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ABSTRACT: The Univ. of Maine is participating in the National Science Foundation's (NSF) GK-12 Teaching Fellows program. Between 2000 and 2003, 4 food science graduate students demonstrated food- and nutrition-related science lessons, among other innovative activities. This article includes details of an activity on natural dyes to help students understand plant pigments. Assessment of the NSF GK-12 program is ongoing both locally and nationally. NSF's goals are being met, including one of the most important, which is the effect of NSF Fellows as role models on K-12 students.  相似文献   

2000年4月10日出版的一期《美国新闻和世界报道》杂志上发表了一篇封面文章:"2001年美国最好的研究生院",其中对美国各大学的研究生教育按学科进行了评估和排序. 评估的方法按学科不同而有所差异,对授予Ph.D即哲学博士的学科,主要采取同行评估的方式,由特定学科领域中的研究生院院长们和教授们对各大学在该学科领域研究生教育的学术声誉评分,最高分为5分,然后根据各学校所获同行专家评分的平均值按大小排序.对授予具有明确职业定向的专业学位的学科,则采取综合评估的方式,除了同行评估外,还要进行社会评估,即对某一特定学科领域,都要征询学术圈外有关专家的意见,请他们对各大学在该学科领域研究生教育的学术声誉评分;同时还参照若干客观标准,包括研究经费、师资力量、学生就业情况、学生考试成绩和学生入学时对学校的选择顺序等,在综合这些指标的基础上,然后给出各大学在该学科领域研究生教育水平的总评分(其满分为100分),并按大小进行排序.评估中所依据的专家意见,来源于该杂志先后于1996年、1997年和1998年分别对美国各大学艺术类学科、人文和社会科学类学科、自然科学类学科所进行的三次调查;有关客观指标则多是1999年的统计数据.  相似文献   

美国中小学的国际教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国际教育在美国引起广泛关注。文章介绍了美国中小学实施国际教育的原因、国际教育在州和学校层面开展的政策与实践,同时也指出国际教育目前仍面临的问题。美国国际教育的开展对我国中小学课程和教学改革能够提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

作为美国高中课程改革中的一朵奇葩,高中—大学双学分课程模式在打破高中与大学的脱节状态、缓解高等教育的供需矛盾、增强高校的服务职能等方面发挥了积极作用,但也在教育经费、教学质量、学生发展、学分转移以及立法监管等方面存在着亟待解决的问题。随着不断的发展与完善,该模式为世界高中课程改革提供了一种值得借鉴的范式。  相似文献   

当今美国高中课程管理研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文主要评述当今美国高中课程的设置与管理、教学时间的安排、以及美国高中学校绩效评价。  相似文献   

美国高中特色发展是美国联邦政府基于创新时代背景及美国的多元文化价值观对高中如何创新发展做出的一种高中发展战略与高中改进策略。创新时代以来的美国高中特色发展战略主要体现于联邦政府制定的"新美国高中"计划、为美国未来做准备的"高中倡议计划"和"重新设计美国高中"计划的三大发展战略上。美国高中特色发展的学校改进策略主要体现于以下几方面:重塑高中办学理念,"培养创新人才+为升学或就业做准备";提升高中办学效能,创建并沿用高效的办学模式,重新设计教学组织;优化高中的课程内容与教学方法,提高教学质量;强化教育机构的合作与衔接,推进普职教育的合理、有效融合;增强优质师资建设,关注高中教师的专业性发展。  相似文献   

文章主要概括性地分析了美国高中课程面向未来的三种发展趋势,即整合化、微型化和个性化,剖析了它们各自的表现性特征,并展示了全美高中学校生动鲜活的实践。  相似文献   

农村教师水平的高低关系到农村教育的发展。美国中部七州针对缺乏高标准的教师、招收和留任教师存在困难、农村教师培训机构较少等问题,采取了"自我生长"战略、安排实习生农村支教、开设关于农村的课程等一系列的措施,有效的缓解由于教师缺乏带来的压力。对于我们今天培养农村教师提供了经验和教训。  相似文献   

In this article, we address the relatively unsubstantiated claim that there is an important relationship between organizational culture and the ability to successfully implement Quality Management (QM) programs in schools. This relationship has not been adequately explored in the literature due to the lack of a comprehensive framework for defining and measuring the values and beliefs at the root of specific types of organizational cultures. After presenting some background on organizational culture used in research to date, we outline the specific values and beliefs underlying QM practice in schools. These QM values and the accompanying propositions provide an important step toward future empirical research aimed at understanding the relationship between organizational culture, the implementation of systemic improvement initiatives like QM, and key organizational and individual outcomes. The context of our research is U.S. high schools, but the general principles could be applied to other educational settings as well. The results of our review suggest that some of the quality management culture dimensions are highly consistent with educational research on school improvement, while others are more controversial.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Introductory Food Science courses are most often lecture-based courses, but some include limited laboratory experiences. As described in this paper, the course minimizes lecture and maximizes experiential or "hands-on" learning by using an immersion approach to teach basic concepts of food science. Additionally, it requires students to work in groups to accomplish tasks, thus providing valuable experience in working cooperatively. The course has been taught in this basic manner at Ohio State for 10 y. Analysis of pre-test and post-test results shows that none of the students pass the pre-test and 92% pass the post-test. In 2002, the average increase in scores from the pre-test to the post-test was 65.7 ± 14.7 (n = 22).  相似文献   

