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Graduate students play a major role in teaching in higher education, particularly in undergraduate programs. The purpose of the present study was two-fold: first, to identify graduate students’ motives for working as graduate teaching assistants (GTAs), describe some aspects of their work, and ascertain their perceived benefits; second, to predict GTAs’ benefits as a function of their individual background characteristics, motives, job difficulties, and richness of professional interactions with the course instructor. Data were collected from 189 GTAs who led discussion groups at a large research university in Israel by means of an internet questionnaire. Findings revealed that graduate students accepted the position of GTA mainly for extrinsic reasons, such as salary and convenience. They claimed to have faced few difficulties and that their professional interactions with the course instructors focused more on job responsibilities and less on pedagogical issues. They reported having gained a greater understanding of course content and improved teaching skills due to their experience as GTAs. Richness of contact with the course instructor, motives, difficulties, and faculty match significantly contributed to predicting perceived benefits. The implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

In 1973 Illinois State University initiated a campus-wide program in which junior and senior undergraduates were selected to assist faculty teaching freshman-sophomore courses. One or more Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) positions were assigned to all but three departments in the university. Although similar in purpose to smaller programs at other institutions, the sheer size of the program at Illinois State posed a variety of unique questions about administrative procedures, acceptance, and effectiveness, which are answered in this report. In general, the program was deemed highly successful by the faculty and student assistants and has been continued and expanded.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to explore a conceptual structure of graduate teaching assistant (GTA) teaching concerns. Results indicated that GTAs experience five distinct, inter-related types of concerns: class control, external evaluation, task, impact and role/time/communication. These ‘teaching concerns’ were further analysed by examining their relationship with the value placed on them by the GTAs and the confidence in dealing with the teaching-related issues of concern. The results revealed that GTAs tend to have concerns about self, task or role/time/communication-related issues when the nature of the concerned issues is perceived as being valuable but challenging. On the other hand, GTAs are more likely to have concerns with impact-related issues when the nature of the issues is perceived as both being valuable and manageable. Several GTA characteristics, such as teaching experience, teacher efficacy, participation in professional development and values on teaching practices, were examined as predictors of GTA teaching concerns.  相似文献   

Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) in the sciences are a common feature of U.S. universities that have a prominent mission of research. During the past 2 decades, increased attention has been paid to the professional development of GTAs as instructors. As a result, universities have created training programs to assist GTAs in selecting instructional methods, curricular formats, and assessments when they serve as laboratory, lecture, or discussion group instructors. Unfortunately, few studies explore the educational and instructional environment of GTAs in these reformed settings. This study was conducted to address this specific need. As a constructivist inquiry, qualitative methods were used to collect and analyze the data to elucidate the educational and instructional environment of science GTAs at a doctoral/research university in which various training programs existed. We found that GTAs worked autonomously, that traditional practices and curricula existed in laboratories, and that instructors frequently held limited views of undergraduates' abilities and motivation. Findings in this initial study about GTAs suggest that developers of GTA training programs draw on the literature regarding science teacher education, and that reward systems be instituted that recognize faculty and staff for their participation in GTA training programs. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 41: 211–233, 2004  相似文献   

This article derives from a case study of 10 secondary school teaching assistants (TAs) who did not have conventional pre-qualifications in mathematics but who undertook an honours degree in mathematics education studies at a Higher Education Institution in England whilst continuing to work as TAs in school. Work-based learning was thus undertaken in parallel with advancement through the hierarchical undergraduate mathematics curriculum. Lave and Wenger’s work on communities of practice is used as a framework to explore the TAs’ learning of mathematics alongside their professional work in schools. This case illustrates how and where institution-based undergraduate teaching relates to work in school, and where it does not, thus signalling the importance of the TAs’ informal learning strategies in bringing together these experiences.  相似文献   

In recent years, much concern has been expressed about the quality of instruction provided by foreign teaching assistants (TAs) in higher education. Critiques of the use of foreign TAs generally argue that they often impede the learning process because of language barriers. The present study examines the effect that nonnative English-speaking TAs had on student performance over five semesters at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Multiple ordinary least squares regression is used to analyze the relationship between student grades and nonnative English-speaking TAs. Subsamples based on a TA's geographic region of origin and instructional area are also analyzed. In addition, course drop rates and the impact of TA training programs are examined to determine possible influence on the results. The results of the analysis consistently indicate slightlybetter performance in sections conducted by nonnative English-speaking TAs.  相似文献   

助教博士生在实验教学改革中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文从不同角度阐述了助教博士生在实验教学中发挥的桥梁纽带作用,在提高学生的创新能力方面担当了重要角色,并结合电子系的情况简单介绍了助教聘任方法.  相似文献   

笔者采用问卷调查法对本校2013级的研究生进行学生评教研究。研究表明:研究生对任课教师胜任程度持肯定态度,评价内容涉及教学内容、教学方法、教学组织、教学表达、教学态度和总的效果六个层次。其中在教学表达方面有待提高。  相似文献   

This paper presents an assessment of the effects which a brief training program had on teaching effectiveness of graduate teaching assistants (TAs). Twenty-two inexperienced and previously untrained university TAs from economics, geography, and business administration were assigned to a training or control group by a stratified random method with stratification based on TA departmental affiliation. Teaching experts rated two videotapes of each Ta's university class, one tape made before training and one following training. Ratings were obtained on two factors: (1) planning instruction to meet clear goals and organizing meaningful content in a logical fashion, and (2) involving students in instruction. Results from analyses of covariance indicate that the training group received significantly higher final ratings than the control group on the total score and on each of the two factors when final scores were adjusted for group differences in initial ratings. Teaching experience alone did not result in significantly higher ratings for control group TAs. Participants in training evaluated most topics and the overall program favorably both immediately after training and one semester later.  相似文献   

