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信息管理专业课程设置的规范化和特色化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息管理课程设置中的规范化和特色化是当前信息管理专业教育的发展趋势,笔者分析导致专业课程设置规范化和特色化的相关因素,并提出保证专业课程设置规范化和特色化趋势沿着健康轨遂发展的若干措施。  相似文献   

阳清 《图书与情报》2007,(3):122-125
《论语》是以语录为主要形式的哲理性散文,故而全书对人物形象的刻画,与文本的语言特质密切相关。具体表现在,《论语》语录形式的差异性,直接决定其记载、描写人物之文学价值和艺术功能的高低。《论语》所采用的人物独白、人物品评、人物交流、客观叙述等多种刻画人物形象的方式,亦通过不同的语录形式来付诸实现。总而言之,语录与人物的和谐统一,共同造就了《论语》的文学价值。  相似文献   

引入语境论的认识论和方法论,尝试建构图书馆认知语境,并在该理论框架指导下,把图书馆活动中的各种变量形式化为一种符号表达,分别对文本语境、境遇语境、认知语境三个子语境及由其构成的图书馆认知语境进行符号性建构。把认知过程形式化为一种可表征的推理,从而有助于图书馆根据具体的语境参数实施相应的调适,实现图书馆认知活动的合理运行。  相似文献   

This article lays out an approach to teaching legal research through an examination of historical and contemporary approaches to legal research and research instruction. It discusses creating a research plan and reviews the most commonly used legal research texts. It concludes with sample research assignments and assessment tools.  相似文献   

数字新媒体为我国政府形象塑造提供新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着以互联网为代表的数字新媒体的快速发展,塑造政府形象的传播环境发生着巨大变化。了解数字新媒体的传播特点、熟悉数字新媒体传播渠道,有助于在新的数字媒体环境中为我国政府形象塑造,寻找新的、可利用的、符合时代要求的传播途径。  相似文献   

系统科学方法在信息法学研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章介绍了系统科学的形成及其对科学研究的意义。从系统论、信息论、控制论、突变论、耗散结构论和协同论入手,分析了系统科学方法在信息法学研究中的应用,提出了促进信息法学研究方法的完善的思路。  相似文献   

胡雨 《新闻界》2007,287(6):96-97
媒体与军方是根本上迥异的两类组织,有着在目标、任务等方面的内在冲突.在2003年美国发动伊拉克战争前夕,美国军方率先推出的“嵌入式报道“制度,继而革命性地改变了战时新闻控制.无疑,“嵌入式报道“新现象的出现昭示了战时新闻调控的新发展与新趋势.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new significance for an old method by describing the theory-method fit between complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory and ethnography. Using an example from an ethnographic study of intergroup conflict in joint product development, this paper supports the argument that doing ethnography is necessary to find and analyze empirical evidence for what CAS theory illuminates about the social world. I extend this argument by discussing its importance for communication research. A key question for communication researchers is how system-level events in complex social systems are grounded in and produced by local interactions among individuals. This paper describes and illustrates some important insights that researchers can gain into this question by paying attention to the parallels between CAS theory and ethnography in the investigations of complex communicative phenomena.  相似文献   

时间信息在事件检测与描述中起着决定性作用,对自动内容抽取中的事件检测进行研究,就应该首先对时间信息进行详细、系统地研究。本文致力于事件检测中的时间信息研究,对文本中有明显标记和无明显标记的时间进行区分;在明确要提取时间具体内容的基础上对时间进行详细分类并阐明其含义,其中包括精确时间、模糊时间、修饰类时间、时间集及其他不确定时间等;在此基础上对涉及时间信息的名词修饰语、时间间隔、嵌入式时间表达和时间定位词等时间范围信息进行研究;最后引入时间戳的概念,并对时间戳的类型及涉及时间戳与事件的关系进行详细研究,从而引出如何在时间戳研究的基础上,更好地进行事件检测与描述。本文的研究成果可以很好地应用于自动内容抽取、自动问答系统、话题追踪结果及自动文摘系统中。  相似文献   

