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高等学校的教学因其复杂性、创新性而具有学术性。因此,应该确立教学在高校的学术地位,这是高校自身发展规律的诉求,更能促进高校回归本位,担负起时代所赋予的人才培养的使命。同时,教学学术地位的确立也将为教师的专业发展开辟新的路径。  相似文献   

通过对高校学术期刊的内容以及剖析当前的现象,来找寻高校学术期刊变革发展的方法,认为应注重高校的科学研究和学科发展服务;合理定位高校学术期刊并建立质量有效的督查和审核机制,从而推动高校学术期刊快速发展。  相似文献   

日本国立大学在日本高等教育体系中占有重要地位。面对全球化的浪潮,日本国立大学进行了法人化改造。国立大学改革也在紧锣密鼓地进行之中。  相似文献   

Academic stress of international students attending U.S. universities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigated factors associated with the academic stress experienced by international students (N=412) attending graduate school in the United States. The study was grounded in a cognitive framework in which academic stress is understood as the consequence of students' appraisal of the stressfulness of role demands and their perception of their ability to cope with those demands. These two appraisals, in turn, were posited to be a function of cultural distance, students' social support network, and their role competencies. Results indicated that the primary determinants of the two types of appraisals differed. While self-perceived English-language skills and, to a lesser degree, cultural distance were the predictors of primary appraisal, self-perceived English-language, academic, and problem-solving skills and social support network were the main determinants of secondary appraisal. Implications for how universities might work more effectively with international students are discussed.  相似文献   

日本的学力问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、引言从1999年上半年起,随着倡导“综合学习时间”(以下简称“综合学习”)的新学习指导要领的颁布(1998年),诸如“学力低下”、“学力危机”、“学力崩  相似文献   

日本研究型大学面临的机遇与挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分析了日本研究型大学的一般特点,及其发展过程中面临的一些问题。近年来,日本政府制定了加强研究生教育、国立大学法人化、建设世界一流大学等政策,促进了日本研究型大学的健康发展。  相似文献   

我国高校学术管理存在的问题与对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
作为高校管理核心的学术管理,有学术民主管理与学术行政管理两种方式。我国多数高校学术行政管理的过度强化,与高校组织科层化及专业化的双重属性,高度集权的政治体制和管理模式,思维方式和亚文化差异造成的沟通障碍等因素直接相关。因此,要建立协作学习共同体,相互支持,共同领导;加强组织学习,完善沟通渠道;促进组织变革,不断建立和完善客观公正的学术评价机制。  相似文献   

The research function of universities in Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Japan has long led the trend towards privatization of Research andDevelopment (R&D). With the recent establishment of corporate R&Dfacilities overseas, this has become more international in character. Therelative impoverishment of Japanese academic science has only recently begunto be addressed by the government. Despite the neglect, there appears to bea gradual increase in Japanese academic research, but international researchcollaborations are still quite limited in number. There are growing tieswith industry, but industry has been slow to recognize the value of graduateschool training. Stronger links may promote greater research activity, butwithout reforms to the structure of the education system and Ministry ofEducation policies, Japan will not be prepared to meet the challenge of the21st century, and the need for a highly-skilled, innovative workforce.  相似文献   

通过对南京农业大学2008届至2011届本科生毕业论文(设计)抽检结果的分析,总结出了其总体特点和内在规律,并指出了存在的问题,剖析了导致这些问题出现的因素,提出了通过转变观念、强化过程管 理、引进人才、加大投入、引入激励机制等措施提高本科毕业论文(设计)质量的理念.  相似文献   

学力观与学力评价密切相关,共同作用于监控教育教学质量,促进学生学力提升、教学改革、学生发展。日本对狭义学力观和广义学力观的对比分析研究为我国学力评价树立广义学力观、拓宽评价内容、采用多样化评价方法等改革举措提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

