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中、小学篮球器材和场地规格国家标准的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用逻辑分析、测量、实验与问巷调查法,对初中、小学篮球器材和场地规格的国家标准进行研究。结果认为,初中采用篮圈高度为270cm,篮球周长为69.5~72.5cm、重量为490~560g,篮球场地长24m、宽13m,小学1~3年级篮圈高度为205cm,篮球周长为57~59.5cm、重量为330~379g,篮球场地长16m、宽9m;4~6年级篮圈高度为235cm,篮球周长为64.5~67cm、重量为420~480g,篮球场地长20m、宽11m较为适宜。  相似文献   

<正>一、非站立式投准1.器材准备软式排球、跪姿垫、呼啦圈(直径0.60m)、投掷球(直径0.06m)、标志靶(长1m、宽1m)、凳子(高0.35m)、小桶。2.动作方法双人双手头上抛接:2名学生1组面对面相距4~5m,1人坐在平稳的高凳上,双手持球,采用双手头上抛投的方式将球抛给站在对面的同伴,抛接5  相似文献   

<正> 1.用3cm×3cm的角铁焊一个1.8×3m的长方形框架,焊接四条上下升降的腿,框架周围打上眼,并在两条长边中间焊接两条角铁,相应的打上9个眼(见图2)。再用锣丝固定距离相等的2×9根3cm厚,10cm宽×1.5m长的木条。(见图3) 2.在每个木条上安装九圈沙发弹簧七个(见图  相似文献   

<正>排球传、垫球过网是江苏省南通市体育中考项目之一。在日常体育课堂教学中,笔者根据其场地器材设置的特点,进行了一定的创新设计与布置,收到了学生练习密度与场地器材利用率"共生"的效果,现介绍如下:一、排球传、垫球过网场地器材的设置场地器材:发球区为排球场一方3m线中部2m×2m的区域;落点有效区为对方场地3m线后3个长6m、宽2.6m的区域;网高分别为2m(男生)和1.8m(女生,见图1)。  相似文献   

一、器材的制作1.材料的准备及规格1)木底板一块:长2.6m,宽0.1m.厚0.02m。2)有刻度的直尺条一根(或嵌上2.5m 钢卷尺),长2.6m,宽0.025m,厚0.02m。3)游码一个(铁皮一块):长0.14m,宽0.03m。4)木卡条一根:长0.8m,宽0.03m,厚0.015 m。5)2.5m 钢卷尺一根。6)红、白色油漆各一筒。7)两端封闭装有适量水的玻璃管或透明塑料管一根(水平器),长约0.1m。8)小锣柱一个,铁钉若干。  相似文献   

陈跃 《体育教学》2004,(2):55-55
一、器材名称出手角度投掷训练器。二、制作材料及方法1.首先备一块白色的帆布,尺寸:75cm(高)×110cm(宽)。再备一块地毯布,尺寸:65cm(高)×104cm(宽),将地毯布缝制在白帆布中央5.根据靶高计算表,红、黄、白、粉红、蓝色五条投掷区±5cm范围内都有效。6.根据身高,出手高度的差别,在靶布上用五种颜色画出五个投掷区(如图2-1、2-2),以适应不同身高学生训练。(上、下、左、右留边)。2.裁制尼龙达扣,尺寸:13cm(高)×104cm(长),共五条,颜色不同,大小相同,缝制在地毯布上作投掷靶区。(如图1)3.帆布左右两边再固定好7m长的尼龙绳各一根,装上滑轮,便…  相似文献   

1.在离沙坑适当距离确定一块较大的踏跳区域,约1.5 m×0.6 m。让学生助跑接起跳,也可直接跑过沙坑,助跑距离一般20~25 m,重点培养学生的助跑节奏,了解加速过程。2.让学生在初定下来的预跑线上起跑,逐渐加速,当加速跑至踏跳区时,用力踏跳,体会踏跳时的感觉。3.确定预跑点。在距踏跳板20~25 m处,划一起跑线,并在起跑线前后各画4条线,每个间隔约12 cm(或学生一脚长)。同  相似文献   

<正>笔者在教学中尝试在垫上利用自制低单杠进行辅助练习。降低杠的高度可消除学生的恐惧心理,使保护与帮助更容易操作,而且还可以利用器材做增强上肢、腰腹力量的练习,为学习屈臂引体腹部贴杠动作打好基础。低单杠用废旧的钢管(外径3.34cm)和三角铁(边宽4cm)焊接而成,表面喷漆。横杠和立柱均为钢管,底座为三角铁。底座与立柱用钢管斜拉连接,以增强稳定性。杠长80cm、高75~80cm,底座长80cm(图1)。  相似文献   

