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本文提出了一种基于边界元法(BEM)的识别不平衡量方法.该法通过测量柔性转子的振动响应,可以方便地计算出不平衡量,从而实现无需试重的动平衡方法.  相似文献   

Cosmides的社会契约理论从进化心理学的角度出发,提出人的条件推理能力是在社会交换的进化历史中产生的,人的心理包含一种专门用于对社会交换进行推理的"觉察欺骗者模块".社会契约理论不仅挑战了传统的推理假设,还对福多的"中心系统非模块化"观点提出了质疑,并且为当前的认知心理学研究提供了一种新而有效的研究途径.  相似文献   

为研究边界摩擦对碟簧隔振器力学性能的影响,基于能量守恒定律推导了在考虑边界摩擦时碟簧隔振器的载荷位移迟滞曲线公式.通过有限元分析与静载试验验证了该公式的正确性.在此基础上研究了边界摩擦对碟簧隔振器承载能力的影响,并通过动载试验研究了边界摩擦对碟簧隔振器的动态性能的影响.试验结果表明:边界摩擦可提供较大的阻尼,使得碟簧隔振器具有良好的阻尼特性,其阻尼比可达0.23;隔振器的耗能、动刚度和阻尼特性对加载幅值更为敏感,而对加载频率敏感度较小.该研究成果对碟簧隔振器设计具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

并联机床主模块静刚度的有限元分析(英文)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
借助商用有限元分析软件 ANSYS,首先研究了并联机床主模块各主要构件对其刚度的贡献 ,发现机架起主要作用 ;进而研究了约束条件、支链长度以及不同工作方式对其刚度的影响规律 ,发现当约束机架上不含驱动单元的主侧面时 ,主模块的刚度最大 ,并且主模块用于立式机床时 ,其刚度远优于用于卧式机床 ;最后 ,分析总结了机床位于工作空间不同位置时的刚度变化规律 .该成果为并联机床主模块的设计提供了重要的理论指导 .  相似文献   

关华 《华章》2012,(30)
应用型人才是指能将专业知识和技能应用于所从事的职业的一种专门的人才类型.综合技能实训课是培养应用型人才必不可少的实践教学环节,在综合技能实训课中引入“团队+模块”的模式,通过团队的优化组合,以及实训模块的合理划分、链接,培养学生的基本工作能力是综合技能实训环节的创新模式.  相似文献   

瑞文推理测验联合型(CRT)在城市幼儿中的测试报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
瑞文推理测验联合型(CRT)于20世纪80年代后期进行修订并试测。它的修订意在使测试范围更广。本次研究在城市幼儿园的230名幼儿中进行测试,将测试范围向下延伸至3.5岁,取得了较好的信度和效度。研究表明:自CRT修订至今的15年里,我国幼儿推理能力的发展水平有了明显提高。本次研究还发现,原本认为与教育水平和知识多少关系并不密切的推理能力,现在却有可能因受教育水平不同,产生显著差异,这一现象值得我们进一步研究和探讨。  相似文献   

经典逻辑BF是应用最广的一种系统,但存在悖理。本文指出,这仅是“推理”悖理,通过分析提出了解决方法,完成了次协调性的构造。  相似文献   

经典逻辑BF是应用最广的一种系统,但存在悖理。本文指出,这仅是“推理”悖理,通过分析提出了解决方法,完成了次协调性的构造。  相似文献   

基于事例推理(CBR)的学习支持系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学习支持系统 (L PSS)是依据“作业支持系统”(Performance Support System,PSS)概念而提出的支持人们在实际工作中“边干边学”或“即求即应”的系统。就目前而言 ,L PSS系统实现的难点之一是如何对用户提出的问题进行“理解和处理”。本文将重点讨论一种比较有效的“事例推理”(Case- Based Reasoning,CBR)方法 ,并具体描述了如何利用该方法来实现对用户问题的“理解和处理”功能  相似文献   

The following research delivered a web-based module about plagiarism and paraphrasing to avoid plagiarism in both a blended method, with live instruction paired with web presentation for 105 students, and a separate web-only method for 22 other students. Participants were graduates and undergraduates preparing to become teachers, the majority of whom were pursuing certification in elementary education. After the module, students practised paraphrasing with their own written example, then took a Likert-scale survey about their perceptions of the module and provided demographic information. The majority of students expressed a high level of satisfaction with not only the module itself but also their own increased knowledge about paraphrasing and plagiarism. Graduate students and students in the live group felt that pairing an instructor with the module furthered their understanding of paraphrasing. Students who identified themselves as having cheated felt that they had better learned how to paraphrase from the module compared with students who reported themselves as never having cheated. Responses from the web group were low considering the amount of students invited to participate. Students in the live group who had instructor-led discussion felt it contributed to their understanding of paraphrasing, while students in the web group wished for more instructor-led interaction. Outcomes on the student-written paraphrase were weaker than anticipated, with only half of the group producing good or excellent paraphrases.  相似文献   