In South Africa an obvious need for the clarification of problems concerning academic standards and quality assurance has been identified. Some of the reasons for the differences in this regard between developing and established universities in South Africa are explained with reference to the causes thereof, namely a fragmented system of education, disparities in student enrolment and staffing and the lack of a culture of learning. Areas that require special attention to set the scene for quality assurance to be successfully implemented are identified and, based on research, proposals are made for quality assurance mechanisms for South African universities.  相似文献   

高校教师工作满意度调查与分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对高校教师工作满意度进行研究具有重要的现实意义,不但能了解他们对工作的满意程度,分析其心理需求,更能明确学校管理中存在的问题,为改善学校管理提供科学依据。测评结果表明,高校教师对工作的总体满意感处于中度偏上的水平,不同群体教师满意度的差异具有统计学意义,其中行政教师相对高于理论课教师,高学历教师低于低学历教师;在反映工作满意感的各维度上,对人际关系的满意度最高,对高层领导素质及管理方式的满意度最低。  相似文献   

集中创办于清末民初的中国近代大学的发展,经历了从对西方高等教育模仿、借鉴到自我创新的过程。近代大学有关"学术研究功能应作为大学必要组成"的认识是在民族危难、社会变革、教育转型、科技发展等因素共同推动下,在前辈学人的不断探求中确立的,整个过程体现着中国人对学术研究的向往和价值追求,潜藏着照耀学术研究的前进的精神与动力。  相似文献   

日本高等教育的大发展很大程度上是通过发展私立高校实现的,其私立高校在政府资助、师资竞争、生源竞争上已处于与公立高校相对公平的竞争环境。日本私立高校发展过程是一个由"压制"到"承认"再到"扶持"的演进过程,公私立高校公平竞争的实现经历了较长的时期。立法、国民经济长期稳定的发展和较强的经济实力是实现公私立高校公平竞争的前提和保障,而政府的资助受私立高校自身情况(如数量、规模、层次、质量),以及国家经济发展水平与实力、立法时间等多种因素的制约。  相似文献   

As of April 1 of 2004, Japanese national universities became National University Corporations (NUCs hereafter). While the reform was implemented in a wave of initiatives for restructuring government activities, it reflected to an extent the current global trend toward marketization of higher education. Examination of this reform will not only help understand the current reforms in Japan, but also illuminate some of the fundamental issues that the higher education systems in the world are facing. In this article, I shall outline the historical and political backdrops of the reform (Sect. 1), outline the basic construct of the NUC (Sect. 2), examine the process of implementation and the issues revealed in the process (Sect. 3), and discuss basic problems involved in this scheme.  相似文献   

清末教会大学学位制度述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
清末教会大学不仅是西方学位制度传入近代中国的一条重要渠道 ,同时也对中国近代高等教育实践产生了示范效应 ,在一定程度上促进了近代中国学位制度的起步和发展  相似文献   

日本在二战以前已形成一定的学位教育体系。二战以后,日本对其学位教育进行了重大改革,形成了现代学位教育体制,它包括本科教育和硕士、博士研究生教育三个层次。近十年来,日本对其学位教育体制又进行深入改革,主要举措包括:本科阶段实行教养教育和专业教育贯通化;建立研究型大学,研究生院重点化;谋求学位教育的灵活化和多样化;导入自律机制和评价制度;实行教师聘任制。  相似文献   

Evidence of variability in degree results in UK universities from 1973 to1993 is presented for eight subjects. This variability is not random. Thereis a clear tendency in all subjects for certain universities to awardpercentages of Good degrees (i.e. Firsts and Upper Seconds) consistentlyabove or below the corresponding national average. These differences maypartly reflect entry qualifications with universities acceptingbetter-qualified students awarding more Good degrees. Other plausibleexplanations may, however, be offered including institutional differences inteaching and assessment practices and in the definition of class boundaries.It is important, in the context of the current debate about 'standards', totest these explanations by conducting qualitative research within thedepartments responsible for the delivery of teaching and for the assessmentof students.  相似文献   

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