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The manager's dilemmas and options in resolving the emerging latent intergenerational conflict in the contemporary knowledge‐rich workplace is the main topic that has been addressed in this paper. First, we have identified the antecedents leading to the polarization in task requirements between the subcultures of 20+ year‐old and 40+ year‐old employees. Second, we have reviewed the social and environmental factors that contribute to the retained distinctiveness of the “cool” subculture of the 20+ Next Generation employees in the contemporary workplace. Third, we have identified the polarization of the two generational subcultures along the six independent dimensions proposed by Hofstede (1998). Finally, we have recommended a differentiated and integrated method for today's manager to be implemented in managing these two distinct subcultures.  相似文献   

Learning in, and from, the workplace has moved centre‐stage. In this paper, arguments and insights from the humanities, in particular philosophical psychology, are developed to show that generic, higher‐order human qualities are demanded and cultivated by managerial work. What was traditionally regarded as a great epistemological divide between high‐status intrinsic education, and low‐status instrumental training (with work‐based knowledge in the latter area) is now dissolving. New workforce requirements of creativity and initiative are now regarded as essential to an evolving national and international enterprise culture. Close analysis of the psychology of decision‐making reveals both a paradox and a powerful metaphor for a more appropriate model of workplace knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper is a critique of the initial teacher education (ITE) of further and adult education teachers in the UK. It argues that the employer‐led, national standards model in the UK is not the basis for ITE and professional development because it takes no account of learning in the workplace, disregards the multi‐specialist and professional dimensions of professional practice and marginalizes the importance of knowledge. In the critique of the “standards‐led model” the paper draws upon research and ideas on work‐based learning, seeing the learning of teachers in the workplace as a complex relationship with many “experts” in multiple, often conflicting learning contexts. The paper stresses the importance of seeing work‐based learning as more than just “learning by doing” to one that sees it as an intentional structuring of participatory activity. In other words, a “pedagogy of the workplace”. Finally the paper suggests that learning is not just a process of “participation”, but a learning zone where different types of knowledge and pedagogy are learnt and transformed. In highlighting the importance of knowledge the paper draws upon theories of professional knowledge that suggests that certain types of knowledge cannot be gained in the workplace alone, therefore focusing on the issues of the different types of knowledge, their acquisition and their transformation or recontextualisation.  相似文献   

Recent developments in British higher education have included taking a close look at work‐based learning, in particular its assessment (and its integration within academic programmes of study). However, two questions which are still continuously being asked are (a) to what extent are assessments of work‐based learning valid and reliable, and (b) can they count towards the award of university degrees and diplomas? These questions are becoming increasingly important as there seems to be a growing trend for students to assess their own learning at the workplace (through reflection and analysis and the use of diaries and self‐development journals). This article addresses the above issues by drawing on classical test theory (for an understanding of the fundamentals of validity and reliability) and by examining how the different notions of validity and realiability may be applied in the context of assessments (and self‐assessments) in the workplace. The article concludes that, under certain stated conditions, it is indeed possible to determine whether assessments (and self‐assessments) of work‐based learning are valid, reliable — and comparable.  相似文献   

There is increasing emphasis in higher education on preparing students for the workplace and recognising the learning that occurs in the workplace. Workplace learning has been exemplified in aspects of traditional courses by work experience, practicum, sandwich courses and practice‐based courses. Recently, however, academic attention has focused on the development of subjects and degree programs that are entirely workplace‐based. Such programs are negotiated with organisations to meet their own learning needs and promote the learning of individual company employees in the performance of their everyday work. Workplace‐based courses have developed in response to employer demand, restricted government funding for higher education and the need for universities to appeal to new markets. These factors have created a context of considerable tension between traditional academic practice and beliefs, and those that accompany this new approach. These tensions present challenges for universities as they attempt to respond in ways that maintain rigour and integrity while meeting the demands created by contemporary economic, political and social pressures.  相似文献   

Foundation degrees (FDs) involve the fusion of academic and vocational paths in higher education (HE) qualifications; the challenge for academics and employers is the credible assessment of the student’s workplace learning. Focusing to the workplace enables participants to learn from their daily routines encountered at work. The challenge is to help them demonstrate learning from experience within the workplace, by developing their ability to think at a higher level. A vital aspect of using workplace learning in partnership with employers/sector skills councils is that the learning is valid to the role. In response, the programme development group, which was composed of academics and employers, felt that workplace tasks (WPTs) would allow students to demonstrate role development through experiential learning at work. Therefore, this article uses a pilot case study (n = 16), using a focus group methodology, to discuss the assessment of the WPTs within a FD and the students’ perception towards this form of assessment. Findings show that participants value WPTs, they motivate participants to learn and improve their self‐esteem, however, some groups need specialist skills training where workplace competence is required.  相似文献   

