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开展汉字书写教育,关系到文化传承。由于计算机普及的冲击以及多年来对此缺乏重视,大学生能够把字写好的人已经不多见,并且,对于写字有畏难情绪甚至失去信心的人较多。为改变这种状况,应该明确他们在汉字书写中存在的普遍问题是什么,找出问题,按需施教,从培养自信、选好教材、强调临摹、学用结合等方面入手,坚持不懈,就一定能够改变不良的书写习惯,把字写得规范、而且美观、快速。  相似文献   

本文讨论汉字性质的问题。通过对各家观点的评述,指出它们虽各有道理且用各有当,但都有一定的缺陷。确定一种文字的性质应把握三个原则:要紧扣文字记录语言的功能;必须与其他文字有可比性;分类要按层次,每个层次上只能采用一个逻辑标准。本文运用这三个原则,吸收各家合理成分,从而得出结论:汉字是表义的音节文字。  相似文献   

Diverse characters in children's literature have been used for many years to introduce children to a variety of cultures and ethnic peoples. Using characters in literature is also a strategy that is available to educators who wish to introduce children in a classroom to their peers who have disabilities. The article explores both how books can be analyzed and what educators should look for if they are using books that contain characters with disabilities.  相似文献   

to state the theme that"sometimes,things change and they are never the same again,this looks like one of those times.That's life,Life move on,and so should we"Dr Spencer Johnson depict a story about change in a maze where four amusing characters look for"cheese"—cheese being a metaphor for what we want to have in life,whether it is a job,a relationship,money,a big house,freedom,health,recognition spiritual peace,or even an activity like jogging or golf.Each of us has our own idea of what cheese is,and we pursue it because we believe it makes us happy.If we get it,we often become attached to it.And if we lose it,or it’s taken away,it can be traumatic The maze in the story represents where you spend time looking for what you want.It can be the organization you work in,the community you live in,or the relationship you have in your life.  相似文献   

如果可能,请别写小说。小说创作是一种非社会行为,一旦动笔,小说家会时刻为小说中的人物所困扰;而且,真正写起来,小说指南一类书籍并不管用。假如非写不可,那么,小说家需考虑是以情节为主还是以人物为主。如果以情节为主,小说家即在虚构的事情中间而非在所谓的真实生活中寻找人物的时候,抓住情节不放;如果以人物为主,那么,小说家则需对适于情节的某些特征加以强调,使人物在新环境中显得真实可信,从而赋予他们生命。小说家无论重情节抑或是重人物,都还要考虑以何种形式、何种风格呈现情节和人物的问题;当然,在优秀的小说家笔下,故事和人物本身会以最适合的形式出现。小说家应对形式、人物和语言保持一种敏锐的感觉。此外,小说家可能会对道德教诲产生迷恋。尽管应当通过作品给读者以教益,但是,真诚的艺术家并不能专注于说教。  相似文献   

具有“德、才、学”三方面品格的教师是高尚型的教师。在教师高尚人格的影响下,学生为其崇高的品德所折服,为其卓越的才能所倾倒,为其广博的知识所陶醉,才能“亲其师”而“信其道”。因此,人格高尚的教师最受学生欢迎,能达到教书育人的最高境界。  相似文献   

日汉语音、字词差异比较   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
许多人认为日语比其它语言好学。原因是日语中有很多汉字。以为没学过日语,也可以根据汉字猜出其大意。其实不然,汉语与日语虽有一些相似之处,但却分属于两种完全不同的语言体系。汉语属于孤立语,日语则属于粘着语。两种语言间存在着很多不同之处。  相似文献   

现代汉语教本及丛书对汉字偏旁和部首的解释是明晰的,但对什么样的字可作偏旁分析、偏旁和部首之间具有什么样的关系这两个问题,很少有详尽明了的阐述。本文就此作了较为具体的分析,对理解、掌握和使用汉字有一定的帮助。  相似文献   

日文汉字对中国人来讲,既有方便快捷的一面,也有扑朔迷离、误导思路的一面。我国人民创造的文字,陆续传入日本后,是怎样为异族消化、吸收、利用的?失真程度如何?发生了什么样的演化?如何发展至今?日文汉字与中文汉字到底是不是一会事儿?文章探讨了日文汉字的历史渊源、发音演化、我们学日文汉字时怎样理解日本人的思路及注意事项。  相似文献   

蔡其矫和惠特曼:中美杰出的民主诗人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对中国当代诗人蔡其矫和美国近代诗人惠特曼诗歌的比较分析,侧重探讨诗人蔡其矫的定位问题。两位诗人在世时都曾经是属有争议的人物,但他们的爱憎分明,性格顽强,人生道路十分坎坷。民族的解放,人民的民主,国家的振兴,个人的自由是他们一生追求的目标。“人文主义”是他们诗歌创作的基本精神。他们的诗歌,对中美人民争取民主自由的权利作出巨大的贡献。  相似文献   

文章以让·日奈的经典仪式化戏剧《女仆》为例,分析了剧中两个仆人所进行的扮演游戏是什么,选择扮演游戏的动机是什么,以及具有怎样的艺术效果。通过对剧中角色的境遇以及心理状态的分析,总结出剧中角色克莱尔所体现的黑暗骑士的精神。并通过对让·日奈戏剧中间离和镜像游戏等特征的分析,展现了让·日奈戏剧的独特性以及他本人所具有的非凡的才华和精神魅力。  相似文献   

