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Human pancreatic islets are seldom assessed for dynamic responses to external stimuli. Thus, the elucidation of human islet functionality would provide insights into the progression of diabetes mellitus, evaluation of preparations for clinical transplantation, as well as for the development of novel therapeutics. The objective of this study was to develop a microfluidic platform for in vitro islet culture, allowing the multi-parametric investigation of islet response to chemical and biochemical stimuli. This was accomplished through the fabrication and implementation of a microfluidic platform that allowed the perifusion of islet culture while integrating real-time monitoring using impedance spectroscopy, through microfabricated, interdigitated electrodes located along the microchamber arrays. Real-time impedance measurements provide important dielectric parameters, such as cell membrane capacitance and cytoplasmic conductivity, representing proliferation, differentiation, viability, and functionality. The perifusion of varying glucose concentrations and monitoring of the resulting impedance of pancreatic islets were performed as proof-of-concept validation of the lab-on-chip platform. This novel technique to elucidate the underlying mechanisms that dictate islet functionality is presented, providing new information regarding islet function that could improve the evaluation of islet preparations for transplantation. In addition, it will lead to a better understanding of fundamental diabetes-related islet dysfunction and the development of therapeutics through evaluation of potential drug effects.  相似文献   

The separation of target nucleic acid sequences from biological samples has emerged as a significant process in today''s diagnostics and detection strategies. In addition to the possible clinical applications, the fundamental understanding of target and sequence specific hybridization on surface modified magnetic beads is of high value. In this paper, we describe a novel microfluidic platform that utilizes a mobile magnetic field in static microfluidic channels, where single stranded DNA (ssDNA) molecules are isolated via nucleic acid hybridization. We first established efficient isolation of biotinylated capture probe (BP) using streptavidin-coated magnetic beads. Subsequently, we investigated the hybridization of target ssDNA with BP bound to beads and explained these hybridization kinetics using a dual-species kinetic model. The number of hybridized target ssDNA molecules was determined to be about 6.5 times less than that of BP on the bead surface, due to steric hindrance effects. The hybridization of target ssDNA with non-complementary BP bound to bead was also examined, and non-specific hybridization was found to be insignificant. Finally, we demonstrated highly efficient capture and isolation of target ssDNA in the presence of non-target ssDNA, where as low as 1% target ssDNA can be detected from mixture. The microfluidic method described in this paper is significantly relevant and is broadly applicable, especially towards point-of-care biological diagnostic platforms that require binding and separation of known target biomolecules, such as RNA, ssDNA, or protein.  相似文献   

In this paper, we demonstrate the possibility to trap and sort labeled cells under flow conditions using a microfluidic device with an integrated flat micro-patterned hard magnetic film. The proposed technique is illustrated using a cell suspension containing a mixture of Jurkat cells and HEK (Human Embryonic Kidney) 293 cells. Prior to sorting experiments, the Jurkat cells were specifically labeled with immunomagnetic nanoparticles, while the HEK 293 cells were unlabeled. Droplet-based experiments demonstrated that the Jurkat cells were attracted to regions of maximum stray field flux density while the HEK 293 cells settled in random positions. When the mixture was passed through a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) microfluidic channel containing integrated micromagnets, the labeled Jurkat cells were selectively trapped under fluid flow, while the HEK cells were eluted towards the device outlet. Increasing the flow rate produced a second eluate much enriched in Jurkat cells, as revealed by flow cytometry. The separation efficiency of this biocompatible, compact micro-fluidic separation chamber was compared with that obtained using two commercial magnetic cell separation kits.  相似文献   

Microfluidic based blood plasma extraction is a fundamental necessity that will facilitate many future lab-on-a-chip based point-of-care diagnostic systems. However, current approaches for providing this analyte are hampered by the requirement to provide external pumping or dilution of blood, which result in low effective yield, lower concentration of target constituents, and complicated functionality. This paper presents a capillary-driven, dielectrophoresis-enabled microfluidic system capable of separating and extracting cell-free plasma from small amounts of whole human blood. This process takes place directly on-chip, and without the requirement of dilution, thus eliminating the prerequisite of pre-processed blood samples and external liquid handling systems. The microfluidic chip takes advantage of a capillary pump for driving whole blood through the main channel and a cross flow filtration system for extracting plasma from whole blood. This filter is actively unblocked through negative dielectrophoresis forces, dramatically enhancing the volume of extracted plasma. Experiments using whole human blood yield volumes of around 180 nl of cell-free, undiluted plasma. We believe that implementation of various integrated biosensing techniques into this plasma extraction system could enable multiplexed detection of various biomarkers.  相似文献   

