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The importance of including contextual factors when studying information behaviour is illustrated using findings from a recent field study in which ethnographic methods and social network theory are used to investigate the flow of human services information (HSI) among nurses, the elderly and other individuals at community-based foot clinics. Four types of contextual factors are identified: physical environment, clinic activities, the nurse's situation, and the senior's situation. While each type of factor has particular implications for the participants' information behaviour, it is shown how the interaction of multiple factors led to the conceptualization of such notions as an information ground, which may be used for guiding further research on the flow of information in community settings. This concept of an information ground is further based on a social constructionist definition of human services information. The implications of the researcher's presence at the field site as an additional contextual factor are also discussed.  相似文献   

蔡红梅 《科教文汇》2013,(30):148-148,153
新课改背景下,培智教育也应转换教育理念,“生活化”课程成了大势所趋,培智学校课堂教学应结合学生实际,以开发“生活化”课程为核心。本文通过在生活中精心挑选、创编教材和营造和谐的教学空间以及引导学生自主合作,形成多样的学习方式等几方面对培智学校的课堂教学进行阐述,对培智学校的课堂教学生活化进行了探讨。培智学校的课堂教学只有生活化,才能更好地提高学生的生活适应能力,为将来适应社会,融入社会打好基础。  相似文献   

柳宗元的《江雪》被千古传唱。这首诗歌蕴含着中华民族的艺术精神和审美趣味。我们在赏析这首诗歌时,通过解读文人怀才不遇时寄情寓意的方式和内涵去领悟中华民族博大精深的艺术精神和文化内涵,进而对中华民族精神产生更多的领悟和理解。  相似文献   

教育是一种“慢”的艺术,是一项“慢”的事业,“十年树木、百年树人”,教育需要持久的关注,耐心地等待,需要的是潜滋暗长与潜移默化。功利主义的目的使教育本身发生了异化,教育逐渐成为为科技发展和经济增长造就“智能机器”人和提供“人力资本”的工具。教育不仅成为社会生产劳动力的工具,也是个人实现利益的工具。在这种现象的影响下,也许“学习后进生”存在是一种尴尬,家长“恨铁不成钢”,老师头疼,拖拉平均分等等。将等待教育理念融入对“学习后进生”的教育,用欣赏的眼光看待每一个孩子,使每一个生命潜能得到最好的发挥,发现生命宝藏。  相似文献   

仿真技术作为一种分析工具,其动态特性决定了它在定量分析方面具有优势。本文以Excel为工具,建立了一个两阶段装配线的排队问题仿真模型。借助此模型,我们不但可以轻易地考察该组装线的生产效率,并且能够考察如果两个工作站之间的空间加大,可以存储半成品,从而增加工人的独立性,进而会对生产率和等待时间等问题产生影响。  相似文献   

日常教学过程中,诗歌鉴赏是高中语文教学过程中比较重要的一环,诗歌鉴赏这一环节做不好,直接影响文言文、文学类作品准确率,很多学生在诗歌鉴赏中出现这样那样的困难,笔者结合自己的日常教育教学实际情况,把诗歌鉴赏中的心得进行分享交流,以供参考。  相似文献   

The Sun is our nearest star and the energy released by nuclear reactions near its centre is transported by photons inside the inner~71%of the solar radius(R_⊙(?)6.9×10~5km),called the radiative zone.Outside this radiative zone,called the convective zone,photons are no longer able to transfer energy efficiently,so convective instabilities set  相似文献   

Coronal mass ejections(CMEs) are a major form of solar activities.A CME takes away 1015-16 g of plasma from solar low corona,to disturb the near-Earth space if the CME direction is favorable.Here we summarize our understandings and reasoning that lead us to conclude that CMEs are the unavoidable products of magnetic helicity accumulation in the corona.Our study puts the formation of magnetic flux ropes and CME eruptions as natural and unavoidable results of coronal evolution.  相似文献   

The Sun is our nearest star and the energy released by nuclear reactions near its centre is transported by photons inside the inner - 71% of the solar radius ( R⊙= 6.9 × 10^5km), called the radiative zone. Outside this radiative zone, called the convective zone, photons are no longer able to transfer energy efficiently, so convective instabilities set in and vertical flows carry nearly all the excess heat to the solar surface. This visible surface, called the photosphere,  相似文献   

姜李萍 《科教文汇》2011,(20):175-175,190
意大利美学家克罗齐认为“美的根源在于心灵”。确实。美育可以潜移默化地净化受教育者的心灵,从而达到陶冶情操、培养全面发展的人的最终目的。在语文教学中,以外国诗《蝈蝈与蛐蛐》一文为例,挖掘课文中美的因素。  相似文献   

喻志武 《科教文汇》2012,(2):107-108
高适的《别董大》其一,一反唐人赠别诗的凄清缠绵、低回流连,表现了送别时的昂扬悲壮,以真挚的感情、豁达的胸襟、豪迈的气势、精警的语言,对友人于宽慰中满含鼓舞激励,是一首脍炙人口、品格极高的友情诗。  相似文献   

An unexpected increase in erythrocyte osmotic resistance during viral hepatitis in two patients prompted study of effects of hepatitis (in Karad) on osmotic resistance. The test was performed by placing erythrocytes in saline solutions of decreasing osmolarity and osmotic fragility defined in terms of the saline concentration at which hemolysis begins. Study included 44 infected subjects (acute viral hepatitis non-A non-B). All forty four infected subjects showed abnormal results when compared to normal subjects. increased erythrocyte osmotic resistance i.e. hemolysis begins between 0.45% to 0.40% of NaCl and is completed between 0.25% to 0.20% NaCl, whereas in normal subjects. hemolysis begins between 0.50% to 0.45% NaCl and is completed between 0.35% to 0.30% NaCl. Osmotic resistance was observed with increase in total bilirubin (mean±SD) (4.6 ±3.6), direct bilirubin (3.0±2.5), SGOT (58.8±55.5) SGPT (114.2±150.3) activity. Physiologic shifts in erythrocyte osmotic resistance may be due to changes in membrane lipid ratio.  相似文献   

Enrico Clerici 《Endeavour》1985,9(4):156-160
Although organ transplants, especially of kidneys, are now widely practised surgical procedures, the problem of preventing rejection is still not solved. This article considers why — since organ transplantation is an entirely artificial process — the body nevertheless has a complex immunological mechanism for rejecting all intruding foreign implants.  相似文献   

Knowledge Management Research & Practice - There are many times in our brave new web-based world that we seem to have lost the art of making common sense decisions and judgements. The current...  相似文献   

The decade of the 1970s heralded a major research effort into mariculture of economically important red and brown seaweeds. Limited and declining natural populations, lack of synthetic substitutes for the phycocolloids, and their upwardly spiralling costs have emphasized the need for more research in this area. Algal mariculture is now technically and scientifically feasible, but the economic realities are still undetermined. This article examines what is known about seaweed mariculture and discusses where future research efforts must go.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]近年来,中国的综合国力不断提高,在一些领域已成为领跑者。中国未来战略发展方向和发展路径只能依靠我们自己去探究。[方法/过程]分析了发展情报的提出背景、内涵及特性,并对比论述了基于事实型数据和基于过程型数据两种不同类型情报研究范式的研究过程。[结果/结论]情报工作重点应逐渐从传统的客观情报研究,转移到探索国家未来如何发展和怎样发展的"发展情报"研究上来。并且要进行研究范式变革,从基于事实型数据的情报研究范式转变为基于过程型数据的发展情报研究范式,使情报成为引领科技进步、促进社会发展的有力武器。  相似文献   

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