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Computercalculationofphasediagramsbeganmorethan30yearsago.Aclearanddetailedreviewoftheearlyworksl'-'lwascontributedbyAnewton-Raphsoniterationtechniqueandthesimplexmethod,andpointedoutthatthemathematicaldeductionsofthelatterarelesscomplicated.Manynsaral'I.…  相似文献   

We examined the effect of studying a causal diagram on comprehension of causal relationships from an expository science text. A causal diagram is a type of visual display that explicitly represents cause-effect relationships. In Experiment 1, readers between conditions did not differ with respect to memory for main ideas, but the readers who studied the causal diagram while reading the text understood better the five causal sequences in the text even when study time was controlled. Participants in Experiment 2 studied only the causal diagram or only the text. There were no differences in memory for main ideas or the causal sequences between these groups. Results indicate that causal diagrams are not merely redundant with text and that causal diagrams affect understanding of causal relationships in the absence of a text. These findings supported the causal explication hypothesis, which states that causal diagrams improve comprehension by explicitly representing the implicit causal structure of the text in a visual format.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of numbered arrows on construction of mechanical kinematic representations by using static diagrams. Undergraduate participants viewed a two-stage diagram depicting a flushing cistern (with or without numbered arrows) and answered questions about its function, step-by-step. The arrow group demonstrated greater overall accuracy and made fewer errors on the measure of continuous relations than did the non-arrow group. The arrow group also spent more time looking at components relevant to the operational sequence and had longer first-pass fixation times and shorter saccade lengths. The non-arrow group made more saccades between the two diagrams. Analysis of transition probabilities indicated that both groups viewed components according to their continuous relations. The arrow group followed the numbered arrows whereas the unique pathway of the non-arrow group was to compare the two diagrams. These findings indicate that numbered arrows provide perceptual information but also facilitate cognitive processing.  相似文献   

纳米KNbO3粉体的水热合成及表征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
给出了一个在Nb-K-H2O三元体系中水热合成KNbO3的新的工艺条件;讨论了水热反应温度、溶液初始浓度及反应时间对合成产物的组分及形态等的影响;采用水热合成方法,在KOH浓度3M以上、反应温度为250℃、反应时间24h时,成功合成了钙钛矿结构KNbO3纳米陶瓷粉体;X射线衍射(XRD)、透射扫描电子(TEM)分析表明,水热合成的KNbO3晶粒发育完整,平均粒径为40nm;FT-IR、FT-Raman光谱等测试结果表明,纳米尺度KNbO3晶粒的Nb-O特征振动吸收带和拉曼位移分别出现了宽化和蓝移现象.  相似文献   

罗淑是20世纪30年代在小说创作上极有成就的女作家,她独辟崎径,注目于广阔的社会生活,饱含深情地描写了四川沱江流域农村农民生活的真实面貌,用心细细地写出了他们血与泪、丑与美、苦难与抗争,为我们留下了一个个鲜活又极具个性和地方色彩的人物形象。这在于她对人物心理、细节、语言描写技巧的娴熟运用。  相似文献   

台湾问题是半个多世纪以来中美关系中最重要、最敏感也是最需要解决的一个重大问题。围绕台湾问题,本文通过回顾美国在不同时期对台湾政策的颤变,从而揭示出美国干涉台湾的目的以及导致中美关系不能完全正常化的原因,并对中国在解决台湾问题上的立场、方针以及中美两国关系未来的发展进行阐述和剖析。  相似文献   

对常见的七种压缩映射定义进行比较 ,对其蕴含关系进行证明 ,对其不具有蕴含关系举反例给予说明。  相似文献   

真善美的关系是文学史上讨论众多的一个问题。这个问题在整个学科,尤其是在美学、哲学界都是具有相当影响力的话题。论文试图用辩证法从生活中的真善美和文学艺术中的真善美两个方面来进行一个阐述分析,力图说明真善美关系在不同层面、不同条件下,它们的关系是不能统一的,打破人们普遍认为的真善美统一论。从不同的角度重新认识真善美,以期促进这个问题的发展。  相似文献   

This study investigated selected properties of soils affected by wastewater and its relationship with some heavy metals A free survey technique involving target sampling was used in siting soil profile pits. Soil samples were collected based on horizon differentiation and analyzed using routine and special analytical techniques. Soil data were subjected to correlation analysis using SAS program. Results show that all heavy metals studied had values above critical limits in the polluted soils using known standards and that these biotoxic metals decreased with soil depths. Highly significant (P=0.01 and 0.05) relationships were established between investigated heavy metals and some soil properties, especially soil pH and organic matter. Further studies involving more edaphic properties, biotoxic metals and their bioaccessibility in crops growing on wastewater soils will surely enhance knowledge and management of these highly anthropogenically influenced soils of the study site.  相似文献   

当代中国,是国际公认较为稳定的国家,这不仅表现在全国各族人民紧密地团结在以江泽民同志为核心的党中央周围,一心一意搞四化;而且表现在随着香港、澳门的回归,中华民族空前大团结。同时也表现在经济改革软着陆的基础上,将东南亚金融危机的影响控制在最低程度,国民经济增长率仍然雄居亚洲之首。然而,随着改革的不断深化,与国际经济接轨,加入世贸组织之日不断接近,国内各种矛盾将不断凸现,如同生态、资源等问题一样,社会稳定也出现新的情况、新的问题。在保证当前我国政治环境和社会环境稳定时,还要提高稳定的质量,着眼于长远…  相似文献   

