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文章以法国文化遗产保护的兴起与保护科学的形成为背景,系统地介绍了法国《藏品保护研究中心》产生的背景及其主要活动。作者选择了该中心关于生物研究、纸质档案文献研究、现代材料研究三个方面的最新成果进行了系统梳理,不仅可以使读者了解法国(包括欧洲国家)档案文献保护的进程和前沿,而且可以为我国档案文献遗产保护的研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

This study investigates the acceptance and importance of digital library among female students of International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan. The study also highlights the problems that are confronted by the female students in completing their research work after limited access to digital library in the female campus of the University.

Survey was administered personally to collect data from 315 female students of eight faculties of the female campus of the university. The convenient sampling technique was used to collect data from the subjects of the study.

The access to digital library is indispensable to the students to complete their research work. With limited access to the digital library the students were unable to meet their information needs from the Internet and the libraries of other universities. The quantity as well as quality of their research work were affected due the restriction of digital resources. Also the limited access affected adversely to improve insight of the respondents regarding technological developments in their respective area of research. The lack of informational literacy program, IT training workshops, IT literate staff and the electricity failure were the main hindrance to access digital library as well as Internet.

This study was limited only to female students of the International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan.  相似文献   


Cultural heritage is wonderfully diverse and as heritage preservation professionals, it is our duty to address the preventive conservation of all cultural heritages. However, there is no one set of guidelines, practices or rules that can be applied in all situations. A preventive conservator with strong technical and soft skills is essential in this situation. At the Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation (WUDPAC), preventive conservation has been an identifiable part of the curriculum since the early 1980s. From its establishment, the curriculum has evolved to include the teaching of both current day technical skills for the practice of preventive conservation and soft skills in teamwork, leadership, institutional priorities and goals identification, and written and oral communication. These are taught to all students in their first year and those that select the option of a preventive conservation minor in their second year. Recently, it has become clear that it is not possible to teach adequately both the technical and soft skills needed for the practice of preventive conservation within WUDPAC's existing minor area of study. Additional time is needed to study and develop the complex theories, abilities and requisite skills that characterize the preventive conservation specialty. This paper discusses the work to develop a curriculum for a WUDPAC preventive conservation major, the strong mandate to continue to teach both technical and soft skills, and the surprising resistance to the establishment of a preventive conservation major.  相似文献   

The Sterkfontein Caves UNESCO World Heritage site represents one of South Africa’s most valuable cultural heritage resources and is one of the world’s most prolific palaeoanthropological sites with its fossiliferous deposits spanning the last 3.5 million years. One of the most famous fossil-bearing deposits at Sterkfontein is the 2.5 million-year-old Member 4. This is the world’s richest Australopithecus-bearing deposit and has yielded iconic fossils like StS 5 – Mrs Ples, StW 53, two partial skeletons, and two species of Australopithecus. After 80 years of research, Member 4 continues to provide crucial evidence for human origins research. Over the last 35 years, since excavation of the Member 4 started exposing the walls of the deposit, their deterioration has been accelerating. The implications of this deterioration and impending collapse are severe, not only from a palaeoanthropological perspective but also a heritage management point of view. This article focuses on our efforts to conserve the deteriorating areas of the Member 4 excavation site. The project required the development of a comprehensive set of strategies that had to be adapted to the specific requirements of the national and local heritage management agencies and remain sensitive to ongoing research programmes. The strategy developed included: multiscale integrative documentation of the exposed deposits; comprehensive, independent but cohesive stabilization of the different components of the deposit while maintaining visibility for ongoing and future research; and installation of stabilization infrastructure that could be adapted to the long-term conservation excavation plan while maintaining deposit integrity and site safety.  相似文献   


Collections care describes actions taken to prevent or limit the deterioration of moveable cultural heritage and ‘collections care documentation’ (CCD) refers to the recording and retention of information relating to those activities. This paper describes the findings of a survey and targeted interviews with staff from a number of U.K. museums, archives and libraries. The results suggest that, while there is much good practice, some organisations face difficulties instituting a framework for CCD which covers all their activities effectively.

Large and small organisations have varying challenges to face; the former with specialist staff working in separate departments and the latter with staff who carry out activities relating to preventive conservation but who may not have specialist knowledge. An efficient documentation structure, which is resilient and relevant to the organisation, can support and improve communication as well as raise awareness of the reasons for and methods of preventive conservation. This paper looks at the reasons why even basic practices can sometimes be difficult to achieve and presents ideas for identifying and overcoming barriers. As preventive conservators argue that specified actions influence the long-term sustainability of collections the evidence that allows verification those claims needs to be retained. In order to do this, a greater focus on what data to collect and why will enable the sector to align CCD with specific research questions.  相似文献   

彭俊玲 《图书情报工作》2010,54(23):111-148
分析印刷文化遗产的内涵和外延,阐述印刷文化遗产保护的文化安全意义以及电子媒体时代研究纸本印刷文化及其遗产保护的意义,概述作为非物质文化遗产的印刷技艺的留存现状,分析图书馆在保护印刷文化遗产方面的作用。最后提出保护我国印刷文化遗产的具体对策。  相似文献   


Preservation of cuneiform tablets made with clay minerals is an ongoing conservation issue. A treatment based on TEOS consolidation has been used since 1996 at the Louvre museum. The characterization of the tablets pointed out kaolinite, illite, and smectite as the three main clay minerals constituting the objects. In this research, the physico-mechanical aspects of the treatment are investigated. The penetration depth of the TEOS solution and the gradient induced are quantified using laboratory samples. TEOS treatment preserves the macroscopic swelling and the vapour transfer properties, but modifies the clay’s affinity to moisture. Elastic properties are gradually improved for all clays, but only kaolinite’s strength increases significantly. The impact of TEOS treatment on the natural behaviour related to the respective structure of the clays is considered, and the amount of kaolinite required to create adequate reactions appears to be of interest for conservation treatments.  相似文献   

