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基于DCOM技术的图书馆分布式检索系统LDRS的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前国内外图书馆信息管理系统的检索系统一般都是基于CöS 的体系结构, 并且有的还采用了COM 技术, 使系统能保护图书馆已有的软硬件资源, 并且其可维护性也有了很大提高。在此基础上, 我们采用当前在许多企业应用系统中流行的分布式技术—DCOM 技术来开发了一个图书馆分布式检索系统, 简称LDRS, 该系统在可扩展性、稳定性、负载平衡性、容错性等方面都比原有的检索系统得到了增强, 能更好的满足未来大量的读者访问需求。  相似文献   

Many health science libraries are now in the planning stages for acquisition of local online catalogs and circulation systems. Whether turn-key or in-house, in most cases such systems will be based on machine-readable records, or archive tapes, produced as a by-product of automated cataloging. Because most libraries originally used these systems as a more efficient means to produce catalog cards, the usefulness of the records is questioned. A review of selected aspects of cataloging via OCLC reveals several areas in which local card production priorities have made the resultant archive tapes more difficult and costly to use as a machine-readable database. Some specific suggestions are given for altering input procedures to improve the usefulness of archive tapes. In conclusion, it is recommended that librarians re-examine local input procedures in light of cost-effective production of archive lapes to produce consistent bibliographic entries for local online catalogs, resource sharing projects and management information systems.  相似文献   

Parallel programming on loosely coupled distributed systems involves many system dependent tasks such as sensing node availability, creating remote processes, programming inter-process communication and synchronization, etc. Very often these system-dependent tasks are handled at the programmer level. This has complicated the process of parallel programming on distributed systems. The portability of these programs is also severely affected. The programmer may also start his remote processes on heavily loaded nodes, thereby degrading the overall performance of the system. To overcome these difficulties, we introduce a language construct called parset at the programming level. Parset captures various kinds of coarse grain parallelism occurring in distributed systems. It also provides scalability to distributed programs. We show that this construct greatly simplifies writing programs on distributed systems providing transparency to various system dependent tasks.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the problem of distributed knowledge acquisition for the construction of complete and consistent databases in integrated expert systems via the sharing of knowledge sources of different topologies (experts, problem-oriented texts, and electronic media in the form of databases). The emphasis is on the models, methods, and algorithms of distributed knowledge acquisition from databases as additional knowledge sources. The authors describe the architecture and basic facilities of distributed knowledge acquisition, which function as a part of the AT-TECHNOLOGY tool complex.  相似文献   

In order to establish recruitment procedures to fill professional vacancies, a committee was formed to investigate current recruitment and selection practices in academic libraries. The literature on recruitment was reviewed, and a questionnaire was sent to libraries at large academic institutions across the U.S. Results indicated that recruitment practices are not uniform, but that most libraries attempt to advertise widely. The survey revealed that the level of participation of professional staff in recruitment and selection procedures varies greatly. Search committees are used for all levels of professional positions, but their charges and power are not well-defined or consistent. Little standardization of recruitment and selection practices exists. Social sciences librarians may be especially interested in this application of a social science method-that of the structured survey-to a library issue.  相似文献   

Z39.50协议在建设分布式图书馆网络系统中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出我国目前资源共享与网络建设存在的问题,介绍和阐述建立分布式资源共享网络系统的必要性,分析国外利用信息检索与传输协议Z39.50实施分布式资源共享网络建设的情况,据此强调研制标准的和可实施的信息检索协议在分布式网络系统建设中的重要性。  相似文献   

This paper deals with an experimental network application. As an example, an environment with on screen display of low density information is selected. Such an environment can be found in hospitals where patients have to be guided from one place to another, as well as in many other situations, like airports. The method used is a fiber based 20 Mbit/sec network. In order to have a homogeneous structure transputer links are used throughout. Both, packet oriented inter processor communications and low level bit streams for the video frames, can coexist over these links. Uniformity in the physical layer [1] ensures maximum reliability and flexibility. With the usage of transputer links, fault detection in this application is inherent. The overall design is a highly distributed and low cost solution. Interfaces to standard networks are easily available.  相似文献   