Headship transitions in U.S. independent schools represent critical organizational events that affect multiple school constituencies, including faculty, staff, and students. With recent projections forecasting a high level of impending headship transitions in independent schools, this paper seeks to capture how second-year U.S. independent school heads (n = 16) describe their transition experiences in order to provide insights into how boards, heads, and school communities can provide meaningful supports for their incoming school leaders. Further recommendations for practice and research are also provided.  相似文献   

学校绩效责任关系 --以美国特许学校为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在美国,运用多元的绩效责任机制来提供公共服务并非新的理念。美国的公共服务部门既要对政府负责,还必须对投资者负责,近年来还被要求必须对顾客负责,而顾客可以自由选择服务供应方。公共服务既可由政府机构提供,也可由私人组织提供,这些私人组织可以通过合同的形式向政府承担责任,同时向董事会及其上级部门负责。总之,为了追求更广泛的公共目的,将政府监督和私人绩效责任制结合起来[1]已被美国社会所接纳。一、特许学校教育绩效责任关系的产生绩效责任(Accountability)意味着人们对于自己所做的事情承担责任。它代表着一种角色关系,授与这…  相似文献   

In this research, we consider how the instructional strategies of public school teachers interact with the achievement levels of their students. Slightly more than 1,000 teachers in schools broadly representative of public schools in the USA responded to a school climate survey. Of this number, data from 426 teachers were subjected to Rasch scaling analysis, resulting in profiles of classroom instructional activities interrelated to the skill levels of students. Analyses revealed interesting "uncommonalities" in instructional emphasis, in number as well as kind. Instruction in low achieving classrooms generally was less coordinated than in classes of average achieving students. Instructional strategies and lesson focus in classes of high achieving students were linked in ways that resulted in more continuity and greater productivity.  相似文献   

随着改革开放的进一步深化,国际社会间的交往日益频繁,能够熟练地运用英语进行交际已经成为社会的需要。但是和城市相比,农村的英语基础教育仍然存在诸多问题,本文在分析了目前教育中存在的问题和民办英语教育的优势之后,提出了创建更多的民办英语学校有助于切实解决农村英语基础教育所面临的一些实际问题,促进农村英语基础教育更快、更好地发展。  相似文献   

日本美国科学教育的摭谈和启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学教育是学校教育的重要组成部分和核心内容,它是知识形态的科学技术转化为现实生产力的必不缺少的环节。日本和美国的社会经济和科学技术所以能迅猛发展,始终保持着世界领先的地位,其中一个很重要的原因就是重视科学教育,本文对此作出浅析,并分析其给我们的启示。  相似文献   

在课程改革中,课程表的制定必须体现课程改革的理念,在美国较为流行的课段式课程表、循环式课程表、增减式课程表和选课式课程表就是在这种思想指导下研制的,本文力图通过考察和分析这些富有弹性的课程表,为我国学校实施新课程提供有益的启示.  相似文献   

In this analysis, I argue that inequitable social and educational policies and practices hinder equity in the U.S. educational system. I challenge and critique the status quo, and the nation's current efforts toward educational equity. I then propose a radical shift in educational policy – a surrendering of social and political systems for the purpose of promoting equitable schooling conditions.  相似文献   

研究了美国商学院课程竞投系统的基本运作方式,评价了其效果,并对我国商学院实施课程竞投系统进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

美国公立学校艾滋病教育及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国公立中小学校非常重视艾滋病教育:从小学阶段抓起,科学安排艾滋病教育课程,科学运用“防艾ABC”三原则,加强教师培训,及时更新教材,鼓励学生们做艾滋病病毒测试,撇开偏见,消除恐惧,重视心理辅导,避免学生受到心理冲击等。美国的做法对我国的艾滋病教育是可资借鉴的。  相似文献   

The role of education in United States natural historymuseums has a long andchanging history. The past century and a half has broughtchanges not only inhow the role of education in museums is viewed, but in therelevance it playsin overarching institutional decisions. As the educationalrole of natural historymuseums evolves, so do the ways in which education of thepublic on suchconcepts as the very nature of science is carried out inthese institutions. Lookingat past trends and future challenges will assist with theidentification of the role ofeducation in the natural history museum of the new millennium.  相似文献   

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