This study examined the influences of generational status, self‐esteem, academic self‐efficacy, and perceived social support on 367 undergraduate college students' well‐being. Findings showed that 1st‐generation students reported significantly more somatic symptoms and lower levels of academic self‐efficacy than did non‐1st‐generation students. In addition, students' generational status was found to moderate predictive effects of perceived family support on stress. Implications for professional practices, limitations, and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Constituting the workplace curriculum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper advances some bases for a workplace curriculum. These are premised on conceptions of curriculum as intents directed to individuals’ progression towards full and effective workplace performance, yet whose enactment is shaped by workplace factors and is ultimately experienced by workers as learners. So whether the intentions will be realized is likely premised on the support (affordances) for their enactment by interests within the workplace. Workplace affordances, like those in educational institutions, emphasize the role that the norms and social practices that comprise workplaces play in regulating individuals’ engagement in and learning through work. The degree to which these affordances invite, structure, support, and guide participation, and are likely to engage workers in the kinds of thinking, acting, and learning required for effective workplace performance, is important for developing effective vocational practice. The conception of an ideal curriculum directed towards full participation is subject to the affordances of the interests of managers, co‐workers, and factors affecting production, as well as the intentionalities of worker‐learners themselves. These concepts may well provide ways of thinking about curriculum more broadly as participatory practices.  相似文献   

This paper examines how identity and learning are constituted and transformed at work. Its central concern is how individuals engage agentically in and learn through workplace practices, and in ways that transform work. Drawing upon recent research into work and participation in workplaces, the negotiated and contested relationship between workplace practices and individuals' identity and intentionality, and learning is illuminated and discussed. For instance, aged care workers and coal miners acquire work injuries that are almost emblematic of their work identity. Only particularly dramatic events (i.e. serious illness or workplace accidents) wholly transform their identity and views about work practice—their subjectivities. However, it is through the agentic actions of these individuals that workplace practices can be transformed. Yet individuals' agentic action is not necessarily directed to the abstracted and de‐contextualized economic and civic goals privileged in lifelong learning policies. Instead, there is relational interdependency between the individual and work that can act to sustain or transform both self and their work. Individuals' agentic action is exercised within these relations in ways directed by their subjectivities. So these relations and that agentic action have policy and practice implications for the conduct of work and learning through and for work.  相似文献   

The study discussed in this paper examines the views on the workplace of year 11 students from an Australian metropolitan post‐primary school before and after they went out of the school into the workplace for two weeks work experience. One of the themes which emerged from the discussions with the students was related to the degree of control exerted by employers on employees and the oppositional response which is sometimes forthcoming from those employees. The views which form this theme are then placed within the context of a current debate on work experience. On the one hand some educationalists are advocating ‘jumping off the work experience bandwagon’, while on the other those scholars with a more critical stance are pointing to the educative potential of work experience.  相似文献   

The claim that a belief in the compatibility of teaching with marriage acts as an incentive to women to choose this career received some support from the findings of the study described. The majority of the respondents also saw their work role as subsidiary to their domestic role, with the domestic demands being accorded first priority. Part‐time teaching opportunities were welcomed, with almost two‐thirds of the ex‐teachers hoping to return on a part‐time basis. Opinions on the use of nursery provision varied considerably; those respondents exhibiting the greatest willingness to return to teaching expressed significantly greater approval of nurseries. A considerable range of opinions emerged on wives and mothers going out to work, despite the fact that the husbands were extremely tolerant on this matter. Inter‐generational differences may provide one source of such variations; investigation of socio‐economic background and initial reasons for entering teaching as other possible sources proved inconclusive. The majority of the respondents were following or intending to follow the career pattern described by Gavron, though some did so with reluctance.  相似文献   

Action learning in a workplace context, focused on projects relating to real business needs, is the basis of the management seminars offered by the BOSNO (in Dutch, ‘BedrijfsOpleiding voor Samenwerkende Nederlandse Ondernemingen’[Company training for Dutch companies working in cooperation with each other]) consortium in The Netherlands. In the seminars, managers from participating companies work in teams on multiple‐step problem analysis and solution strategies, supported by workplace coaches. The teams also interact with each other so that peer learning is stimulated. To extend the BOSNO management seminar model in both depth and flexibility, a new approach called e‐BOSNO was designed in which a web‐based learning support environment played a critical role. This paper describes the e‐BOSNO design process and gives results from the first cycle of e‐BOSNO. The results showed the participants to be much more active and interactive than in previous e‐BOSNO seminars, even though there were fewer face‐to‐face meetings. Workplace‐oriented learning occurred and was shared in a way which makes it available for reuse in subsequent e‐BOSNO seminars.  相似文献   

