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We investigated the impact of a Web tutor on college students’ critical stance and learning while exploring Web pages on science. Critical stance is an aspect of self-regulated learning that emphasizes the need to evaluate the truth and relevance of information as the learner engages in systematic inquiry to answer challenging questions. The Web tutor is called SEEK, an acronym for Source, Evidence, Explanation, and Knowledge. The SEEK Tutor was designed to promote a critical stance through several facilities in a computer environment: spoken hints on a mock Google™ search page, on-line ratings on the reliability of particular Web sites, and a structured note-taking facility that prompted them to reflect on the quality of particular Web sites. We conducted two experiments that trained students how to take a critical stance and that tracked their behavior while exploring Web pages on plate tectonics to research the causes of the volcanic eruption of Mt. St. Helens. The SEEK Tutor did improve critical stance, as manifested in essays on the causes of the volcanic eruption, and did yield learning gains for some categories of information (compared with comparison conditions). However, many measures were unaffected by either the presence of the SEEK Tutor or by prior training on critical stance. We anticipate that robust improvements on critical stance and learning will require more training and/or some expert feedback and interactive scaffolding of critical stance in the context of specific examples. This work was conducted while Tenaha O’Reilly was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Memphis.  相似文献   

As part of the 1997–1999 Teaching and Learning Enhancement Plan, the University of Queensland mandated that all its academic departments should conduct tutor training. The University's academic development unit, TEDI (the Teaching and Educational Development Institute) designed a network‐based staff development strategy for the development of departmental staff designated as tutor trainers. The strategy was known as the Tutor Training Network (TTN). This paper describes the strategy and reports on an evaluation of the Network programme. The data show that although it was very successful, the network‐based strategy has a limited lifespan. Nonetheless it is an effective strategy for wholesale staff development to support institution‐wide implementations of policy or changes in practice.  相似文献   

Experience gained in the construction of the world's first Geographical Information Systems tutor, ARCDEMO, emphasised the importance of accommodating different learning strategies. ARCDEMO, while highly successful, suffered from static graphical displays, a single pre-determined access path, and an overall design which restricted its scope in use. The Geographical Information System Tutor (GIST) was developed to address these problems using Apple's object-orientated HyperCard software. GIST incorporates a 'point-and-click' interface with graphical cues to initiate operations which include animated demonstrations, step-by-step illustrative graphics and graphical displays capable of user modification. The system was designed with two alternative access modes, serial or browsing , to allow different classes of user to work through the material in their preferred fashion. The use of GIST in undergraduate and short course teaching has shown how users respond well to the interface and find graphical explanations easy to follow.  相似文献   

Feedback is a key element in effective teaching and learning. The issue of how teachers perceive the role of feedback will impact significantly their feedback approaches, the amount of the detail of their feedback and the time and effort expended on the feedback provision. This research was designed with the purpose of exploring how a group of over 50 tutors who were supporting an online university English course perceived, understood and interpreted the processes of assignment feedback. A factor analysis study based on questionnaire data revealed three sets of tutor beliefs towards assessment and tutor feedback: traditional–autonomous–global (TAG), student‐centred (SC) and traditional‐local (TL). Follow‐up in‐depth interviews were conducted with tutors. The TAG tutors saw scores as the most important feedback to students, but doubted the value of detailed feedback. SC tutors maintained that good tutor feedback should offer more than mere scores, and that students needed feedback in order to improve. TL tutors tended to underline all the errors and provide detailed feedback. They were negative towards the idea of their feedback being monitored. The authors identified some differing and converging tutor perceptions on assessment feedback, the understanding of which could arguably play an important role in introducing changes in tutor feedback culture.  相似文献   

This study investigates the mechanisms of scaffolding in a synchronous network-based environment – the ‘collaborative virtual workplace’. A theoretical ‘multi-actor’ scaffolding model was formulated. The study itself focused on the role and inter-relations of verbal scaffolding by tutor and peers during a collaborative process of making decisions about environmental issues. The analysis drew on data from the decision-making discussions of 31 groups – material that was saved automatically by the learning environment software. The age of the 62 students ranged from 14 to 17. Discourse act categories were devised to describe the tutor’s and the students’ task-related, supportive and social communicative acts. The scaffolding situation was characterized through a causal discourse act interaction approach. Tutor and students appeared to be elaborating and replacing each other’s process scaffolding acts in the collaborative decision-making situation. The influence of certain tutor’s and students’ inter-related scaffolding patterns on students’ decision-making provided empirical support for the ‘multi-actor’ scaffolding model. in final form: 12 May 2005  相似文献   