<正> 一、特点与作用“多用健身箱”是我们在多年的中小学体育教改实验中,总结创造出的一种新型体育器材。它简单易做,一物多用。应用于体育数学,既可增大课的练习密度,丰富教材教法内容,又可激发学生锻炼兴趣、提高体育教学质量。这种器材已在我省、市逐渐普及推广,并在1990年全国学校体育器材评比演示会上被评为三等奖。二、制作 1.用1.0-1.5厘米厚的木板,做成长40厘米,宽30厘米,高20厘米的长方体木箱,敞开一个面。角部结合既可铆,也可用钉子钉。两端中间各挖一个长10厘米、宽3厘米的孔,便于抓握(见图示)。 2.把各面分别涂上红、黄、蓝等三种不同的颜色。如条件允许也可用塑料或铁板等制做。三、应用  相似文献   

一、制作材料主体部分可用砖头或石块按规定的图样砌成,凳面可用水泥、细沙混合粉刷。二、规格要求石凳长约10m(可以不限),宽40cm,高40~50  相似文献   

目的:研究负重爬梯训练对大鼠腓肠肌IGF-I,IGF-I Ea,MGF和MSTN基因表达的影响。方法:12只8周龄SD雄性大鼠随机分为实验组(TG,training group)和对照组(CG,control group)。TG组采用尾部负重(负荷从体重的30%逐周增加至200%)爬梯训练模式,训练10周(3times/set,2sets/day,3days/week),采用免疫组化和RT-PCR方法分析大鼠腓肠肌IGF-I多肽、IGF-I Ea、MGF和MSTNmRNA基因表达。结果:10周训练后,相对CG组,IGF-I多肽和MGF mRNA在TG组腓肠肌的表达量上调(P<0.05),IGF-I Ea mRNA的表达量没有变化(P>0.05),MSTN mRNA的表达量下调(P<0.05)。结论:负重爬梯抗阻训练可以通过上调IGF-I多肽、MGF mRNA和下调MSTN mRNA引起大鼠腓肠肌肌肉肥大,IGF-IEa mRNA对这一过程可能没有影响。  相似文献   

目的观察爬梯与跑台两种不同运动方式对小鼠骨骼肌中细胞凋亡调控基因的影响。方法将实验小鼠分为安静对照组(YC)、爬梯运动组(YR)和跑台运动组(YE),采用实时荧光定量PCR的方法,分别对各组腓肠肌中凋亡调控基因(ARC、Bc l-2、Bax、HSP70、X IAP)及Caspase-3基因进行检测。结果 (1)与YC组相比,YR组ARC和HSP70 mRNA水平均显著上调(P<0.05),而Bax和Caspase-3 mRNA水平显著下调(P<0.05);(2)与YC组相比,YE组Bc l-2、HSP70和X IAP mRNA水平均显著上调(P<0.05),而ARC和Bax mRNA水平均显著下调(P<0.05)。结论爬梯和跑台运动均可干预凋亡调控基因而弱化骨骼肌细胞凋亡的潜能。  相似文献   

技巧、单双杠、支撑跳跃是初中体操教学的重点教学内容,而目前这些内容的教学现状存在着不容乐观的现象。通过对我国东部沿海城市初中的技巧、单双杠、支撑跳跃的教学现状进行调查和分析,找出影响体操教学的因素,并据此提出建议与对策,以促进体操教学更好地开展。  相似文献   


Rock climbing is a popular adventure sport for which there is a growing body of scientific knowledge. There is, however, a lack of sport-specific assessment tools to monitor performance. The aim of this study was to examine the potential of the rock-over climbing test (ROCT) as a measure of climbing performance. The ROCT was conducted on a climbaflex board and involved the climber making a rock-over move for which the height gained from lower to upper handhold was measured. Results indicated there was a significant relationship between scaled (to the height of the climber) ROCT scores and climbing ability (r=0.67, P<0.0005). Regression modelling revealed that the ROCT explained 45% of the variance in scores between climbers. The ROCT differentiated between climber ability levels. Mean ROCT scores for novice, intermediate, advanced, and elite climbers were 59.5%, 71%, 82%, and 90% of participant height respectively. Results of analysis of variance revealed that these differences were significant (F 3,42=13.38, P<0.0005). Limits of agreement and intra-class correlation indicated that the ROCT is a reliable performance measure. Our findings suggest that the ROCT is a useful measure of climbing performance.  相似文献   

采用文献法、历史法、比较分析法,在全面回顾新中国各个历史时期中小学体育教师继续教育发展历程的基础上,总结了中小学体育教师继续教育的基本特征。结果表明:我国中小学体育教师继续教育经历了初建-探索-停滞-恢复-发展-规范6个发展阶段;继续教育机制由“被动型”向“主动型”转变,继续教育目标由提高学历层次向提升质量转变,继续教育内容由纵向学科性向横向综合性转变,继续教育模式由单一型向多样化转变,继续教育机构由进修学校、教育学院为主向更高层次转变,是我国中小学体育教师继续教育的主要特征。  相似文献   

