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This is a writing story about trying to create just classroom assessment practices not excluding anybody and therefore an attempt to explore what an opening up to judgment, and in my view, what assessment focused on learning might mean and subsequently imply. Social justice and democracy is at stake. How to develop and improve our assessment literacy? How to develop trustworthy and good assessment systems? What are our tools and what methods can we use? Given a discussion about either summative or formative assessment and preferably both, this is primarily an attempt to think about principals before turning to instruments or starting with the beginning and beyond rather than the endpoint. I argue for keeping classroom assessment as an indefinite problem, a problem not to be solved or a term not to be understood once and for all. That will hopefully foster cultural pluralism and heterogeneity around the term: learning more, learning all, all learning. Ultimately this is about the linguistic conditions for change; but as a move from language to law and as aporetic thinking and through the pivoting but liberating effects of writing; a writing both positioning and giving direction. Through language and as a right to philosophy that is. It is about creating a heteroglossia of a fresh writing inscribed in, through and with otherness; "another logic" that is.  相似文献   

In Otto Jespersen‘s book the Philosophy of Grammar( 1951 ),the definition of formulas is mentioned: “a formula may be a whole sentence or a group of words, or it may be one word, or it may be only part of a word, that is not improtant,but it must always be something which to the actual speech- instinct is a unit which cannot be further analyzed or decomposed in the way a free combination can”(1951:24) .Thus proverbs belong to formulas, as the example “Handsome is that handsome does” given by Jespersen.  相似文献   

Successful educational leadership is not a random phenomenon, but an executed success which leaves cities whereby one can discover them. These clues lead to a desired destination--higher student achievement. Essential, non-negotiable elements have been identified. That is, each element has been systemically embedded at schools that have turned from low performing to high performing schools. These six elements/clues have been identified through decades of research and the author's leadership experience as superintendent in both urban and suburban districts. This paper names the actions of successful educational leaders, namely, the site principal, that results in increased student learning and achievement and that can be sustained overtime. These critical elements bring about increased numbers of students who are academically proficient and advanced as defined by the federal NCLB (No Child Left Behind) Act of 2001. Successful educational leaders understand the challenges of change, and they communicate a sense of urgency balanced with patience, persistence and optimism. There are no secrets to successful leadership, and success truly does leave clues. We know what must be done, and we can do the hard work to ensure that every child is successful. Let us share our clues and applaud our successes measured through the lens of students' academic achievement.  相似文献   

In the Albanian schools settings does not exist religious discrimination, neither gender discrimination, but there exists a discrimination, as unfair against children called "difficulty". The children who drop out of school are by far less numerous compared with those who start school, but who are not properly treated, so that they can progress the same as other children. The object of this article is the children with learning difficulties, the causes of these difficulties. One of the reasons, among many others, why this secret dropping out of school happens is also difficulty in learning that quite a few number of pupils have, which are not known to everyone, and consequently are not treated by all the teachers, or by the other people who surround the child, condemning him to a school failure and slim chances to succeed later in life. It has often been pointed out that to define the causes of these learning difficulties it is not an easy task. A large number of factors intermingle bringing about the hell of learning for some children. If it is impossible to intervene in different organic damages (even they in many cases can be prevented though), at least those depending on people can be avoided by offering a favorable environment, showing fondness towards them and making efforts to help these children. Above all, the authors have to be willing, to know and be able to do this as parents and precisely as teachers.  相似文献   

刘娟 《海外英语》2013,(1):282-283
Language serves as the tool of communication between people.In any language persons,things and activities that are ta boos should not be talked about or should be mentioned in a roundabout way.it is not only a linguistic phenomenon but also a social phenomenon.The origin of taboo is deeply rooted in the social and cultural background.Today in the increasingly frequent cross-cultural communication,if you do not understand the language taboos,it will hinder the smooth communication.This pa per will talk about American taboos from two aspects.It is designed to help English learners understand American culture and im prove competence of cross-cultural communication.  相似文献   