尚新丽 《图书情报工作》2011,55(18):121-124
简述支持群体参与的语义网本体构建方式MMOC的构建流程和特点,并对MMOC的源本体获取、本体离散存储、本体生成机理、核心知识控制、本体实例化过程、冲突处理方法、本体评价和本体映射方式进行解析;指出MMOC对语义网的发展可以起到明显的推动作用。  相似文献   

User or program mobility in distributed computing systems is becoming increasingly significant in the modern community since users may change their working locations frequently. Job migration is supplementary to remote login in the support of user mobility. However, the migration facility is not a common feature in distributed systems yet. This is mainly due to the inherent complexity in implementing such a facility. This paper proposes a logical machine migration mechanism that can effectively support software environment migration. The basic idea behind logical machine migration is to migrate a logical machine, including the running processes and their execution environment, by a single mechanism. Thus most of the migration difficulties due to the dependency on the operating system kernel are eliminated. We have realized an experimental system, called DLMS386, which successfully demonstrates such idea.  相似文献   

信息技术革命推动信息产业发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前多数信息系统仍为人—机系统。信息技术革命将使新一代分布式信息技术被广泛使用 ,开发出包括数字图书馆、远程教育、电子商务、虚拟企业等各种更先进的系统。分布式信息系统包括以人为中心的计算、分布式协同环境、快速合成和仿真工具 4部分。新一代信息技术对信息产业发展具有重要意义。参考文献 5。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the problem of joining production rules obtained from knowledge sources of different typology (experts, problem-oriented texts, electronic carriers in the form of databases) with a view to building complete and consistent knowledge bases in integrated expert systems. It describes the properties of distributed knowledge acquisition within the target-oriented methodology for building integrated expert systems and automatic technology created on its basis that includes new-generation instruments - an AT-TECHNOLOGY software complex. The problems of using the theory of multisets to join productive rules obtained from different knowledge sources are considered.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a novel methodology within the IDCP measuring framework for comparing normalization procedures based on different classification systems of articles into scientific disciplines. Firstly, we discuss the properties of two rankings, based on a graphical and a numerical approach, for the comparison of any pair of normalization procedures using a single classification system for evaluation purposes. Secondly, when the normalization procedures are based on two different classification systems, we introduce two new rankings following the graphical and the numerical approaches. Each ranking is based on a double test that assesses the two normalization procedures in terms of the two classification systems on which they depend. Thirdly, we also compare the two normalization procedures using a third, independent classification system for evaluation purposes. In the empirical part of the paper we use: (i) a classification system consisting of 219 sub-fields identified with the Web of Science subject-categories; an aggregate classification system consisting of 19 broad fields, as well as a systematic and a random assignment of articles to sub-fields with the aim of maximizing or minimizing differences across sub-fields; (ii) four normalization procedures that use the field or sub-field mean citations of the above four classification systems as normalization factors; and (iii) a large dataset, indexed by Thomson Reuters, in which 4.4 million articles published in 1998–2003 with a five-year citation window are assigned to sub-fields using a fractional approach. The substantive results concerning the comparison of the four normalization procedures indicate that the methodology can be useful in practice.  相似文献   

Scheduling transactions in advanced applications of distributed database systems, such as real-time distributed groupware systems and network management systems, are different from that in traditional database systems. In this paper, we propose new scheduling models, LWL for coordinating cooperative activities in real-time distributed groupware systems, and GTM for providing interoperability to network management systems, respectively.  相似文献   

建设协同工作环境下图书馆管理信息系统的技术探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于Intranet、Internet 和W eb 技术的人员或机构间协同工作环境已成为现代信息系统基础设施的重要组成部分。然而, 现有的许多图书馆管理信息系统仍旧是基于数据库、面向具体业务任务、相对独立的信息系统。随着社会的发展, 建设协同工作环境下的图书馆管理信息系统是当前图书馆自动化建设的重要任务。本文讨论适于协同工作环境的工作流管理技术及其在图书馆管理上的应用。  相似文献   