Intelligent Tutoring Systems have been shown to be very effective in supporting learning in domains such as mathematics, physics, computer programming, etc. However, they are yet to achieve similar success in tutoring metacognition. While an increasing number of educational technology systems support productive metacognitive behavior within the scope of the system, few attempt to teach skills students need to become better future learners. To that end, we offer a set of empirically-based design principles for metacognitive tutoring. Our starting point is a set of design principles put forward by Anderson et al. (Journal of the Learning Sciences, 4:167–207, 1995) regarding Cognitive Tutors, a family of Intelligent Tutoring Systems. We evaluate the relevance of these principles to the tutoring of help-seeking skills, based on our ongoing empirical work with the Help Tutor. This auxiliary tutor agent is designed to help students learn to make effective use of the help facilities offered by a Cognitive Tutor. While most of Anderson’s principles are relevant to the tutoring of help seeking, a number of differences emerge as a result of the nature of metacognitive knowledge and of the need to combine metacognitive and domain-level tutoring. We compare our approach to other metacognitive tutoring systems, and, where appropriate, propose new guidelines to promote the discussion regarding the nature and design of metacognitive tutoring within scaffolded problem-solving environments.  相似文献   

江苏开放大学已经明确了学生的服务与管理实行"学务导师制",这是学校服务与管理体系中的关键环节。所谓"双导师制"即负责专业教学的课程导师与负责学生服务与管理的"学务导师"。"双导师"负责制是江苏开放大学与江苏电大的不同,也因此区别于其他各级各类的"网校"。学务导师是开放学生服务与日常管理的具体责任人。学务导师负责学员的学籍、选课、甚至毕业的一系列工作。  相似文献   

课外导师制与个性化培养   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
在本科生中设立导师,而且是课外导师,这样的做法在当今高等教育界尚不多见。文中提出了课外导师制的意义、基本思路、具体做法、实际效果、存在问题,具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

随着我国高校扩招政策的推进以及规模的不断扩大,我国高校在校生人数持续走高,但与之相配套的师资力量增长缓慢,难以满足高等教育尤其是以研究生教育为主体的高层次人才培养的需要。导师组制作为一种教育方法和制度,有利于高校师生比例失调矛盾的缓解及高层次人才培养质量的提升。因此,各相关人员要进一步加强对导师组制的研究和探索,扬长避短,充分发挥导师组制在我国研究生人才培养中的作用和影响。  相似文献   

The present research investigated whether immediate metacognitive feedback on students’ help-seeking errors can help students acquire better help-seeking skills. The Help Tutor, an intelligent tutor agent for help seeking, was integrated into a commercial tutoring system for geometry, the Geometry Cognitive Tutor. Study 1, with 58 students, found that the real-time assessment of students’ help-seeking behavior correlated with other independent measures of help seeking, and that the Help Tutor improved students’ help-seeking behavior while learning Geometry with the Geometry Cognitive Tutor. Study 2, with 67 students, evaluated more elaborated support that included, in addition to the Help Tutor, also help-seeking instruction and support for self-assessment. The study replicated the effect found in Study 1. It was also found that the improved help-seeking skills transferred to learning new domain-level content during the month following the intervention, while the help-seeking support was no longer in effect. Implications for metacognitive tutoring are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how a group leader computer tutor may aid students in learning collaborative skills in a co-operative learning environment. However, students need to learn collaborative skills and practice using them. The group leader computer tutor discussed in this paper is designed on the principles of co-operative learning, intelligent tutoring systems and computer-supported collaborative work within an intelligent collaborative learning system (ICLS). The group leader aims to facilitate group work on the task level and to teach students how to use collaborative skills in the discussion level as students work on networked computers in the Jigsaw method of co-operative learning. The ICLS and its group leader were used by two classes at a liberal arts university. Qualitative research shows that the students' co-operative attitudes changed and academic achievement improved from pre- to post-treatment. Students, especially, used the communication skill of openness in comment type discussions. The students enjoyed working collaboratively through the ICLS and their teachers thought that the experience was valuable for them.  相似文献   

