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西方精确新闻学理论的内容及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精确新闻学理论亦被称为精确新闻体、精确新闻报道,是由美国学者、新闻记者菲利普·迈耶在20世纪60年代提出来的。其含义是:记者在采访新闻时,运用调查、实验和内容分析等社会科学研究方法来收集资料、查证事实,从而报道新闻。这一新闻报道理论在20世纪70年代风行于美国新闻界,后传遍世界各国新闻界。80年代,我国新闻界开始运用这种新闻报道理论和方法报道新闻信息。  相似文献   

1983年以来,非洲出现了一场波澜壮阔的新闻解放斗争。非洲新闻界要求建立国际新闻新秩序的呼声空前高涨,西方通讯社长期垄断非洲新闻、歪曲非洲形象的作法引起的愤懑总爆发了。这是被压在世界最底层的非洲,为生存和发展而斗争的一个组成部分,对于整个第三世界争取建立国际新闻新秩序的斗争具有重大意义。  相似文献   

正自然界是最丰富多彩的,但它正在走向高度统一,而高度统一正在摧毁自然界。为了满足世上几十亿人的口腹,现在世界上只剩下七种主要植物供人享用,或许将来只会剩下产量最高的稻米、小麦、玉米和番薯,其他产量稍低的谷物会逐步被遗弃——粮食的多样性正在遭到破坏。单一食物最让人担心病虫害,世人将来会不会因某种灾害而活活饿死?新闻是最丰富多彩的,但它也正在走向高度统一,而高度统一正在摧毁新闻界,也在摧毁受众。我们的新闻是一样的,标题是一样的,导语是一样的,甚至连版面也是一样的,而一些网络连假新闻都是一样的——我们的大脑仿佛是激光照排机,永远只能看到表面,没有一点逻辑思维能力和透视能力。  相似文献   

很长时间以来,“新闻自由”一直是国际新闻界的热门话题,目前它在世界各国得以实现的状况如何?国际新闻学会最近对1986年11月至1987年11月世界新闻界的考察表明:世界上许多国家,政府对新闻界的干预及直接与间接的控制呈现逐渐加强的趋势,新闻记者的日常工作正在受到来自各个方面的限制,甚至是威胁。  相似文献   

这是这次汶川大地震的新闻图片中被最广泛刊发的一张。在汶川大地震中,中国新闻记者、新闻摄影师的报道也以空前规模登上了世界各大媒体的版面。发生在2008年初夏中国人民万众一心抗震救灾的壮举将永远载入史册:中国新闻界在大灾大难来临之际所呈现出来的勇气、责任、效率、水准,也将为世界新闻史册添上浓重的一笔。  相似文献   

战争,作为矛盾冲突的焦点历来备受人们关注,因而也成为新闻界报道的热点。有人说,战争是新闻之母,也有人说,战争的第一个受害者就是新闻。纵观美国现代新闻史,可以看出一条清晰的脉络:美国政府用一只无形但却威力巨大的手越来越紧密地控制了美国媒体,尽管它一再标榜给媒体“以世界上最充分的新闻自由”。与此相对应的,则是美国新闻界新闻道德的日渐堕落,尽管它也是一再宣称“客观、公正、准确地报道新闻事实”。 美国政府在战时对新闻的控制由来已久。早在南北战争时期,就已经有了新闻界自动接受强制检查的先例。第一、二次世界…  相似文献   

与其他英美法系国家一样,在美国没有一部系统完整的新闻法典,高校新闻传播专业教育的课程中也没有一门课程叫"新闻法"。美国在具体的新闻实践中主要遵循的是《宪法第一修正案》所确定的"言论自由"和"新闻自由"原则及在历史发展过程中新闻媒介争取新闻自由时所产生的各种判例及其确定原则。但是,新闻自由同样也受到了法律的限制。美国政府(通常通过法律)与新闻媒体对抗、博弈、妥协、合作等,在诸多现实且互相制约的因素中,美国新闻界不断获得发展,美国也最终成为了世界上新闻业最发达的国家。  相似文献   

