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目的 探讨四肢主干血管损伤的显微外科手术治疗。方法 采用显微外科器械,无创缝线和显微外科技术,对损伤血管施行端端吻合、自体静脉桥接移植或直接缝补血管。结果 24例血管损伤病人,显微外科手术治疗后,肢体功能恢复良好。经半年至2年随访,多普勒仅检查所有吻合血管正常,血流通畅。结论 四肢主干血管损伤显微外科手术治疗,效果满意。  相似文献   

显微外科技能培训是培养医学生掌握显微外科基础知识、基本操作技能的一门基础训练课程,是医学生临床技能培训的一项重要内容。高质量的显微外科技能培训对提高学生的操作能力和综合素质,适应临床和科研工作具有重要意义。详细介绍了中山大学附属第一医院采用阶梯式循序渐进的显微外科技能培训模式。  相似文献   

社会经济在科学技术这一巨大动力的推动下正日新月异地向前发展着。各行各业也清醒地认识到科学技术是第一生产力,一个企业如果没有一个用科学技术武装起来的群体,是难以摆脱简单再生产能创造出更高经济效益的。因此,加强职工培训,提高一线工人的理论水平和技术素质在当前的经济环境下显得尤为重要,也是新时期赋予我们专业技术  相似文献   

从一次培训活动说起传统的教师培训大多是专家讲、教师听,尤其是教育技术和技能类的培训,过多地强调技术,与实际教学工作缺少结合。在培训中,教师的学习是被动的,难以将所学知识与技能应用到实际工作中。技术类培训应该如何开展一直是困扰教师培训者的问题之一。数字化学习不仅带来教学形式的改变,也让我这个技术类培训者开始用数字化学习的眼光重新审视教育技术应用培训的创新问题。  相似文献   

小鼠显微外科血管插管手术模型是一种用途广泛的实验研究模型,与体外细胞实验相比,更接近人体的实际状况。但在动物模型制作与使用过程中,应充分考虑实验动物的福利伦理,决不可因为动物实验的不可替代性而忽视动物的福利伦理。该文就制作与使用该模型实验过程中,如何使小鼠享有充分的福利伦理关怀进行了阐述,目的是促进动物实验福利伦理的改善,以便更好地推动小鼠血管插管显微外科手术模型在生物医学中的正确应用。  相似文献   

介绍了武钢液压技术培训急需的项目,按难易要求不同进行了分级,针对各级项目拟定适合要求的实训装备,最后拟定鉴定标准与方法,供有关部门参考实施。  相似文献   

《中华显微外科杂志》创刊至今已20个春秋,回顾办刊的历程,虽历尽艰辛,但更多的是成功的喜悦.无论是刊载论文的水平,还是编辑质量;无论是创造的社会效益,还是带来的经济效益,都取得了令人鼓舞的成绩,连续多次获得多项奖励.这些年来,《中华显微外科杂志》不仅从多层次上反映了我国显微外科的学术水平,而且反映了当代世界显微外科的发展趋势,更为提高我国显微外科的技术水平和成为国际间显微外科学术交流的桥梁起到积极的作用.质量是杂志的生命,是期刊生存和发展的关键,为了迎合现代医学的新特点和时代对期刊的要求,今后要加强几方面的工作:①重视临床医学和基础医学研究的互相结合;②加强显微外科学边缘学科、交叉学科的联系、合作,开展专题讨论和学术交流;③加强信息工作和国际交流,使杂志走向世界;④发现、培养和鼓励新人,这是关系到显微外科专业后继有人、兴旺发达的大事;⑤进一步充实编委会,发挥专家、老教授的传、帮、带作用;⑥提倡学术民主,进一步加强编者、作者和读者的联系等.相信只要发挥自己的优势,就可把《中华显微外科杂志》办得更好,使杂志继续为促进我国显微外科的发展与进步而摇旗呐喊  相似文献   

本文主要阐述教育信息化的涵义及其对教师素质提出的新的要求,并从重视和加强教育技术培训工作的角度探讨了如何在高校加快教育信息化的步伐。  相似文献   

Moodle系统的出现和引入为教师培训提供了新的实施平台和培训模式,文章分析了Moodle系统在培训设计中的优势和特点,以活动理论为设计基础,通过探讨基于Moodle系统的教师培训设计各要素关系,从学习目标、培训内容、培训过程等方面进行的培训活动设计.  相似文献   

华东师范大学“现代教育技术培训”课程调研   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等师范院校在教师教育体系日益开放、自身学科建设不断向综合化发展的形势下,教师教育发展的生存空间越来越受到挤压,为此,各高师院校不断在人才培养模式上进行创新,以提高他们在教师教育行业的竞争优势。华东师范大学就通过师范生全员现代教育技术培训,着眼于提高未来教师的信息化教学素养,取得了一些成果和经验,并对未来发展的思路进行了探讨,以资同行借鉴。  相似文献   