本科生导师制虽然已经实行了几个年头,但其效果仍然差强人意,导师制配套制度的供给不足应是造成其实施过程中出现各种问题的根本原因。通过规范导师选择、明确导师职责定位、合理规定学生义务、考核评价办法制订、实施有效激励、监控培养过程等配套制度的改革,建立一个完善的制度环境,才能从根本上提高实施本科生导师制的有效性。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to compare the role of the tutor in an online and a face‐to‐face problem‐based learning (PBL) session to shed light on potential differences of the tutor role in both settings. In this practice‐based study we compared the two groups with the same tutor undertaking the same module. Students completed questionnaires about tutor performance, student characteristics and the module. Marks on the end‐of‐module test were analysed. The tutor was interviewed about his expectations and experiences. One session of each group was recorded and analysed qualitatively. Results show tutor tasks appeared to be comparable in both settings with regard to “content and pedagogical content knowledge,” “group dynamics,” “process instruction” and “intermediary between faculty and students.” The face‐to‐face group rated tutor performance lower than the online students. Students and tutor identified the absence of nonverbal cues as a limitation of online PBL. In online sessions the tutor additionally provided technical support and moderated the chat box. It is recommended to involve an extra person in online sessions who is responsible for technical issues. This person could also check the chat box for messages of students. Future research should focus on the necessity of an extra tutor training for online sessions.  相似文献   

研究旨在从师生双方的认知角度探究优秀英语网络学历教育辅导教师的专业能力构成。问卷调查、访谈和统计分析发现,师生的认知具有广泛的一致性,但对部分能力构成的侧重有所差异;学生的年龄和学习阶段也影响其对教师专业能力的倾向。研究并为提升英语网络教学效果及促进英语网络辅导教师队伍的专业化发展提出建议。  相似文献   

This article presents findings from an empirical study on the relations between the variables comprising learning mechanisms in small collaborative groups. Variables comprising the central learning mechanisms component were task related interactions, knowledge elaborations, and subjective estimation of knowledge acquisition. Student related determinants of the learning processes were dysfunctional behavior, and work group management. Tutor related determinants were tutor facilitative behavior(facilitation, questioning, and mini-lecturing), and tutor work group management. The selected variables were structured into a path model. The first question concerned the way the three variables comprising the learning mechanisms component are related to each other. We have contrasted mediation vs. addition hypothesis. The second question concerned the validity of the complete small group functioning model. In order to answer these questions we have constructed a questionnaire and administered it to 89 1st year medical students. Concerning the first question, the data were in accordance with the mediation hypothesis. Specific analyses showed that only the collaborative sequence type of task related interactions had positive effects on both knowledge elaborations and knowledge acquisition. In contrast the transfer of knowledge type of interactions had negative effects on the same variables. Test of the validity of the complete model showed a satisfactory model fit. Briefly, our findings suggest that a large proportion of collaborative sequences in the group, together with a low proportion of dysfunctional behavior and highly facilitative behavior of the tutor will lead to a high proportion of knowledge elaborations. Knowledge elaborations positively affect knowledge acquisition which is an important determinant of the student satisfaction and motivation.  相似文献   

The research described in this paper addresses how a language tutoring system tackles a practical problem in learning a language — negative transfer (mother tongue influence). The empirical studies we have undertaken indicate that negative transfer is the most obvious explanation for most of the errors committed by first-year students in their study of Chinese grammar at the University of Durham. The results of our empirical studies accord with the views of experts on both negative transfer and the Chinese language. A language tutoring prototype (the Chinese Tutor) has been designed on the basis of the results of the empirical studies. The Chinese Tutor contains five models: the expert model, the student model, the diagnoser, the tutor model and the interface module. The five models work effectively together in order to ensure a successful tutorial session. A number of potential users from the Department of East Asian Studies at the University of Durham have used the Chinese Tutor with positive results. In this paper, we will first address issues in relation to empirical studies: the significance of empirical studies and the results of the empirical studies. We will then move on to some of the important design issues, i.e., how the problem of negative transfer is tackled by the Chinese Tutor, which includes discussions on how the rules in the mixed grammar are used for detecting arbitrary transfer errors; how the types of error made by the student are inferred; and how an appropriate tutorial strategy is selected. Finally, a tutorial session run by one of the students who has used the Chinese Tutor is presented and what the Chinese Tutor can offer to the students will also be addressed.  相似文献   

论德育导师制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道德品质形成的规律及关注个体教育的重要性,使导师制的实施成为必要,教师影响的权威性,示范性及教师资源的待利用潜力,使导师制的实施成为可能。导师制也必将在克服德育中的脱节现象,强化个体教育,充分利用教师资源,落实教书育人职能等方面表现出诸多优越性。  相似文献   

试论象牙塔里的导师冷暴力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
象牙塔里的导师冷暴力尽管出发点各异、表现形式多样、并有一定的隐蔽性,但其具有普遍性。其原因可以用人际交换理论、人际冲突理论、文化认可理论来分析。导师冷暴力是对研究生精神与心理的摧残,同时也会影响导师自身的教学效能感。为此,学校、导师、研究生要采取各种积极的措施予以化解。  相似文献   

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