李祖立 《新闻界》2004,(2):75-75
2003年4月,在新闻史上发生了一件震惊世界的丑闻:美国《洛杉矶时报》资深摄影记者布莱恩沃斯基在伊拉克战争中,因制作假照片而被炒鱿鱼。消息一出,世界新闻界哗然。一个有着25年新闻摄影历史的摄影记者居然断送在一张假新闻照片上。这一事件警示我们,违背新闻规律,制造假新闻的人终会被唾弃。只有严格新闻纪律,恪守新闻工作者职业道德的人,才会受到广大读者的尊敬和爱戴。我们说诚信才是新闻的生命。诚信是金。造假:新闻界的禁区布莱恩·沃斯基事件在世界新闻界掀起了掀然大波,广大新闻工作者对这一行为表示愤慨。然而,对布莱恩·沃斯基的行…  相似文献   

天时、地利与人和在信息全球化与国际权力格局变迁的今天,中国媒体拥有与世界传媒巨头竞争的"天时、地利与人和".关键在于,中国媒体首先要建立自信.所谓"天时",是指当下西方强国实力相对衰落,新媒体冲击等因素使得其新闻创造力有所削弱,加之中国崛起所带来的"落差效应",使中国媒体与欧美传统媒体巨头的报道能力差距大大缩小.以美国为例,近年来,美国舆论常以反恐为名,鼓励国家安全至上的理念,大大限制了美国的新闻自由和创造空间.有"美国新闻界第一夫人"之称的海伦·托马斯,在2006年出版的《民主的看门狗》一书中,力陈华盛顿新闻界的没落,以及总统与联邦政府的权力如何干涉美国的新闻自由.事实上,海伦的书只是近年大量批判与反思美国新闻界退步的一个侧面.  相似文献   

公共新闻崛起的背景与前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共新闻学是20世纪80年代末、90年代初在美国新闻界兴起的一个社会运动,是新闻界面对社会的批评和信任危机而提出的解决方案。公共新闻理念诞生是对全球传媒体系、新自由主义与文化帝国主义的综合作用的反叛,是从传媒消费主义向媒介公民的回归。全球化背景下,美国媒体的反民主趋势正在加剧。公共新闻则致力于公民知情权的保障与新闻自由的捍卫。因此,公共新闻理论及其实践是"社会责任理论"的丰富和发展,也是在媒体民主功能式微的历史条件下社会责任论演进的新阶段。  相似文献   

胡雨 《新闻界》2007,287(6):96-97
媒体与军方是根本上迥异的两类组织,有着在目标、任务等方面的内在冲突.在2003年美国发动伊拉克战争前夕,美国军方率先推出的“嵌入式报道“制度,继而革命性地改变了战时新闻控制.无疑,“嵌入式报道“新现象的出现昭示了战时新闻调控的新发展与新趋势.  相似文献   

In the beginning of the German occupation of Poland in 1939, press censorship and a strict ban on radio listening were imposed. Poles and ghettos-imprisoned Jews could obtain international information by reading German-controlled newspapers or, alternatively, by reading the clandestine press or listen to rumours. This article stresses the significance of information distributed by activists of Hashomer Hatzair, Zionist, leftist youth movement, who conducted radio monitoring and prepared daily news bulletins distributed in Warsaw ghetto. The article describes their monitoring practices and shows how news extracted from broadcasts was later used in the press. It also engages with the question as to why foreign news was so important to Jews struggling to survive in terrible conditions of the ghetto. It also identifies motivations for conducting radio monitoring during the Holocaust and compares it with those of people listening to foreign radio stations in other contexts and with different intentions.  相似文献   

温少杰 《大观周刊》2012,(40):19-19
目前,各家电视台都把打造民生新闻栏目看成提高新闻报道影响力和收视份额的一条重要途径。但随之而来的是观众和业界对电视民生新闻同质低俗的批评也越来越强烈。电视民生新闻亚待转型与提升,已经成为业界共识。随着栏目品牌的不断增加,竞争也日益激烈,如何在竞争中生存,建立高品质的栏目品牌,在如雨后春笋般淋漓的节目中脱颖而出,是值得广大新闻人考虑的又一课题。  相似文献   

