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目标:通过听音乐、读歌词提高英语水平.想一想:你听过法兰克·辛纳屈的歌吗,你最喜欢他的哪些歌曲?你看过他演的电影吗,觉得怎么样?在20世纪40-60年代的歌手中,你还喜欢哪些,为什么?  相似文献   

本结合新修订的《大学英语教学大纲》阐述化融入语言教学中的重要性,并且通过东西方化差异对比,证明化学习在大学英语教学中的地位,进而从教与学两方面去探索如何在英语教学中融入化背景知识。  相似文献   

In response to Stetsenko’s [2008, Cultural Studies of Science Education, 3] call for a more unified approach in sociocultural perspectives, this paper traces the origins of the use of sociocultural ideas in New Zealand from the 1970s to the present. Of those New Zealanders working from a sociocultural perspective who responded to our query most had encountered these ideas while overseas. More recently activity theory has been of interest and used in reports of work in early childhood, workplace change in the apple industry, and in-service teacher education. In all these projects the use of activity theory has been useful for understanding how the elements of a system can transform the activity. We end by agreeing with Stetsenko that there needs to be a more concerted approach by those working from a sociocultural perspective to recognise the contribution of others in the field.
Geraldine McDonaldEmail:

Joanna Higgins   is Associate Director of the Jessie Hetherington Centre for Educational Research and Director of the Mathematics Education Unit at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The primary focus of her research has been the teaching of elementary school mathematics incorporating four interrelated areas: children’s learning; teachers’ understanding and practice; the process of facilitation; and the links to policy. Studies from a sociocultural perspective include: teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge; models of facilitation for improving teacher knowledge and practices, representing mathematical ideas in teaching tasks, and classroom processes for mathematics teaching. She is particularly interested in exploring transformative practices that foster equitable outcomes for all learners. The investigations have had an impact on government policy in mathematics teacher education. In 2006 she won a contract to be the National Research Co-ordinator for the In-service Teacher Education Practice (INSTEP) Project. She gained her doctorate from Victoria University of Wellington in 1999. Geraldine McDonald   is Research Associate in the School of Education Studies Victoria University of Wellington. Formerly she was Assistant Director of the New Zealand Council for Educational Research where she established the first program of research in early childhood education. She encountered exciting uses of Vygotskyan ideas when she was at Teachers College Columbia University in 1981. Her own first use of sociocultural theory was a study of early writing as a cultural artifact and this expanded to the study of classrooms. She is interested in the demographic characteristics of school populations and has for a long time argued against the use of psychometric tests standardized for age to compare population groups which differ in age at grade level. The results are unfair to disadvantaged groups which tend to be older for grade level than advantaged groups. She gained her doctorate from Victoria University of Wellington in 1976 and in 1993 the university awarded her an honorary DLit. She was the foundation president of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education.  相似文献   

文章通过分析弗兰克·诺里斯的《麦克梯格》中人物之间的友情、亲情和爱情在盛行金钱至上的社会中遭遇的挑战,揭示了19世纪整个美国社会所弥漫的极度“拜金主义”思想,并揭露了人被金钱的腐蚀及人情在金钱面前的软弱无能。  相似文献   

西方“文化研究”以其“立足当代的批判的方法”,迅速完成了在中国文学研究中的合法化进程,“立足当代”是“文化研究”的立足点,“批判”是“文化研究”的基本立场,这种合法性还仅限于工具论的范畴是作为批评的合法性。作为学科,“文化研究”在出版业的支持下迅速成为学术热点,并得到前沿学者的拥护,是一次学术版图的颠覆和更新。作为课程,“文化研究”虽然登堂入室,但学科定位上,没有明确的定义;研究内容上,没有成熟、明确的研究对象和范围,呈现“关键词”式倾向;前沿性与知识化的调和与矛盾是“文化研究”课程化的难解之谜。  相似文献   

As a unifying feature of this Special Issue, we have asked proponents of each framework to analyse an empirical classroom account of one student's process of solving a mathematical problem. Here, for the case study of ‘Frank’, we give the main data that were available to all authors.  相似文献   