A new model for studying localised axonal stretch injury is presented, using a microfluidic device to selectively culture axons on a thin, flexible poly (dimethylsiloxane) membrane which can be deflected upward to stretch the axons. A very mild (0.5% strain) or mild stretch injury (5% strain) was applied to primary cortical neurons after 7 days growth in vitro. The extent of distal degeneration was quantified using the degenerative index (DI, the ratio of fragmented axon area to total axon area) of axons fixed at 24 h and 72 h post injury (PI), and immunolabelled for the axon specific, microtubule associated protein-tau. At 24 h PI following very mild injuries (0.5%), the majority of the axons remained intact and healthy with no significant difference in DI when compared to the control, but at 72 h PI, the DI increased significantly (DI = 0.11 ± 0.03). Remarkably, dendritic beading in the somal compartment was observed at 24 h PI, indicative of dying back degeneration. When the injury level was increased (5% stretch, mild injury), microtubule fragmentation along the injured axons was observed, with a significant increase in DI at 24 h PI (DI = 0.17 ± 0.02) and 72 h PI (DI = 0.18 ± 0.01), relative to uninjured axons. The responses observed for both mild and very mild injuries are similar to those observed in the in vivo models of traumatic brain injury, suggesting that this model can be used to study neuronal trauma and will provide new insights into the cellular and molecular alterations characterizing the neuronal response to discrete axonal injury.  相似文献   

专利信息集成服务平台的构建设想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当前数字化、网络化信息环境中,集成化服务已经成为信息服务发展的必然趋势。本文提出专利信息集成服务的理念,并从集成化的专利信息资源导航、专利数据库检索、专利说明书提供,以及数字参考咨询服务等方面,讨论了专利信息集成服务平台的构建设想。本文希望通过这个平台的研究与建设,可以改进我国的专利信息服务环境,向广大公众提供高效的专利信息服务。  相似文献   

Diffusion of autocrine and paracrine signaling molecules allows cells to communicate in the absence of physical contact. This chemical-based, long-range communication serves crucial roles in tissue function, activation of the immune system, and other physiological functions. Despite its importance, few in vitro methods to study cell-cell signaling through paracrine factors are available today. Here, we report the design and validation of a microfluidic platform that enables (i) soluble molecule-cell and/or (ii) cell-cell paracrine signaling. In the microfluidic platform, multiple cell populations can be introduced into parallel channels. The channels are separated by arrays of posts allowing diffusion of paracrine molecules between cell populations. A computational analysis was performed to aid design of the microfluidic platform. Specifically, it revealed that channel spacing affects both spatial and temporal distribution of signaling molecules, while the initial concentration of the signaling molecule mainly affects the concentration of the signaling molecules excreted by the cells. To validate the microfluidic platform, a model system composed of the signaling molecule lipopolysaccharide, mouse macrophages, and engineered human embryonic kidney cells was introduced into the platform. Upon diffusion from the first channel to the second channel, lipopolysaccharide activates the macrophages which begin to produce TNF-α. The TNF-α diffuses from the second channel to the third channel to stimulate the kidney cells, which express green fluorescent protein (GFP) in response. By increasing the initial lipopolysaccharide concentration an increase in fluorescent response was recorded, demonstrating the ability to quantify intercellular communication between 3D cellular constructs using the microfluidic platform reported here. Overall, these studies provide a detailed analysis on how concentration of the initial signaling molecules, spatiotemporal dynamics, and inter-channel spacing affect intercellular communication.  相似文献   

Photocatalytic water purification using visible light is under intense research in the hope to use sunlight efficiently, but the conventional bulk reactors are slow and complicated. This paper presents an integrated microfluidic planar reactor for visible-light photocatalysis with the merits of fine flow control, short reaction time, small sample volume, and long photocatalyst durability. One additional feature is that it enables one to use both the light and the heat energy of the light source simultaneously. The reactor consists of a BiVO4-coated glass as the substrate, a blank glass slide as the cover, and a UV-curable adhesive layer as the spacer and sealant. A blue light emitting diode panel (footprint 10 mm × 10 mm) is mounted on the microreactor to provide uniform irradiation over the whole reactor chamber, ensuring optimal utilization of the photons and easy adjustments of the light intensity and the reaction temperature. This microreactor may provide a versatile platform for studying the photocatalysis under combined conditions such as different temperatures, different light intensities, and different flow rates. Moreover, the microreactor demonstrates significant photodegradation with a reaction time of about 10 s, much shorter than typically a few hours using the bulk reactors, showing its potential as a rapid kit for characterization of photocatalyst performance.  相似文献   