The International Records Management Trust has demonstrated that there is currently little capacity or infrastructure in the developing world for managing government records as authentic evidence of policies, transactions, activities and entitlements. Records management itself will not halt corruption and bring about accountability, but it is an essential contributor to public sector integrity. The Records Management Capacity Assessment System (RMCAS) provides a means of assessing records management policies, procedures and resources against established international standards. It uses a diagnostic model, based on the records life cycle, to identify strengths, weaknesses and risk areas, and links with a database of training and capacity-building materials that can be used to plan improvements. Designed initially to measure records and information systems in the financial management, human resource management and legal and judicial areas, it can also be applied generically. The RMCAS software application will shortly be available, free of charge, through the Internet or in CD-ROM format. RMCAS can be applied flexibly to take account of variations in size of institutions and the administrative contexts in which they operate, as well as developmental and national aspirations. It can be applied to both paper and digital records and assesses the relationship between paper and electronic systems. The views expressed are those of the author and should not be interpreted as those of the International Monetary Fund.  相似文献   

基于内容的图像检索在检索效率和检索性能等方面一直存在着限制与不足。为提高图像检索效率,对基于内容的图像检索和分布式计算进行研究,提出一种基于图像颜色模型向直方图转换的分布式检索方法DHCIR(Distributed Image Retrieval method based on Color Model to Histogram Conversion),并基于该方法进行系统设计及实现。通过实际测试,该算法能够提供稳定、快速、高效的图像检索服务,提高图像检索的计算效率与准确性。  相似文献   

In this paper we conduct a detailed performance analysis of four distinct member protocols from the Internet TCP/IP family, these being the user datagram protocol (UDP), transmission control protocol (TCP), the remote procedure call system (RPC) and data transmission aspects of the network file system (NFS). We discuss the trends in computer development which have led to the widespread use of distributed workstation environments interconnected by local area networks, the motivation for implementing parallel distributed programs on such systems and the impact that protocol-selection can have on the overall efficiency of such an application.  相似文献   


ILL Manager is a complete interlibrary loan system designed and marketed by the Research Libraries Group, Inc. Based on the ISO ILL protocols, ILL Manager can function as a distributed peer-to-peer system, sending and tracking requests directly with partners that also operate on an ISO-compliant system, server to server. ILL Manager can also trade requests with partners still residing on the centralized OCLC and RLIN ILL systems by sending protocol messages through ISO-compliant gateways to those systems. Users of ILL Manager search any Z39.50 compliant catalog, transfer bibliographic data into an ILL workform, and send protocol-compliant requests to virtually any resource-sharing partner. By achieving one workflow for all ILL transactions and automating many routine procedures, ILL Manager has potential for greatly reducing ILL unit costs.  相似文献   

Computational algorithms and automated decision making systems that include them offer potential to improve public policy and organizations. But computational algorithms based on biased data encode those biases into algorithms, models and their outputs. Systemic racism is institutionalized bias with respect to race, ethnicity and related attributes. Such bias is located in data that encode the results and outputs of decisions that have been discriminatory, in procedures and processes that may intentionally or unintentionally disadvantage people based on race, and in policies that may discriminate by race. Computational algorithms may exacerbate systemic racism if they are not designed, developed, and used–that is, enacted–with attention to identifying and remedying bias specific to race. Advancing social equity in digital governance requires systematic, ongoing efforts to assure that automated decision making systems, and their enactment in complex public organizational arrangements, are free from bias.  相似文献   

异构分布式信息检索系统整合研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
实现异构处理器、异构数据源之间的共建共享,必须对分布式检索系统的各个子系统进行整合。现有的技术对于实现具体的、个别的分布式检索系统的互操作虽然没有问题,但要建立普遍意义的互操作规范,尚有一定难度。数据/语义层的互操作仍是异构分布式信息检索系统整合的重点,相关研究仍需深入。  相似文献   

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