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Fishbein and Ajzen's model for Reasoned Action was applied to the context of message‐strategy choice. It was felt that the cognitive process described by the model would be useful in predicting which message‐strategy a person would use in conflict. Three propositions were derived from the literature on strategy choice and the theory. First, it was proposed that the use of a particular message‐strategy could be predicted from a person's intentions. Second, it was proposed that attitudes about outcomes, and attitudes based in social norms would predict intentions. Third, it was proposed that after an opponent had not complied with a person on a previous influence attempt, the social norm component would, no longer contribute to the prediction of intentions. The first two propositions were supported. The third proposition, however, was not supported.  相似文献   

朱伟  吴明 《编辑学报》2001,13(Z1):97-99
网络技术的发展给人们的生活和工作带来了许多便利,同时也对高校学报编辑部各项工作的方式、方法和手段等产生根本性的改变.根据目前学报编辑部的特点及局域网建设的状况,介绍了局域网拓扑结构的选择、操作系统的选择及网络参数的设置等,为学报编辑部局域网的组建提供参考.  相似文献   

文献分类是图书馆学情报学领域的一个传统研究问题。实用化的中图法自动分类系统最重要的一个要求就是能够将文献精确地自动分类到三级或四级类目之下,这意味着需要将特定文献较为精确地自动分类到上千个类目之下。为了构建面向实际应用的科技文献中图法自动分类引擎,本文基于层次分类思想,设计和实现了一个基于多层分类器集群的科技文献自动分类引擎系统,并重点解决了科技文献自动分类引擎建设中的四个关键问题:①如何获取并构建大规模高质量分类训练数据以提升自动分类效果;②如何设计和实现多层分类器集群以有效解决上千个类目自动分类的准确性;③如何面向现实要求来优化处理流程以提升分类速度;④如何设计和开放接口以支撑引擎的开放调用。最终构建了科技文献自动分类引擎,各项指标达到了实用化要求,初步实现了基于中图法的自动分类系统的实际应用。图4。表7。参考文献16。  相似文献   

Several governments are actively encouraging their administrations to deliver public services exclusively through digital channels. This strategy consists of putting in place a series of complex and specific actions that bring into play numerous actors, to ensure that users are willing to accept digital channels and that weaker users are not disadvantaged. Although this strategy is being increasingly adopted in various countries, scholars have scarcely begun to explore its logic. This research explores how to define a service delivery strategy that forces users to adopt digital channels. Four in-depth case studies have been conducted on Italian local governments that started delivering their non-educational school services through digital channels alone. We found that a mandatory service delivery strategy is feasible when the starting point is to understand the users' characteristics, skills and behaviours and, as a consequence, whether they perceive the service as complex and/or ambiguous. With this in mind, public organisations can select the proper mix of channels for each category of users and combine their change in approach with behavioural-type interventions, i.e. by creating the right conditions to modify the users' behaviour.  相似文献   

This paper describes the investigation and development of new principles, models, methods, and an organizational technological scheme for the operation of the united information-technologic complex of regions (UITCR), substantiates the development of the UITCR, reveals its properties, and suggests its principles, models, and methods of operation.  相似文献   

祝建华 :本文描述的“传播机体”理论是“媒体依赖”理论在全球化和新媒体时代的继承和发展 ,用于分析媒体、个人、社群乃至社会各层面之互动关系。陈力丹 :鲍尔 -洛基奇是前任《传播学研究》的两主编之一 ,她与德弗勒的合著《大众传播诸论》1 5年前就在中国出版了中译本 ,因而被我国传播学界知悉。她在理论传播学方面与时俱进 ,现在已经将她早年论证的“媒介依赖论” ,以美国洛杉矶不同文化区域的传播生态作为研究对象 ,发展到了现在的“传播机体论”。本期发表的是她发言的理论部分。  相似文献   

Web hyperlink analysis has been a key topic of Webometric research. However, inlink data collection from commercial search engines has been limited to only one source in recent years, which is not a promising prospect for the future development of the field. We need to tap into other Web data sources and to develop new methods. Toward this end, we propose a new Webometrics concept that is based on words rather than inlinks on Webpages. We propose that word co-occurrences on Webpages can be a measure of the relatedness of organizations. Word co-occurrence data can be collected from both general search engines and blog search engines, which expands data sources greatly. The proposed concept is tested in a group of companies in the LTE and WiMax sectors of the telecommunications industry. Data on the co-occurrences of company names on Webpages were collected from Google and Google Blog. The co-occurrence matrices were analyzed using MDS. The resulting MDS maps were compared with industry reality and with the MDS maps from co-link analysis. Results show that Web co-word analysis could potentially be as useful as Web co-link analysis. Google Blog seems to be a better source than Google for co-word data collection.  相似文献   

This paper describes the problem thematic structure of databases on studies of studies on religion that is formed at the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences (INION) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The principles of the informal processing of documents and queries based on a complex of linguistic tools of the system are uncovered. The problems of information searching using queries of different complexity are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an effort to define a method for evaluation of parallel architectures dedicated to vision. A definition of the benchmark concept, and a characterisation of a standard set of general-purpose vision algorithms which could constitue a benchmark are proposed. These algorithms are independent of machine architecture, environments, programming models and parallelisation techniques supported. A detailed example illustrating the proposed approach is given.  相似文献   