The field of workplace learning lacks empirical studies that view workplace practices as places for learning and see these practices in a critical light. Accordingly, the aim of this study is, first, to describe examples of everyday shared practice and consider what kinds of various conflicting aims and demands exist in it. Second, the purpose is to explore what and how it is possible to learn through these shared practices in the area of design and development work. The empirical material consists of ethnographic observations made in two organizations in Finland. Three thematic lines were extracted from field notes and transcribed work talk on the basis of ethnographic and adapted membership categorization analysis. They suggest that the maintenance of a good atmosphere was an important component of shared practice and learning through it. Shared practice was also found to be situated and open‐ended and it contained conflicts and contradictory aims. The findings reported here suggest that to survive, everyday work involves doing and learning, and sometimes disagreeing. Conflicts seem to strengthen a team’s ability to co‐operate and to sustain functional social relations. Attention should thus be paid to the constantly changing processes of work and to situational analyses of the different options within practice provided by the various aims of the work itself and the tasks done in accordance with those aims.  相似文献   

The origins, principles, models, techniques, and tools of the three systems are discussed, and an at‐a‐glance table serves as a useful tool for establishing performance improvement. Readers and practitioners who endeavor to improve the performance of worker, work, workplace, and societal perspectives (mega level) will increase their knowledge and learning by reading the pertinent articles and publications selected and cited in the references.  相似文献   

This article examines the cyclical nature of government policy vis‐à‐vis work‐related learning. First, it looks at the purposes and types of work‐related learning which exist in the 14–19 educational phase. Second, it describes the policy history surrounding work‐related learning, highlighting policy emphasis on recurring themes such as enterprise education, workplace socialisation, motivation and academic achievement. Third, the way in which work‐related learning has been organised is described. This leads to a discussion of whether and to what extent the multiplicity of purposes of work‐related learning set out by the government can actually be achieved. More importantly, it suggests that the organisational and policy aspects of work‐related learning are offered as ‘new and improved products’ every so often, and that more empirical research should be undertaken and thought given before the results of this agenda can be judged effectively.  相似文献   

Still‐rising national jobless rates are surpassing 8.9%. This translates to millions of ill‐prepared job seekers, raising complex questions about how to manage layoffs. Even if workers receive severance benefits, most struggle with how to move on and find jobs. Rather than focusing primarily on work skills and practices within individual organizations, we need to rethink employment and learn to understand how to negotiate continuous changes in the work environment and in the workplace.  相似文献   

This paper is intended as a contribution to the debate and evaluation activity which in the UK is following Dearing's recommendation that more work experience should be provided for more higher education students. The paper gives an instrument for researching students’ perceptions of the roles their workplace supervisors play. Two surveys using the instrument and involving a total of 669 students on different courses in the field of teacher education are reported. In the surveys, the responses of many students suggested that they had received ‘good’ (i.e. theoretically desirable) supervision in the workplace but this was not the case for all students. There were for example clear differences across courses and, in addition, the course whose students appeared to have experienced the least desirable kind of supervision subsequently suffered the highest rate of student drop‐out. In contrast, students who had apparently received the ‘best’ kind of workplace supervision tended to be happier with their workplace experience as a whole. In discussing the findings, the paper draws attention to their limitations, pointing out that much more needs to be known about the work experience which is offered to HE students across the disciplines and across the country. The paper suggests that specific as well as general instruments will probably need to be developed for researching this and suggests that, since it is general, the instrument described in the paper might be useful to other HE researchers who wish to evaluate their students’ work experience. The paper concludes by situating the increasing interest in work experience for higher education students in the wider context in which links between ‘work’ and ‘education’ are becoming increasingly blurred.  相似文献   

Novice nurses encounter numerous factors that impact on their learning in the complex healthcare workplace. Registered nurses often work one‐on‐one with novices as preceptors to facilitate the development of novices’ clinical skills and socialisation into the profession. This paper explores the concept of preceptorship from novice nurses’ and preceptors’ perspective, drawing upon data from a project between a large healthcare organisation and a university in Melbourne, Australia. The study, framed in ethnomethodology, included fieldwork observation, interviews and student surveys; this paper focuses on data collected over a series of individual interviews with nursing students (n = 28) and preceptors (n = 25). Thematic analysis yielded six key themes: workplace socialisation, empathy, individuality, willingness to engage, changing support and a realisation [by novices about the preceptor role]. Findings highlight the complexity of workplace learning that is influenced by the idiosyncrasies of the individuals involved and the social milieu in which the learning takes place.  相似文献   

Most schools currently employ three generations of teachers and leaders: Baby Boomers (1946–65), Generation X (1966–80) and Generation Y (1981–2003). However, the implications for school leaders of multi-generational schools remain relatively unexplored. This paper examines the empirical multi-disciplinary generations at work evidence to identify differences and similarities in how generational cohorts approach work/life balance, authority, collaboration and careers. The paper defines generational characteristics and introduces the review methods employed. The findings are organised within three important leadership actions: stimulating professional growth and capacity, building collaborative cultures, and establishing work conditions. The conclusion presents future research directions.  相似文献   

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