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《弗莱克斯纳报告》不仅对美国的医学教育产生了深刻影响,而且开启了美国现代医学教育认证的新时代。《弗莱克斯纳报告》倡导医学教育认证缘起于美国当时高等教育数量与质量的矛盾、政治文化理念、医学教育高度自治和分权制管理的传统以及政府和公民社会的共同诉求。该报告的出现明确了医学院的入学标准、学制、州医学考试委员会的地位,为后来的医学教育认证提供了依据。在《弗莱克斯纳报告》的影响下,美国医学教育认证制度也从步履维艰的萌芽阶段逐步确立下来。  相似文献   

弗莱克斯纳的现代大学观探析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
美国社会发展中出现的问题 ,尤其是教育中存在的弊端 ,是弗莱克斯纳的现代大学观产生的客观原因。弗莱克斯纳本人的经历是其现代大学观形成的直接根源。弗莱克斯纳认为 :大学应是具有“适应”和“落后”两重性的复杂有机体 ;大学的职能是发展科学和培养人才 ;大学的精神是学术自由 ;大学应是由文理研究生院和纯粹的专业学院组成的机构。弗莱克斯纳的现代大学观 ,对现时期我国大学的健康发展有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

大学,所为何事?——弗莱克斯纳大学理念评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章以弗莱克斯纳《现代大学论——美英德大学研究》和《无用知识的有用性》为对象,着重分析了弗莱克斯纳的现代大学理念。弗莱克斯纳对经典大学理念的追求,对于我们在创建世界一流大学,重新审视“大学”、“科学研究”和“大学组织”,极富启发。  相似文献   

弗莱克斯纳是美国著名的教育理论家。他认为大学应是具有“适应”和“落后”两重性的复杂有机体。还应是“学问”的中心;大学的职能是科学研究和培养人才;大学与外部世界的关系是大学可以对社会问题进行研究并提出建议,但不必对其行为负责;大学的精髓是学术自由。弗莱克斯纳的现代大学理念对当前我国大学建设与发展具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

一百年前,一位名不见经传的人,受卡内基基金会的委托,花费一年半的时间,对当时美国和加拿大的医学院进行过一次评估。这次评估对美国的医学教育产生了革命性的影响,使美国医学从三流水平跃升到世界领先地位。这次医学教育的评估成果,即著名的《弗莱克斯勒报告》,也成为医学教育史上的经典文献。  相似文献   

医学教育和社会需求   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
最近,有关人士再次呼吁对医学教育的内容和相关条件进行改革,以满足当代社会和医疗实践的需求。这是本世纪发表的25份主要报告中的最新一份,所有报告都认为医学教育,特别是医学本科生教育需要改革,大多数报告都指出了相同或相似的问题,认为以前提出的建议未受重视,目前的改革需求既迫切又是根本性的,并提出了一些相似的改革建议。许多报告提出的问题集中在三个方面:即课程内容和教学过程;医学院的内部结构;以及医学院与校外机构的关系。加  相似文献   

大学理念是人们对于大学本质的哲学反思,它在遗传与环境中发展。纽曼是理性主义大学理念的代表,也是英语世界中第一个从理念角度审视大学宗旨的学者;弗莱克斯纳是理性主义大学理念的弘扬者,是美国现代大学理念的代表。弗莱克斯纳教育理念是纽曼大学理念在美国特定社会环境中的适应与改造。比较二者在大学本质、大学与社会关系、大学职能、对待职业教育的态度等方面的异同,对于重申知识的理性价值、形成多元价值整合的大学理念以及转变我国“双一流”大学建设中重实用轻人文的倾向具有显著意义。  相似文献   

为了研究制定21世纪高等教育的发展与改革框架,英国政府于1996年2月成立了国家高等教育调查委员会。经过一年多广泛的调查研究,该委员会于1997年7月向政府提交了一份政策咨询报告,在报告中提出了93项建议。这些建议的内容如下。针对未来社会对高等教育的需求,该委员会提出:1.为适应未来社会对高等教育不断增长的需求(这种需求主要是学历以下层次的),  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展和人民生活水平的日益提高,居民对自身健康水平的需求和期待迅速增长,如何培养大量合格的医学人才以满足卫生系统对专业人才的需求,这是摆在医学教育面前的现实问题。笔者建议发挥高校在"5+3"医学教育改革中的主导作用,尽快建立医学教育的规范体系。  相似文献   

文章通过阐述创新医学人才的重要性,结合当代社会对未来医生的素质要求,分析目前医学教育存在的问题,探讨了创新医学人才培养的策略和途径。  相似文献   

Humanistic medicine, as an interdisciplinary science, synthesizes knowledge concerning medical philosophy, medical ethics, medical law, medical history, medical sociology, medical logic, and doctor-patient communication. On Mainland China, increasing attention is being paid to humanistic medicine, as evidenced by doctoral education programs being carried out at Shandong University, Dalian Medical University, and Nanjing Medical University. Constructing the discipline of humanistic medicine involves team building, academic research, academic activities, academic journals, and personnel cultivation. The development of humanistic medicine on the Chinese mainland is characterized by systematic planning, standard teaching arrangements, intensified clinical practice, and a new mode of cultivating advanced talent.  相似文献   

根据我国目前的经济发展水平和我国现阶段广大社区的现实条件,为了在短时间内培养一批能长期扎根基层,熟悉基层卫生工作特点,热心基层医疗服务的全科医生,应以现有中专临床医学类毕业生为基础,培养专科层次的全科医生。  相似文献   