This article describes two assessment tools that have been used to assess the reading skills of youth participating in alternative basic skills and livelihood skills training programs. The Rapid Assessment of Reading Skills (RARS) was developed to identify potential participants who needed to improve their reading skills before beginning training and to assign them to the proper level of basic reading instruction. The Out-of-School Literacy Assessment incorporates RARS into a more complex impact evaluation tool. Both assessment tools can also be used to inform program design, define benchmarks, and assess impact.  相似文献   

Many child care directors inherit their role of supervisor without having had adequate training or experience. Given the wide disparity in the field with respect to staff preparation, child care directors, in their role as supervisors, are called on to develop, train, evaluate, and appraise child care workers on a daily basis. The literature in the field suggests that there are common threads among supervisory models in early childhood and that directors of child care programs can benefit from in-service training that specifically addresses their supervisory functions. “The most difficult part of my job as Director is trying to get my staff to change certain practices.” Director, Church Preschool Program “I don't feel comfortable with my role as evaluator; I guess I don't like telling people they're doing something wrong.” Director, Day Care Center  相似文献   

为满足破拆救援技能训练要求,设计了一种功能集成、便于移动的破拆救援技能训练平台,该平台既可以开展剪断、扩张、顶撑、钻凿等基础性破拆技能训练,也可以开展模拟防盗门、卷帘门、护栏、墙体、楼板破拆的应用性破拆技能训练,为各级各类救援队伍开展破拆救援技能专项训练奠定基础。  相似文献   

This paper reports on some aspects of a refresher training program for experienced physics teachers that is based on Dewey's idea of reflective teaching. The program introduces experienced teachers to a reflective lesson planning model, and a more constructivist approach to physics teaching, and provides them with the opportunity to develop and experience their own strategies during micro-teaching sessions. Three instructional strategies developed by participants in the program and the corresponding suggestions/comments made by their peers in follow-up discussions are presented and analyzed in this paper. The authors, who have coordinated or taught the course, are convinced that the program provides considerable impetus for experienced teachers to redevelop their innovative capacity.  相似文献   

作为一个优秀的广播电视节目主持人,应该具有广博的学识、敏锐的洞察力、良好的语言基本功,还要具备组织能力、应变能力和创新精神,以适应新时期广播电视行业对播音主持人才的需求。对播音主持专业学生专业技能的培养也应该朝着多元化的方向发展,注重语言基本功和学识的积累,发挥个性特色,提高应变能力和创新能力。  相似文献   

提升工科本科生创新能力的科研技能培训   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以提高本科生创新能力、增强学生就业竞争力为目的,在材料成型与控制工程专业低年级本科生中进行了扫描电镜、金相显微镜等现代分析测试仪器的培训实践。就选材标准、培训安排、培训成果等进行了探讨,指出增强学生实验技能、提高学生动手能力是培养高素质工科本科生的发展方向。  相似文献   

The pressure being placed on universities to deliver skills training for the workplace has generated considerable debate. This paper deconstructs the broader employability discourse in which the debate is embedded in order to draw out its formative implications for skills training during candidature. The paper argues against erection of a deficiency model in the context of skills training of higher degree research (HDR) students, and that the employability discourse is essentially reductive. It obscures whole areas of HDR knowledge production, thus skewing skills training towards the perceived needs of science students; the significant contribution made by research education developers to skills training of HDR students; and employer responsibility for workplace skills training. Notions of skills transferability, best practice and embedding are all shown to be problematic in that they lack discriminative power. Finally, the paper demonstrates that HDR students do value skills training at the institutional level despite prevailing uncertainty.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,我国各行各业对应用型人才的需求与日俱增,应用人才俨然已成为新时期推动我国经济不断发展的最佳动力。近年来,我国化工行业获得突飞猛进的发展,化工专业应用型人才的培养,逐渐引起全社会的广泛重视。本文围绕化工专业应用型人才综合实验技能培养研究与实践作一综述,为培养更多优质的化工专业应用人才略尽绵力。  相似文献   

Effective behavior support is an important component of high-quality and nurturing early childhood classroom settings. At present, there are few studies that investigate the best way to train and support teachers in these strategies. The present study compared two different training approaches: (1) a workshop that included a one-day classroom-based training that introduced effective preventative and behavior support strategies followed by school year behavioral consultation support; or (2) an intensive condition that included the one-day workshop plus four days of experiential learning and practice in a preschool classroom followed by school year behavioral consultation support. Eighty-eight teachers/aides were randomly assigned to one of the two training conditions, and training occurred in August before the commencement of the school year. Results indicated that on observations of effective behavioral management and instructional learning formats, teachers in the intensive condition were improved proximally, with effects waning over time. For measures of teacher use of praise, the intensive group maintained the improved rate throughout the school year relative to the workshop group. Rates of commands and observations of classroom productivity were not different between groups. Teachers were satisfied with both approaches to training.  相似文献   

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