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高校的辅导员在大学生就业当中扮演着重要的角色,面对当前就业形式的严峻,大学生更加的需要辅导员来帮助解决他们切身的实际问题。本文就是想通过对大学生面对的问题和高校辅导员需要进行辅导的方面来进行分析,明确高校辅导员在大学生就业中的作用。帮组大学生更好的发展。  相似文献   

Based upon a review of the literature regarding burnout among the helping professions, this article discusses organizational, interpersonal, and intrapersonal conditions that may create or exacerbate problems of burnout among school psychologists. Suggestions for coping with burnout in school settings are presented. The need for a research agenda related to burnout among school psychologists is underscored.  相似文献   

团体心理辅导、团体心理咨询、团体心理训练概念的区分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团体心理咨询、团体心理辅导、团体心理训练虽然在理论基础和方法上有很多相同之处,但是他们仍属于不同概念。团体心理辅导、团体心理咨询强调借助团体力量影响个体,强调人际互动对人的影响,团体动力是其理论基础。团体心理训练也是在团体情境中进行,但团体训练的团体的主要功能在于为成员提供一个实验室,注重帮助成员学习新的行为,改变不良行为。团体心理辅导与团体心理训练越来越吸收心理咨询的技术,在方法上有融合的趋势。但是他们在活动源泉、目标、对象、活动性质、活动方式与技术、活动效果与深度上确是有区别的。  相似文献   

会展设计师 职业定义:运用现代设计理念,从事大中小型会展、节事活动空间环境的展示设计施工,并提供具有创造性和艺术感染力的视觉化表现服务的人员。[第一段]  相似文献   

This article sheds light on views held by actors who enjoy a certain degree of institutional legitimacy for “talking about science,” either as practitioners in the field of science or as guidance counsellors working with youths interested in having a science-related career. One hundred and seven scientists and technologists who worked either in a university or industrial research centre and 182 guidance counsellors working in high school settings participated in our survey; the main instrument for data collection was a questionnaire developed using the bank of items from “VOSTS.” Excepting a few aspects of the production of scientific knowledge, the predominant tendency suggests that both professional groups share a relatively similar discursive outlook on science—an outlook which presents a “family resemblance” with the usual school rhetoric on the exceptional status of science.  相似文献   

In France, where most higher education institutions are in the public sector, permanent academic staff at universities and other higher education institutions are tenured and enjoy a broad individual autonomy. The number of staff on short-term contracts is limited. Most part-time staff are drawn from professionals, business executives, and administrators – in both the public and private sectors. In recent decades, the number of teaching-only faculty expanded rapidly as tenured secondary school teachers were transferred to higher education institutions. As universities have acquired some autonomy, especially in academic matters, recruitment and promotion of staff combine elements of centralisation at the national level with local processes. Some degree of pay differentiation has been introduced through a growing use of supplementary compensation. As the system evolves toward increased self-governance of institutions, the autonomy enjoyed by the faculty is seen by administrators as an obstacle to the development of institutional policies.  相似文献   

Numerous reports over recent years emphasise the importance of teamwork training in undergraduate programs in environment education at tertiary level. This paper describes a project undertaken by a team of final year undergraduate environment students from four faculties at RMIT University in Australia working on a multi‐disciplinary environment project in Vietnam. The students clearly gained confidence in teamwork and working as professionals. Importantly, they identified some of the key issues associated with teamwork, and with professional activities. While they had not yet entered professional work, the students demonstrated that they had learnt skills that would be of direct importance to them in the professional conduct of a multi‐disciplinary project. The project also demonstrated that multi‐disciplinary teamwork fits well into environmental projects, and importantly that the experiences are recognised by students as being valuable preparation for their environmental professions.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to present the reasons students at the Faculty of Education in Maribor, Slovenija, chose pedagogy for their study direction, and therefore becoming a teacher. A total 237 second‐year students of the academic year 2003/04 were included in the research. Of the five groups of reasons for choosing this program (altruistic, material, self‐realization and alternative, and reasons arising from aspiration stereotype), students most often asserted self‐realization, including: teaching provides a useful public function for the whole society; as a teacher, I can be an example to children and young people; this profession will give me a chance for professional development during my whole career; and teaching will enable me to use all my abilities (and talents—for example, music, verbal, dancing, etc.) Important differences were found to exist between students of different disciplines.  相似文献   

就业指导的属性与当代就业指导   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
职业指导的本质属性是对个人职业行为的导向和规范.职业指导就社会而言是对其成员在职业上的指导与服务;对个人而言,是通过指导和帮助使其进行职业化(包括认识职业、准备职业、从职从业、职业发展直至职业生涯结束)的过程;对学校而言是教育工作的一个组成部分.  相似文献   

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