Teachers are often urged to use a variety of modes of instruction to ensure that diverse student interests and abilities can be accomodated. Yet teachers can be limited in the instructional modes they can use because of insufficient background or knowledge about a specific instructional mode (Dawson, 2004). Teaching approaches are various in purposes such as to trigger students' interest in science, to discover through inquiry approach, to build students understanding through constructivism approach or to introduce a concept through demontration approach. Every approach has the strength and weakness in its use. Although inquiry may not be the only way to teach science, many science educators believe that it may be the best way for students to learn science (Audet & Jordan, 2005). According to Woolfolk (2001), constructivism is a mode of instruction that emphasizes the active role of the learner in building, understanding and making sense of information. Demonstrations by teacher can be used with students of all ages and across all subjects. The teacher is not only knowledgeable about the topic but also uses a variety of aids to ensure that students understand what is being demonstrated (Marsh, 2004). By studying their teaching approaches and methods, the actual practices could be analysed and the effectiveness status of their effectiveness could be determined. Specifically, this study aimed to answer these questions in terms of three approaches namely inquiry, constructivism and demonstrations; how far is this approach effective in terms of teaching and learning, and what is the correlation between these three approaches. Data were collected from primary school science teachers (N=239) and the results shown that the teachers were agreeable with the three approaches, inquiry approach (mean=3.74, SD=0.27), demonstration approach (mean=3.61, SD=0.27) and constructivism approach (mean=3.86, SD=0.30). The results also showed that there are significant correlations among inquiry, demonstration and constructivism approach. This finding showed that primary school science teachers not depend only on one type of approach and apply variously in teaching science. There are also positive and significant correlation between that approaches used by primary school science teachers.  相似文献   

Pedagogical theory and research practice tend to confine themselves to study the cognitive aspect of a child's personality and to focus on his/her productivity, while forgetting about other dimensions. The ability to experience artistic contents and the creative capacity of our society are decreasing. People are in a continuous search for spiritual balance and therefore the task of the contemporary school is to help people get out of this crisis and pay more attention to the realization of educational tasks and goals as well as individual school subjects. Art has always played the role of purposefully influencing the experiencing, feeling, creating and enjoying of beautiful things. It therefore provides a counterbalance to the rationalized world of today. Especially music plays a special role in all periods and all human societies, however, not because it encourages various experiences or notions in the listener or a pleasant atmosphere, but because it presents a challenge to the development of spiritual perception that does not occupy an important, enough place in the present school system. Based on different historical understandings of the pedagogical value of music, the author tries to determine what pedagogical value was ascribed to music in the past and what pedagogical value it is being ascribed today  相似文献   

Don't be a doormat"Remember that politics does not mean sucking up to the boss. You will find "yes" people in every organisation. The world is full of suck-ups who tell people exactly what they want to hear. Some managers love to be surrounded by people who tell them they are right even if they aren't. Don't agree just to be agreeable or because of your boss's title. This does you, your boss and your company a great disservice. If you have a better way of doing something or an opposite opinion, present it. Don't allow yourself to be walked on.  相似文献   

冯星 《海外英语》2012,(15):172-173
More often than not,people are inclined to think they have known a certain person enough by his or her everyday appearance,manners,speech and behaviors and therefore tend to draw their conclusions on what this person is like in nature.Nonetheless,this could be misguiding and a misconception if we don’t see how he or she reacts at the turning point of matters that concern not just him or her,but also others.Time reveals a person’s heart,so does the adversity as illustrated in the short story--Mr.Know All which tries to convey a key message to its readers:don’t make your judgment about a book by its cover until you have read it through.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to determine the elements which hinder peace, and emphasize the importance of the contribution of foreign language learning to international peace. Language affects the thought and behavior of human beings. The attitude of a person knowing more than one language of a position is not the same as a person not knowing a foreign language because of that the first person can comment about the position in different standpoints. He can see and evaluate the events in a much broader perspective. As knowledge gives comfort, peace and confidence to the human beings, ignorance causes repulse and revulsion. Knowing a foreign language means entering a world of human beings thinking and believing differently, accepting different life-styles, illuminating, clarifying the obscurities which cause prejudice and revealing human behaviors which seem not comprehensible whereas they are actually very easy to understand. A theory can be developed from all explanations emphasizing the contributions of knowing a foreign language to the international communication. The theory is called "push and pull theory in communication". The huge building of ignorance, which is the place of big wars and conflicts, can be eliminated through the power of love and peace language. To obtain international peace, all the nations in the world should try to maintain and create legal and social background in order to realize their common goal "international peace". All the governments should come together and develop a common program which provides a contribution to the improvement of the international peace language, which should be taught as a lesson called "common peace language" in all countries. Foreign language teaching should be started at the very early stage if possible. The children's books must contain differences that are natural but not the things to be ashamed of or things to boast about. With the contributions of all countries, a foundation can be set up so that all successful students and teachers, especia  相似文献   

