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雷颐 《寻根》2000,(3):27-32
一百年前,义和团运动如烈火燎原般突然燃遍华北大地,但就在高潮之际,却又突然被残酷镇压下去。其兴也勃,其亡也速。百年来,对义和团赞扬或否定可能各有其理,但百年后的今天,对这一场无与伦比的历史悲剧作番冷  相似文献   

七场现代花灯剧《古湄歌》,讲述了一个女人与三个男人曲折凄美的爱情故事。展示了主人翁古湄不平凡的一生。剧本按顺时进行式的框架结构.既AB、AC、AD、ABCD制,使古湄在与三个不同身份地位.不同性格的男人的情感碰撞中.伴随着一次次爱情的失败.让古湄起伏跌宕的人生际遇.经过悲剧特有的艺术处理手法.  相似文献   

陈元 《寻根》2021,(2):124-129
2013年,顾宝林先生在《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》发表了《民间流传欧阳修之佚文〈郭氏族谱序〉辨伪》一文,就欧阳修撰写的《郭氏族谱序》之真伪进行了考证.他得出结论说,在缺乏新的可证文献之前,《郭氏族谱序》应是一篇伪作.  相似文献   

李迪 《寻根》2005,(5):56-59
早在1977年,笔者曾发表一篇短文,对郭守敬所设计的玲珑仪提出了一些粗浅看法,文中主要根据原始文献中“人由中窥”这句话,认定玲珑仪是一台假天仪(李迪:《对郭守敬玲珑仪的初步探讨》,《北京天文台台刊》,1977年第11期)。这个结论本身,现在看来并未错,但讲的不全面,也不太透彻。由于人们还有各种不同看法,甚有必要把有关全部原文提出,再进行分析:  相似文献   

今年是先祖父湯炳正(1910.1.13-1998.4.4)先生誕辰一百周年,追思其學術生涯,感觸良多,似有千語萬言涌上心頭,但本文只准備集中談談他的為學經歷及治學成就.  相似文献   

West Street is the oldest in Yangshuo, a small town in Guilin, with towering karst peaks and surrounded by Li River. In this less- than-one-kilometer street, there are more than 100 cafes, bars, restaurants and hotels, all with both Chinese and English or French ads. Called "a foreigner street", West Street attracts tens of thousands of foreign tourists every year. Le De (happy), a French-styled restaurant, and Hong Fu (Big Fortune), a Chinese-styled hotel, are the most splendid  相似文献   

沈建中 《寻根》2001,(4):54-57
施蛰存先生,这位坛学界耆宿,已雷97岁高龄了。  相似文献   

A Way of Life     
"Life is like a card game: the cards you get are a matter of chance; how you play them is up to you." Philosophers and artists all over the world have produced thousands of analogies about the puzzles of life, but this epigram by Indian politician Nehru is especially noteworthy. Eventually, the cards in my hands will be played out. There is one card - life - that will be taken away without warning. Fortunately, it is still in my hands, and I am searching for the best way to play it. I will do so freely and handsomely; meanwhile, I'd like to share my pleasures with those who appreciate my game. This game needs a plan, as well as some dedication.- from Life is a Game by Fu Weici  相似文献   

I was born in the countryside. I had a colorful and joyful childhood although my peasant parents couldn't give me an affluent life at that time, My toys were all handmade by myself such as catapults and powder guns. Like many kids of the time, I also liked to dissemble and re-assemble clocks and radios as a means of entertainment. Once I noticed a small bottle of ink with a brush pen in it at the window and showed strong interest in them. Since then, my poor handwriting left over everywhere in my house. My father was tolerant and never scolded at my unrestrained scrawling. That was my first experience in Chinese calligraphy which led me to a life destined for this magic art.  相似文献   

If you drive along the Chang'an Avenue eastward in Beijing and pass through skyscrapers in CBD, you will soon encounter a complex of ancient buildings of Ming and Qing styles - China Red Sandalwood Museum. Behind the immense door lies an ancient art palace. This is the world's largest museum of red sandalwood architectures and carvings and also the only private museum in China that has "China" in its name, which receives the most heads of states and foreign government officials.  相似文献   

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