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This article addresses the question of how science learning can be improved. It recognizes that, while learners themselves are responsible for their own learning, the quality of this learning is greatly influenced when appropriate resources are available to learners. These resources are provided through a partnership between teachers and learners. Three different types of resource are discussed. Tools, in the form of computer tools and conceptual tools, make tasks easier and allow learners to undertake tasks they would not otherwise be able to do. Tasks can facilitate effective learning by creating effective spaces for learners to work in, embodying key aspects of the disciplines of science, providing effective and authentic opportunities for learners to learn, and facilitating a dialogue between learners ideas and their experiences of the natural world. Environment – the ecology in which learning happens – provides three sources of information through the human, social, and conceptual worlds. When key aspects of these worlds are manifested in the environment, they scaffold the learning of science content, the nature of science, and the learning process itself, all of which are required for the deep understanding of science that constitutes improved science learning.  相似文献   

Process mapping is both an analytical tool and a process intervention that performance technologists can use to improve human performance by reducing error variance. In contrast to reengineering, process mapping is used for both incremental and radical change. The benefits of process mapping include simplified work flow, reduced cycle time, lowered costs, and improved job satisfaction. Process mapping involves constructing a macro‐map, identifying and prioritizing bottlenecks in the existing process, constructing a micro‐map to identify the root causes of the bottlenecks, and iterative redesign. Several critical success factors include organizational readiness, time commitment by participants, and the availability of a qualified facilitator. HPT practitioners add value to organizations by providing unique competence in task and needs analysis. To succeed in process mapping, however, the HPT professional must also possess sophisticated skills in facilitation as well as business knowledge, self‐confidence, and interpersonal skills for interacting with senior management.  相似文献   

Concentrating the attention on one aspect makes it leap into the foreground and occupy the square, just as, with certain drawings, you have only to close your eyes and when you open them the perspective has changed. (Calvino, 1983, p. 7)  相似文献   

知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观的整合   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了实现学生多元化的发展目标,新课程制定了三大课程目标,即知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度价值观。三大课程目标的整合,可以使学生形成积极主动的学习态度,获得基础知识与基本技能的过程同时成为学会学习和形成正确价值观的过程,促进学生的多方面发展。  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Manipulative environments play a fundamental role in inquiry-based science learning, yet how they impact learning is not fully understood. In a series...  相似文献   

李伟 《教育发展研究》2021,41(12):28-36
教师知识分享具有促进教师发展、学生发展和学校发展的重要价值,但目前教师知识分享存在着现实瓶颈,主要包括教师知识分享意识的"低自觉化"、知识分享内部过程的"低清晰化"、知识管理工具的"低使用度"与"低专业化"、知识分享平台与活动系统的"低设计化"、教师知识分享评价与激励机制的"低科学化".从"SECI模型"的视角来分析,教师知识分享表现为共同化、表出化、联结化和内在化等四个内部过程或环节.为此,营建唤醒与支持教师知识分享的情感文化与对应场域,开展与优化利于教师知识分享的多元结构专业设计,加强教师知识分享内部过程的清晰化感知、理解与把握,建立以教师知识分享为导向的评价与激励机制,创建知识分享的开放专业平台、信息网络与组织结构等是促进教师知识分享的系统策略.  相似文献   

论学习环境中资源、工具与评价的设计   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本从学习环境设计理论与实践的角度,探讨了资源、工具与评价的设计与应用问题。在学习环境设计中,资源是支持任务学习或问题研究的必备条件之一,是需要认真设计的重要构件之一。学习环境中的工具是指学习工具。学习工具是指有益于学习查找、获取和处理信息,交流协作,建构知识,以具体的方法组织并表述理解和评价学习效果的中介。在学习环境设计中,比较注重信息技术作为学习工具的设计与应用。学习环境中的评价与传统的教学评价是不同的。为了真正促进学习能力的发展,学习必须体验解决真实问题的过程,理解复杂的学习任务。因此,评价应当尽可能是基于真实任务的、复杂的、能挑战学习思维过程的,评价的标准能反映多元化的观点和多样化的问题解决方案。  相似文献   