Connective tissue adaptations in the fingers of performance sport climbers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This study investigates the changes of the connective tissue in the fingers of performance sport climbers resulting after a minimum of 15 years of climbing. Evaluation was performed by ultrasonography on the palmar side of the fingers (Dig) II–V to measure the thickness of the A2 and A4 annular pulleys, the flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and profundus (FDP) tendons and the palmar plates (PP's) of the proximal interphalangeal (PIP) as well as distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint in sagittal and axial direction. Totally, 31 experienced male sport climbers (mean age 37y, 30–48y grade French scale median 8b, range 7b+ to 9a+) participated in the study. The control-group consisted of 20 male non-climbers (age 37y, 30–51y). The A2 and A4 pulleys in climbers were all significantly thicker (A2 Dig III 62%, Dig IV 69%; A4 Dig III 69%, Dig IV 76%) as compared to non-climbers pulleys. All PP's of the DIP joints were also significantly thicker, particularly at Dig III and IV (76 and 67%), whereas the PP's at PIP joints were only scarce significant for three joints. Differences of the diameter of the flexor tendons were less distinct (1–21%) being significant only over the middle phalanx. High load to the fingers of rock climbers after a minimum of 15 years of climbing years induced considerable connective tissue adaptions in the fingers, most distinct at the flexor tendon pulleys and joint capsule (PP) of the DIP joints and well detectable by ultrasound.  相似文献   

作为体现体育课程主要媒介的体育教科书,在体育教学过程中起着重要作用.我国的中小学体育教学在优秀教科书的指导下逐步走向正规化、科学化.回顾我国20世纪80年代以来出版的多套中小学体育教科书,在编写角度、编写内容等方面均随着时代的发展而相应的发生变化.未来的中小学体育教科书的编写应该更加注重时代性与科学性、基础性与创造性.  相似文献   


Rock climbing is a popular adventure sport with an increasing research base. Early studies in the field did not make comparisons of ascents using different styles of climbing. More recently, differences in the physiological responses for an on-sight lead climb and subsequent lead climb have been reported. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of style of climb (lead climb or top rope climb) on the physiological and psychological responses to rock climbing. Nine intermediate climbers volunteered for, and completed, two randomly assigned climbing trials and a maximum oxygen uptake (VO2max) test on a separate occasion. The climbers ascended the same 6a (sport grade) climb for both trials. Before climbing, heart rate, perception of anxiety (Revised Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2), and blood lactate concentration were measured. Climb time, heart rate, VO2, lactate concentrations, and task load (National Aeronautics and Space Administration Task Load Index) in response to each trial were also recorded. Results indicated significant differences (P<0.05) between the trials for climb time, blood lactate concentration immediately after and 15 min after climbing, and heart rate 1 min after climbing. During lead and top rope climbing, mean VO2 and represented 44% and 42% of treadmill VO2max and mean heart rate represented 81% and 77% of maximum heart rate, respectively. There were no significant differences in feelings of anxiety before either climb, although climbers reported the lead climb to be physically and mentally more demanding, requiring more effort and resulting in greater frustration (P<0.05) than the top rope climb. Our results indicate that the physiological and psychological responses of intermediate climbers are different for a lead climb and top rope climb.  相似文献   

从登山运动中衍生而来的攀岩运动,是我国政府2013年公布的首批4项高危险性体育项目之一,其损伤风险日益受到关注。为揭示攀岩运动损伤的流行病学特征,综述了国内外攀岩运动损伤相关文献,对攀岩运动损伤发生率、损伤特征和影响因素进行了梳理。结果表明,室内人工岩壁攀登的损伤发生率总体上处于较低水平;损伤多发生在手、肩、肘、腕、膝、踝等部位,但攀爬方式的转变引起了损伤部位的明显变化,当前手指滑车、手掌和肩关节损伤最为常见;损伤类型中较多为过度使用损伤和急性损伤,过度使用损伤多发于上肢,急性损伤多发于下肢;损伤的程度一般较轻。攀岩运动员的年龄、性别、运动水平、运动负荷等自身因素以及场地、保护员水平、装备器材等外部因素均会对损伤特征产生影响。建议进一步探讨攀岩运动的损伤机制和预防措施,并统一攀岩运动损伤的定义和统计标准,针对不同人群进行长期的跟踪研究,以加深对攀岩运动损伤特征和机制的认识,帮助攀岩教练员与运动员更好地预防损伤的发生。  相似文献   

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