We have developed a microfluidics based sampling system for tissue analytics. The proof-of-concept of the sampling system was demonstrated by extracting lipid samples from tissue biopsies. The sample collection system consists of a disposable silicon based multiport microneedle integrated with polymer microfluidics. The polymethyl methacrylate polymer microfluidic chip has a 10 μl sample reservoir and actuation membranes for liquid pumping. A special automated robotic system was developed to control the positioning of the needle and the sampling procedure on preselected spots on the tissue. Real breast cancer tissue samples were used to test the feasibility of the sampling system. We successfully measured indicative cancer biomarkers from the tissue surface. Phosphatidylcholine and phosphoethanolamine were extracted from the tissue membrane with methyl tert-butyl ether solvent and detected by mass spectrometry. In the future, this tool could be used in characterization of preoperative biopsies and tumour tissues removed during surgery.  相似文献   

The mechanical behavior of cells offers insight into many aspects of their properties. We propose an approach to the mechanical analysis of cells that uses a combination of electromanipulation for stimulus and capacitance for sensing. To demonstrate this approach, polystyrene spheres and yeast cells flowing in a 25 μm×100 μm microfluidic channel were detected by a perpendicular pair of gold thin film electrodes in the channel, spaced 25 μm apart. The presence of cells was detected by capacitance changes between the gold electrodes. The capacitance sensor was a resonant coaxial radio frequency cavity (2.3 GHz) coupled to the electrodes. The presence of yeast cells (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and polystyrene spheres resulted in capacitance changes of approximately 10 and 100 attoFarad (aF), respectively, with an achieved capacitance resolution of less than 2 aF in a 30 Hz bandwidth. The resolution is better than previously reported in the literature, and the capacitance changes are in agreement with values estimated by finite element simulations. Yeast cells were trapped using dielectrophoretic forces by applying a 3 V signal at 1 MHz between the electrodes. After trapping, the cells were displaced using amplitude and frequency modulated voltages to produce modulated dielectrophoretic forces. Repetitive displacement and relaxation of these cells was observed using both capacitance and video microscopy.  相似文献   

Integration of nano-materials in optical microfluidic devices facilitates the realization of miniaturized analytical systems with enhanced sensing abilities for biological and chemical substances. In this work, a novel method of integration of gold nano-islands in a silica-on-silicon-polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic device is reported. The device works based on the nano-enhanced evanescence technique achieved by interacting the evanescent tail of propagating wave with the gold nano-islands integrated on the core of the waveguide resulting in the modification of the propagating UV-visible spectrum. The biosensing ability of the device is investigated by finite-difference time-domain simulation with a simplified model of the device. The performance of the proposed device is demonstrated for the detection of recombinant growth hormone based on antibody-antigen interaction.  相似文献   

以往政府信息公开网站或系统都是针对本单位实际需要而开发的,在整个自治区层面缺乏统一规划、统一部署和标准规范,导致政府部门之间数据难以交换和共享,一定程度上是浪费人力和物力。文章根据这种错综复杂的现象提出新概念,寻找出一条新路,将J2EE框架和分布式部署技术复合应用,解决政府部门之间的政府信息公开数据交换和共享疑难问题,建立了权责一致、分工合理、监督有力的行政管理体制和运行机制,开辟了政府信息公开系统在电子政务建设领域中新的途径。  相似文献   

Droplet-based microfluidic technology has enabled the production of emulsions with high monodispersity in sizes ranging from a few to hundreds of micrometers. Taking advantage of this technology, attempts to generate monodisperse emulsion drops with high drug loading capacity, ordered interfacial structure, and multi-functionality have been made in the cosmetics industry. In this article, we introduce the practicality of the droplet-based microfluidic approach to the cosmetic industry in terms of innovation in productivity and marketability. Furthermore, we summarize some recent advances in the production of emulsion drops with enhanced mechanical interfacial stability. Finally, we discuss the future prospects of microfluidic technology in accordance with consumers'' needs and industrial attributes.  相似文献   

Microfluidic technology provides precise, controlled-environment, cost-effective, compact, integrated, and high-throughput microsystems that are promising substitutes for conventional biological laboratory methods. In recent years, microfluidic cell culture devices have been used for applications such as tissue engineering, diagnostics, drug screening, immunology, cancer studies, stem cell proliferation and differentiation, and neurite guidance. Microfluidic technology allows dynamic cell culture in microperfusion systems to deliver continuous nutrient supplies for long term cell culture. It offers many opportunities to mimic the cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions of tissues by creating gradient concentrations of biochemical signals such as growth factors, chemokines, and hormones. Other applications of cell cultivation in microfluidic systems include high resolution cell patterning on a modified substrate with adhesive patterns and the reconstruction of complicated tissue architectures. In this review, recent advances in microfluidic platforms for cell culturing and proliferation, for both simple monolayer (2D) cell seeding processes and 3D configurations as accurate models of in vivo conditions, are examined.  相似文献   