高校有丰富的人力资源,但在过去的计划经济管理体制下,育人环境和用人机制都存在问题,导致高校人力资源未得到充分开发和利用。高校应加快开发人力资源,优化配置,这将对教育的发展起到积极推动作用。  相似文献   

知识主体化的内涵就是把知识转化为主体内在的、认知的、机体的和意义的形式。知识有科学理论的、生产劳动(实践)的和日常生活的形式。不同的类型其结构形式不同,对人类生活的功能不同。要让学生根据自身发展和生存选择知识的不同结构形式及组合形式,以提高学习效率和减少教育浪费。同时还要对知识进行教育化加工,使之符合学生的认知发展水平,使学生能够高效、快乐学习。  相似文献   

Web 2.0 offers a new type of interactive technology that may change the focus and approach of formal education in ways we are just beginning to comprehend. The new and unique qualities of Web 2.0 can be compounded in traditional educational settings by the fact that students often times have far more experience with and understanding the new technology than the teachers who are developing curriculums and setting educational goals. At the same time, Web 2.0 has become so pervasive in such a short time that it makes little sense to ignore it in educational settings. This current article suggests blogging may be the most “education friendly” of the new interactive tools. Blog posts offer students the opportunity to develop their own voice in the classroom, while commentary serves as an important reinforcement for self-reflection and continued participation. The difficulty for teachers is in understanding how to integrate, use and maintain course blogs so that they are a strong and positive educational force in the classroom. At the core of using blogs is the development of blog management strategies. Based on the authors’ use of blogs in undergraduate courses, the current paper outlines an approach to blog management.  相似文献   

针对职业院校教师选用个人知识管理工具过程中存在“贪多、滥用、误用、追新、跟不上形势、缺乏灵活性、不注重经济性”等误区,总结提出“扬长避短、互补配合、灵活组合,学得会,用得上、用得起、用得好,减轻负担,提升创造性,促进发展,契合性,整合性,进阶性,适时更新”等原则,阐述了个人知识管理工具的分类、功能特点及适用范围,分享了个人知识管理常用工具的运用技巧。  相似文献   

职业教育发展的问题、意义和策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民生问题是受到广泛关注的社会问题,民生状况的改善是一项浩大的社会工程。职业教育联系着国计与民生,是面向人人、面向社会的教育。从民生的角度关注职业教育,需要政府、企业、教育机构等多方面共同努力。解决职业教育发展中的问题,也就是关注民生、促进社会和谐的过程。  相似文献   

本文在细致分析大学英语写作基本要求的基础上主要探讨了大学英语写作教学之本质特征和问题并进一步提出了若干原则及实施策略。  相似文献   

日本在“以智慧求生存”的精神倡导下,通过对节能环保,以人为本等设计策略的实施,将一个资源贫瘠、拥挤的区域,发展建设成一个遵循秩序,经济发达的强国。其设计理念和设计策略以及成功地促进日本经济发展的经验,对正值现代化建设发展的进程中、大力进行经济建设的中国来说,具有较大的探讨和借鉴价值。目前国家政府有关部门对企业与专业创意机构、重点院校、科研机构开展活动的支持,设立工业设计与创意产业发展专项资金等举措,为“中国制造”到“中国品牌”的蜕变,提供了良好的契机。  相似文献   

从可持续发展的高度,分析了在西部大开发背景下,民族化旅游资源开发利用过程中所面临的挑战,提出了开发民族化旅游资源必须坚持四个“统一”,以及所采取的具体对策措施。  相似文献   

Note taking from lectures or from text is an autonomous activity that transverses many academic areas. Unfortunately, research has failed to address adequately the role that the learner plays when taking or reviewing notes. Note-taking research has largely focused on stimulus and outcome variables but has minimally explored how the cognitive capabilities and activities of the learner affect note taking. This article reviews literature that suggests how cognitive variables such as control processes, learning strategies, and prior knowledge affect (or may affect) note taking. In addition, it offers a research model for investigating the cognitive aspects of autonomous note taking.  相似文献   

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