应用等效图示的方法、分析求解平行板电容器插入电介质和加上屏蔽罩后的电容。  相似文献   

浅谈当代大学生的人际交往   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代青年学生如何培养自己的交往能力是一个十分值得探讨的问题。本文着重从大学生为什么要交往,大学生怎么样交往以及大学生交往的作用几个方面来论述这个问题。  相似文献   

试论编辑与作者、读者之间的辩证关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在书刊出版过程中,编辑是联系作者和读者的中介,起着桥梁纽带的作用。编辑、作者、读者三者互为存在的前提,相互影响,相互制约,三者缺一不可。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to purify and characterize a keratinase produced by a new isolated Bacillus subtilis KD-N2strain. The keratinase produced by the isolate was purified using ammonium sulphate precipitation, Sephadex G-75 and DEAE (diethylaminoethyl)-Sepharose chromatographic techniques. The purified enzyme was shown to have a molecular mass of 30.5kDa, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) analysis. The optimum pH at 50℃ was 8.5 and the optimum temperature at pH 8.5 was 55℃. The keratinase was partially inactivated by some metal ions, organic solvents and serine protease inhibitor phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA) had positive effect on the keratinase activity. Reducing agents including dithiothreitol (DTT),mercaptoethanol, L-cysteine, sodium sulphite, as well as chemicals of SDS, ammonium sulfamate and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO)stimulated the enzyme activity upon a feather meal substrate. Besides feather keratin, the enzyme is active upon the soluble proteins ovalbumin, bovine serum albumin (BSA), casein and insoluble ones as sheep wool and human hair. Calf hair, silk and collagen could not be hydrolyzed by the keratinase.  相似文献   

主要讨论了几乎处处收敛与依概率收敛,完全收敛与几乎处处收敛的关系.给出了由依概率收敛推出几乎处处收敛的条件和由几乎处处收敛推出完全收敛的条件,从而比较完全地说明了随机变量序列的各种收敛性之间的关系.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大一新生的时间管理倾向与其抑郁、焦虑情绪的关系.对象:188名大一新生.方法:采用青少年时间管理倾向量表(TMD)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行测试、焦虑自评量表(SAS).结果:(1)大一新生的时间效能感与其是否独生子女存在显著性差异;(2)大一新生的时间管理倾向与抑郁、焦虑情绪呈显著负相关;(3)大一新生时间监控观和时间效能感对抑郁和焦虑有直接的预测作用.  相似文献   

Learning from maps and diagrams   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This review of learning from maps and diagrams consists of two sections. The first section presents a theoretical framework for learning from maps and diagrams. The case is made that the symbol systems of maps and diagrams are sufficiently similar for them to be considered together. The theoretical framework is built around what is known of pre-attentive and top-down psychological processes. It accounts for the way people discriminate between symbols used in maps and diagrams and how they group them into clusters. The second section comprises a review of psychological and instructional research. This research provides support for a number of hypotheses arising from the theoretical framework. Many of these are based on the notion that maps and diagrams communicate a considerable amount of information by the way in which components are placed relative to each other and to the frame surrounding them. Evidence that configuration and discrimination are fundamental to learning from maps and diagrams is summarized in 10 concluding points.  相似文献   

大学生校园生活会遇到各种困扰因素,而人际交往问题在所有困扰因素中处于十分突出的位置,成为大学生校园生活的第一大问题。不良的人际关系已越来越成为其心理障碍和心理疾病最重要的起因,不仅直接影响大学生在校期间的学习、生活和心理健康,而且对大学生的成长进步和事业成功也产生了很大的负面作用。本文通过对大学生人际交往现状的研究,提出了大学生建立良好人际交往关系应遵循的原则和可行的方法。  相似文献   

大千世界的万物千姿都可以用语言来进行表述.但是作为语言要素的词并不直接反映对象,而是直接反映人的认识--概念直接与对象发生关系.概念反映对象,词标志概念.概念的涵义与词义是相符一致的.思想存在于语言的外壳之中.对象、概念和词三者之间的关系,可列出七种变化样式.概念的形成要受到所处时代的思想形式、科技水平和社会观点的制约.词在所属语言体系的框架内对概念进行标志.它不仅要受到所要标志的概念类型的限制,而且要受到思维方式、审美模式、文化心理等主观意识的影响.  相似文献   

为了探讨大学生的决策风格类型及其与外倾性、神经质人格特质的关系,该研究采用了一般决策风格问卷(GDMs)以及简式大五人格量表中外倾性和神经质分量表对250名被试进行测量。结果发现大多数大学生的决策风格属于回避型或依赖型;大学生在决策风格的理智性上表现出显著的学科差异,在冲动性上表现出城乡差异;神经质与决策的依赖、回避有极其显著的正相关;外倾性与决策的理智有显著正相关;外倾性与冲动的正相关极其显著。  相似文献   

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