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本文主要讨论平移集合的最基本性质,即集合的并,合的平移性,集合的基数的平移性,集合的有界性的平移性,极值性的平移性,可数集合的平移性等问题。  相似文献   

Theodore Dreiser is now regarded as one of the pre-eminent American realistic novelists of the first half of the twentieth century.an anatomist of the American Dream.In his great work An American Tragedy,Dreis- er exposes and criticizes mercilessly the corruption and black side of American society.The disillusionment of the American Dream is an important theme of the fiction.This paper illustrates "An American Tragedy" is the re- flection of disillusionment of the American Dream in the perspectives of the tragedy of a mortal,the tragedy of American society,and the tragedy of the American Dream.  相似文献   

唯物史观是马克思一生中的两个伟大发现之一。唯物史观的创立实现了社会历史观的伟大变革 ,标志着马克思主义哲学的诞生。唯物史观的形成过程就是马克思不断揭示生产力和生产关系辩证运动规律的过程 ,也是马克思不断肃清费尔巴哈人本主义的影响 ,走向历史唯物主义的过程。马克思的唯物史观是一种崭新的社会历史观 ,它根本不同于费尔巴哈人本主义的历史观。学习马克思的早期著作 ,探讨唯物史观的形成 ,对于我国当前的改革开放和社会主义现代化建设 ,有着重大而深远的理论意义和实践意义  相似文献   

Alan Peacock 《Interchange》2000,31(2-3):197-210
Starting from Whitehead's notions of education as "the art of the utilisation of knowledge" and his rationale for eradicating "the fatal disconnection of subjects which kills the vitality of the modern curriculum," the article explores how these ideas relate to the current political realities of primary education in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. This is exemplified through a focus on learning about one's environment and the consequent tension between direct perception through non-school activities and the teaching of ideas via the formal school curriculum. A resolution is proposed which involves considering the learner's perspective, and the implications for teachers in terms of 'letting pupils in' to the teachers' own learning and their awareness of a plurality of ways of knowing.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionAstothecurrenttechnologyofcontinuouscastingofsteel,itisanemergencyformouldfluxestoharmonizetheconflictsbetweenheattransferandlubricationforslabcasting.Whenstructuralsteelwhosemassfractionofcarbonwcis0.09%to0.15%andhighstrengthlowalloysteel(HSLA)whosewcis0.14%to0.25%arecontinuouslycast,itisnecessarytocontroltheheatfluxfromtheslabshelltothecoppermouldnottoexceed1.7?06W/m2becauseofthebigandcoarseausteniticcrystalsintheinitialsolidifiedslabshell[1].Otherwise,longitudinalcrackstendt…  相似文献   

Students have to be punished if they have made a serious transgression. Avoidance of punishment will lead to serious complications. But punishment is inseparably linked with guilt and forgiveness. The inability of individuals to forgive themselves was regarded by Kierkegaard to be an emanation of individual false pride, a kind of vanity. This type of despair, a psychological and spiritual disorder, is a serious and debilitating problem. The inability to escape this despair of forgiveness can lead to a loss of genuine humanness. Unchecked, this despair can lead to unrelatedness of self to itself and fear of the possibility of freedom. Thus the self-knowledge attainable in despair over the forgiveness of an offense would lead to what we would call a successful rehabilitation of the individual and his or her conjunct reintegration into society. Kierkegaard's ideas on punishment are interesting — historically and philosophically speaking — because they represent a softening of a harsh view of punishment by stressing the humanizing aspects of guilt and forgiveness.  相似文献   

弗洛伊德坚持“性欲乃是人类取得的一切成就的源泉”,认为“本能的升华是最引人注目的文化发展的特征;正是由于升华,高级的心智活动、科学活动、艺术活动或思想活动才成为可能。”人们对此很有异议。其实,弗洛伊德是在对“性”的最广泛意义的理解基础上创建他的“动力心理学”的,他试图从他对人的个体心理理解的立场出发,来解释人类的全部历史、全部事件和社会生活的结构,并以此建立一整套关于人类精神生活规律的学说和理论。深入探寻弗洛伊德性学说的底蕴,澄清他的“性力”、“原欲”概念的内涵,真正领悟其“升华”思想的真谛,才有可能拓宽我们的视野,深化对复杂纷繁的人的精神世界的研究。  相似文献   