In this paper a method of electrospinning conducting and nonconducting biphasic Janus nanofibers using microfluidic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)-based manifolds is described. Key benefits of using microfluidic devices for nanofiber synthesis include rapid prototyping, ease of fabrication, and the ability to spin multiple Janus fibers in parallel through arrays of individual microchannels. Biphasic Janus nanofibers of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)+polypyrrole (PPy)∕PVP nanofibers with an average diameter of 250 nm were successfully fabricated using elastomeric microfluidic devices. Fiber characterization and confirmation of the Janus morphology was subsequently carried out using a combination of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersion spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Yang F  Chen Z  Pan J  Li X  Feng J  Yang H 《Biomicrofluidics》2011,5(2):24115
Seeking potential toxic and side effects for clinically available drugs is considerably beneficial in pharmaceutical safety evaluation. In this article, the authors developed an integrated microfluidic array system for phenotype-based evaluation of toxic and teratogenic potentials of clinical drugs by using zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryos as organism models. The microfluidic chip consists of a concentration gradient generator from upstream and an array of open embryonic culture structures by offering continuous stimulation in gradients and providing guiding, cultivation and exposure to the embryos, respectively. The open culture reservoirs are amenable to long-term embryonic culturing. Gradient test substances were delivered in a continuous or a developmental stage-specific manner, to induce embryos to generate dynamic developmental toxicity and teratogenicity. Developmental toxicity of doxorubicin on zebrafish eggs were quantitatively assessed via heart rate, and teratological effects were characterized by pericardial impairment, tail fin, notochord, and SV-BA distance ∕body length. By scoring the teratogenic severity, we precisely evaluated the time- and dose-dependent damage on the chemical-exposed embryos. The simple and easily operated method presented herein demonstrates that zebrafish embryo-based pharmaceutic assessment could be performed using microfluidic systems and holds a great potential in high-throughput screening for new compounds at single animal resolution.  相似文献   

We present a microfluidic parallel circuit that directly compares the test channel of an unknown hydraulic resistance with the reference channel with a known resistance, thereby measuring the unknown resistance without any measurement setup, such as standard pressure gauges. Many of microfluidic applications require the precise transport of fluid along a channel network with complex patterns. Therefore, it is important to accurately characterize and measure the hydraulic resistance of each channel segment, and determines whether the device principle works well. However, there is no fluidic device that includes features, such as the ability to diagnose microfluidic problems by measuring the hydraulic resistance of a microfluidic component in microscales. To address the above need, we demonstrate a simple strategy to measure an unknown hydraulic resistance, by characterizing the hydraulic resistance of microchannels with different widths and defining an equivalent linear channel of a microchannel with repeated patterns of a sudden contraction and expansion.  相似文献   

结合安徽舒城烟草专销联动实践,在CRM与ERP理论的基础上提出了基于协同管理平台的专销联动网络架构集成模型,并论述供应链管理(SCM)平台的实现过程。从多目标博弈的角度为烟草行业的科学管理提供了新思路。分析烟草企业网络节点通过表示供应链不同利益均衡时协同博弈,进一步研究不同目标任务下的管理方式,建立基于效益和效率的多目标供应链博弈模型,在确保供应链稳定运作的前提下,通过目标权重设置可以达到企业最优的组织模式。  相似文献   

A comprehensive study involving numerical analysis and experimental validation of temperature transients within a microchamber was performed for thermocycling operation in an integrated centrifugal microfluidic platform for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification. Controlled heating and cooling of biological samples are essential processes in many sample preparation and detection steps for micro-total analysis systems. Specifically, the PCR process relies on highly controllable and uniform heating of nucleic acid samples for successful and efficient amplification. In these miniaturized systems, the heating process is often performed more rapidly, making the temperature control more difficult, and adding complexity to the integrated hardware system. To gain further insight into the complex temperature profiles within the PCR microchamber, numerical simulations using computational fluid dynamics and computational heat transfer were performed. The designed integrated centrifugal microfluidics platform utilizes thermoelectrics for ice-valving and thermocycling for PCR amplification. Embedded micro-thermocouples were used to record the static and dynamic thermal responses in the experiments. The data collected was subsequently used for computational validation of the numerical predictions for the system response during thermocycling, and these simulations were found to be in agreement with the experimental data to within ∼97%. When thermal contact resistance values were incorporated in the simulations, the numerical predictions were found to be in agreement with the experimental data to within ∼99.9%. This in-depth numerical modeling and experimental validation of a complex single-sided heating platform provide insights into hardware and system design for multi-layered polymer microfluidic systems. In addition, the biological capability along with the practical feasibility of the integrated system is demonstrated by successfully performing PCR amplification of a Group B Streptococcus gene.  相似文献   

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