Based on the comments by Lopez-Facal and Jiménez-Aleixandre, we consider that the cultural identities within Europe interfere with the question of the re-introduction of the Slovenian bear, generating a kind of “discrimination.” When the SAQs under debate run against the students’ systems of value, it seems that the closer the connection between the SAQs (socially acute questions) and the territorial and cultural identity, the more deeply the associated systems of values are affected; and the more the evidence is denied, the weaker the socio-scientific reasoning becomes. This result shows the importance of attempting to get the students to clarify the values underlying their socio-scientific reasoning. As Sadler observed, there was no transfer of socio-scientific reasoning on the three questions considered; each SAQ, as they are deeply related to social representations and identity, generated a specific line of reasoning balancing more or less each operation. Among various methods of teaching SAQs—problematizing, genetic, doctrinal and praxeological methods––socio-scientific reasoning may be a complex activity of problematization fostering the development of critical thinking. Confronted with the refusal to analyse the evidence in the case of the bear, and because of the nature of SAQs, we explore the notion of tangible proof. We think it relevant to study, together with the students, the processes of investigation used by the actors to establish or disestablish tangible proof on SAQs by analysing the intermediary states of the systems of proof, and possibly the “weak signals” which result in calling for the implementation of the precautionary principle.
Laurence SimonneauxEmail:

在对实质推理进行简要概述的基础上,从我国司法实践的角度着重探讨实质推理在裁判过程中的具体适用,揭示实质推理的固有缺陷,从而展开对其亟待完善之处的思考,并力求促进实质推理在我国司法实践中的运用,以最大程度地实现裁判公平公正。  相似文献   

This article grasps the essence of how a science content can be foregrounded by elaborating around concepts as floating and sinking, in relation to boats. The data consist of a videotaped authentic session with one preschool teacher and four children. The model of pedagogical reason and action [Shulman, L. S. 1987. “Knowing and Teaching: Foundations of the New Reform.” Harvard Educational Review 57 (1): 1–23. doi:10.17763/haer.57.1.j463w79r5645541] constitutes the analytical lens. The results show that the content is framed within a series of creative activities where children’s suggestions of how to act are crucial. The scientific content is approached according to the children’s verbalisations of their understandings. Furthermore, dialectical relationships become the main tool when making the content visible.  相似文献   

We investigated biology instruction—using a generic framework of scientific reasoning and argumentation (SRA) with eight epistemic activities—on how to foster student learning in biological literacy which had not been clarified in previous studies. Our analysis of videotaped biology lessons and student achievement showed varying frequencies in using these activities and their effects on achievement. Those students taught with more epistemic activities had higher achievement. We believe that the SRA framework can be a worthwhile methodical tool for teaching biology to foster student learning. Therefore, we draw practically orientated implications for educational research, practitioners, teacher educators, and curriculum developers.  相似文献   

针对大型公共场合需放置多台同步时钟的问题,提出了基于无线数传模块和GPS的时钟信息显示系统设计方案.它利用GPS实现准确授时、无线数传模块实现数据传输、时钟芯片实现时钟信息的存储和更新、8英寸数码管实现时间显示.该时钟信息显示系统的时间同步于GPS授时,走时准确,安装方便.  相似文献   

我国法律逻辑学界对法律推理的定义和划分存在诸多问题,其根源是研究进路不统一。从逻辑学进路重新定义法律推理,彰显其逻辑学特征,揭示其逻辑学本质,体现"宽泛"的法律推理观,便于实现法律逻辑学界对法律推理定义的统一。从逻辑学的进路重新划分法律推理,恪守逻辑学的划分原则,凸显辩证逻辑推理形式在法律推理中的地位和作用,利于实现法律逻辑学界对法律推理划分的统一。  相似文献   

Experts in cognitive domains differ from non-experts in how they represent problems and knowledge, and in their epistemic understandings of tasks in their domain of expertise. This study investigates whether task-specific epistemic understanding also underlies the representation of knowledge on an everyday reasoning task on which the competent reasoners have neither expert domain knowledge nor training. 180 people on jury duty were assessed for epistemological understanding about the nature of knowledge and knowing in general, understanding of the specific task of the juror, and level of argument skill and evidence representation on two jury cases. Epistemic construal of the juror task and task-specific competent reasoning was found related to general epistemology, argument skills, and representation of the evidence. Additionally, estimations of the possibility of certainty in general and in a juror task predicted the participants' expressed certainty about their verdict choices. Implications for developing everyday reasoning competence are discussed.  相似文献   

Recognising critical reasoning and problem-solving as one of the key skills for twenty-first century citizenship, various types of problem contexts have been practiced in science classrooms to enhance students’ understandings and use of evidence-based thinking and justification. Good problems need to allow students to adapt and evaluate the effectiveness of their knowledge, reasoning and problem-solving strategies. When students are engaged in complex and open-ended problem tasks, it is assumed their reasoning and problem-solving paths become complex with creativity and evidence in order to justify their conclusion and solutions. This study investigated the levels of reasoning evident in student discourse when engaging in different types of problem-solving tasks and the role of teacher interactions on students’ reasoning. Fifteen students and a classroom teacher in a Grade 5–6 classroom participated in this study. Through case analyses, the study findings suggest that (a) there was no clear co-relation between certain structures of problem tasks and the level of reasoning in students’ problem-solving discourse, (b) students exhibited more data-based reasoning than evidence-based and rule-based justification in experiment-based problem-solving tasks, and (c) teacher intervention supported higher levels of student reasoning. Pedagogical reflections on the difficulties of constructing effective problem-solving tasks and the need for developing teacher scaffolding strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

OrdersofMagnitudeReasoningAppliedinSelectingShieldYuZhongyuanHuMin*LiuZhenyu**(ShanghaiTiedaoUniversity,*ShanghaiUniversity,*...  相似文献   

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