调查结果,提出对学困生进行时间管理教育和训练初步构想。方法:调查研究法。结果:经T检验发现,总体而言,学困生时间管理能力总体上比学优生差,达到极显著水平(t=5.231,P<.01);他们在时间管理的观念性(t=2.422,<.05)、计划性(t=3.445,<.01)、策略性(t=5.090,<.01)、统筹性(t=2.565,<.05)、时间投资(t=3.600,<.01)、即时性(t=3.420,<.01)6个维度上达到了显著或极显著的差异;但他们在自律性(t=1.780,>.05)、节律性(t=2.015,>.05)、抗干扰性(t=1.074,>.05)、抗疲劳性(t=0.848,>.05)4个方面没有显著差异。结论:学困生不能很好地完成学业任务可能与他们时间管理能力差有直接关系;无论是学困生还是学优生仍需加强“学习时间敏感性”、“根据自身心理和生理的变化规律合理安排学习时间”以及“抵抗学习中不良因素制约”的教育与训练。  相似文献   

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