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There were altogether 161 papers published in China from 1989 to 1991 concerning the Thirdedition of the"Book Classification of ChineseLibraries~"("Chongtu Fa"),which covered 33.3%of articles on classification.These monographic studies centered mainly in:introducing the third edition of the classification,overall evaluation of it,its class headings offered and class inclusion,its collocation methods and symbol system and lastly,promoting it so as to make use of it.  相似文献   

The dancing and singing, posture and dialogue of a drama role, may originate in the crazy state of the wizards possessed in the primitive worship. But where the drama story came from? The wizards' speech was too simple to be the predecessor of drama story. In this article, the author indicates that as the heart of drama, stories rose from the rites of orphan souls developed after the late Tang dynasty. The proof can be found especially from the orphan souls stories in Shuilu paintings. The distribution of Shanxi stages and the origin of Yuan drama writers were also accorded with this kind of Shuilu painting.  相似文献   

关于图书馆学研究方法的思考   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Five problems should be emphatically probed and solved in the study of library audience research methods: 1) Distinguish the differences and connection between the research meth- ods and the working methods, 2) Probe into the System of library science research methods, 3) Know and apply accurately the methodology of system science, 4) Maintain a proper balance in the relationship between methods of quality and those of quantity, and 5.) Adopt a correct attitude towards and derive from the achievements in scientific research of related subjects.8 refs.  相似文献   

The major content of the study of library users is the study of their psychology. Readers emotion is subject to the library s environment, the quality and quantity of the documents and the emotion of the readers themselves as well. In order to make a good job of reader services, the librarians, in addition to their erudition and skill, should have the following three qualities: 1) self-cultivation, 2) ability to observe and analyse the readers psychology, and 3) sedate and refined appearance.  相似文献   

The environment and pattern of scientific research are developing towards digital, open and community-oriented , and influenced by the increasingly diversified data resources and the mature of various methods. All these make the researchers' demand becoming more complicated and deepened. The evolution of scientific research puts forward higher requirement for the data demand management of collegial researchers. We constructed an analytical framework of the influencing factors of data demand management for scientific researchers based on the grounded theory. The interaction of key elements involved in the framework was analyzed , aiming to reveal the influence mechanism of key factors on researchers, data demand management. This research is composed of four parts research problem generation data collection data processing and theory construction. Staged collection method was used in data collection mainly through personal indepth interview and focus group meeting and the data we collected was supplemented and verified by the data and comments in various scientific research platforms. Data standardization and reduction was carried out by the qualitative analysis software Nvivo 12.0 , and the original data was coded in three-level: Open coding , spindle coding and selective coding. The USCT framework we constructed contains 8 main categories: Personal ability characteristic , user perception , personalized service, knowledge service, task context , mobile information context , technology application and technology fit , involving 24 categories and 67 initial concepts. All categories and concepts were generalized into 4 layers: Key layer (user dimension), guarantee layer (service dimension), driven layer (context dimension) and foundation layer (technology dimension). In the subsequent analysis of interactive relationship and internal correlative mechanism between main categories and data demand management we found personal ability characteristic of user personalized service and task context to be the most direct impact factor on data demand management while user perception knowledge service mobile information context technology application and technology fit work in an indirect way. The USCT model framework has several positive effects: 1) it contributes to the construction and perfection of the conceptual system and framework of scientific research data demand management 2 it provides a reliable guiding analysis model for the construction of a science data service platform to promote scientific research and innovation. We innovatively constructed an analysis framework for the influencing factors of data demand management of university researchers. This framework organically integrates " user” (scientific researcher, subject librarian), “services", “context” and “technology” into one system. We attempt to guide and develop the researcher's scientific data needs under their knowledge environment through computer information technology and ultimately guarantee the provision of suitable service. Further demonstration and service practices are needed to verify and perfect the theory. Follow-up studies can take “user-context-service-technology” as the main line for empirical research and explore the external features and internal path mechanisms of data demand management in all domains. 6 figs. 3 tabs. 49 refs. © 2019, Editorial Office of Journal of Library Science in China. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Controlled Digital Lending(CDL) is a new model by which libraries digitize materials in their collection and make them available for controlled lending. CDL was initially introduced 10 years ago and has been developed quickly after 2020. This paper sorts out the concept and development of CDL, and divides the process of CDL into embryonic stage(2011-2017), exploratory stage(2018-2019) and development stage (2020 to present). In the embryonic stage, although there were related research and attempts, the specific concept of CDL had not been formed and the practice was not enough. In the exploratory stage, the concept and core principles of CDL had been defined and received plenty of attention in the American library community. During the development stage, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought opportunities for CDL to globalize, and CDL is supported by the library circle around the world. This paper analyzes the feasibility of CDL according to the relevant laws and regulations in the United States, Europe and the international community. In the United States, CDL is mainly based on the principle of first sale doctrine and fair use; in Europe, CDL is mainly related to relevant directives and copyright restrictions and exceptions; among the international community, CDL basically complies with the relevant provisions of the three-step test. This paper summarizes the status quo and specific operation mode of CDL practice abroad, in the hope of providing suggestions for the specific practice of CDL in Chinese university libraries. The authors sort out the official website documents of well-known foreign library organizations and CDL tool development institutions, summarize foreign practical cases of CDL, and analyze related application cases in foreign university libraries and CDL tool. This paper discusses the legal possibility of implementing CDL in China. A further review of relevant domestic laws has found that, although the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China only stipulates 12 acts that can use works without permission and remuneration, the court can still determine that the mode of CDL constitutes fair use based on the general provisions of the fair use in dealing with cases related to CDL. Lastly, this paper points out that China’s libraries, especially university libraries, shall limit the books types, reasonably apply CDL tools, actively cooperate with publisher, and build the platform of digital lending resources sharing to promote the digital services transformation of physical library in CDL way. 38 refs. © 2023, Editorial Office of Journal of Library Science in China. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Chinese Studies Librarianship in North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although American libraries had begun collecting Chinese language materials in the 19th century, notably the United States Library of Congress in 1869, Yale in 1878, Harvard in 1879, and Berkeley in 1896, East Asian studies librarianship in North America, including China studies librarianship, was not fully developed until the 1960s. There was no formal organization that represented the interest of Chinese studies librarians because there were few of them and most of them were China scholars rather than trained librarians. More than 100 years later, the number of Chinese studies librarians in North America has increased considerably, primarily in response to the demand in the field of China studies and more recently to the needs of immigrant population and the general public who has an interest in China.This paper traces the history and growth of Chinese studies librarianship in North America, documents the development of the professional organization that represents Chinese studies librarians, and exami.  相似文献   