Given a graph G,a subgraph C is called a clique of G if C is a complete subgraph of G maximal under inclusion and |C|≥2. A clique-transversal set S of G is a set of vertices of G such that S meets all cliques of G. The clique-transversal number, denoted as TC (G), is the minimum cardinality of a clique-transversal set in G. The clique-graph of G, denoted as K (G), is the graph obtained by taking the cliques of G as vertices, and two vertices are adjacent if and only if the corresponding cliques in G have nonempty intersection. Let F be a class of graphs G such that F={G|K(G) is a tree}. In this paper the graphs in F having independent clique-transversal sets are shown and thus TC (G)/|G|≤1/2 for all G ∈ F.  相似文献   

海德格尔认为"美"源自审美状态,而审美状态并非是主体的某种精神状态,而是"存在"的本然状态。美是存在者自身的显现,"存在"即是美的本质,也是美的功用,美不是显现的结果,而是"显一现"这个动态过程。存在之显现之所以美是因为,人无法在流变的世界中领会与观照存在之本质,存在必然在生活的日常状态中被遗忘,只有打破了这种遗忘状态,人才能获得真正的自由,获得存在之澄明,这种获得存在之澄明状态过程,就是获得美的本质与本源的过程,美就是存在者的澄明之光,是存在之光。  相似文献   

文明是决定和影响人类活动的长期的基本因素。冷战结束后,特别是随着“文明冲突论”的提出,各种文明观的讨论逐渐演化成文明学的各种派系。当前主要有三种文明观:文明冲突论、文明对话论、文明交往论。在处理国与国关系的实践中应承认并维护文明的多样性。文明发展的趋势是文明和谐和文明相处。人类真正的危险在于各个民族、国家间文明的互不相融,以及由此导致的误解、紧张、冲突乃至战争。世界的持久和平与持续发展有赖于人与人之间、民族与民族之间、国家与国家之间文明的对话、沟通和理解,有赖于文明间的和谐,共同发展。  相似文献   

论老子哲学的“无”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老子对其“道”有着一以贯之的思路,即道是对生命本真存在的体悟。“无”在老子道论中具有核心地位,“无”是道的超验性的指称。因此,道之“生”,并非宇宙论的化生,而是出于生命的体验,其本质就在于“无”之生,是“无”之心体对万物的当下成就。以“无”为本体的“无—有”一体化运作形成道的内在结构,“无”在“言”出“有”中踏入了超验性与经验性的两难境地,而“有”对“无”的当下回归使物我保其真性。在这个结构中,“真”是“无”的内涵,“虚”与“静”构成了“无”的动力机制。  相似文献   

方言与移民之间存在互动关系.方言的形成发展依赖于移民的迁徙,移民的方言是某一地域方言形成的语言胚胎,因而移民的迁徙走向与方言的空间分布、方言类型与移民类型存在对应性。此外,本文还从交互社会语言学的角度对移民在双言环境中的言语交际模式进行了探讨,并对移民方言与迁入地方言之间的相互影响过程进行了描写.  相似文献   

关于索绪尔和乔姆斯基的理论的比较是语言学重要的课题。将以两者中的二元论为基础,对索绪尔和乔姆斯基的理论进行比较。虽然乔姆斯基的"语言运用"与索绪尔的"言语"基本相同,但是"语言能力"与"语言"还是有所差别的,所以乔姆斯基的理论是对索绪尔结构主义语言学的一种发展和延续。  相似文献   

