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西洋打击乐教学中流行打击乐的学习与借鉴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在打击乐教学实验中,学生对于艺术本质的理解与音乐的感受是学习打击乐至关重要的方面。只有将打击乐的演奏技巧与追求音乐的艺术特点有机的结合起来,才能提升自身的音乐鉴赏能力以及演奏的最高境界。所以在打击乐的教学中,要注重对学生节奏感的培训,更好地对原作品进行再创作。  相似文献   

音乐是现在社会生活中不可缺少的一部分,对于音乐教学而言,其有着特定的方法,但对于音乐欣赏而言,音乐又具有不定性,主要原因是音乐不仅仅是一门可以靠感官去欣赏的艺术,更是一种需要全方位调动资源来进行的学问。音乐是一种综合性学科,它具有艺术学科的审美性,同时又具备音乐学本身的韵律性和规律感。本文主要探讨的就是音乐的艺术特性和艺术前提以及音乐学三者问题间的关系,旨在将三者进行综合性的理解和阐述,使音乐的综合性和独特性得到更完美的体现。  相似文献   

声乐是一门精深、博大、技术性非常强的艺术,演唱者需要有过硬的专业知识和较高的艺术造诣和修养,才能为受众奉献出如醉如痴、震撼心灵的好作品。  相似文献   

This article explains the realisation and impact of tutoring on learning through a new kind of on-the-job learning method in workshops led by professional musicians. The research is a qualitative case study involving 62 upper secondary Finnish vocational music students who participated in 11 workshops. The research data consist of (a) workshop plans and personal learning goals written by the students before the workshops and (b) reflective essays about experiences after the workshops. The data were analysed using theory-oriented content analyses. In the workshop, the guidance-oriented interaction promoting learning starts at the beginning of the workshop with cooperative planning. The interaction between the students and the professional musician influenced the nature of the guidance – the professional musician was more like a colleague rather than a teacher. The students expressed that they had been able to influence the workshop goals in different phases and, thus, their professional competence had increased significantly. In vocational institutes, it is important to observe different ways of realising on-the-job learning and to develop new models of action, like the workshop method, to promote the development of students’ skills and competence.  相似文献   

钢琴学习中的谈话是在钢琴教学与学习中暴露出的一个比较突出的问题。文中从乐谱符号、表现记号、音乐术语、音乐风格及曲式结构等各个层次进行阐述。  相似文献   

本论文分析音乐在语言口语学习中的动机作用。首先,介绍动机的理论,动机与语言学习的关系。再次,介绍音乐与语言学习的相关性和相似性。最后音乐在语言学习中的动机作用,从学生心理角度上,它能创造无威胁性的学习环境,从而降低学生的学习焦虑,创造和谐的群体口语学习氛围,从加强口语语言技巧上,它改正错误的发音,有助于连音的模仿,语音语调的模仿,提高口语的流畅性。从文化氛围上来说,音乐能够快速的创造一个目标环境。  相似文献   

Blended learning (BL) is a popular e-Learning model in higher education that has the potential to take advantage of learning analytics (LA) to support student learning. This study utilized LA to investigate fourth-year undergraduates' (n = 157) use of self-regulated learning (SRL) within the online components of a previously unexamined BL discipline, Music Teacher Education. SRL behaviors were captured unobtrusively in real time through students' interaction with course materials in Moodle. Categorized by function: (1) activating—online access location, day-of-the-week, time-of-day; (2) sustaining—online frequency; and (3) structuring—online regularity and exam review patterns, all six SRL behaviors were revealed to have weak to moderate significant relationships with academic achievement. Results indicated access day-of-the-week and access frequency as the strongest predictors for student success. Findings regarding access regularity when viewed through results from previous SRL-LA research may suggest the importance of this SRL behavior for successful students within several BL discipline areas. In addition, the role of learning design (eg, flipped instruction) in potentially scaffolding students' choices toward specific SRL behaviors, was revealed as an important context for future researchers' consideration.  相似文献   