略谈我国古代文字的载体及书籍的起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) was initiated in December 2000 when the U.S. Congress authorized the Library of Congress to work with a broad range of institutions to develop a national strategy for the preservation of important at-risk born digital content. Guided by a strategy of broad collaborations and iterative learning, the Library of Congress began catalyzing a national network of partners dedicated to collecting and preserving important born-digital information. Over the last six years, the Library and its partners have been engaged in learning through action. Our investments in preservation partnerships, public policy deliberations related to intellectual property challenges, basic technical research, and network architecture models have increased our understanding of the sustaining roles and functions for a national network of diverse stakeholders. The emerging network of networks is complex and inclusive of a variety of stakeholders: content producers, content stewards and service providers from the public and private sectors.  相似文献   

1General introduction   The special libraries in the Chinese mainland have experienced 3development periods. 1From thebeginning of5 0 s to the end of70 s,all the special libraries focused on the collection development,in thatperiod relatively backward and limited library service were provided. 2 After the end of 70 s,computertechnology was introduced to the field which caused a large amount of bibliographic and secondary publicationdatabases'construction.That is to say,on the basis of the p…  相似文献   

上海是中国的也是世界的,获2010年世博会主办权后,上海的发展备受世人瞩目.上海已经以自己取得的经济发展与文明建设的成就赢得了世界的尊敬,尤其是今年战胜"非典"的胜利,说明上海市经历了重大的考验,上海城市文明已经提升到了一个新的平台,进入世界级城市的行列之中.  相似文献   

"李扬才事件"是中法战争前中越关系史上一重大事件,因种种原因,后人对其研究严重不够,以致被厚重的历史淹没了,没有留下什么声响。事实上,"李扬才事件"是研究冯子材与刘永福关系,以及中法战争前夕中越关系极为重要的一环。"李扬才事件"的起因、经过及最后的结果,以及该事件所涉及的个人恩怨、家国情仇、越南与中国关系,均在《申报》中有报道。通过对《申报》中"李扬才事件"资料的整理与分析,使我们对于这一时期中越关系、中国"军转安置"问题有一深刻的认识,并为冯子材的处境深表担忧。"李扬才事件"并不是纯粹的边界事件,而是19世纪70年代中越关系的缩影,是清末中国"军转安置"问题大曝露。认清"李扬才事件",有利于我们认清当时中越关系,并对冯子材、李扬才和刘永福三者关系的认识也有重要的帮助。  相似文献   