A smile costs nothing,but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give. It takes but a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it , and none is so poor but that he can be made rich by it . A smile creates happiness in the home. fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friend- ship. It brings rest to the weary,cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and is nature's be…  相似文献   

When someone says,“Well,i guess i‘ll have to go face the music”it does not mean he is planning to go to a concert .it is something far less pleasant,like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that,and why you did not do to this or that sour music indeed,but it has to be faced.  相似文献   

This is a story which tells that there was a rich man who wished to do something for people. First he decided to find out whether they deserved his help. So he placed a very large stone in the center of a village, and hid nearby to see what would happen. One man came and complained1 about the stone in the road, but did not do anything.  相似文献   

Face the Music     
When someone says,“Well,I guess I’ll have to go and face the music,”it does not mean he is planning to go to a concert.It is something far less pleasant,like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you did not do this or that.Sour music, indeed,but it has to be faced.  相似文献   

Tree Rings     
Do you know something about tree rings? Do you know they can tell us what the weather was like, sometimes they can show us an exact record of the weather even hundreds of years ago. A tree will grow well in a climate with lots of sunlight and rainfall. It is also expected that little sunlight or rainfall will limit the growth of a tree. The change from a favorable to an unfavorable climate can be seen by reading the tree ringsin a tree trunk.To find out the w eather of tenyears ago,countthe r…  相似文献   

孙颖琼 《海外英语》2013,(2X):50-53
As a qualitative research method, the educational narrative inquiry is widely used in educational research. However, there exists some misconceptions about what is narrative inquiry and how to do educational narrative inquiry among the beginners who are interested in this method. Educational narrative research can not invent education event, nor is seen as a conventional research method. And the narrative inquiry should not be considered equivalent to ordinary way of telling stories. This paper will make a brief analysis of misconceptions and problems of educational narrative inquiry to help the beginners to better understand narrative inquiry and do this kind of research in a proper way.  相似文献   

Keeping pleasant "He is a fool who can not be angry,but he is really a wise man who will not." The habit of keeping pleasant is indeed better than an income of a thousand dollars a year.The life without cheerfulness is like the severe winter without the sun. We all love cheerful company,but we are apt to forget that cheerfulness is a habit which can be cultivated by all. We find it very difficult to be gay when we are in distress .It requires great courage. We should never forget that to  相似文献   

王菁 《海外英语》2011,(6):296-297
My paper begins with a brief overview of Anna Karenina. And from which to explore five climaxes(conflicts), focusing on the essence of the fourth climax. Based on the above understanding and analysis, just getting to learn that power or money is useful, but they are not equal to love and happy life. Marriage without love can not be happy and difficult to maintain a long time. We should take a deep consideration mull to marriage, choosing the person suitable to us, and don’t follow Anna Karenina’s thespian road.  相似文献   

朱民杰 《海外英语》2013,(6X):95-97
Testing and teaching have so closed relationship so that they are dispensable to each other. Test is testing what gets taught, so it can reinforce learning and motivate students. What is more, testing can also have backwash on teaching and learning, which can be either harmful or beneficial. This essay is going to evaluate the writing section of IELTS. First, it will look at those most important criteria in the author’s mind about assessing a test; then, the author will explore to what extent the test meets these criteria and some thoughts about small changes.  相似文献   

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