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本文关注宁波电大开放教育英语专业流生问题及其背后的三大主要原因即工学矛盾、家庭与学习的矛盾、学习困难,并从学习观念,小组活动,师生间联系,课程、形考改革,教师等方面对减少流生率进行了探讨,希望能对减少流生现象有所启示。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to estimate a conceptual model of nontraditional student attrition. Data were gathered from 624 nontraditional (commuter, part-time) freshmen at a midwestern urban university enrolling 22,000 students. For these nontraditional students, dropout was a function of GPA and credit hours enrolled, as well as the utility of education for future employment, satisfaction with the student role, opportunity to transfer, and age affecting dropout through intent to leave. In addition, absence from class, age, high school performance, and ethnicity had indirect effects on dropout through GPA. These results suggested that nontraditional students dropped out of college for academic reasons or because they were not committed to attending the institution, but their reasons for leaving were unrelated to social factors at school. The findings helped validate the conceptual model.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, April 1986.  相似文献   

This study examined the dropout trajectories of racial and linguistic minority students and explored the effects of students' contextual factors on their high school dropout risks. Our motivation was to identify the dropout patterns of Black, Hispanic, and Hispanic English language learner (ELL) students, who have comparatively high dropout rates, and to suggest ways to promote high school completion. We employed a survival analysis using the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 (NLSY97) from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The results showed that the 3 minority groups displayed significantly higher dropout risks than the White group. The overall pattern of dropout risks increased over time, with the dropout rates of the Black students high in the 1st and 2nd years of high school and the highest dropout rates for Hispanic ELL students in their senior year. A gender difference was found among the students, with male students having higher dropout risks than female students. It was also found that students' positive relationships with their teachers were associated with lower dropout risks.  相似文献   

国家开放大学中大学生退学的情况时有发生,大学生的退学对于大学生本人、学校以及社会都会产生一定的影响。本文主要剖析了开放大学的大学生退学原因,并针对大学生退学的原因提供了相应的对策,希望能够降低大学生的退学率,使之能够顺利完成学业。  相似文献   

“互联网+”时代使得MOOC在国内外掀起了一场网上学习的浪潮,这场教学变革的浪潮带来的不仅有新的教学思路,许多问题也接踵而来。本文主要叙述了在MOOC课程中存在的“高辍学率”现象,这种现象在目前的大部分课程中普遍存在,但是有关平台却对这种现象无能为力。本文分析了“高辍学率”产生的主要原因,并提出了相应的解决方案,旨在提高MOOC课程质量,促进MOOC教学更好地发展。  相似文献   

高辍学率是困扰远程开放教育发展的一个痼疾。文章是四川广播电视大学对2010年春开放教育英语本科学习者辍学研究追踪调查的阶段性成果。采用质性研究法,对辍学者和教学点班主任进行了个人访谈,以期多角度探寻辍学者放弃学习的深层次原因。研究发现,影响学习者放弃学习的因素主要有网考失败、学习困难、经济困难、交通不便和薄弱的非学术性服务等方面。  相似文献   

高流失率是困扰和阻碍远程教育阔步发展的重要因素,高流失率不但容易造成流失学生学业无法完成,也容易造成未流失学生军心不稳,给远程教育的规模办学和办学效益造成影响。各种研究表明,学生的高比例流失通常发生在学生入学后的第一学期,学习困难和工学矛盾是造成流失的重要原因。有学者认为可以从课程设置、课程面授教学和新生选课服务三方面采取改进措施,有效降低流失率。从《高级日常英语》面授课出发,针对学习困难这个学生流失原因,对该课程面授课教学模式作大量探讨研究,寻求最行之有效的课堂教学方法,精简授课内容,降低授课难度系数,优化课堂教学效果,减少流失现象发生。  相似文献   

Open online education experiences persistently high dropout rates, and the efficacy of dropout interventions has been questioned. Despite considerable research, dropout reasons are not fully understood, and further in-depth investigation has been called for. Prior qualitative retention studies have frequently relied on smaller samples that are unable to generate deeper appreciation of dropout reasons. Over 200 in-depth interviews were therefore conducted with students that had dropped out of open online education. The probability-based qualitative sample facilitated capture of subthemes down to a 5% incidence level or frequency of occurrence. Thematic analysis revealed 41 subthemes within 10 broad dropout reasons. While the broad dropout themes have been identified previously, the subthemes are new and provide richer understanding. This study also captured students' suggestions for what might have prevented their dropout. Thematic analysis identified 19 subthemes within 5 broad intervention themes that respond to the root dropout causes. Many intervention subthemes address personal and learner context dropout factors that have often been considered uncontrollable and unavoidable. This paper therefore redefines dropout in open online education and offers new insights for improving retention. It also provides a strategic framework for evaluating dropouts and prioritising student-informed interventions that respond to the main dropout causes.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Persistently high open online education dropout suggests existing interventions are ineffective.
  • Prior qualitative retention studies identified the main dropout reasons, but small sample sizes failed to generate deeper insights and more in-depth investigation has been called for.
What this paper adds
  • A probability-based qualitative sample of 226 participants captured dropout subthemes down to a 5% level of incidence or frequency of occurrence.
  • Thematic analysis identified 41 subthemes, within 10 broad dropout reasons. These subthemes are new and offer richer understanding.
  • Thematic analysis also identified 19 subthemes within 5 broad dropout intervention areas that students suggested could have prevented their dropout. These include new insights for addressing dropout causes that have often previously been considered unavoidable.
Implications for practice and/or policy
  • The strategic framework provides a retention management approach that prioritises responding to the main dropout causes with student-informed interventions.
  • This approach and the deeper understanding afforded by robust qualitative investigation should help reduce persistently high dropout rates.

