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Our theme is that parent-child talk about the mental world plays a central role in the development of children's social understanding. This view is supported by Wittgenstein's argument that public criteria are necessary for learning the meaning of mental state terms. We propose that children, mainly in talk, learn the patterns of interaction that are criterial for the use of mental state terms. Two examples of empirical research illustrate this proposal. The first, a qualitative analysis of how criteria for psychological terms are displayed in mother-child talk, revealed that criteria were variously displayed and were presented in temporal, cause and effect sequences. The second, a quantitative analysis of key elements for understanding false beliefs present in mother-child talk, compared dyads in which children Failed (N = 14) or Passed (N = 10) false belief tests. In both Fail and Pass dyads, mothers elicited the vast majority of elements but produced about the same number as children. Only Pass children produced elements without mothers eliciting them. There were no instances of child-elicited/mother-produced elements. Overall, Fail children were less competent at recognizing and commenting on important aspects of a situation of false belief. We conclude that the development of talk and social understanding are inextricably intertwined.  相似文献   

自由是人的内在本性和精神追求.人类的历史就是人的自由实现的历史。自由不仅是一个理论问题,更是一个实践问题:不仅是时代的问题、人类的问题,更是每个人的问题。重新认识和深入揭示马克思自由观的真义,对当代人类社会、当代中国及中国人的发展具有特殊意义和重要价值。该文力图通过对马克思自由观的真实面目和精神实质的恢复和澄清,为解决现实问题提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

引领社会发展并不只是高校的功能,它也是整个教育的功能。教育引领社会发展功能的内涵是:培养和造就不同规格和层次的劳动者,探索求真、科技创新、思想创新、文化创新,服务社会。学校只有确立正确的办学思想,遵循教育规律和社会发展规律,努力提高办学水平和服务质量,才能充分发挥引领社会发展的功能。  相似文献   

价值研究上的实用主义倾向是持续百余年价值争论的根源。马克思的劳动价值论是一种抽象的分析工具,应该看做马克思经济理论的假设前提。事实上,马克思的价值分析和西方主流经济学的价格分析是互补的。我们应该从人类社会发展的角度重新认识马克思的价值理论,并以此为基础整合经济学体系。  相似文献   

人类的文明史先后经历了农业文明、工业文明、信息文明三个截然不同的历史时期,与之相对应的,教育主体观也先后形成了"奴化"、"器化"和"人化"3种形态。通过对此3种教育主体观的阐述,得出传统的教育模式在信息化时代已走向了尽头,以"人的自由全面发展"为根本追求的人的教育正式登上了历史的舞台。  相似文献   

“音乐是声音的艺术”。不同时期、不同风格的音乐作品,或同一时期的不同作曲家的音乐作品.甚至同一部作品在不同演奏家手中,即使速度、力度、技巧等因素相同,其表现出的音色仍有所不同。音色可以说是诠释和表现作品的最终载体。但在钢琴演奏教学中,对钢琴作品音色的感受和把握常常是一个重要却又不易的问题。  相似文献   

清末宣讲所首要宣讲《圣谕广训》,也包含了以“开民智”为主题的启蒙演说,是重要的社会教育机构之一.从它的社会教育特征来看,新政时期的宣讲所一方面负责传导立宪、教育以及自治原理等,具有强烈的启蒙性、现实性与政治性;另一方面,它在内容、功能以及管理等方面还不成熟,是清末社会教育发展不足的主要体现.总而言之,它呈现了近代社会教育发展的趋势,反映了社会教育的总体特征与缺陷.  相似文献   

对中国及所谓的旧大陆而言,马铃薯属于外来物种。这个物种曾经并将继续对整个人类社会的发展产生巨大的影响。本从少有人涉足的研究层面上,比较粗泛地介绍了这一作物已经产生的化和社会影响。  相似文献   

社会理解的客观性既不能完全归结为自在客观性,也不能完全归结为主体间性。从本质上说,社会理解的客观性是一种自为的客观性,即它是以人的社会实践为基础,内蕴了人的目的性、价值性和目的性等要求的一种内在制约性。  相似文献   

谈学生对课堂学习目标的确认—建构主义学习观的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师在制定和给学生呈现课堂教学目标时,应努力使学生对教学目标形成认同感,促进学生形成并确认课堂学习目标,从而提高学习的有效性和深入度。可采用以下策略:明确学习的任务;唤醒并激活学生的经验;创设灵活的且有一定繁杂性的问题情境,组织开展有效的合作学习或讨论;制造知识的矛盾,诱导学生的探究活动。  相似文献   

