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《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(3):309-324

Evolutionary developmental psychology is relevant to understanding many aspects of socio-emotional development in infancy, childhood and adolescence. This article focuses on parental investment and paternity certainty, child abuse, grandparenting, and parent-offspring conflict; sibling relationships and theory of mind; children's peer groups, especially dominance, aggression, sex differences and pretend and rough-and-tumble play; and on a model linking early family experiences to peer behaviour, age of puberty and reproductive behaviour. The review illustrates some of the potential of evolutionary developmental psychology in providing a comprehensive framework for understanding many aspects of social behaviour, and of providing testable hypotheses. Evolutionary explanations should be seen as compatible with cultural and environmental explanations, that may provide the proximal mechanisms by which the more distal functions of these behaviours are typically realised in actual developmental process and experience  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental psychology, an emerging subdiscipline of evolutionary approaches to human behavior and cognition, focuses on the adaptive nature of psychological mechanisms built into the brains of juveniles, some of which may serve immediate demands at different stages of development, and some of which serve preparatory roles for maturity. The current article reviews some of the central ideas of evolutionary developmental psychology and investigates how human educability, which is qualitatively different from the learning capacity of other species, is governed by specific adaptations of Homo sapiens' childhood that serve to orient the young child to his or her cultural environment. Evolutionary developmental psychology, we argue, can be especially informative to educational policy makers who wish to take children's natural limitations, as well as their intellectual pliability, into account when planning curricula.  相似文献   

数能力作为儿童认知发展的重要方面一直是心理学关注的问题.近些年来,国外手指动作与早期数能力关系研究越来越受到研究者的重视.笔者通过发展心理学与认知神经科学两个视角,从数概念及其表征、计数技能的获得以及运算能力的发展等方面概述了国外近些年来幼儿手指动作与数认知关系的研究,并在此基础上提出了当前该领域研究的前景与教育上的思考.  相似文献   

With the waning of influence of Piaget's theory and the shortcomings of information-processing perspectives of cognitive growth, cognitive developmentalists lack a common set of broad, overarching principles and assumptions—a metatheory—to guide their research. Development biology is suggested as metatheory for cognitive development. Although it is important for developmentalists to understand proximal biological causes (e.g., brain development), most important for such a metatheory is an evolutionary perspective. Some basic principles of evolutionary psychology are introduced, and examples of contemporary research and theory consistent with these ideas are provided.  相似文献   

Developmental theory in the classroom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two questions are discussed with reference to the role of developmental psychology in the understanding of classroom learning and teaching. One question is whether a developmental perspective provides an adequate basis for a theory of the classroom. The second question concerns the utility to teachers of the adoption of such a perspective. Both questions are discussed in response to a series of critical reviews of current applications of psychology to educatonal practices. Firstly, the adoption of a developmental perspective in classroom investigation is valid since: it is not clear which theoretical principles underpin teachers' practices; developmental theorising already constitutes a corpus of knowledge; the common culture in which teachers work includes developmentally-based applications; existing classroom research on children's learning sometimes lacks a developmental dimension. Secondly, it is argued that the application of a developmental perspective to the classroom is both distinctive and fertile. Instructional psychologists explicitly accept the need for classroom variables to be systematically investigated. Five examples of the application of a developmental perspective are discussed: task-analysis; the diagnosis of children's prior knowledge and the matching problem; learning strategies; assessment and criterion-referencing; methods of investigating children's thinking. Two conclusions are drawn. Firstly, further research is needed to explicate the theoretical principles underpinning teachers' practices. Secondly, further research is needed in the investigation of a developmental perspective in classroom settings. It is an empirical, and open, question as to which type of research will provide a preferential understanding of classroom learning and teaching.  相似文献   

Principles of evolutionary educational psychology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evolutionary educational psychology is the study of the relation between evolved systems of folk knowledge and inferential and attributional biases as these relate to academic learning in modern society. Following discussion and illustration of the mechanisms of natural selection and their application to human motivational, cognitive, and behavioral evolution, the basic premises and principles of evolutionary educational psychology are outlined. The gist is that the evolved cognitive systems and inferential biases that define folk knowledge are not sufficient for academic learning, but, at the same time, are the foundation from which academic competencies are built. A theoretical frame outlining the relation between folk knowledge and academic development is proposed and implications for motivational issues and instructional practices are detailed.  相似文献   