As current graduate instructors of labs and class discussions, teaching assistants (TAs) play a critical role in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) undergraduate education, especially as some graduate students may choose a faculty career in the future. Because of the importance of TAs and their development as scholars and instructors, we sought to determine the most effective methods of preparing engineering TAs at two research universities. We compare the impact of a teaching orientation with one of four teaching development programmes (Pedagogy Course, Advanced Practice Teaching, Workshop Attendance with Written Reflection, or Mid-Semester Student Feedback with Written Reflection) on engineering TAs’ teaching efficacy and definitions of active learning. Results indicated that the Pedagogy Course consistently increased TAs’ teaching efficacy and attitudes toward teaching compared with the other programmes. We also found that stand-alone Mid-Semester Student Feedback with Written Reflection enhanced TAs’ efficacy for reflection and beliefs about teaching. We discuss implications for providing teaching development for graduate students and directions for future research.  相似文献   

In response to dramatic changes in the demographics of graduate education, considerable effort is being deveoted to training teaching assistants who are nonnative speakers of English (NNSTAs). Three studies extend earlier research that showed the potency of nonlanguage factors such as ethnicity in affecting undergraduates' reactions to NNSTAs. Study 1 examined effects of instructor ethnicity, even when the instructor's language was completely standard. Study 2 identified predictors of teacher ratings and listening comprehension from among several attitudinal and background variables. Study 3 was a pilot intervention effort in which undergraduates served as teaching coaches for NNSTAs. This intervention, however, exerted no detectable effect on undergraduates' attitudes. Taken together, these findings warrant that intercultural sensitization for undergraduates must complement skills training for NNSTAs, but that this sensitization will not accrue from any superficial intervention program.  相似文献   

In this study the Delphi Method was used to validate teaching competencies of graduate teaching assistants (TAs). Through the use of expert opinion, a panel of national leaders in teaching assistant support and training validated twenty six competencies as important in the preparation of teaching assistants. Feedback from panelists suggested that some instructional competencies depend on the specific responsibilities that are assigned to an individual TA.Ronald D. Simpson is Director of the Office of Instructional Development at The University of Georgia, where he also is professor of Higher Education and Science Education. He holds degrees from The University of Tennessee and The University of Georgia. Kathleen S. Smith is Coordinator of Teaching Assistant Support at The University of Georgia, Office of Instructional Development. She holds graduate degrees from The University of Georgia and has served as Administrative Coordinator and Acting Head of The University of Georgia's intensive English program. Her research and teaching focuses on the development and administrative support of teaching assistants with emphasis on International Teaching Assistants.  相似文献   

This study, based on the theoretical model of Teacher Self-Efficacy proposed by Denham and Michael (1981), explored the effects of prior training, previous teaching experience, and certain demographic variables on the teaching self-efficacy of graduate teaching assistants. An adapted version of the Self-Efficacy Toward Teaching Inventory (Tollerud, 1990) was administered to a sample of graduate teaching assistants. Graduate teaching assistants with prior training endorsed a significantly higher level of self-efficacy than those with no training. Correlational analyses demonstrated significant positive relationships between prior training and previous teaching experience with level of self-efficacy. Multiple regression analysis indicated that previous teaching experience explained a significant amount of variance in self-efficacy. Results are discussed in light of the current training and utilization of graduate teaching assistants, and suggestions for future research are offered. is with the College of Education  相似文献   

The zones framework conceived for the examination of thinking about teaching, is validated, and extended to the examination of thinking about learning. This is done by extending the framework to examine thinking about teaching and learning in a population of science graduate student teaching assistants. Semi‐structured interviews explore these students’ teaching and learning experiences, how their experiences relate to their knowledge of educational theory, and how they have formed their ideas about what constitutes good teaching. The article demonstrates that the zones framework can be extended to thinking about learning, and that it is appropriate for examining the thinking of students as well as teachers. Recommendations for further research are made, including the exploration of discipline‐specific thinking.  相似文献   

Suggestions for general education reforms have advocated smaller classes and greater participation by senior faculty. This is not feasible given the reward structure and extensive use of teaching assistants at research universities. Realistic reform efforts must account for the reward structure and focus on training programs for teaching assistants.She obtained her Ph.D. (1987) in Higher Education Administration, and her M.S. (1982) in Counseling and Human Development, both from the University of Iowa.  相似文献   

Minimal research papers have investigated the use of student evaluations on the laboratory, a learning medium usually run by teaching assistants with little control of the content, delivery and equipment. Finding the right mix of teaching assistants for the laboratory can be an onerous task due to the many skills required including theoretical and practical know-how, troubleshooting, safety and class management. Using larger classes with multiple teaching assistants, a team-based teaching (TBT) format may be advantageous. A rigorous three-year study across twenty-five courses over repetitive laboratory classes is analysed using a multi-level statistical model considering students, laboratory classes and courses. The study is used to investigate the effectiveness of the TBT format, and quantify the influence each demonstrator has on the laboratory experience. The study found that TBT is effective and the lead demonstrator most influential, influencing up to 55% of the laboratory experience evaluation.  相似文献   

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