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I Am Here     
Custom at Duquesne University dictatedthat if a professor was ten m inutes late, classwas canceled. One professor arrived early fora 9 a.m . lecture. H e placed his hat on hisdesk, and went to the faculty room . Beforehe knew it, it was 9:10. By the tim e he gotback to his classroom , it was em pty.The next day, he let his students haveit. “W hen m y hat is here,”he fum ed,“I’mhere!”The following day, the professor arrivedat 9 a.m . H e was m et by the sight of 28hats on 28 desks—and …  相似文献   

In1837,the historian Carlyle m ade the firstrecorded use of the word“queue”(排队).H e spoke ofthe French and their“habit of standing in a queue”.Forty years later Paris was the best place to wait inline.H owever,queuing becam e popular in Britain too.The Second W orld W ar was the golden age of queuing,and people joined any line in the hope that it was aqueue for som ething to buy.This was the source ofm any Second W orld W ar jokes:Shopkeeper to custom er:Excuse m e,m iss,are youpregnant(怀孕)?Custom er:W ell,...  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith m oved to another town,and soon he needed a new doctor,so he went to see one.H e sat down in the waiting room and lookedaround.The doctor's nam e was on the wall.Suddenly M r.Sm ith rem em-bered there had been a classm ate w ith the sam e nam e in his class at se-chool,and he had becom e a doctor.A s he w ent in to see the doctor,he rem em bered a young,handsom estudent,and was sad to see how old and heavy and grey this m anlooked.M r.Sm ith said to him,“G ood m orning,D octor.…  相似文献   

Long ago a m an was thinking aboutthe sky.H e had beenwatching the sun for days.H e began to see it in a new way.“The Earth is going around the sun,he said.At that tim em ostpeople thought the sun w ent around Earth.They thoughtEarth was the biggest and best thing in the sky.The m an said,“Im ustwrite a book.Itm ightm ake peopleangry.But I m ust tell the truth.The m an did write abook.But he never saw it printed.H e died in1543.The bookwas printed later thatyear.People were angry when …  相似文献   

A novel reversible photochromic nanocomposite film based on a hybrid inorganic-organic matrix in which heteropolyacid H4SiW12O40 (SiWA) was entrapped in Si-O-Ti network was prepared. Structure, photochromic behaviors and mechanism of the film were investigated by means of infrared spectroscopy (IR), ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectra and electron spin resonance (ESR). The results showed that heteropolyanion i.e. SiW12O^4- 40 (SiW12), maintained a Keggin structure in the film and there was a strong interaction between anion SiW12 and cation R-NH^+3 (R=link of hybrid composite). The photochromic properties of the composite film originated from reversible charge transfer between the anions and cations. Under UV irradiation, the anion would be reduced via one-electron step with simultaneous oxidation of the cation, accompanied by a color change from colorless to blue. Bleaching could occur when the film was in contact with ambient air or 02 in the dark.  相似文献   

Long lasting strontium aluminate phosphors were synthesized by means of coated precipitation in the experiment. SrA12O4 monoclinic phase with long afterglow was synthesized at 1 100 ℃ with the aid of H3BO3,and the synthetic temperature decreased about 100 ℃-150 ℃ than in solid state reaction. The process of heat treatment was studied by TG-DTA. The phase compositions of powders were analyzed by XRD. The micrographs of the samples were investigated by SEM and the luminescent properties were researched by optical spectrum. The effects of H3 BO3 on the phase composition and microstructure of the calcined powders were investigated. The results indicated that H3BO3 accelerated the formation of SrAl2O4 by consuming the intermediate phase. The addition of Dy2O3 stimulated the afterglow property due to the increase in the depth of the trap center in the materials.  相似文献   

H e was 50years old w henI was born,and a “M r M om ”long before anyone had a nam efor it. I didn’t know why hewas hom e instead of M om ,butI w as young and the only oneof m y friends w ho had theirdad around. I considered (认为)m yself very lucky. D ad did so m any thingsfor m e during m y grade schoolyears.H e convinced(使 ……信服; 使……确 信) the schoolbus driver to pick m e up atm y house instead of the usualbus stop that w as six blocksaway.H e alw ays had m y lunchready for m e…  相似文献   