Evolutionary developmental psychology   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Evolutionary developmental psychology is the study of the genetic and ecological mechanisms that govern the development of social and cognitive competencies common to all human beings and the epigenetic (gene-environment interactions) processes that adapt these competencies to local conditions. The basic assumptions and domains of this emerging field, as related to human life history and social and cognitive development, are outlined, as are implications for issues of importance in contemporary society.  相似文献   

Process-product research on teaching, an adaptation of the criteria-of-effectiveness paradigm, has its roots in functionalist psychology. Functionalism is a pragmatic and eclectic approach to psychology that is concerned with the fitting of persons to environments. Functionalists have always accepted cognitive behavior as a legitimate object of study. Thus, a perspective from functionalist psychology may be useful for designing studies of teachers' thinking. From this perspective, the majority of contemporary studies of teachers' thinking are found wanting because there has been no concern for criteria of effectiveness. Recommendations for the improvement of research on teachers' thinking are offered.  相似文献   

儿童的执行性功能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
执行性功能是指为达到未来目标而保持适当的问题解决定势的能力,是儿童认知发展的重要方面。章简要介绍了儿童执行性功能的概念、构成成分、研究方法、年龄发展等问题。发展心理学领域的儿童执行性功能研究的深度和广度有待于进一步加强。  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(3):287-308

A central theoretical issue in evolutionary developmental psychology concerns the relation between evolved systems of folk knowledge and academic learning in modern schools. A model for conceptualizing motivational biases, cognitive competencies (e.g., language), and children's inherent developmental activities that compose these systems of folk knowledge is presented. Implications for children's learning of culture-specific academic competencies, such as reading, and associated motivational and instructional issues are then discussed. The thesis is that the motivational, cognitive, and developmental systems that compose folk knowledge are not sufficient for academic learning, but are the foundation from which academic competencies are built. Implications for educational theory and research are profound  相似文献   

在当代儿童文坛中,金曾豪的动物小说以其丰富的艺术形象、独创的“上帝视角”及张扬的生命意识成功实践了文本创作与读者接受间的契合。金曾豪动物小说形象塑造从多重层面,围绕儿童接受心理,在小说形象的塑造中实现对儿童的教育、培养和感染,对当代儿童的成长具有深刻意义。  相似文献   

Preschool-age children's experiences within the mixed-age setting of family child care homes and the influences of these experiences on development were examined. Development variables included social and cognitive play, and receptive and expressive language. Consistent with Vygotsky's developmental theory, children's interactions with mixed-age peers were more powerful predictors of development than the mere availability of mixed-age peers. Interactions with older peers were associated with more complex cognitive play behaviors. Interactions with younger and same-age peers were associated with less complex social and cognitive play and lower receptive language scores. Characteristics of the child care setting appeared to moderate children's behavior in the mixed-age environment. Children in higher quality family child care homes with responsive caregivers were less likely to interact with younger children. No evidence was found of different developmental outcomes across developmental domains for older versus younger children.  相似文献   

儿童心理理论与儿童道德发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从儿童心理理论角度思考道德心理的两个方面问题:一是从儿童心理理论看个体道德发展,如:道德发展中的自我中心主义、自律道德、观点采择、移情和道德情绪归因判断等;二是从儿童心理理论看道德心理研究方法的深化和内容的扩展。  相似文献   