James M. Mahan 《Interchange》1972,3(2-3):144-160
Instructional innovation in the elementary school often is reported in educational literature as superficial and/or compromised. this paper presents curriculum installation guidelines and recommendations for consideration by educators responsible for effecting intended curriculum change. Based on intensive field experiences in more than 60 schools of diverse characteristics, and supported by survey responses of innovating administrators and teachers, the guidelines reveal actual implementation problems that impede and endanger curriculum change efforts. Educators who undertake local or regional curriculum change are encouraged to transform their theoretical models for change into concrete, replicable activities (work) and events that directly deal with the field problems that stimulated the guidelines. References are made to a series of curriculum installation projects that were progressively more successful because the guidelines were formulated and made operational in the field.
Résumé L'innovation de l'instruction en classe élémentaire est souvent rapportée dans la documentation éducative comme superficielle et/ou compromise. Cette étude présente les grandes lignes pour l'installation de plans d'études et les recommandations à considérer par les éducateurs responsables pour réaliser les changements de programme projetés. Basées sur des expériences intensives conduites dans plus de 60 écoles de formations diverses et secondées par les résultats d'études d'administrateurs et de professeurs innovateurs, les grandes lignes révèlent des problèmes réels d'exécution qui entravent et mettent en danger les efforts de changement de plans d'études. Les éducateurs qui se chargent de changement de plans d'études local ou régional, sont encouragés à transformer leurs modèles théoriques du changement en activités concrètes et reproduisibles (travail) et en événements qui abordent directement les problèmes sur les lieux qui avaient stimulé les grandes lignes. L'étude fait mention d'une série de projets d'installation de plans d'études qui ont éprouvé du succès progressif grâce au fait que les grandes lignes étaient formulées et rendues opérantes sur le lieu-même.

文化研究的文化主义与结构主义研究范式陷入矛盾性的理论困境,葛兰西文化霸权理论的引入,为文化研究开辟了另外的广阔天地。  相似文献   

The nature of cultural trade is the acknowledgement and acceptance of the cultural identity of different nationalities or countries. Cultural trade have its root in the contention for the resources of cultural identity. As a matter of fact, globalization is not simply homogenization; however, it enhances the diversity of cultural identity.Based on the economic principle, this paper aims to analyze the influences of globalization on culture, and explain the phenomenon of cultural identity caused during this process. Furthermore, through the analysis of the role of cultural identity, some feasible solutions to enhance the Chinese competitiveness of cultural trade are suggested.  相似文献   

教学改革中的文化冲击与文化适应问题   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
长期以来,我国的教育研究和改革是在西方教育理论和方法的话语背景中展开的。我们在学习和运用这些理论方法时,过于注重操作和形式化层面,而这些理论和方法背后的社会、文化价值和冲突往往被忽视了,从而导致了理论上过度推论和实践中的种种不适应。从文化人类学、知识社会学、跨文化社会心理学的视野出发,分析目前在教学改革中教师普遍面临的文化冲击和文化适应问题,我们应该看到,中国的文化源远流长,教育文化十分丰富,对西方教育文化的学习一定要注意与我国传统教育文化的关系, 注重在传统教育文化的基础上进行创造性整合。  相似文献   

多元化进程中的文化认同与文化选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化认同与文化选择问题在当代中国鲜明凸显,它既是长期社会变革的历史结果,也是经济全球化进程中文化碰撞的必然表现,彰显了社会文化在当代中国的必要性和紧迫性。改革开放以来中国社会的价值多元化给社会以进步与活力,也为核心价值和主流价值建设提出了挑战,造成文化认同的困惑,增加了文化选择的困难。应当加强对于文化建设中诸多前提性问题的哲学追问,提升文化自觉,加强文化认同,促进文化选择。  相似文献   

纽约派是后现代主义诗歌中的一个重要派别,其中最主要的代表是弗兰克.奥哈拉,他的诗歌风格多样,个性化极强。《我为什么不是一个画家》说明了语言的局限性,诗人被语言所控制,他总是接近一个不能接近的主题,用词无法描述物。诗人在街头漫步时所见到的一切都具有偶然性和转瞬即逝的特点。所有的感情、想法、体验都是瞬间的过程,诗人用词所描写的东西似乎近在眼前,但实际上和物却有"一步之遥"。  相似文献   

"文化霸权"亦称文化殖民,其实质就是通过文化侵蚀起到现实社会条件下依靠单纯的军事、政治、经济霸权所不能起到的"霸权"作用。以某西方大国为代表的西方世界采用多样的方式和手段实现其文化霸权;面对文化霸权带来的冲击和挑战,中国的文化建设须在中国文化发展的战略选择上、在中国文化发展的具体构建上、在文化霸权的方式和手段上采取相应的对策。  相似文献   

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