我国现阶段社会各界的档案意识薄弱,社会档案意识水平的高低制约着国家档案事业的发展,所以研究和探索其提高途径显得十分必要。  相似文献   

孔子礼教的人文思想主要表现在人性化、境界化、理想化三方面,这三方面作为一个有机的整体使孔子礼教成为一种兼具“形上”与“形下”双重特质的文化范畴,并使其最终能为人类提供完整的生命形态成为可能。  相似文献   

国民幸福指数作为反映人们生活幸福状况的指标,作为一个社会政策实施情况的风向标,正在被越来越多的国家重视。因为国民幸福指数的高低,从近的来说,反映一个国家民生措施实施后的实际效果。国民幸福高,说明效果好。反之,则说明无很大效果,那就要引起我们的重视和反思,从而为政府接下来制定的政策方针提供了最有利的客观依据。从远的来说,由于民生的好坏与否和国民幸福指数的高低情况密切相关,而百姓的民生决定着政府的名声。所以关注和认识国民幸福指数是我们在新时代的必修课,而努力探索提高国民幸福指数的有效途径则是我们义不容辞的责任和义务。  相似文献   

《世说新语》的语言“清微简远” ,有着丰厚的文化内涵和鲜明的艺术特色。主要表现在典雅与活俗、机智与幽默、白描与修辞三个方面。  相似文献   

The study reported here used a systematic interpretive analysis of young children's spontaneous narratives to investigate the development of their conceptions of the person. We argue that currently predominant approaches to this subject in social cognition research are insufficiently sociocultural and need to be broadened and reoriented (a) to capture the social (rather than purely mentalistic) dimension inherent in any conception of the person, (b) to examine how the development of children's conception of the person involves the selective appropriation of culturally elaborated models of personhood, and therefore (c) to recognize that children develop and employ different conceptions of the person, in ways that are socioculturally patterned. The study examined a body of 598 stories generated by 30 preschool children (5 girls and 5 boys in 3 age cohorts: 3s, 4s, and 5s) through a storytelling and story-acting practice that was a regular (but voluntary) part of their classroom activities for the entire school year. Analyses indicated that in their narratives the girls and boys constructed and elaborated two distinctive gender-related conceptions of the person: girls a socially embedded and interdependent person, who becomes increasingly individuated and self-consciously responsible; boys a separate and agonistic person, who increasingly becomes a stable, autonomous, and self-conscious mental agent. Typologies are presented to delineate and compare the developmental pathways of these two gender-related models of personhood. Some implications for early childhood education are also discussed.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This research examines preschoolers' use of mental state terms in naturally occurring peer conflicts in the classroom to determine how children use mental state terms for organizing their social interactions. Analyses focus on the types, frequencies, and social interactive functions of mental state terms. Utterances (N = 166) with mental state terms from 124 conflict episodes were analyzed. Children used a number of different mental state terms, want and need being the most frequently used, to index their own and their interlocutors' desires for subtle interactive purposes. Want was paired most often with bids for action, objects, inclusion in a play area, or clarification of another child's mental state. Need was most often used when directing the other child's action or attention, to justify, clarify, or insist on their own action or previous request. Practice or Policy: Findings suggest that children's peer conflicts constitute a rich setting for the active construction of social relationships through the use of utterances with mental state language. This emphasis on peer interactions has the potential to inform new ways of supporting children's self–other development as a foundation for academic success.  相似文献   

社会新闻在一些人头脑中固有的定式是:凶杀、色情和负面的东西。其实不然,社会新闻不但有正面报道,而且是党报新闻源和一座“富矿”。它不是晚报、都市报的“专利”,同样是党报的重要组成部分。只要坚持正确的舆论导向和价值取向,党报社会新闻的百花园里也能绽放出艳丽奇葩。  相似文献   

国内电视谈话节目的兴盛与其切合时代背景地充分发挥了社会调解功能是密不可分的.从改变人们传统的经济观念、重建道德和价值评判体系、倡导和谐健康的家庭关系等三个方面分析电视谈话节目社会调解功能产生的原因和表现,并阐明电视谈话节目在减轻社会群体心理压力、缓解迷惘和困惑等方面的独特作用及其效果和影响.  相似文献   

分析了社会责任的内涵;明确了图书馆承担社会责任的必要性;梳理了国外企业与图书馆承担社会责任的历程,指出随着社会的发展,图书馆承担社会责任的外延在不断扩大;剖析了图书馆社会责任和母体社会的关系;阐明了图书馆社会责任的范围和作用是有限的。  相似文献   

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