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The two dams and that damned paresis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Humanity has begun to move from the natural world intothe cyber world. Issues surrounding this mentalmigration are debated in philosophical dialogue. Thelead character is Becket Geist, a romantic philosopherwith views tempered by 20th century science. He openswith a monologue in which he argues that loss of theworld in exchange for the cyber world is dark andinevitable. His chief adversary is Fortran McCyborg,a cyborg with leanings toward Scottish philosophy. The moderating force is Nonette Naturski who championsnaturalism, conservation of humanist ideals, andprudent conclusions. The ensuing dialogue examineseight counter-arguments to Geist's vision. Thearguments and Geist's replies lead to unanticipatedchanges in position that cascade to a chillingclose.  相似文献   

All four authors are members of the Leicester school of critical management and have previously written together on academic publishing. David Harvie lectures in finance and is interested in ethical issues related to this and other matters. He is a member of The Free Association writing collective. Geoff Lightfoot lectures in entrepreneurship and has particular interests in the ideology of markets and critical accounting. Simon Lilley works on information aspects of organisation and is currently head of the School of Management at Leicester University. Kenneth Weir is interested in accounting practices, especially critical and social accounting.  相似文献   

Is machine autonomy the same as human autonomy? Answers to this question are developed inphilosophical dialogue. Becket Geist, a romanticphilosopher with scientific leanings, is irked by thearrogance of Fortran McCyborg – a Model 2000 cyborg. Nonette Naturski, a champion of naturalistic views,joins Becket in playing devil's advocate by arguingthat Fortran's actions are voluntary, not chosen byhim, and lacking the freedom caused by deliberatedesire. With the attempts to reduce Fortran's status,Fortran ups the ante by arguing for yet higher status– that he is an angel. The dialogue with therealization that the conversation which denied Fortranautonomous status presupposed it on some level. Angelic Machines picks up where Loss of theWorld leaves off.  相似文献   

Fisch  Menachem 《Metascience》2019,28(2):229-235

Dealing with unstructured issues, such as the transition to a sustainable energy system, requires stakeholder participation. A stakeholder dialogue should enhance learning about a problem and its potential solutions. However, not in any form will a stakeholder dialogue be effective. Part and parcel to the development of methodologies for stakeholder dialogue is the evaluation of those methodologies. The aim of this paper is to show how a methodology for stakeholder dialogue can be evaluated in terms of learning. This paper suggests three criteria for the evaluation of learning in stakeholder dialogue: (1) an operationalizable definition of the desired effect of dialogue, (2) the inclusion of a reference situation or control condition, and (3) the use of congruent and replicable evaluation methods. Q methodology was used in a quasi-experimental design to analyse to what extent learning took place in a stakeholder dialogue on energy options from biomass in the Netherlands. It is concluded that the dialogue had a significant effect: the dialogue increased participants’ understanding of the diversity of perspectives. This effect is traced back to particular methodological and design elements in the dialogue.  相似文献   

期盼中医药学与现代医学的对话   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国科技信息研究所的“中医药发展战略课题组”自20世纪90年代以来,一直关注中医药学与现代医学的关系问题,这一关系的本质是中国“天地生人”学说体系与西方现代科学体系的关系问题。我们设想一下,如果两位伟大的哲人相互进行真诚的对话,一定会使双方都获益良多。同理,中医药  相似文献   

管理虽是一门经验性科学,但其基础性问题却属于哲学范畴。从某种意义上说,管理是人的哲学的复兴,也是人的主体性认识的苏醒。不论是梅奥的理论在人际关系领域具有前瞻性,还是海德格尔在生活方式上表现出对现实生存境遇的关照,人的因素都是他们思想当中共同的"根",他们的思想因而在不同的层面上蕴涵着对人类生存状况的反思。本文旨在基于梅奥与海德格尔思想对话的平台,在二者之间打开一个缺口,尝试在哲学语境下给予"霍桑试验"一种无偏颇的全新诠释。  相似文献   

大数据背景下,科技成果转化体系的信息壁垒、信息整合及信息安全等方面都面临新的困境和问题,其对话机制则需要与时俱进地进行优化。基于科技成果转化体系现状分析,聚焦数字化时代主体诉求冲突核心问题,探析科技成果转化对话机制优化方案,并通过构建学研方与转化方诉求冲突博弈模型,解析系统演化及稳定性,从而探究科技成果转化体系对话机制的关键影响因素,并借助MATLAB仿真分析探讨相关影响因素的敏感性及其演化趋势。结果表明:科技成果转化系统中学研方与转化方面对诉求冲突是否让步与学研方对转化方的信任程度和转化方冲突损失溢出效应密切相关,学研方对转化方信任程度越高则学研方越倾向于提出诉求,转化方冲突损失溢出越大则转化方越倾向于作出让步。据此,从树立大数据治理理念、基于大数据技术优化对话机制、组建大数据专业团队融通转化链条以及健全大数据法律法规保障信息安全等方面提出对策建议。  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济机制的逐步完善和人才战略思想的日益深入,现在有越来越多的私人、民营和国有企业单位以及政府公务员、纪律部队和学校等人员招聘单位,把心理测评作为人员选拔的一项主要内容。比如,2003年外交部招聘公务员时,  相似文献   

胡继南  李伟 《科教文汇》2020,(10):163-166
学龄期自闭症儿童在校期间的感觉统合训练存在效果不佳的问题,研究采用知觉-动作训练的方法尝试进行改善。本文以个案的形式进行行动研究,在经过一个阶段的感觉统合训练与知觉-动作训练介入后,个案感觉统合能力得到了良好的改善。研究发现,知觉-动作能力的发展有助于提高学龄期自闭症儿童感觉统合训练效果。  相似文献   

学龄期自闭症儿童在校期间的感觉统合训练存在效果不佳的问题,研究采用知觉-动作训练的方法尝试进行改善。本文以个案的形式进行行动研究,在经过一个阶段的感觉统合训练与知觉-动作训练介入后,个案感觉统合能力得到了良好的改善。研究发现,知觉-动作能力的发展有助于提高学龄期自闭症儿童感觉统合训练效果。  相似文献   

德国马普学会是国际知名的从事基础研究的科研机构,经过与我院近30年的交往,已成为我院对外合作的重要伙伴。双方合作的规模、形式和成果堪称发达国家与发展中国家科技合作的典范。为纪念30年来的成功合作并展望未来美好合作前景,双方商定将于2004年5月和11月分别在中国和德国举办庆祝活动。为此,本刊特请长期从事对德交流与合作的管理者我院国际合作局副局长葛明义以及长期与德国交往的科学家郭爱克院士撰写纪念文章。  相似文献   

基于现代物理学对统一场的研究,运用元极学理论研究统一场,论述其内涵和本质,提出建立元极统一场的理论体系。  相似文献   

元极学是一门研究人天巨系统的自然科学,从系统工程的角度来看,就是研究如何使人、天子系统之间相互协调统一,达到功能最优。为了探索人天巨系统的运化规律,采用解释结构模型法(Interpretative Structural Modeling)对元极图的有向图进行运算,求出其可达矩阵,并对结果进行了简要讨论。  相似文献   

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