本文通过对国外两本传媒经济研究专著的比较,就研究方法进行一些比较和评论。  相似文献   


This paper discusses the social history of the emergence of conservation as a profession distinct from traditional restoration. It proposes that the development of conservation as a distinct field came about through the evolution of an existing area of practice, in a changing conceptual climate which increasingly acknowledged the necessity for, and the legitimacy of the scientific model. This paper considers the changes in societal values that led conservators to hold their present ethical principles, values and beliefs, focusing on two in particular: the importance of preserving the integrity of the object, and the belief that the best way to do this is through the application of science.  相似文献   

薛龙 《新闻界》2008,(2):135-136
本文历时检讨了媒体与社会变迁下不同的消费者分析方法,意图从作为传播的广告视角出发,主张一种历史过程意义的新媒体观念,并在批判原有方法的基础上伸张在新媒体环境下空间意识的重要性,指出消费者分析方法将走向以空间想象为主导的结合多种方法的阐述的理路。  相似文献   

针对ISBN 查重法的不足,提出了需要重点查重的图书类型及其查重方法.  相似文献   

信息检索"实践+研究+自助"教学新模式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对当前网络环境下传统信息检索教学存在的问题进行了分析研究,探讨如何突破大纲束缚,在教学内容、教学方法、师资建设上进行尝试。  相似文献   


Boundary walls are neglected but important parts of historic urban environments, and they are often prone to serious deterioration. Understanding moisture and salt dynamics within boundary walls can help infer the causes and dynamics of deterioration. This investigation investigates the patterns of moisture, salt, and deterioration on a 300 year old limestone boundary wall in Worcester College, Oxford. Multiple methods to assess moisture and salts within and across the wall (electrical resistivity tomography, handheld resistivity-based moisture meter, paper pulp poultices, scanning electron microscopy, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, and ion chromatography of small scale sampling of deteriorated limestone) were used in conjunction with decay mapping of both sides of the wall. The salt weathering strongly correlates with severely weathered zones at the wall and salts, mainly sulfates, seem to be the main agent of decay processes. The combined results demonstrate that the environmental influences driving stone decay can differ on a very small scale even at a comparatively simple structure like a boundary wall, and that repairs can have adverse effects if the patterns of salt and moisture dynamics are not sufficiently known.  相似文献   

In 1991, five segments of the Berlin Wall, first painted by renowned contemporary artists Thierry Noir and Kiddy Citny, were bought at auction, transported to the USA, and placed in an outdoor environment that severely advanced the deterioration of the painted surface and reinforced concrete substrate. This paper discusses aspects of the conservation treatment and management plan for these painted segments of the Berlin Wall. The strategy and criteria for the conservation program were defined by a multidisciplinary team that comprised conservators, concrete specialists, and engineers; the deliberations of this team also led to an appropriate treatment and management plan. The choice to intervene at a minimal level meant treatment was restricted to stabilization rather than restoration or reconstruction of deteriorated areas. Additionally, the team decided to reinstall the pieces indoors to reduce future deterioration.  相似文献   

随着读者阅读需求的日益增长,作为立体阅读的图书馆讲座越来越受到人们的广泛关注和欢迎。本文就讲座与阅读的关系及如何办好图书馆讲座进行了探讨,目的是不断推进图书馆讲座工作的创新与发展。  相似文献   

马晓雷  文秋芳 《图书情报工作》2011,55(4):110-113,137
被引内容指的是被引用文献在引用文献中被引述的具体内容。Small曾经指出被引内容的研究价值,但迄今为止,在文献计量学领域被引内容分析仍然没有广泛展开。针对这一情况,提出一种分析领域知识的新方法———基于文本聚类的被引内容分析法,这种方法可以在一定程度上解决引文分析存在的问题。以第二语言教育为分析领域,研究结果证明该方法的可行性以及被引内容的研究价值。  相似文献   

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