李军 《编辑之友》2021,(3):5-12
新冠肺炎疫情催生了“信息流行病”.当前, “信息流行病”的防范和管控,已远远超出信息流行本身.各级机构特别是政府部门,应在保证公共信息充分透明公开的同时,做到依法保护涉事者的隐私.重大疫情及时权威发布,是抗击疫情取得阶段性胜利的宝贵经验.对待“信息流行病”,要有规律性认识.文章通过对几组信息发布案例进行比较研究,指出只提轨迹不提人是政府部门“遇之未遇”“学之未学”“能预之预”的具体成果,信息发布机关须掌握依法有限原则,常态化防疫必须固化于法律,这是祛除“信息流行病”的关键所在,也是国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的要求.  相似文献   

浅谈《孙子兵法》的情报观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王绪娟 《图书馆》1998,(3):75-75
浅谈《孙子兵法》的情报观王绪娟(湖南大学图书馆长沙410072)一部《孙子》,自古被尊为兵家经典,其丰富的管理思想,又被后人广泛应用于行政管理和商业经营之中。笔者研读体会,对这部著作独到的情报观点留下了深刻印象。现择其要者评述如下:索情。《孙子》开宗...  相似文献   

“慎言”是儒家传播思想的一部分。“五常”[1]——仁、义、礼、智、信是儒家价值观的基本内容,通过对言论在内容和形式上进行约束,规定了儒家“慎言”[2]传播思想的内在属性。儒家思想是伦理与政治合一的体系,其目标是达到“内圣外王”的境界,这要求君子言论符合仁、义、礼、智、信的要求。  相似文献   

档案馆"资治"、"存史"和"文化传承"功能辩证   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
档案和档案馆的社会功能可以抽象地概括为“资治”、“存史”和“文化传承”。三者之间存在“资治”为源、“存史”为本、“文化传承”为实的辩证关系。“资治”是档案现象的成因 ,也是“存史”和“文化传承”等功能的源泉。“存史”是社会赋予档案馆的最高使命 ,是档案馆的根本功能。文化传承功能的提出是在特定社会背景下对档案职业的一次“重新发现” ,是对档案馆社会功能的高度涵盖 ,它具体体现在档案馆的“存史”、“资治”功能之中。狭义的档案文化效用不同与广义的“文化传承”功能 ,它只是众多档案利用形态之一。在强调档案文化效用的同时 ,决不可本末倒置 ,忽视甚或忘却档案职业的出发点。  相似文献   

正当代著名学者、诗人、教育家、一代书法大师沈尹默先生离开我们已经四十六年了。沈老的音容笑貌、谈吐雅姿似在眼前,无法忘怀。岁月荏苒,如今自己也年届耄耋,对沈老的怀念更是有增无减,总感到这些年沈老似乎是寂寞了,就让自己回忆一点真实的历史以纪念这位长者,也讲几句心里话给沈老听,解解他在九泉之下的寂寞。让沈老知道,现在活着的许多人仍很想念他。他所披荆斩棘开辟的书法之路  相似文献   

赵荣蔚 《图书与情报》2003,(5):28-30,35
在明清两代众多的唐诗选本中,《唐音审体》兼采众说,弃短取长。其辨正体裁、推尊创格、发明诗意的体例特色,显示了选家荟萃诸家多创获,指点后学启迷津的不凡眼光。  相似文献   

杂字就是把各类有一定关联的字词汇集在一起而编成的书,它是自古以来在我国民间广泛流传的一种教人识字和普及文化知识的蒙学读物。论文对杂字的起源发展、版式、句式、内容、功用、传世版本与研究价值进行了系统梳理和总结。  相似文献   

近代中国著名的商业报纸《申报》于1934年开设了“读书问答”栏目,该栏目通过与读者的往来通信,交流与讨论了他们在读书过程中遇到的理论与实际问题,指引他们读书是“为着解决实际生活问题”,以增进其生活技能和对社会服务的效率,有效地担负起了帮助当时的广大民众尤其是青年们更好地理解现实、树立正确的人生观、积极开展社会生活的重任。“读书问答”栏目运用具体生动的方式所架设的阅读引导与思想传播的大众化桥梁,对于今天全民阅读活动的深入推进具有广泛的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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