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<正>提枪上马,赚钱养家,美国真实版赏金猎人Shanda Zapata(珊达·萨帕塔)是一位带着4个熊孩子的单身辣妈,同时又是一个以抓捕各种黑手党、毒贩获得奖金为生的赏金猎人(在美国这是一种合法职业)。Shanda本来是个餐厅女服务生,治愈癌症让她欠下了80万美元的巨额医药费。继续做服务员已经不现实,那如何才能快速赚钱?有一天,她在报纸上看到了赏金猎人的招募广告:捉拿逃犯,领取赏金。于是她画风突变,参加了"猎人养成培训班",从零开始学习技能,包括捉拿逃犯过程  相似文献   

<正>妖孽别跑!17岁高中男生怒代言"Covergirl"来自纽约的17岁高中男生James Charles在网络上抱怨,称摄影公司技术太差,拍坏了他的高中照片,而这张照片却令他一炮而红。如今,他作为化妆达人,和Kate Perry一起代言美国著名彩妆品牌Covergirl,并成为该品牌自1961年成立以来首次启用的男代言人。James说:"活得让自己感觉舒服并坚持做自己,这才是最重要的。"  相似文献   

<正>1走红只是因为被老爹单手举高高拥有一个到处单手举娃的老爹和一个颜值爆表的老妈,这两个宝宝想不红都难。在英国,有位老爹叫David,是一名摄影师,老婆Amber则是一名美妆博主,他们的宝宝们也萌力十足。近日,他们的一组老爹举娃在手心的照片走红网络,每到一个新的地方,David总喜欢展示自己超强的臂力。网友们纷纷表示,自己也想被举高高。  相似文献   

<正>呆萌柴犬成火车站长穿制服值班引迷妹据外媒报道,日本新十津川町火车站的柴犬站长Lala最近通过社交网络获得了大量粉丝关注。而动物站长在日本并不是首例。比如这只叫多摩的猫,2007年1月被任命为贵志川站站长。2006年4月,为了节约成本,和歌山电铁在贵志川沿线安装了自动化系统,取代了之前的人力当值系统。铁路部门官员选择当地企业主为名誉站长,并且获得了零售商小山俊子的支持,他同意让猫咪在贵志川沿线当值。除了Lala之外,在日本还有一只被任命为站长的狗狗是  相似文献   

克鲁兹·贝克汉姆 贝克汉姆小儿子发单曲出道 据外媒报道,大卫·贝克汉姆的小儿子科鲁兹·贝克汉姆发布了第一首单曲《If Every Day Was Christmas》,贝克汉姆在社交网站上晒出与儿子的合照,为其宣传。  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, James Scott Johnston asks what sort of liberalism is best for the educational systems of early twenty-first century, late capitalistic democratic nations, looking at the procedural liberalism extant. Two major models are John Rawls's Justice as Fairness and Jürgen Habermas's Communicative Action. Both owe their foundational movements to Immanuel Kant in various respects, and Johnston therefore examines Kant in those areas both thinkers draw upon. Johnston then turns to Rawls and to Habermas, discussing what is central to their frameworks. Johnston finally claims that neither liberalism will work without due attention to issues critics have raised regarding the distinction between Right and Good and suggests an alternative Kantian model in the conclusion.  相似文献   

Recent policy on inclusion has had an impact on the development of museum galleries and related educational provision. Museums are used as learning organisations and, as such, need to consider how to create an inclusive environment. However, inclusive provision for people with learning difficulties in museums tends to be isolated and small scale, lacking the formal structure found within schools. While much can be learnt from the development and evaluation of practice in schools, there is little research or published literature that explores the inclusion of people with learning difficulties in museums. This article, by Hannah Shepherd, Exhibition Co‐ordinator at Freeman College in Sheffield, analyses an example of a specific exhibit within a gallery development. This example reflects an approach that uses guidance from the literature to create a more inclusive experience for visitors, particularly those with learning difficulties. A case is made for the use of consultation and partnership to develop inclusive museum provision.  相似文献   

经过二十多年对私人消费品领域的渐进式改革以后,我国的经济改革已进入到公共消费品经营改革这一新阶段,从技术进步和产权革新的角度来看,公共消费品经营必须以较快的速度推进,而且,从改革的历程来看,多年的渐进式改革后,现行经济社会体制下既得利益集团的根本利益已聚焦于公共消费品,这一领域已很难产生自生性改革,因此,面对加入WTO后的挑战,我国现在要慎行过去渐进式改革。  相似文献   

文学研究的创新,最重要的是研究思维的创新。打破研究思维的僵局,培养思维的冲力,这是进行文学研究思维的先在条件。文学研究的创新在于以主体视角为聚光点的整合。创新思维与学术规范并不矛盾,学术规范本身的灵魂在于创新,而创新也是在学术规范的框架中被认同的。  相似文献   