This 5-year longitudinal randomized study focused on the effects of a dropout prevention program implemented at two urban high schools. The program incorporated the characteristics of personalization found in previous research to have some positive effects, and typical of the type of programs implemented in many high schools nationwide. The primary program component was the provision of a facilitator for about 60 program students at each school to encourage students regarding attendance, their academic coursework, and personal issues. In particular, the study examined whether at-risk students randomly assigned to the program had better outcomes (particularly attendance, on-time promotion in grade, and high school completion) than those at the same high schools that were assigned to the control group. The article explores reasons for the nonsignificant effects of this program, emphasizing the need for earlier intervention prior to the ninth grade year among at-risk urban students.  相似文献   

There are many possible reasons why students leave university prior to degree completion, and one of the more commonly cited is being employed while studying. This paper analyses the impact of employment status on dropout rates using survival analysis. It finds that employment status does have an impact on dropout rates; students who work full time alongside studying full time are less likely to complete their programme than students working short part-time or not working at all. However, it seems as if there is a threshold to how much students can work, as working more than 20?h a week (long part-time work) increase the risk of dropout as much as full-time work. Integrating employment status into the analysis does not change the effect of variables known to have an influence on dropout, such as grades, gender and social background, but it contributes to further explain who are at risk of dropout. This implies that models for dropout and retention must also take such external factors into account, not just consider what happens at university, as in model of student departure.  相似文献   

基本处于中东部地区的鄂豫苏冀四省市高考人数逐年下降,原因主要是中东部地区中小学辍学率增高,未成年人打工经商者增多、高中升学率减少,受大学生就业难冲击,中考放弃报考普通高中而选择中职的人数增加,随迁子女就地报名高考,东部地区在高中和中小学阶段出国留学的人数增多,受都市影响中东部农村地区出生率下降等诸多原因。稳定高考人数、提高农业人口的综合素质的最好办法是:国家应该采取一切措施控制中部地区的辍学率,改革高校课程设置和培养人才的理念,提高大学生的就业率,减少大学生就业难对中小学的冲击,做好中职与高考的接轨工作。  相似文献   


Entering high school freshmen (N-421) during the 1971-72 academic year in a rural Arizona high school were evaluated as to their dropout potential on several criteria. Of the 154 identified as potential dropouts, 36 were randomly selected and received a special academic program and 118 were placed in vocational educational classes. A control group of 94 students was randomly selected from those assigned to the regular classroom. The special academic class was designed to hold potential dropouts in school, as w ell as to modify some of the negative attitudes toward school with which they entered as freshmen. It was found that the special academic group maintained their attitude toward school with no drop in attitude occurring. In contrast, the potential dropouts which were assigned to vocational classes showed a slight drop in attitude toward school while the control group showed a significant decrease. A lower dropout rate also was found among the special academic students than the other two groups, a fact which attests to the effectiveness of the program.  相似文献   

For the past 30 years, the dropout rate for students with emotional disturbance has hovered around 50%, a rate substantially higher than the dropout rate for students with other disabilities and the general population. This systematic review evaluated the literature published between 1990 and 2013 on the effectiveness of dropout prevention and intervention for students with emotional disturbance. Only one experimental or quasi-experimental study tested a dropout prevention program with students with emotional disturbance meeting the methodological criteria for this review. The results reveal a dearth of research-based strategies or programs to support high school completion among students with emotional disturbance, underscoring the need for rigorous intervention research to improve outcomes for these students. We discuss implications for research and practice in light of this research gap.  相似文献   

高辍学率是困扰中外远程教育健康发展的共性问题。2010年7月英国开放大学扩大参与中心(cwP,OUUK)出台了一份最新报告《22%——我们还能做得更好些吗?》,报告指出包括英国开放大学在内的世界上多所远程教育院校毕业率太低的现状,并用成本一效益分析法论证了高辍学率给学生、院校和社会造成的巨大危害,批驳了高辍学率是高质量的保证和在远程教育中无法避免的论点。报告还用较大篇幅说明了降低辍学率、提高保持率的一些有效措施,包括提供有利于学生保持率的支持服务、指导学生选择恰当的课程、设计有利于学生保持率的课程模块等。该报告给我国远程教育辍学问题研究者的启示是:在对我国远程教育辍学问题归因分析完成后,应该迅速转入对提高学生保持率的行动研究中去。  相似文献   