Different nations have different social cultures, and the social culture of every nation is developing with the development of the nation, language is greatly influenced by social culture, which enables language to possess national and historical characteristics. Word is the smallest, independent, meaningful linguistic unit of language. It can well reflect the national and historical characteristics. From synchronic aspect, the social and cultural influence on word meaning is mainly embodied in conceptual and associative meanings of word. The incorrespondence of word meaning is a phenomenon that exists in both conceptual and associative meanings of word among different languages. From diachronic aspect, the development of social culture causes some changes of word meaning to some extent. Therefore, social culture plays a key role in vocabulary learning and mastery of a language.  相似文献   

在现代语境特别是当代的现代语境中,存在着美学实践与美学理论的辩证运动,美学总是作为一种审美意识形态而存在的。审美意识形态是现代意识形态的特殊而又重要的部分,审美意识形态的内外关系的多样性,决定了审美意识形态性质的多种多样,也决定了其价值的丰富性和复杂性。只要意识形态在社会生活中还有其存在和发展变化的客观基础、需求和意义,审美意识形态就必然存在、发展变化并或多或少地发挥其独特的作用。  相似文献   

湖北省石首市境域的地名,极富水乡平原特色。这些地名的出现,是数千年来独有的自然与人文现象相互交融与演绎的结晶。地名是一个地方地形地貌、历史文化及风俗民情的缩影。本文旨在透过这些地名,从侧面揭示其水乡平原所固有的部分自然与人文特征。  相似文献   

巴什拉哲学思想从总体上看,最为主要的有两大构成部分,一是代表新科学精神的"科学认识论",二是代表新文学精神的"诗学想象论",这两个部分形成了巴什拉独特的"科学—诗学"二重哲思。前者侧重通过反思科学史来认识理性问题,将科学史看成是一连串的"认识论断裂",要想把握现代科学种种不连续的、整合的特征,就应该在理性与经验之间建立辩证、互补的关系。在想象言说方面,巴什拉的诗学想象论作为其梦想理论的哲学背景,主要经历了"四元素想象"和"想象的现象学"两个阶段,突出表现为"想象与认识论障碍"、"想象的物质性"、"想象的动力学"、"想象本体论(梦想意识)"四个议题。受象征主义、超现实主义、分析心理学、现象学等观点的启发和影响。在本体论意义上研究诗意梦想,是巴什拉想象论的独特贡献所在,他于前人弃之不顾的地方斩获了一种新的意识,建立了一种新的批评。其"想象即不在场"不可避免地将梦想意识与物质纠结在一起,不论物质的外表如何,也不论它被感官所感知的现象形态如何,都是想象进行创造和自我认识的基础。巴什拉将想象直接视为一种不在场的存在,一种尚未出场的想象空间,其想象观具有很明朗的本体论色彩。  相似文献   

试论人类生产和生产力的本质及其微观结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邬焜 《教学与研究》2003,1(4):49-54
本文从物质生产、精神生产、人本身生产的综合尺度上探讨了人类生产和生产力的信息活动的本质 ,并从物质构成和信息构成的双重维度上揭示了生产力内核要素的微观结构模式。  相似文献   

个性观念是陈独秀、李大钊、胡适等五四主流思想家的主导话语 ,是一个重要的现代性观念。可以从消极和积极两个维度理解五四时期的个性观。消极个性指对宗法性和奴隶性的反抗 ,积极个性与认识论上的理性主义、伦理学上的功利主义等有密切关联。五四时期的个性观从一个侧面反映现代性意识的发育历程。五四主流思想家注意到消极个性与积极个性的多重内涵与意义 ,表明中国知识分子对现代性理解的深化。同时 ,个性观上的局限也表明中国现代性意识发展的曲折性与困难性  相似文献   

当代意识形态的发展与“文化化”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
意识形态文化化是全球化时代国家主流意识形态发展的诉求选择,也是当代中国马克思主义大众化发展的重要路径,其核心是达成对其所倡导的主流价值观的广泛接受和普遍认同。意识形态在当代发展的文化路径为:意识形态要契合文化媒介的特质加以传播;意识形态通过制度文化的构建加以强化;意识形态通过文化环境的营建加以熏陶;意识形态通过文化产品的消费加以影响。  相似文献   

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