This paper addresses one of the key challenges for work on education, sustainable development and climate change: the overall conceptualisation of central ideas such as Environmental Education (EE), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Climate Change Education (CCE). What do these concepts mean in diverse contexts and amongst diverse actors? The paper draws on evidence from Denmark, Singapore, Canada and the UK to highlight both the similarities and differences found within national discussions around these essentially contested concepts and their relationships to policy and practice. It further argues that such debates about how EE, ESD and CCE are conceptualised remain highly relevant, not just to academic work itself, but also to wider international discussions regarding both the current and potential relationships between conceptual understanding, policy and practice.  相似文献   

This article discusses how an experimental social science curriculum has influenced Latina/o students' perspectives of their potential to graduate high school and attend college. The curriculum, which is called the Social Justice Education Project (SJEP), requires students to adopt a serious academic subjectivity to analyze and address social conditions that may undermine their future opportunities. The curriculum reflects graduate-level seminars in critical theory and participatory action research. Many students in the first cohort to participate in the program were labeled “at risk” of dropping out. These students not only graduated but also excelled with the advanced-level course work. Their exposure to advanced-level work was the best measure for preventing their premature departure from high school as well as preparation for college. The article concludes with recommendations for how universities can work with local schools to foster the type of academic climate that is conducive to success.  相似文献   

In this introduction we describe the purpose and structure of the Canada–China Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education Partnership Grant Project sponsored by the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada (SSHRC) in 2013?2020, and describe the project’s practice-based methodology along with a discussion of selected preliminary results. The papers presented in this special issue of Frontiers of Education in China animate our discussion by bringing forward important school-based activities and results. The heart of this work is the collaborative activity and voices of Chinese and Canadian educators. We illustrate our concept of reciprocal learning and how we apply this concept in our Partnership Grant Project. We believe that we have heavily benefited from the productive work and impact that has been made in the field of comparative education and we have put our emphasis on Reciprocal Learning as Collaborative Partnership throughout our project.  相似文献   

Prior studies have suggested the importance of distinguishing between performance in the earlier and later years of medical education. Factor analysis of grades by year and faculty ratings of clinical and general medical competence for 661 medical students identified two uncorrelated factors clearly reflecting this distinction. The clinical performance factor, accounting for 48% of the communality of the matrix, was more or less unpredictable from aptitude and premedical academic achievement indices; it was marginally predictable from scales on the Adjective Check List. The academic performance factor, accounting for 31% of the variance among criteria, was forecast with acceptable accuracy (cross-validated R=0.43) by equations based on the Medical College Admission Test and premedical grade point average. Future study should stress the clinical performance factor; this criterion appears to be more important than academic attainment, and it is also less accurately predicted by current measures.  相似文献   

以内容为依托的语言教学(CBI)将语言教学建立在学科知识基础上,使语言学习和知识学习协同互进。CBI理念下的中医学术英语教学围绕中医相关主题开展语言教学,满足医学生的英语学习需要。基于CBI理念探讨了中医院校中医学术英语教学模式,根据本科生与研究生的不同学习需求双层构建学术英语课程体系,并根据课程体系分别设计项目教学法和体裁教学法,从而提高非英语专业学生的英语运用能力和医学论文写作水平。  相似文献   

The Computer Based Collaborative Group Work (CBCGW) Project is an institutional Teaching and Learning Technology Programme (TLTP) Project based in the Department of Educational Studies. The Project aims to support those within and beyond institutional boundaries in the exploration and uptake of collaborative work in a networked environment. This paper reviews examples of current practices in online professional development from around the world and considers some of the issues for providers of academic support. This will in turn be used to contextualize the response to these needs being developed by the Project.  相似文献   

This viewpoint commentary focuses on a proposal for integrated anatomy education in undergraduate college from Dr. Darda published in the Anatomical Sciences Education. Although the proposal is for college level education, the proposal echoes some ideas proposed a century ago by Abraham Flexner when he wrote his report titled “Medical Education in the United States and Canada.” It begins with an acknowledgement of the author's status as an outsider. There have been numerous calls for change in basic science education, particularly in medical education. Interestingly, however, the monumental reforms of the “Flexner Report” were impelled largely from outside the specific discipline of medical education. The commentary discussion then moves to observations about the proposal for Integrative Anatomy and support for the proposal from both the Flexner Report and the 2009 report from the Association of American Medical Colleges and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, “Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians.” The essay considers the benefits of the research on the learning sciences that now inform our work in education; the influence of competency‐based education that frees education from a lock‐step approach of course completion to a student‐focused integrative approach to learning; and the availability of online resources for anatomy education through repositories, such as MedEdPORTAL. The final observation is that the changes underway in education and in the sciences basic to medicine, in particular, are substantial and will require the dialogue that Dr. Darda is promoting with his provocative proposal. Anat Sci Educ 3: 101–102, 2010. © 2010 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The Kellogg funded Faculty Seminar on Future Directions in Continuing Education was a continuing professional development project for young assistant and associate professors of adult continuing education. The Faculty Seminar was developed and conducted by Jerold Apps, Alan Knox, and Jack Ferver, professors at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, from January, 1987, through March, 1989. Thirty-three early career faculty members focused on enriching their leadership roles within their academic departments and across the field of adult/continuing education, as well as on personal career development. Within each of these areas, participants normatively considered future directions for the field.Judith G. Adrian is completing her dissertation in Adult/Continuing Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also served as Project Assistant for the two year duration of the Kellogg Faculty Seminar on Future Directions in Adult/Continuing Education.Jerold W. Apps of a Professor of Adult/Continuing Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author ofHigher Education in a Learning Society (Jossey-Bass, 1988) and several other books.  相似文献   

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