This work collates the opinions of European professionals and internet users concerning the changing reality facing the world of journalism following the explosion of digital media. Our research shows the results of analytical surveys conducted between October 2013 and January 2014 among 54 professionals of renowned prestige, and 500 regular users of the digital media in the five most populated countries in the European Union: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy and Spain, all states affected to a greater or lesser extent by the crisis of the printed press. The surveys cover a wide range of topics, from the impact of social networks, the quality of the digital media, the willingness of citizens to pay for content and the degree of interactivity in the digital media for the future of journalism. Professionals and users agree that the news in 2020 will be better and more interactive than now. With regard to other matters, there is more disagreement. Professionals are much more critical than users when it comes to evaluating the quality of the news. The professionals’ survey was more qualitative, and, in their opinion, overcoming the crisis in the written press implies, among other measures, promoting analysis, prioritising quality over quantity and offering “niche” specialisation.  相似文献   

在新闻诉讼中,新闻真实与否成为判断新闻报道是否侵权的重要依据。司法界对新闻真实的考察,集中于事实的"有没有"和"准不准"。新闻界对新闻诉讼中新闻真实的认识存在种种误解。实际上,新闻诉讼中的新闻真实首先应是新闻理论范畴中的问题,其次才涉及法律范畴上的界定。  相似文献   

The only long term trend data on trust in the American press comes from the General Social Survey (GSS). The erosion of trust in the press as measured by the GSS indicator is indisputable, but its implications for the functioning of American democracy depend on what, precisely, is being measured. In this study we use an experimental design embedded in a representative national probability sample to shed light on what people are thinking of when they say they trust or distrust the American press. Are they thinking about the sources they themselves use for news? The sources that are most popular with the population at large? An average of all possible media sources? We find that individuals express much greater trust in the press when they are asked to consider specific news sources than when they are asked to evaluate a generic news media. Our results suggest that an accessibility bias combined with the proliferation of news sources in recent years may lead individuals to think of distrusted sources when asked to answer generic media trust questions. We therefore argue that different measurement strategies are needed to successfully address trust in the press in the current news environment.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(4):404-420
This article examines the impact of technology on Australian conflict reporting using the experiences and insights of the practitioners themselves. There is a prevailing belief that war and foreign correspondents are more liberated and the audience better informed as technology permits immediate communication from the frontline. The article considers the challenges faced by previous generations of war correspondents and the contrasting experiences of reporting in Iraq, analysing how technology has impacted on newsgathering, military management and reporting. I argue that the magnitude of the technological changes has been considerable, and in some cases immensely positive, but in other ways technology has not mitigated past challenges in the realm of censorship, syndication, resources and competition. At the same time the journalists articulate new difficulties with instant deadlines, 24-hour news, increased syndication, and editorial expectations caused by the imperatives of infotainment and compounded by technological advancement.  相似文献   

The enormous changes wrought in the British newspaper industry during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries brought about a revolution in newspaper reading habits, financing and influence, all aspects of which have been well documented by historians of the press. But what of the contributor, particularly the freelance whose millions of words formed, mostly anonymously, the content of the new mass market press? How did writers negotiate changes in the literary marketplace during this time as editors demanded more ‘news’ and less in the way of whimsical paragraphing, and sketches, the traditional newspaper output of the professional man, or woman, of letters? Through the study of memoirs, correspondence and the fictional output of contributors to the press during this time, it is possible to discern the often fraught relations between writers and their most lucrative market.  相似文献   

作为当今世界上连续执政时间最长的社会民主党,瑞典社会民主党提出并践行保证新闻多元化的理念。多年以来,该党既通过立法实施报刊津贴制度大力促进媒体外部多元,又通过发展公共服务广播电视和宽容党内批评意见等方式保障媒体内部多元,努力促进党内外的舆论多元,从而使瑞典的新闻自由长期稳居世界前列。  相似文献   

张承宇 《新闻界》2008,(2):167-169
文人论政是中国近代新闻史上引人注目的现象,除了古代士大夫的清议传统,西方的新闻思想,通过传教士在华的办报实践和中国一部分知识分子的海外体验,影响了中国的早期报业,并对文人论政的风气的形成起了重要的作用。此外,日本报界作为西方新闻思想传播的中介也影响了中国留日报人。  相似文献   

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