The Price of a D reamI grew up poor—living with m y wonderfulm other.W e had little m oney,but plenty of loveand attention.I was1and energetic.Iunderstood that no m atter how poor a personwas,he could still2a dream.M y dream was3.By the tim e I wassixteen,I started playing baseball.I couldthrow a ninety-m ile-per-hour fastball and4anything that m oved on the baseballfield.I was also5:M y high schoolcoach was John,who not only believed in m e,but also taught m e6to believe inm yself.H e7m e the difference be...  相似文献   

G ood M orning,ladies and gentlem en。Today I’d like to tell a story.Eleven years ago,there was once ahappy fam ily in a village of H enanProvince.B ut all of a sudden,it was com-pletely changed because of their father’sspecial illness and loss of w ork,whichcaused their m other’s leaving w ithout say-ing“G ood-bye”.The eldest brother had nochoice but to support the whole fam ily w ithhis tender little shoulder.H e was then only12years old.D ay after day,year afteryear,he was alw ays p…  相似文献   

Fighting Sharks     
Doctor John Perry decided it was time to go home. It had been a perfect (完 美 的 ) day-a day alone, the first such day in many years. H e had filled his bag with all sorts of sea shells (贝 壳 ), enough to study for months. The island had been a goodplace to find shells. But now the sun was going down.H e m ust leave before it got dark. He picked up his bag of shells and walked towardthe edge of the island.H e came to the sand reef(暗 礁 ,沙 洲 )that led from the island to shore.He stopped…  相似文献   

请阅读下面的短文,并注意句中的划线部分:①M any years ago,there w as a doctor in a sm alltown.H e was goodand kind.A t any tim e of the day and night,he was always ready to goand help the sick people.②E veryone in the town liked him and peoplealways wentto see him when there w as som ething wrong w ith them.A fter m any years the doctor becam e old.H e began to lose his m em-ory(记忆力),so he often forgot things.③W hen people noticed(注意到)this,they did notgo to see him any m ore.“H e m ay…  相似文献   

Steve,a twelve-year-old boy w ith alcoholic parents,w as about to be lost forever,by the U.S.education sys-tem.R em arkably,he could read,yet,in spite of hisreading skills,Steve was failing.H e had been failingsince first grade,as he w as passed on from grade tograde.Steve w as a big boy,looking m ore like a teenagerthan a twelve year old,yet,Steve w ent unnoticed untilM iss W hite.M iss W hite was a sm iling,young,beautiful red head,and Steve w as in love。For the first tim e in his younglife,he couldn’t ta...  相似文献   

MrKnightwas the m anagerofa hotel.One weekend allofthe hotelsin the city were fullbecause there was a large m eeting.On Friday night,three m en cam e into the hoteland asked forroom s.M rKnightexplainedthatbecause ofthe m eeting,there were no room s ready for use.The m enwere very unhappy because they had no place to stay at.M r Knightwanted to help them .H e rem em bered thatRoom 418,avery sm allroom upstairs, was em pty. he asked the m en ifthey wouldshare(合用)it.The three said they wou…  相似文献   

M ark was w alking hom e from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying,along with two sw eaters,a baseball bat,a glove and a sm all tape recorder. M ark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the scattered arti- cles. Since they were going the sam e way, he helped to carry part of the burden. A s they walked, M ark discovered the boy s nam e w as B ill, that he loved video gam es, baseball and history, and that he was hav- ing…  相似文献   

Li Lei was sitting in a bus. It was a bit hot in the crowd bus. He took off his thick coat and put his hand into his pocket to see if his ticket was there. He felt a little nervous,but excited. He looked around. Everything in and out of the bus was pleasant. This was the first time in his life to travel to another city by himself.LiLeiwas a clever boy and was good atlessons.H is teachers andhis parents said thatLiLeiwas a good boy.Buthe had one shortcom ing.H e depended on his parents too …  相似文献   

