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Speak(说话)Jim:W hy don’tfish speak?Tom:Because they can’t.Jim:Butw hy?Tom:W ell,putyour m outh into the w ater,can you speak?注释:speak[spi蘼k]v.说话Im p ro v e m e n t(进步)Peter:H ow are your Englishlessons?Tom:Fine.I couldn’tunderstand(明白)English  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据句意和首字母提示,写出单词。1.I often write articles and s themto m agazines and new spapers.2.The teacher is funny.H e often m akesus l in class.3.A re there any d between thetwo pictures?4.Y ou can’t m oil w ith water.5.If you a2to98,you will get100.6.—H ow was your school t?—It was great.W e visited som ebeautiful places.7.Liu M ei w the first prize inyesterday’s singing com petition.8.—W hat did you do yesterday?—I helped G randpa W ang l nextdoor to m e.9.—W hy…  相似文献   

1TEA C H E R:A lfred,how can one person m akeso m any stupid m istakes in oneday?A LFR ED:I get up early.2TEA C H E R:Tom m y,w hy do you always get sodirty?TO M M Y:W ell,I’m a lot closer to the groundthan you are.3H A R O LD:Teacher,would you punish m e forsom ething I didn’t do?TEA C H E R:O f course not.H A R O LD:G ood,because I didn’t do m yhom ework.4TEA C H E R:I hope I didn’t see you looking atD on’s paper.JO H N:I hope you didn’t either.5G A R Y:I do…  相似文献   

(一)动词不定式1.“M r.Zhu,you’d better too m uchm eat.Y ou are already over w eight,”said thedoctor.A.not to eat B.to eatC.not eat D.eat2.Internet bars m ustn’tlet people under18inor let anybody bad things.A.watchB.to watchC.watching D.w atches3.—D id you have anyone the trees?—Y es,I had the trees.A.to w ater;water B.to water;w ateredC.water;to be w atered D.w ater;watered4.I can’t send an e-m ail.W ould please showm e it?A.doingB.to doC.what to do D.how to do5.They preferred i…  相似文献   

1.—did you solve the problem?—I solved it learning to forget.A.H ow;w ith B.H ow;byC.W hat;w ith D.W hat;by2.H e is very young.H e can’t carry the heavybox.That is to say,he is carry theheavy box.A.so old that he canB.very young toC.too young toD.young enough to3.—W hy do you exercise every day?—healthy.A.K eep B.To keepC.K eeping D.K eeps4.If you don’t know how tospell this word,youshould in yourdictionary.A.look it upB.look up itC.look it forD.look for it5.—D o you enjoy in…  相似文献   

U nit4Ⅰ.完成句子A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.W hat shall I do if I don't k anyone?2.If I w ere you,I'd take an u.3.I'd give the m oney to m edical r.4.W hat w ould you do if you w on the l?5.H ey,did you see this n article?6.Y our brother borrow ed your soccer w ithoutp.7.The teacher asked you to give a s in frontof the w hole school.8.You are fairly c.9.Y ou are talking to one or tw o p.10.Y our friends w ould p say you are a goodlistener.B.用所给动词的正确形式填空。1.If …  相似文献   

D on t T alk W hile Y ou E atTom s father never lets his child say anything when he is having hism eal.O nce,the father found the boy was anxious to tell him som ething,so he allowed the boy to speak.Tom asked,“Can the flies be eaten,D ad?”The father was surprised,“W hy do you ask m e such a silly ques-tion?”Tom answ ered,“There was a fly on your food,but...but...you havesw allowed it!”“O h...O h...W hy didn t you tellm e sooner?!”the father asked.Six W ild A nim alsTeahcer:Jack…  相似文献   

U nit3W hy do you like koalas?●单元知识点拨本单元的主要内容是学习用疑问副词w hy提问的特殊疑问句,这种疑问句用来询问事情发生的原因,常用because...作答。例如:—W hy do you like English?你为什么喜欢英语?—B ecause itis very interesting.因为它很有趣。学习becau  相似文献   

U nit 5Ⅰ.单项选择1.W hy us a little earlier?A .don t tell B .notto tellC.don tyou to tell D .not tell2.Look atthe card,it ,“Bestw ishes!”A .writes B.says C .tells D .speaks3.W hat about som e corn in this plot(地)?A .grow B.grow ing C .to grow D .grows4.—W ould you like to go to the cinem a together w ith m e tonight?—A .Y es,please. B .Y es,Id love to.C.Y es,I think so. D .ButI don tlove to.5.W hy don tyou think its good anim als live in the cages?A .for;to B.for;for C .to;fo…  相似文献   

U nit 11choolardenfngh一、选择填空(10分)1.—C ould you help m e take it to the classroom ?— .A .Y es,I could B .N o,I couldn tC.Y es,sure D .N o,I don t2.—Tina,I supper butyou the dishes.O K ?—Sure.A .m ake;do B.do;m ake C .m ake;m ake D .do;do3.— do you see your doctor?—A round every three m onths.A .W hen B.W hattim e C .H ow long D .H ow often4.A tthis age,w e should of our health.A .look after B.take care C .w orry D .care5.I the gold fish just now .D on t give them m or…  相似文献   