电影主要运用人物语言塑造形象,剧情片更是如此,常常借助对话表现思想、刻画性格、推进情节等。电影中的人物语言富有性格化的特征。性格化是电影人物语言艺术的最高审美价值体现。电影翻译的重要任务之一就是要忠实地传达原片的这一审美特质,在译制片中再塑人物形象。  相似文献   

Preschoolers' Attributions of Mental States in Pretense   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
When young children appear to recognize that someone else is engaging in make-believe play, do they infer what the pretender is thinking? Are they aware that the pretender is thinking about a pretend scenario yet knows what the real situation is? Preschoolers ages 3–5 ( N = 45) viewed scenes from the Barney & Friends television series depicting either make-believe or realistic actions. Children were questioned concerning the presence of pretense and the thoughts and beliefs of the TV characters. The children where also presented with false belief and appearance/reality theory of mind tasks. Children who identified when TV characters were engaging in pretend play did not necessarily infer the pretenders thoughts and beliefs. Inferring pretenders' thoughts was related to performance on false belief and appearance/reality tasks, but simply recognizing pretense was not. These data support the view that children initially learn to recognize pretense from contextual cues and are able to infer pretenders' beliefs only with further development of metarepresentational ability.  相似文献   

影视话语是电影中各人物之间交流,表达情感的重要形式。通过对影视话语中对白的分析,人们能够窥探电影人物的内心世界,领会影片所要传达的深层意义以及语言的艺术魅力。话语本身的“字面意义”解释“说了什么”,说话人使用该话语表述的实际“含蓄意义”解决“意味着什么”。格莱斯的合作原则在1967年被正式提出,他把那些违反合作原则下的“四准则”而推导出来“含蓄意义”称作“会话含义”。本文以格莱斯的合作原则和会话含义理论为指导,分析电影《我是山姆》对白中违反合作原则所产生的“爱”的会话含义。  相似文献   

Over the past fifty years, children’s picture books have made great strides toward literary equity by including more perspectives from and stories about marginalized groups, such as those whose gender identities do not conform to heteronormative standards. While texts featuring gender-variant male characters engage in topics that are far too often shoved into the proverbial closet, what is yet to be determined is the degree to which they adequately reflect the complexity of (gender) identity and to what extent such picture books can counter narratives related to traditional “masculinity.” The purpose of this paper is to critically examine picture book representations of gender variance, as exhibited by male characters, in order to determine the books’ potential for exploring issues of social justice with elementary-age students. This study utilizes a critical multiculturalist lens to challenge the ways in which gender variance is represented in children’s literature and the reasons that young gender-variant male protagonists achieve—or do not achieve—communal acceptance.  相似文献   

囿于转型期社会状态的复杂性与学人思想认识的差异性,人们在讨论和谐社会的基础是什么的问题上,常常有着见仁见智的理解。从伦理学意义上说,和谐社会本身所蕴涵的道德性特征决定了道德伦理需要的现实性基础。因而,持续有效地加强社会主义道德建设,借鉴人类历史上丰厚的和谐思想资源,赋予新的内涵并加以发展,以增强与培育全体社会成员的道德素质和道德精神,是实现和谐社会的重要基础手段。  相似文献   

本文旨在通过对《儿子与情人》中的人物进行重新分析,从而阐释它不只是一部"成长小说"或者是俄狄浦斯情结的再现,更是一部女人战胜男人的小说。通过这部小说,劳伦斯道出了两性关系的另外一种形式:女人控制男人,从而展示了无论生活在父权统治之下,还是重返母系社会,都不能够和谐地生活。男女各尽所能,平等相处,这才是生活之道。  相似文献   

Rather than look at children as they move between cultures, this article examines the child protagonists of The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm as they move within their own culture. Although this multi-cultural novel is from the science fiction genre, the psychological reality of encountering different peoples holds true. Tendai, Rita, and Kuda are unique characters: they live in isolation within their own culture. This isolation allows the children to experience each segment of their culture as if they were outsiders to it. Both the narrator and narrative are set up to help the reader find the various subcultures visited as lacking—this despite several overt statements about not making judgments. In the end, what could be a novel of understanding and acceptance turns out to be a terrific adventure story, but rather typical in that any culture that is not the protagonist's own is dangerous and inferior.  相似文献   

吕师瑶 《海外英语》2014,(10):243-244,280
During these decades,learning Chinese has been a heated point in the foreign language teaching and learning.Due to this situation,I suggest to discuss three questions which are related to Chinese language teaching for beginners,they are about whether foreigners can and should learn literacy; whether to teach both pinyin and characters and what to teach first.  相似文献   

论俗字   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
俗字是世俗所行之字。古字少 ,后世大众出于记录、表达需要造了大量的俗字 ,是中华汉字的新生代。历代相承 ,蔚为大观。因字书收录 ,保存了汉字资源。俗字不俗 ,通俗而不浅陋 ,利在便俗 ,亦难违俗。对俗字应宽容 ,少非难  相似文献   

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