School dropout is an important social and economic problem. This paper investigates the effect of an intensive coaching program aimed at reducing school dropout rates among students aged 16–20. Students received support and guidance with their study activities, personal problems and internships in firms. The coaching program lasted one or two years. Students were randomly assigned to the coaching program. We find that one year of coaching reduced school dropout rates by more than 40% from 17 to 10 percentage points. The second year of coaching further reduced school dropout by 1 percentage point. The program is most effective for students with a high ex-ante probability of dropping out, such as students no longer obliged to be in formal education, male students, and students not living with both parents. Cost-benefit analysis suggests that one year of coaching is likely to yield a net social gain.  相似文献   

远程教育学生的高辍学率是远程教育界极为关注的问题。本研究以大连电大英语专业专科直属教学班学习一学期后放弃学业又决定复学的三位学生为研究对象,通过深度访谈对其进行第二学期的跟踪调查,并从电大一线教学亲历者的不同角度获取相关信息,利用质性研究方法深入剖析辍学又复学的学生返回校园后遇到的具体困难、阻碍其学习的各种因素及教学班的作为对其辍学行为的影响,并根据研究结果,分析这三名复学生为何有的留下来继续学习,有的离开学校再次中断学习的原因,进而提出对策,以期为远程教育机构对辍学生回来后如何作为提供思考和启示,也期待通过研究,可以帮助更多的学习者完成学业。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the unique contributions of a comprehensive set of predictors and the most salient predictors of school dropout among a nationally representative sample of students with learning disabilities (LD). A comprehensive set of theoretically and empirically relevant factors was selected for examination. Analyses were conducted to explore the unique contribution and relative importance of these factors in predicting dropout. Results indicated that the most salient predictors of school dropout included a set of malleable individual (grades, and engagement in high‐risk behaviors), family (parent expectations), and school (quality of students’ relationship with teachers and peers) factors. The findings validate multicomponent dropout prevention and intervention models for this population while at the same time illuminating specific key components that appear to be of particular importance in school dropout among students with LD.  相似文献   

Despite requirements of and support for universal education up to grade 9, there are concerning reports that poor rural areas in China suffer from high and maybe even rising dropout rates. Although aggregated statistics from the Ministry of Education show almost universal compliance with the 9-year compulsory education law, there have been few independent, survey-based studies regarding dropout rates in China. Between 2009 and 2010 we surveyed over 7800 grade 7, 8, and 9 students from 46 randomly selected junior high schools in four counties in two provinces in North and Northwest China to measure the dropout rate. We also used the survey data to examine factors correlated with dropping out, such as the opportunity cost of going to school, household poverty, and poor academic performance. According to the study's findings, drop out rates between grade 7 and grade 8 reached 5.7% and dropout rates between grade 8 and grade 9 reached 9.0%. In sum, among the total number of students attending junior high school during the first month of the first term of grade 7, 14.2% had left school by the first month of grade 9. Dropout rates were even higher for students that were older, from poorer families (and families in which the parents were not healthy), or were performing more poorly academically. We conclude that although the government's policy of reducing tuition and fees for junior high students may be necessary, it is not sufficient to solve the dropout problem.  相似文献   

"隐性辍学"已经成为中等职业学校教育中不可忽视的问题."隐性辍学"现象的产生主要有学生自身、教师教育、学校管理和家庭影响四方面的原因.综合运用目标激励、奖罚激励、竞争激励、外部激励和内部激励等教育策略,可以合理有效地帮助"隐性辍学"学生"完整"回归课堂.  相似文献   

This study investigates head teachers' perspectives of the school dropout problem at public secondary schools in rural Punjab, Pakistan. The study is based on qualitative methods and included interviews to collect primary data. Sixteen districts of the Punjab where secondary school dropout rate is above 20% were purposively selected for the study. The findings indicate that—other than some socioeconomic and individual factors—different exam patterns at primary, elementary, and secondary levels; easy promotion policy in early classes; English medium syllabus; substandard educational background of students; high failure rate in class 9; and top-down pressures on teachers to perform nonacademic duties are major causes of children dropping out from school. The findings of the study suggest that only through implementation of a socio-culturally compatible syllabus—a corresponding examination system for all levels—allowing students to repeat class 9 in case they fail, setting teachers free from nonteaching duties and providing extra financial support to economically underprivileged students can significantly prevent school dropout at secondary level. The study further argues that easy promotion policy in early classes may retain more children at school but it causes high rates of dropout from secondary classes.  相似文献   

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