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Catholics remained outside the Scottish educational system until 1918. The Church preferred mixed‐sex infant schools and either single‐sex schools or separate departments. In small towns and rural areas the schools were mixed‐sex. Women were considered naturally best suited to teach infants and girls, but even in boys' schools, female assistants were increasingly employed in the later Victorian period. Female religious orders were crucial for developing Catholic education in larger urban centres, but by 1918 only 4% of Scotland's Catholic schoolteachers were members of religious orders. Lay women quickly became numerically predominant in elementary education and were key to implementing the Church's strategy to enhance the respectability of a largely immigrant community through separate schools. It is the contention here that the part played by lay women in Catholic schooling needs to be considered to reflect more widely on the place of women in Scottish education.  相似文献   

In 1896, John Dewey opened the Laboratory School at the University of Chicago. While much is known about this legendary school and its founder, the teachers whose daily work brought the school to life remain mostly anonymous. This essay attempts to remedy this historical invisibility by investigating four of the Laboratory School teachers – Anna Camp, Katherine Camp, Althea Harmer and Mary Hill – in order to more fully understand this experimental school. The teachers’ personal correspondence and published writings evoke a vital collection of educators whose interests and passions connected them to other centers of innovation in Chicago and elsewhere in the nation. This investigation of the teachers thus fills out our understanding of the history of this innovative institution and of the developing pragmatist ideas of its time, and establishes their centrality to the ideas and practices of the Laboratory School.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the educational philosophy and practices of Achimota School, which was established in the Gold Coast Colony (the southern part of today’s Ghana) in 1927 as the governmental model school for leadership education. Achimota’s education aimed to develop leaders who were ‘Western in intellectual attitude’, ‘African in sympathy’. To fulfil this objective, Achimota attempted to develop a curriculum that took into account the sociocultural background of African students while trying to provide an education on a par with that available at English public schools. The paper first examines the discourse surrounding the establishment of a model secondary school for African leadership, which involved diverse groups of people – colonial officials, missionaries, European educationists, traditional chiefs and African nationalists – and then reviews the relevant educational philosophies of the twentieth century. Finally, the paper describes the Achimota education as experienced by students, a mixed product of English public school tradition and ‘African tradition’. Regardless of the efforts to balance the two ‘traditions’, what was actually created was a new Achimota culture that selected essences from different ‘traditions’ and remoulded them for a novel purpose.  相似文献   

This article attempts to show the importance of education to gender equality in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, and in particular, the relevance of the progressive views and practice of the Unitarians whose attitudes affected women generally both through their educational endeavours, especially in higher education, and through their pioneering efforts on women's rights. There were a number of limitations, however, to the Unitarians’ contribution, not least their paternalistic attitudes to the working class coupled with their genuine upholding of the status and responsibility of motherhood which led them to restrict working‐class women's role in practice even whilst promoting for them a better and wider education. Nevertheless, Unitarians made an outstanding early contribution to gender equality by seeking to provide women with the education which would enable them to develop their full potential and prove their equality.  相似文献   

For centuries, Switzerland has been a multilingual country (which currently has no less than four official languages.) Furthermore, one of those languages, German, is characterised by bigraphism (i.e. the coexistence of two different type styles). This article discusses the role played by language and writing systems in the great educational scheme that was designed to create a shared national identity among Swiss people – despite the friction caused by cantonal and local idiosyncrasies, different cultural backgrounds, and deep-rooted traditions. It focuses on the timespan from the mid-nineteenth century to the end of the First World War, a period during which nation-states were formed all over Europe. The findings show how language and writing systems were intertwined with local, cantonal and national identities in a state (Switzerland) that had no uniform national language. It was through the use of language and writing that ideas of ‘us’ (herein, the Swiss) and ‘others’ (herein, the non-Swiss) were constructed, disseminated and perpetuated.  相似文献   


This paper reports on a study of how liminality relates to the facilitation of reflective practice in professional education. Liminality refers to sites and positions that exhibit 'in-betweenness', or bordering positions, that might draw together different institutional conditions. The present project aims to examine the role of liminality in professional educational practice with a specific focus upon how liminality may support student reflection. Using a qualitative and comparative research approach, we analysed interview and observational data from police education and a medical programme. Observations and interviews explore practices of collective interactional (and hence observable) reflection at sites that are characterised by ‘betweenness’ of work and education. Findings indicate that situations that afford reflection are characterised by a sense of undeterminedness in terms of either the subject, space or activity. Thus, we conclude that there is some evidence that liminality affords reflection, but also that liminality and underminedness are fragile states that are not easily organised in a professional education curriculum.  相似文献   

In an ever-changing medical curricular environment, time dedicated for anatomical education has been progressively reduced. This happened at the University of Michigan Medical School starting in 2016–2017 when preclinical medical education was condensed to one year. Histology instruction remained integrated in organ system courses but reduced to a lecture-only format without scheduling time for laboratory exercises, requiring students to study virtual histology slides on their own time. In accordance with the shortened instructional time, the number of histology examination questions was reduced more than twofold. This study analyzed students' histology examination results and assessed their motivation to learn histology and use of educational opportunities before and after these curricular changes were implemented. Students' motivation to learn histology and their evaluation of histology lectures increased in the new curriculum. However, students devoted less study time to studying histology. Students' cumulative histology examination scores were significantly lower in the new curriculum and the number of students with overall scores <75%, defined as a substandard performance, increased more than 15-fold. Academically weaker students' histology scores were disproportionately more affected. As medical educational strategies, priorities, and curricular frameworks continue to evolve, traditional didactic topics like histology will need to adapt to continue providing educational value to future health care providers.  相似文献   