The on-site monitoring of acoustic emission (AE) has allowed the direct tracing of climate-induced crack propagation in an eighteenth-century wardrobe displayed in the Gallery of Decorative Art in the National Museum in Krakow, Poland. The anti-correlation measuring scheme and frequency filtering allowed very low levels of physical damage to the wardrobe to be detected in spite of the high background noise typical of the museum environment. The total AE energy recorded during two years of monitoring corresponded to a fractured area of 12 mm2 or a total crack propagation of 1.2 mm for two10-mm-thick panels. Although the total damage recorded was minute, correlation between the events of fracturing and falls in indoor relative humidity (RH) in winter due to insufficient humidification was evident. The risk of damage, expressed in terms of crack propagation, was quantified as a function of the magnitude of the RH falls of the duration compatible with the response time of the object. The data allow acceptable RH falls to be identified if a conservation professional or a curator selects a ‘tolerable’ yearly propagation of the fracture, in other words the progress of damage considered insignificant.  相似文献   

文化软实力是一个国家或一个地区的民族精神产品的吸引力和感染力。出版是文化传播的主要载体,也是一个国家文化软实力的突出体现。出版走出去战略是加强出版产业国际竞争力的一个重要举措,也是提升国家文化软实力的重要支撑。本文主要讨论了文化软实力的提升和出版走出去之间的关系问题,以及在制定和实施出版走出去战略的过程中,如何更好地实现文化软实力提升的问题。  相似文献   

Research on the evaluation of the quality of academic papers is attracting more attention from scholars in scientometrics. However, most previous researches have assessed paper quality based on external indicators, such as citations, which failed to account for the content of the research. To that end, this paper proposed a new method for measuring a paper's originality. The method was based on knowledge units in semantic networks, focusing on the relationship and semantic similarity of different knowledge units. Connectivity and path similarity between different content elements were used in particular networks as indicators of originality. This study used papers published between 2014 and 2018 in three categories (i.e. Library & Information Science, Educational Psychology, and Carbon Nanotubes) and divided their content into three parts (i.e. research topics, research methods and research results). It was found that the originality in all categories increase each year. Furthermore, a comparison of our new method with previous models of citation network analysis and knowledge combination analysis showed that our new method is better than those previous methods when used in measuring originality.  相似文献   

王淑华 《编辑学报》2015,27(6):528-530
在"一带一路"建设中,科技期刊作为国家科技发展和科技创新的重要标志,是国家科技竞争力和软实力的宣示和体现.中国已跻身世界科技期刊大国行列,相比于"一带一路"沿线各国具明显的办刊优势,中国期刊理应发挥先发优势,引领科技发展,促进科技交流,护航国家战略.宏观层面建议国家新闻出版广电总局进一步突出政策引导、项目牵引和平台搭建,为中国科技期刊的先发战略布局谋篇;中观层面建议各期刊协会进行专题调研和加强业务交流,成为先发战略的中流砥柱;在微观层面建议科技期刊注重引领和组织学术研究,培养"一带一路"学术人才,交流和传播学术,成为先发战略的重要基石.  相似文献   

本文从组织层面分析了馆员压力的有效管理,并借鉴一些全球知名大企业的压力管理策略,从企业管理角度提出了图书馆人力资源管理平衡的组织面策略。  相似文献   

As European economic integration proceeds, governments will have to address the cultural issues that they have thus far neglected. In the Netherlands, special, concerns include a decline in the level of reading and of book sales, the need for low VAT rates and fixed book prices, and the forcing out of small producers. At the same time, integration offers opportunities in the maintenance of local markets, multicultural and language education, and harmonization of copyright laws. Joost Kist has been active in publishing since 1953. He was vice-president of the Executive Board of Wolters Kluwer and retired from its board in January 1990. He remains a consultant to the board and special assistant to the chairman. Dr. Kist is a member of the Council for Libraries and Information Services and author ofElectronic Publishing: Looking for a Blueprint and many articles on the subject of new media. Wolters Kluwer was formed in 1988 by the merger of the Wolters Noordhoff and Kluwer groups. In May 1990 they purchased J.B. Lippincott from HarperCollins. Their turnover for the last fiscal year was just over $1 billion, with pretax income of $123.5 million.  相似文献   

新世纪开始不久,听到一位出版社负责人说:“出版社卖书号不合算。”究竟如何不合算,这位出版社的负责人没有说,但账想必是算过的。若干年来,尽管宣传、新闻出版管理等部门严厉禁止买卖书号、买卖书号却一直是出版界的痼疾,有的出版社还出现不卖书号似就难以为继的征兆。 为什么有的出版社或者出版社的有关人员热衷于卖书号,卖书号是利大于弊还是弊大于利?这里不妨为卖书号算  相似文献   

数字图书馆的核心是用户管理和馆藏管理,系统应该建立以存储管理为基础的数字图书馆架构。该架构有3个主要特征:基于存储的资产管理、以事件触发的工作流模型、分级权限认证。图2。表2。参考文献6。  相似文献   

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