1.Y ou can see it but you can’ttouch it.It m ay disappear but has neverreally left you.It grows throughout the day.W hat is it﹖2.W hat can run but neverwalks has a m outh but nevertalks has a head but neverweeps has a bed but neversleeps﹖3.W hat two words havethe m ost letters in it﹖4.W hat is yours but isused m ore by others than byyou﹖5.H ow m any sides does ahouse have﹖6.W hat starts with T,endswith T and full of T?7.W hy should you never m arry a ten-nis player?8.W hen do elephan…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项 选 择1.To get there in tim e .A.the car ran fast B.the car was driven fastC.the car sped up D .he drove his car fast2.In m y opinion,you shouldn’t be too aboutanything that doesn’t you.A.curious;concern B.worried;coverC.eager;reach D.anxious;spread3.W hen I went in,she didn’t even look up.I canhardly stand like this.A.passing by B.to pass byC.to be passed by D .being passed by4.—W hy are you weeping so sadly?—W hat she said just now m y terriblechildhood.A.called up B.calle…  相似文献   

O nce an E nglishm an went to the seashore for his sum m erholidays.H e asked his housekeeper (女管家)to post 1 letters thathe w ould receive 2 his absence.She prom ised him 3 that. The Englishm an rested 4 .A m onth passed but he received 5letters.H e thoughtitstrange and he rang 6 his housekeeper. “W hy didn’ you post m e m y letters?” t “Because you didn’ 7 m e the key of the letter-box,”was the treply. The E nglishm an 8 and prom ised to send her the key.In 9 days…  相似文献   

Apples and Pears     
M um:If you haveone pear,and I giveyou tw o,how m anypearsdo you have?Jim:I don’t know.W e use apples for m ath(数学)in school.注释:m ath[m覸夼]n.数学Apples and Pears~~  相似文献   

“Why not...?”是一个形式上的省略疑问句,实际意为“为什么不做某事呢?”或“(做)……怎么样?”。这是说话人劝告或建议对方应该做某事。例如:W hy not try again?为什么不再试一试呢?(其含意是:Com e on,tryonce m ore!)W hy notm ake your Christam as cards?为什么不自己制作圣诞贺卡呢?“W hy not...?”也相当于“W hy don tyou...?”。例如:1.W hy not go to the picnic with us?(=W hy don t you go to thepicnic with us?)为什么不和我们一起去野餐呢?2.W hy not learn to drive a car?(=W hy don t you learn to drive acar?…  相似文献   

Function(功能):Tell an accidents.Teaching points(重点):1.Past tense form of irregular verbs:go—wentbuy—bought fall—fell 2.Vocabulary:happen,thirsty,waterm elon,carry,bump 3.Use past tense to tell a story.Teaching steps:1.Warming up(热身):1)Greeting:T:Good morning!Ss:Good morning! T:How are you?Ss:I’m fine,thank you.And you?T:I’m fine.Thank you.T:What day is today?Ss:Today is Tuesday.T:W hat day was yesterday?Ss:Yesterday wasM onday.T:W hat’s the weather like?Ss:It’s sunny.T…  相似文献   

1.ifs and buts借口,托词注解:此语含义为ifyou don’tw antany ifsand buts,you w ant som eone to do som ething quicklyw ithoutarguing.If一词在此为名词。此语也可写作ifs,ands,或buts,如:N o ifsand buts—justm ake sure the job isdone by tom orrow.(别吵了——要保证到明天为止工作能完成。)场景对话:A:W hatdoesthe bosssay?B:She w antsthisw ork finished before w e go hom e.A:Butw e have...B:W e’llhave no ifs and buts from any ofus.A:O h.T im e isso lim ited.B:Y eah.So let’sbegin now.A:O K.A:老板怎么…  相似文献   

Do you have breakfast everyday?Do you some times forget to have breakfastif you are in a hurry to go toschool?That’sa bad habitbecause itcan do greatharmto your health.Today,I w ill teach you to cook tw otypesoftoasts(吐司)forbreakfast.Y ou can serve ittoyour w hole fam ily on a w eekend m orning.I betallofyou w illlove it!1.Cutthe bread into slices(片).D on’tforgettorem ove the crust(面包皮).如果你特别喜欢吃面包边儿,也可以留着,不过面包边比较硬,会影响口感。2.打两个鸡蛋,搅拌均匀。Then add theraisins(葡萄干)to it.Ifyourbread issalty,youdon’tneed to add any m...  相似文献   

李文 《中学生英语》2005,(3):25-30,32
第一卷 ( 三 部分 ,共 115分)第二部分:英语知识运用 ( 共 两 节,满 分 45分)第一节:单项填空 ( 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 共15分)21.—Is there a telephone nearby?— .A .H ere’s one B.H ere it isC.H ere’s the one D.H ere you are22.—V icky,have you got the answer?—Don’t m e.I need to think the question over.A .rush B.quicken C.ask D .rem ind23.—W hat are you anxious about?— .A .W hether we can win the m atchB.If we win the …  相似文献   

第一部分听力(略)第二部分英语知识运用第一节:单项填空题从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.The British are not so fam iliar with differentcultures and other ways of doing things,isoften the case in other countries.A.as B.that C.so D.it22.—A ren’t you going to breaking thatwindow?—W hy should I?I didn’t throw the ball.A.start with B.apologize forC.drink to D.think of23.Thank you very m uch for giving m e onhow to im prove m y English.A.so m any advices B.such m any …  相似文献   

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