采用因子分析方法对我国公共图书馆的地区差异展开评价,能够客观地反映出经济发展与公共图书馆建设之间的关系。通过对2008年各地区公共图书馆各项指标的调研发现,我国各地区公共图书馆发展水平存在明显差异,并且近年来差异并没有呈现减小趋势。因此,中央财政在公共图书馆建设方面应该向经济欠发达地区适度倾斜,使公共图书馆事业成为经济发展的先导,弥补"知识鸿沟",实现共同发展。  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产的保护工作在当今社会显得越来越重要,而随之而来的文献检索工作也日益繁重。本文提出了非物质文化遗产保护工作中的某些问题,以及它所造成的检索的特殊性,最后提出了解决方法,特别是利用多媒体、网络手段来帮助保护非物质文化遗产,并完善检索方法。  相似文献   

杨爱香 《晋图学刊》2014,(2):59-61,75
非物质文化遗产是人们千百年来生产生活的智慧结晶,对于一个民族和整个人类的生存与发展具有独特价值。图书馆作为保存人类文明记录的载体,保护和传承非物质文化遗产是其职责所在。本文就图书馆参与非物质文化遗产保护的必要性、现状及对策等方面进行探讨。  相似文献   

从CNNIC最近 6次互联网络信息资源调查报告中的上网计算机数、上网用户数 ,域名数及分布情况 ,WWW站点数和我国国际线路总容量几项指标来看 ,我国与世界发达国家以及我国国内不同地区之间存在着明显的数字鸿沟。如何填平数字鸿沟并将其转化为数字机遇 ,已成为当前我国信息化建设进程中的首要问题。表 6。参考文献 5。  相似文献   

社会环境的变化和现代信息技术的迅猛发展,给盐城海盐非物质文化遗产保护工作提出了新的任务和要求.作为相关单位,盐城图书馆应抓住机遇,利用文献、设备和人才上的优势,创新服务理念,拓展服务空间,丰富服务内容,通过多种渠道,积极参与盐城海盐非物质文化遗产的保护和开发.  相似文献   

华林  李燕  丛佳 《档案管理》2020,(2):59-61
南侨机工档案文献是世界遗产,弘扬性开发有利于拓宽传播范围,宣传南侨机工抗战事迹,弘扬爱国主义精神。本文揭示南侨机工档案文献开发现实性问题,分析开发要素,提出其弘扬性开发思路与对策。南侨机工档案文献记录与反映了海外华人华侨国家认同,支持中国抗战的光辉历史,弘扬性开发可更好地抢救这一珍贵抗战记忆,开展爱国主义教育,为中华民族伟大复兴提供文化助力。  相似文献   

工业文化遗产在历史学、社会学、建筑学等方面都具有非常重要的文化价值及研究价值,是世界文化遗产的重要组成部分。“孤点”式的保护难以彰显工业遗产的整体价值,难以串联城市的整体记忆和文脉,无法反映城市完整的文化内涵。基于文化更新、文化再生、文化传承等文化行走概念逐渐受到重视,图书馆通过挖掘工业遗产历史、科技、社会等多维价值,优化用户体验,推广工业遗产品牌文化,打造地方文化名片等方面的探讨,对于传承先进文化、保护和彰显城市文化底蕴和特色优势、推动区域经济社会可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。文章从再塑主体价值要素、价值评价、价值维度视角重构工业文化遗产价值的路径。  相似文献   

县级公共图书馆参与非物质文化遗产的保护是新疆各级图书馆工作中面临的一个新课题。文章通过县级公共图书馆参与非物质文化遗产保护的意义与存在的问题入手,阐述了县级公共图书馆在参与非物质文化遗产保护工作中应采取的措施。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]文化遗产图像是人类文化记忆的重要资源载体和表现形式,是人文学科研究的关键研究材料和重要研究对象.数字人文视域下,对文化遗产图像远读可视化开展系统性调研,将有助于进一步理解远读的概念,推动对海量文化遗产图像的数字人文研究与实践,实现对其价值的挖掘.[方法/过程]首先,从数字人文的远读理念出发分析文化遗产图像...  相似文献   

非物质文化遗产作为被全世界和全人类所珍视的共同文化财富,胛应受到人们的重视,社会知识服务机构尤应尽保护、传播之责。图书馆参与非物质文化遗产保护,既是其应尽的职责,也为其自身发展和工作创新带来难得的机遇。  相似文献   


Plaster casts of ancient sculpture were widely collected by universities and museums through the nineteenth century. One of the intended functions of these casts was to preserve accurate 3D records of the sculptures, many of which were in remote locations around the world, often vulnerable to damage from weathering and vandalism. Gypsum plaster makes excellent casts, capturing fine surface details; however, it is also soft, porous, and easily damaged. This paper draws upon historical archives and patents to reveal the considerable efforts made during this period to create new techniques, recipes, and equipment to try to protect the casts. Case studies are selected primarily from the collection of casts put together by Walter Copland Perry in the 1880s, originally for the South Kensington Museum but transferred in 1907 to the British Museum. Samples were taken from a number of these casts and examined using scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy. These results, combined with archival evidence, demonstrate that protective coatings were carefully applied in thin coatings to many of the casts. Barium appears to have played an important part in these protective treatments and further testing is recommended to evaluate the precise nature of its role. These treatments successfully protected the delicate surfaces of the casts for many years. However, later neglect means that these casts now suffer from a range of other threats to their condition.  相似文献   

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