This paper emphasizes the following points regarding the appropriate role of rough-and-tumble play (R & T) in educational settings. (1) There has been an important secular trend toward an increasing importance of adult supervision of children's play. As a result, children's R & T must be considered in the context of social values regarding the expected developmental significance of children's play. (2) R & T is an aspect of evolved systems that propel the children into enthusiastic interaction with their environment and can be reasonably supposed to have several beneficial influences on children's cognitive and social development. (3) R & T can be distinguished from aggression, and adult supervised R & T is potentially an important arena for learning the limits of appropriate R & T. (4) It is suggested that supervised educational settings should be concerned with socializing several discrete systems that underlie children's development, including the present emphasis on socializing children to be able to focus attention, inhibit behavior, and be neat and orderly. However, the purpose of the present paper is to present a case for socializing the systems underlying stimulus seeking, extroversion, sociability, and intellectual creativity as well.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between religion and science education in the light of the cognitive sciences. We challenge the popular view that science and religion are compatible, a view that suggests that learning and understanding evolutionary theory has no effect on students?? religious beliefs and vice versa. We develop a cognitive perspective on how students manage to reconcile evolutionary theory with their religious beliefs. We underwrite the claim developed by cognitive scientists and anthropologists that religion is natural because it taps into people??s intuitive understanding of the natural world which is constrained by essentialist, teleological and intentional biases. After contrasting the naturalness of religion with the unnaturalness of science, we discuss the difficulties cognitive and developmental scientists have identified in learning and accepting evolutionary theory. We indicate how religious beliefs impede students?? understanding and acceptance of evolutionary theory. We explore a number of options available to students for reconciling an informed understanding of evolutionary theory with their religious beliefs. To conclude, we discuss the implications of our account for science and biology teachers.  相似文献   

To truly understand gifted performance, it is necessary to merge research on giftedness with current thinking in cognitive development and intelligence. This article presents traditional research on gifted children's cognitive development then considers how the application of newer models and theories from the field of cognitive development can be combined with research on giftedness to change the way people think about gifted performance. First four factors that have often been associated with giftedness are discussed from the perspectives of cognitive developmental psychology and gifted education. Next, emphasis is placed on investigating the strategic development of gifted children. Specifically, R. S. Siegler's (Emerging Minds: The Process of Change in Children's Thinking, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996) model of strategy development is addressed in terms of what it may contribute to understanding gifted cognition. Finally, future lines of research using models from cognitive development and complex systems models of development are recommended.  相似文献   

关于儿童模仿能力的理论解释模型及其研究展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
模仿作为儿童的一种重要的社会认知能力一直是发展心理学的热门研究主题.关于模仿的意图理解模型强调了意图理解与掌握在模仿中的意义,即模仿者必须理解示范者的意图方能产生模仿的行为:关于模仿的观念运动模型则表明模仿动作是以被预见的方式予以表征的,其中动作目的位于整个动作序列的顶层而被观察模仿者优先复制.随着认知神经科学、心灵哲学等研究的不断深入,人们发现对行为与心理现象的研究需要回归到对"大脑神经系统与肉身"关系的阐明上,由此研究者们提出了具身模仿模型,认为通过自我与他人身体表象的中介作用,个体经由镜象神经元触发运动系统来直接体验他人的心理状态,包括意图、愿望等,从而进行精确模仿.研究者们甚至还确定了模仿的核心大脑皮层环路.具身模仿模型具有整合意图理解模型与观念运动模型的效力,但有关镜像神经元系统在个体发生学水平上的起源与发育,镜像神经元系统如何在复杂的社会认知情境中与基于逻辑推理的模仿互为补益等问题,仍有待研究者进一步探索与澄清.  相似文献   

皮亚杰儿童规则意识研究的道德哲学解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德哲学和道德发展心理学存在互释的空间,本文应用哈贝马斯交往行为理论及其话语伦理学解读皮亚杰关于儿童游戏规则意识发展的研究,从交往关系的角度理解皮亚杰的道德建构主义,特别是儿童道德意识发展中的两种道德理想类型,辩明在哲学中作为理性事实的道德意识在儿童的道德发展中是通过特定交往活动尤其是儿童游戏建构出的理性能力.  相似文献   

The patterns of cognitive play of 28 African-American and Euro-American preschool children with intellectual disabilities are reported. Fourteen children representing each group, matched on developmental age and family variables, were observed playing independently at home. Categorical and sequential play behaviors were coded from videotapes using a 15-second partial interval coding procedure. The pattern of African-American children's play was more reflective of their developmental age than the pattern of Euro-American children's play for their developmental age. Between group effects emerged for only 1 of 15 dependent variables included in the analyses: length of single scheme sequence. The results highlight children's strengths and challenge commonly held stereotypes. Recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

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