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The effective representation of the relationship between the documents and their contents is crucial to increase classification performance of text documents in the text classification. Term weighting is a preprocess aiming to represent text documents better in Vector Space by assigning proper weights to terms. Since the calculation of the appropriate weight values directly affects performance of the text classification, in the literature, term weighting is still one of the important sub-research areas of text classification. In this study, we propose a novel term weighting (MONO) strategy which can use the non-occurrence information of terms more effectively than existing term weighting approaches in the literature. The proposed weighting strategy also performs intra-class document scaling to supply better representations of distinguishing capabilities of terms occurring in the different quantity of documents in the same quantity of class. Based on the MONO weighting strategy, two novel supervised term weighting schemes called TF-MONO and SRTF-MONO were proposed for text classification. The proposed schemes were tested with two different classifiers such as SVM and KNN on 3 different datasets named Reuters-21578, 20-Newsgroups, and WebKB. The classification performances of the proposed schemes were compared with 5 different existing term weighting schemes in the literature named TF-IDF, TF-IDF-ICF, TF-RF, TF-IDF-ICSDF, and TF-IGM. The results obtained from 7 different schemes show that SRTF-MONO generally outperformed other schemes for all three datasets. Moreover, TF-MONO has promised both Micro-F1 and Macro-F1 results compared to other five benchmark term weighting methods especially on the Reuters-21578 and 20-Newsgroups datasets.  相似文献   

为解决新农合人员异地就医结报中的信息统计及监管中出现的问题,本文利用Microsoft的Visual Studio 2010,在.NET开发环境下使用C#程序设计语言开发了四川省新农合异地结报信息监管系统。该系统基于B/S模式的MVP三层结构,采用VPN硬件防火墙以及VPN客户端软件加证书两种方式接入,实现了管理人员对新农合异地就诊和结报的有效监管,便于了解病人就医流向并对异地就诊指标进行决策统计分析,为新农合基金管理工作提供了数据支持。  相似文献   

The National Library of Medicine Classification is excellent for the shelf arrangement of books in a medical library. However, it is too general for a very specialized dental collection such as ours at Northwestern University Dental School Library. We suggest an expansion of the WU category based on the pattern followed in other areas of the NLM classification. An index for the expanded scheme is included.  相似文献   

Scientific knowledge is constantly subject to a variety of changes due to new discoveries, alternative interpretations, and fresh perspectives. Understanding uncertainties associated with various stages of scientific inquiries is an integral part of scientists’ domain expertise and it serves as the core of their meta-knowledge of science. Despite the growing interest in areas such as computational linguistics, systematically characterizing and tracking the epistemic status of scientific claims and their evolution in scientific disciplines remains a challenge. We present a unifying framework for the study of uncertainties explicitly and implicitly conveyed in scientific publications. The framework aims to accommodate a wide range of uncertainty types, from speculations to inconsistencies and controversies. We introduce a scalable and adaptive method to recognize semantically equivalent cues of uncertainty across different fields of research and accommodate individual analysts’ unique perspectives. We demonstrate how the new method can be used to expand a small seed list of uncertainty cue words and how the validity of the expanded candidate cue words is verified. We visualize the mixture of the original and expanded uncertainty cue words to reveal the diversity of expressions of uncertainty. These cue words offer a novel resource for the study of uncertainty in scientific assertions.  相似文献   

The Space Science Series has developed a method of publishing advanced text and source books that provide up-to-date information on fast-moving fields. Seventeen books have been published, ranging in length from 484 to 1,294 pages. They are produced in between a year and two years at a price below $56. This article describes the procedure by which topics are selected and articles solicited and referred, as well as editorial and production processes. Fundraising and budgets are also described. The series might be used as a model for similar series in other scientific disciplines and for books on global issues that need advanced interdisciplinary study.  相似文献   

Folksonomy是一种全新网络信息组织分类方法。文章对Folksonomy的来源、涵义、特点加以阐述,研究其与现有的网络信息分类法的关系,分析了分众分类法未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the recently approved GOST R 7. 095–2015. Electronic Documents. Main Types, Output Information, and Technological Characteristics national standard that considers an electronic document as a component of librarian and archival funds, as well as formulating the signs that permit an electronic object to be attributed to the class of documents. The type of an electronic document determines its functionality, which in turn causes the technological requirements for the material implementation of the document (in particular, the requirements for formats). Due to the specificity of data processing in the electronic environment, an electronic document exists as many equivalent implementations and any work with it, including displaying, is the continuous creation of these implementations. In this regard, the technological operation of copying leads not to creating a document of a new type (a “copy”) but only to the origin of a new implementation that is equivalent to any other. Hence, there is a need for a set of identification characteristics (attributes) for electronic documents.  相似文献   

Developments in publishing are drawing publishers into an area where it is becoming more and more difficult to assess by conventional methods whether a given activity or product is financially a good thing or not. The article looks at the reasons for this and proposes a new financial framework for decisions for publishers to ensure continued profitability as their activities develop.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The objectives were to examine the effectiveness of a curriculum designed to increase bioinformatics competencies of librarians with diverse backgrounds and to identify demographic factors that may affect the learning process. METHODS: Sixteen professional staff participated in a 12-week training course consisting of 5 distinct modules: molecular biology, genetic analysis, biotechnology, research literature, and databases. Participants completed a 120-question pretest and an 88-question posttest designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the training. RESULTS: Training was deemed successful as all participants scored higher on the posttest than the pretest. Data analysis was conducted in relation to participant background. Holding a biology degree did not seem to affect posttest results. Years of experience, however, had an impact on final scores in the databases section, as senior team members had greater difficulty learning the material. DISCUSSION: As the need for specialized information in the area of molecular biology and genetics becomes more central for the effectiveness of organizations, it is crucial for libraries to quickly align with those needs by having a clear vision for increasing the skills and competencies of their staff in this subject area. This paper describes an effective model for learning that was developed and tested by the Eskind Biomedical Library.  相似文献   