M y brother,M ingm ing,is in the third grade.Every m onth he saves 20yuan of his pocket m oney to buy holiday presents for those he loves in the Project H ope School. O ne day,M ingm ing and I w ent to a nearby superm arket.H e picked up a hand basket and went off on his ow n while I was waiting patiently reading in a bench. H alf an hour later when he cam e up to the check- out counter,there was a sm ile on his face. M ingm ing reached into his pocket for m oney,but there was only ten yua…  相似文献   

The gene AtCSR encodes peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerases (PPIases) that accelerate energetically unfavorable cis/trans isomerization of the peptide bond preceding proline production.In our studies,we found that AtCSR was associated with cadmium (Cd)-sensitive response in Arabidopsis.Our results show that AtCSR expression was triggered by Cd-stress in wild type Arabidopsis.The expression of some genes responsible for Cd2+ transportation into vacuoles was induced,and the expression of the iron-regulated transporter 1 (IRT1) related to Cd2+ absorption from the environment was not induced in wild type with Cd2+ treatment.The expression of Cd-transportation related genes was not in response to Cd-stress,whereas IRT expression increased dramatically in atcsr-2 with Cd2+ treatment.The expression of glutathione 1 (GSH1) was consistent with GSH being much lower in atcsr-2 in comparison with the wild type with Cd2+ treatment.Additionally,malondialdehyde (MDA),hydrogen peroxide,and Cd2+ contents,and activities of some antioxidative enzymes,differed between the wild type and atcsr-2.Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) has been confirmed as the third gas-transmitter over recent years.The findings revealed that the expression pattern of H2 S-releasing related genes and that of Cd-induced chelation and transportation genes matched well in the wild type and atcsr-2,and H2S could regulate the expression of the Cd-induced genes and alleviate Cd-triggered toxicity.Finally,one possible suggestion was given:down-regulation of atcsr-2,depending on H2S gas-transmitter not only weakened Cd2+ chelation,but also reduced Cd2+ transportation into vacuoles,as well as enhancing the Cd2+ assimilation,thus rendering atcsr-2 mutant sensitive to Cd-stress.  相似文献   

M r Zhang is our English teacher.H e is am iddle-aged m an w ith thick glasses.H e is talland handsom e.There is always a sm ile on hisface.M r Zhang is good at teaching and he al-ways tries his best to m ake his lessons livelyand interesting.W e can easily understand andrem em ber his lessons. H e uses different w aysto im prove our abilities in listening, speaking,reading and w riting. H e often tells us som efunny stories. Som etim es he even draws funnypictures on the blackboard and sin…  相似文献   

A bench-scale experiment for control of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) emissions was carried out continuously for nearly four months by using bio-trickling filter packed with ZX01 stuffing. The results suggested that the bio-trickling filter had proven excellent performance over substantial operational periods. Removal efficiency of H2S was nearly 100% when volumetric loading of the bio-trickling filter varied from 0.64 g/(m3·h) to 38.20 g/(m3·h) and metabolism products of H2S were mainly composed of SO42–. When inlet concentration of H2S was 250 mg/m3, the optimum gas retention time was 30 s and the optimum spray water flow rate was 0.005 9~0.012 L/(cm2·h). The bio-trickling filter had good ability to resist shock of high volumetric loading, and was not blocked during experiments for nearly four months during which resistance was maintained at relatively lower value, so that the bio-trickling filter need not carry out back washing frequently and can be operated steadily for long-term.  相似文献   

The Sea     
I have never forgotten the city where I was born and brought up.This city, with its great natural beauty, is strongly connected to m ychildhood m em ories.It is a sm all city on the seashore,with m ountains,hills,a river,green fields of coconut trees on the island and m ore treesalong the seaside.W hen I was a child,m y fam ily enjoyed going swim m ing every sum -m er m orning.In the afternoon,we used to play on the shore.W e ran af-ter kites,played catch,builtsand castles on the w et sand a…  相似文献   

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