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在新一轮基础教育课程改革滚滚而来的今天,新课程标准的基本理念强调学习方式的改变.小组合作学习系统地利用动态学生之同地互动,促进学生的学习,并以小组的成绩为评价的依据,同时它能合理地利用竞争机制形成良好的人际关系,促进学生人格的健全发展,因此小组学习成为本次课程改革积极倡导的学习方式之一.如何在英语教学中有效地组织学生开展小组合作学习正成为目前英语教师普遍关注的热点问题.  相似文献   

This paper takes up understandings of organisations where practices constitute and frame past and present work, as well as future work practice possibilities. Within this view, work practices, and thus organisations, are both perpetuated and varied through employees’ enactments of work. Using a practice lens, we are particularly interested in the ways workers simultaneously maintain and alter practices in their workplace—we characterise this as re-making one’s job. This perspective challenges ways in which managers often depict jobs and everyday work—as rational, linear and easily describable. We suggest that workers at various levels of responsibility contribute more to the formation of organisational practices than is often assumed. The processes of re-making jobs and remaking organisational practices create tensions that we posit as sites for learning. This paper addresses these issues through a focus on work practices in two Australian organisations that have been undergoing significant cultural change.  相似文献   

I have discovered that, by giving my students quizzes at the end of each class, I can noticeably improve their learning without having to improve my teaching. In this paper, I want to discuss how this “discovery” might be used by others, how it might be studied scientifically, and how it might be developed into a well engineered teaching tool. I want to suggest that developing simple, well engineered, educational tools might be a worthwhile goal for those who want to try to improve computer science education.  相似文献   

阐述英语教学中小组活动的应用场合、效果及实施方法 ,分析影响其成效的因素及对这一方法的整体评价 ,以期引起大家的关注 ,并尽可能在教学中采用这一有效方法 ,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

在大学英语教学中,小组活动可以创造轻松、积极的课堂氛围,让学生敢于去说、去表达。在小组活动中,学生是小组活动的主体。通过不断的实践,学生可以培养学好英语的信心,并使自己的英语水平得到切实提高。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The Directed–Self Education programme (DSE) in the first year undergraduate course in veterinary anatomy seeks to support students in developing personal study and information technology skills. It also aims to move computer–assisted learning (CAL) towards offering tools for students to create a variety of computer–based materials of their own which subsequently can be repurposed by staff as teaching resources. This aspect addresses the issue that many British academics have little incentive to devote time to improving teaching through CAL methods, as innovation and excellence in teaching is not rewarded in career terms on par with excellence in research. The programme seeks to integrate a modest type of "problem–based learning" (PBL) methodology without demanding the total integration of pre–clinical with clinical teaching advocated by full–scale PBL. Since 1993 the outcomes of the programme have been that lectures in the first year veterinary anatomy course have been reduced by a third, with a slight change in the mean value of the final grades in the first year final examination in veterinary anatomy during 1994–5, as compared to the years 1991–3. Other benefits have included the rapid creation of a library of student–produced CAL which is recycled by staff into other forms of computer–based teaching. It has also led to involvement in the use of CAL by lecturers hitherto resistant to applying technology to teaching, and the vacation employment of current BVSc undergraduates from the programme in university and national projects producing CAL for medical teaching.  相似文献   

本文探讨了以小组活动为组织形式的任务教学法实施原则,提出了任务设计要体现多样性、趣味性、新颖性和拓展性,并以"电信革命"为教学活动内容,设计了包含小组自由发言、小组听力大笔拼、小组讨论等十种基于任务教学理念的教学模式。  相似文献   

小组学习是交际法中一种组织活动。针对课堂中出现的问题,研究影响小组学习的因素。提出单一性别的课堂不适合进行小组活动,不同英语水平的学生在小组活动中不能在同组中很好地合作;话题的选择,教师参与的程度等也影响小组活动进行。  相似文献   

今天,很多教师已经注意到了忽视能力训练的这一个问题,但如何通过采用合适的学习策略,提高学生能力依然是个难题。传统的英语学习法不是那么令人满意的,采用小组活动法是个好的办法。  相似文献   

体育教学中合作学习的实践研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“合作学习”作为一种教学模式。它通过师生、学生之间的互动.可充分体现教师的“主导”与学生的“主体”作用、学生的个性与创造力得到培养和发展.通过对什么是“合作学习”和实践运用的阐述,进一步探讨如何在体育与健康课程教学中合理运用“合作学习”.  相似文献   

建构高校生命科学实验课程发展性学习评价体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
文章以本院的实验课程与评价改革为例,介绍生命科学四个层次的实验课程体系的建构和实验课程中发展性学习评价体系的具体示例。  相似文献   

小组活动是交互式教学理论用于课堂的学习活动方式之一,是英语口语课堂理想的组织形式.小组活动以学习者为中心,它的结构形式、活动任务、监督措施和成绩评定是决定小组活动成败的关键.随着交际教学法的推广,小组活动越来越受到口语教师的青睐.小组活动与个人学习结合,相互补充,使学生学习更加有效.  相似文献   

当前农科院校的物理教学与科学知识的发展已不相适应,为了解决上述问题和提高物理教学质量,本文从教学内容、教学方法和考试办法等三个方面对物理教学改革进行探讨。  相似文献   

谈谈课堂教学中的小组合作学习   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
小组合作学习在新课程改革背景下被赋予了新的涵义,正被越来越多地运用于课堂教学与探究活动中,这种学习方式通过组内学习主体之间互助合作、共同探讨与实践,组间相互竞赛、公平竞争的格局,增强了学生“利益共同体”的集体荣誉感,激发了学生主动参与学习,乐于探究的兴趣和动机。  相似文献   

为打破小组合作学习理论与教学实践相龃龉的现象,文章探讨了其在教学中的运用途径,提出在英语教学各环节中小组合作学习模式与传统教学模式相结合的方式,同时,还关注了小组合作学习的保障机制问题。  相似文献   

In English class,teachers are inclined to instruct linguistic knowledge,neglecting the training of students’ linguistic behavior.Especially under the whole-class teaching mode,the opportunities for students to practice spoken English are rather limited in the class.Based on the theory of Cooperative Learning,group work,which is a kind of teaching method,will effectively solve this problem.My research is to study the influence of this activity on the students’ English learning through questionnaire in vocational college and how to make this activity more effective.  相似文献   

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