This paper examines the history of child-care by non-kin, “non-family” members and their representations in colonial India. It focuses primarily on Bengal and relies on several genres of literary documents. Bengal harboured the seat of the British imperial capital in the city of Calcutta until 1911 and its culture was shaped in unique ways compared with other Indian cities. Based on a reading of select literary documents such as European advice manuals and Bengali personal narratives, the paper argues that the relationship between caregivers and children in colonial households attests to the building of new ties and deep ambiguous, multi-dimensional relationships with non-kin members thereby revealing the plasticity of Indian families where sociocultural boundaries were blurred and intimate relationships forged. Beginning with the literary representation of a wet-nurse in Mahasweta Devi's short story Breast-Giver, the paper delves into the world of European and Indian accounts to recuperate the history of the caregivers. It demonstrates that despite the emphasis of recent scholars that the construction of a respectable middle-class identity was based on a sharp distinction from lower social groups, such as working women and prostitutes, the history of child-care by hired domestics reveals the sharing of a common world by different caste-class groups and the interpenetration of the two domains of culture.  相似文献   

This paper explores the educational experiences of a specific group of refugees, namely academic women refugees who were members of various branches of the International Federation of University Women, and who came to Britain under the auspices of the British Federation of University Women from 1933. As a result of voluntary or forced migration some 400 such women from Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Austria sought entry to Britain following Hitler’s accession to power in Germany in 1933. The help they received from the specially formed Emergency Refugee Committee of the British Federation of University Women, not only in gaining entry to the country but in refashioning their pre‐migration educational and academic achievements, is looked at in detail, and the extent to which the women were able to retrain, re‐qualify or complete training courses curtailed by political events and migration is considered.  相似文献   

伴随着社会进步与发展,医学不再仅仅停留在纯粹的技术层面,而是蕴含了很多人文因素。本文从我国高等医学院校人文教育现状为基础,从不同角度对中美两国人文教育进行比较与分析,并提炼出值得借鉴的经验,为我国医学院校能够更好的开展人文教育提供理论依据。  相似文献   

沈寒蕾 《高教论坛》2003,(1):90-90,84
二十一世纪的医学是预防、医疗、康复、保健相结合,面向社会的,应用的,主动的,综合化的全科科学,为适应这一需要,要求医学高等教育在传统纯粹科学教育的基础上,对人文教育予以充分重视,本文就人文教育在医学院校的重要性,必要性及可行性作了相关论述。  相似文献   

It is argued in this article that the human body both in health and disease cannot be fully understood without adequately accounting for the different levels of human variation. The article focuses on variation due to ancestry, arguing that the inclusion of information pertaining to ancestry in human anatomy teaching materials and courses should be carried out and implemented with care and in line with latest developments in biological anthropology and related sciences. This seems to be of particular importance in the education of health professionals, as recent research suggests that better knowledge of human variation can improve clinical skills. It is also argued that relatively small curricular changes relating to the teaching of human variation can produce significant educational gains.  相似文献   

教会女校的创办是中国近代女子教育的开端。它虽然是中国半殖民地半封建社会的产物,带有“文化侵略”的性质,客观上却冲击了中国旧的教育制度,开创了中国女子教育的先河,促进了近代中国女子教育的产生和发展。  相似文献   

Citizenship education has never been looked upon as a special subject in Norwegian schools, but as part of the more vague and general aspect of socialization. As a changing, but always present field within the school subject of history, patriotism plays an important and interesting part in the textbooks. In this article, more than 50 history textbooks are examined, covering the period from about 1814, when Norway broke loose from the union with Denmark, through a period of union with Sweden into national sovereignty after 1905.  相似文献   

艺术与人文科学:医学教育新的组成部分   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文阐述了艺术和人文科学在医学教育中的价值,人文科学与医学教育的关系,并提出了一些促进医学人文科学教育的建议。  相似文献   


Michel Foucault showed by his genealogical method that history is random. It comprises sites of disarray and dispersal. In those sites, Simone de Beauvoir wrote philosophy through lived experience of woman as Other in relation to man as the Absolute. Here lies a fecund site for revisionist analysis of female cultural production and its relevance to a philosophy of education. The paper works with a feminist approach to the politics of knowledge, examining textual and political strategies in the recording of history and the ‘othering’ of women through dominant cultural discourses. Infusing this discussion is a feminist politics of interrogation on cultural change for women. The paper investigates contributions of women to fields of art, politics, education and philosophy, and to the ways their contributions have been considered, received, positioned. Different approaches to feminism become apparent in the different conditions of knowledge under discussion. This leads to a final consideration of feminist challenges in context of the politics of neoliberalism as it seeks to identify a feminist potential for ‘a cleansing fire’. The interventions in this paper trace political strategies and challenges for a philosophy of education to keep the momentum of feminist histories and issues to the forefront of scholarly enquiry and political/social action.  相似文献   

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