进入新世纪,社会经济生活等各方面都要求现在的学生掌握新的知识和技能。如何掌握这些技能已成为目前各国和各国际组织重点关注的问题。美国21世纪技能计划对21世纪人才技能教育提出明确的目标和实践方式,加入该计划的九个州也都根据自身实际情况制定和实施计划方案。尽管没有有效数据表明该计划在美国产生的具体影响,但美国及时的政策转换与实践还是给我们开展21世纪人才技能教育提供了不少学习和借鉴之处。  相似文献   

This article explores the role of voluntary quality assessments in higher education, underscoring their main features and potentialities, and showing that basic principles and guidelines can be customised in different countries or single institutions. The article extensively presents an assessment project developed at the University of Siena, the first integrated assessment of teaching and research quality of a whole university carried out in Italy. The article clearly highlights the relevance of quality assurance and performance measurement systems and the behavioural and organisational impacts they may have.  相似文献   

对一类原点为三次幂零奇点的七次微分系统,利用已经计算出的该七次微分系统原点的前10个拟Lyapunov常数,经过分析推导,从而得出原点成为10阶细焦点的充要条件,在此条件的基础上对系统作微小扰动,进而得出在原点充分小的邻域内恰有10个包围原点的极限环的结论。  相似文献   

During the coming years the number of older adults will increase dramatically, which will require a corresponding increase in the number of social workers who have accurate knowledge of this population. This article reports the impact focus groups with older adults and with service providers who work with older adults and their families have on baccalaureate social work (BSW) students. We find that BSW students exposed to focus groups have their negative attitudes about older adults and service providers deconstructed and replaced with more positive and accurate information about older adults. When students' misconceptions about older adults are confronted, they become more interested in choosing geriatric social work as a career option.  相似文献   

In this article, Myra Taylor, research fellow, and Professor Stephen Houghton of the Centre for Child and Adolescent Related Disorders at the University of Western Australia, report theory generated from interviews with teachers, students and mothers residing in Perth, Western Australia, on how children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD) initiate and sustain peer relationships. An initial review of the three sample groups’ respective perspectives reveals that children with AD/HD exhibit three distinct socialisation patterns: a socially integrated pattern (that is, having three or more ongoing friendship pairings with peers); a marginal integrated pattern (that is, having two or less ongoing friendship pairings with peers); and a socially isolated pattern (that is, having no, or infrequent, friendship pairings with peers). Both teacher and maternal perspectives are similar in so far as both perceive children with attention deficit disorders to have marginal to non‐existent friendships. Students with AD/HD perceive themselves, however, as having strongly to marginally formed friendships with their peers. Myra Taylor and Stephen Houghton explore suggestions that differences between adult and child perspectives relate to diagnostic status, age and developmental maturity. They identify opportunities for further research arising out of their work and indicate that a wider evidence base will be needed before robust recommendations for practice can be made.  相似文献   

Finding suitable curriculum materials for Sexuality and Relationship Education for young people with autistic spectrum disorder can be a challenge for teaching staff. In this article, Sue Hatton and Angie Tector who both formerly worked at Coddington Court School discuss findings from their research project asking pupils with autistic spectrum disorder in a residential specialist school setting to reflect on their curricular experience and share what would have helped them and prepared them better for relationships. Sue Hatton and Angie Tector have used their research findings to develop materials to support a personalised approach to Sexuality and Relationship Education suitable for both classroom and residential settings. They have also tried to ensure that staff who are responsible for delivering the curriculum are given adequate training. Recommendations from their study have now been incorporated into the training offered across the West Midlands to teaching and support staff in mainstream and educational settings.  相似文献   

In this article, Anies Al‐Hroub, assistant professor of educational psychology and special educational needs at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon, and David Whitebread, senior lecturer in psychology and education in the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education, discuss the identification, by teachers, of children who are gifted in mathematics and who also experience reading difficulties or specific learning difficulties. The findings reported here are based on research carried out in three state schools in Jordan, and reveal the extent to which teachers accurately nominated the ‘dual‐exceptional’ children studying in their classes. The paper reviews the issues and evidence relating to teacher nomination of these children and examines the quality of teacher nominations by comparing them with identification procedures using psychological and dynamic testing. Anies Al‐Hroub and David Whitebread reveal that the accuracy of the teacher nominations recorded in their research was highly variable and explore a series of factors influencing the processes of teacher nomination. They argue that teacher nomination is an essential first element in the identification process and can be easily improved. The authors call for professional development for teachers in order to raise awareness and to enable them to provide support for children with complex special educational needs more effectively.  相似文献   

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