The Clinical Medical Librarian (CML) Program of the Tompkins-McCaw Library is a special instructional initiative to teach third-year medical students the use of information resources in the clinical setting. Librarians spend one week with selected internal medicine teams participating in work rounds and instructing team members in the use of the medical literature. The librarian assists team members to identify and retrieve relevant information through computer workstations located in the hospital. Photocopies of journal articles are made available to team members through the CML document delivery program.  相似文献   

本文在实践和相关理论研究的基础上,尝试建立系。这个分类体系的特点在于充分体现了商业行为的特征,花费大量的时间去设计一种初始方案。  相似文献   

BMCC Library is using streaming video technology to extend the electronic reserves service to include audio and videos. We have found that a streaming video project can be managed by non-technical staff with results that empower staff and impress students and faculty with their ease of use. The role of technical services in the library has evolved considerably, a process driven in part by technology. Consistent with this trend, our technical services department was asked to manage an electronic reserves program a few years back. Adding streaming video to its portfolio will invigorate a vital service department in the library. This article will illustrate the process we undertook from start to finish, demonstrating the major concern of streaming media is copyright consideration, not technology.  相似文献   

周承振 《编辑学报》1992,4(3):137-139
提出了质量功能扩展方法与编辑系统相结合的方法,即质量功能扩展系统方法,并给出强化系统功能的简单表达式。表达式中以“效益”作为功能强化因子,而因子为系统接受系统外部环境的信息,即用“读者要求”协调和强化编辑系统功能。通过逐层和逐级系统功能的扩展,使刊物社会功能尽量与实际情形相符合。  相似文献   

稼轩词有四卷本和十二卷本传世,当代学者以现存版本推论其旧有版本,认为南宋以来流传的就是这两个系统的版本。但是,宋元明最流行的本子却不是四卷本和十二卷本,而是包括全部稼轩词的足本。理宗时编成的《辛稼轩集》所收的就是此足本。明人词选也依据这个全集本,而李濂批点本及毛晋合并本都据全集本校订了某些异文。本文通过对全集本的考索,论证了稼轩词异文的源流,并辑出佚词二首。  相似文献   

《Research Strategies》2001,18(1):29-38
This paper proposes a new type of collaboration between librarians and English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) instructors. Librarians will work with instructors to match similar information literacy and ESL objectives and concepts, and together build these into the ESL syllabus. However, unlike other instruction programs, the course is to be taught almost exclusively by the ESL instructor. It is believed that students will gain more from this model because it offers more learning opportunities, and stresses the cross-applicability of language and information literacy concepts and skills. Sample lesson plans are also provided. A version of this paper was presented at the OhioTESOL (an association of ESL professionals) Spring Conference, Columbus, OH, on April 22, 2000.  相似文献   

The understanding of the conservation needs of outdoor community murals has increased exponentially since Rescue Public Murals (RPM) was introduced at the IIC London Congress in 2008, and this paper serves as a synopsis of current trends in the creation of exterior murals, and philosophies in dealing with their preservation. With the recent closing of its umbrella organization Heritage Preservation in Washington DC, the RPM initiative is redefining its mission and its usefulness to the worlds of conservation and community murals. The standard ethics and principles of the conservation profession are insufficient, or inappropriate, to meet the needs of community murals. Respect for the artist's intent is not high on the list of concerns in the case of saving such works. If established conservation procedures are applied to such paintings, much can be lost in exchange for a decision to proceed in a traditional manner. Outdoor murals are made of relatively short-lived materials and they are part of a continuing community dynamic and thus are not ‘completed’ in the same manner as an easel painting when prepared for exhibition or sale. When a community mural no longer serves its function in the context of its community, informed decisions must be made about how — or whether — to proceed in order to prolong its life. Conservators can play an important part in this process.  相似文献   

论高校图书馆人才队伍建设   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
江泽民同志在他的著作<论科学技术>一书中多次谈到我国经济建设中各行业关于人才利用的问题,文章就江泽民同志的人才观探讨高校图书馆中的人才现状及人才流失等问题,提出了21世纪高校图书馆如何管好人才、用好人才的一些方法和观点.  相似文献   

Conclusion No reasonable person could argue against learning to read. The point of this article is that learning to read is not just a matter of mastering a few simple skills, nor is literacy just a matter of passing a reading test. Learning to read must involve acquiring the reading habit. Literacy must be viewed as the regular exercise of reading skills through reading books. The time-honored reasons why children should read books are now bolstered and supplemented by new research evidence that book reading can make a unique and powerful contribution to children's reading development. Our society, then, must provide all possible encouragement and opportunity for children to read books. Access to books is a necessary condition for becoming a good reader. Reading itself is the key to literacy. Helping America's children build lifelong reading habits must now be regarded as a true national priority. Education…has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading —George Macaulay Trevelyan, English Social History Good habits gather by unseen degrees—As brooks make rivers, rivers run to seas. —John Dryden, Ovid, Metamorphoses Professor Richard C. Anderson is the center's director. Their research assistant  相似文献   

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