This paper contrasts the notion of ‘independent learning’ as perceived by two informant groups at a UK institution of higher education: (1) teachers, educators and providers of education and (2) their students or ‘consumers’ of education. Both informant groups are staff and students studying in a culture different to that of their first education. They are identified in their receiving institution as ‘international’, or have identified themselves as such. The experience of transition into a UK University was explored with both informant groups, through interviews and focus groups, over a cycle of two years. ‘Independent learning’ as rhetoric and practice emerged for both groups as an issue in their transition from familiar to unfamiliar learning culture. Three key insights emerged. Firstly, a mismatch is identified between teacher perceptions and student interpretation of ‘independent learning’ expectations and practice. Secondly, it emerges that student experience of the learning culture is in a state of continuous flux, evolving between first arrival and end of programme through cycles of bafflement and empowerment. Finally, both students and teachers identify a number of strategies for dealing with this experience of ‘transitional’ independence. The paper concludes by recommending a notion of ‘phased scaffolding’ that might inform educational practice and by reflecting on the implications for the educator in revisiting received educational discourse from the perspective of participants negotiating a second learning culture.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of an academic music intervention on conceptual understanding of music notation, fraction symbols, fraction size, and equivalency of third graders from a multicultural, mixed socio-economic public school setting. Students (N?=?67) were assigned by class to their general education mathematics program or to receive academic music instruction two times/week, 45?min/session, for 6?weeks. Academic music students used their conceptual understanding of music and fraction concepts to inform their solutions to fraction computation problems. Linear regression and t tests revealed statistically significant differences between experimental and comparison students?? music and fraction concepts, and fraction computation at posttest with large effect sizes. Students who came to instruction with less fraction knowledge responded well to instruction and produced posttest scores similar to their higher achieving peers.  相似文献   

在农村学校,引导学生养成良好的音乐学习习惯是提高课堂教学效率的重要前提,对学生音乐知识的掌握和运用将产生积极的影响。文章结合农村学校课堂教学实际,探讨有关教学方法,使学生在轻松愉快的学习氛围中养成良好的音乐学习习惯。  相似文献   

Although music software has become increasingly affordable and widely adopted in today’s classrooms, concerns have been raised about a lack of consideration for users’ needs during the software development process. This paper examines intra- and inter-sectoral communication pertaining to software development and music education to shed light on the improvement of the educational affordances for music software in classroom teaching and learning. Semi-structured interviews with music software developers (n = 3) and music teachers (n = 15) are used to gain insights into how to enhance the educational affordances of music software. The findings of this study fill a gap in the literature by detailing the knowledge exchange required to effectively develop music education software. Improving the synergy between the knowledge bases of software development and music education could enhance novel educational affordances, providing music teachers with the opportunity to develop new, pedagogically sound music teaching and learning activities.  相似文献   

自主学习能力是大学生有效学习的重要驱动力之一,但是三本院校的大学生学习目的不明确,自制力差,受外界影响大,知识接受能力两级分化严重。在当前教育体质如何培养三本院校大学生自主学习能力是社会发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

学习音乐的目的不仅是掌握音乐知识、音乐技能,重要的是提高学生学习的能力与综合素质,并以此能力积极地向文化学业及其它领域拓展。使音乐的学习对文化课程,对生活、工作产生积极影响。在学习音乐中注重肢体的平衡、控制性训练,以促进左右脑平衡与大脑统合功能发展;积极运用影像记忆方法的训练,锻炼学生的记忆能力与理性音乐思维;培养学生创造性学习音乐;注重发展学生人文素质。  相似文献   

新课程改革以来我们往往在课堂教学中,教完某首歌曲、欣赏完某音乐作品后,教师将学生按平常的座位分成几个分组,各小组尝试用舞蹈表演、乐器演奏、诗歌朗诵,再现对音乐作品的情感体验,进行艺术创新实践活动。往往经过几分钟的讨论后,开始交流反馈:有的小组创编了舞蹈,有的小组则随音乐演奏打击乐器等等。教师对这样的教学设计出发点与目的,一是培养学生的创新精神与实践能力,二是有意识地培养学生的合作学习和合作精神。那么我们自己是怎样理解这种合作学习和合作精神呢?音乐课中的合作学习和合作精神主要或者应该体现在哪里呢?  相似文献   

本文采取问卷的方法考察了独立学院大学英语后续课程学习动机的影响因素。受试为广东省某独立学院的371名本科生。问卷包括21个有关为什么学习英语的问题,用SPSS统计软件对数据进行了因子分析以探索动机的类型。因子分析得出五种动机类型,分别是:工具性动机、内在兴趣动机、社会责任动机、学习情境动机、出国动机。  相似文献   

学习共同体的建立有利于音乐教师的专业发展的提高,对教师的学习起着不容忽视的支持作用。同时,学习共同体的建立可以让高职音乐教师由独自学习转变为共同学习、共同研究,这样的学习形式可以增强教师的认同感和幸福感;构建学习共同体,为促进音乐教师专业化发展提供了有效途径及广阔的学习天地。  相似文献   

钢琴教学作为我国高校音乐表演专业学生的必修课,不仅对提高大学生的专业素养有着积极的作用,也对提高大学生的审美能力起到了关键性作用。加强对高校音乐表演专业学生的钢琴教育,已经逐渐成为了时代和社会发展的必然选择。钢琴室内乐教学则是高校钢琴教学中一个重要的组成部分,对钢琴室内乐系列课程进行构建和改革,是提升大学生钢琴演奏整体理论知识以及演奏能力的重要手段。由此可见,对高等学校音乐表演专业钢琴室内乐课程体系进行构建和改革是十分有必要的。  相似文献   

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