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近几年,以互联网为代表的新兴媒体快速崛起,打破了传统的媒体边界和竞争范式,媒体变革使报纸面临巨大的市场压力和竞争挑战,全国主要市场类报纸收入与利润增长缓慢甚至出现大幅下滑趋势,报业呈现明显的衰退迹象。产业结构变革促使我国报业集团特别是中心城市报业集团从竞争走向合作,通过建立新型竞合机制实现产业内的战略联合和战略协同,提升产业竞争力和核心竞争力,为报业转型和产业创新创造战略上的时间和空间。  相似文献   

这次世界中文报业协会第45届年会的研讨主题是:“当今中文报业的发展机遇与挑战”。最近几年,差不多每年都遇到类似的研讨题目,但是每年都会引发新的思考。显然,这些年传统报纸面临的最大挑战,就是新媒体的蓬勃发展.但是对报纸来说,新媒体的发展也意味着新的机遇和可能.它也可以使报人更清醒地认识传统报业变革的基因和命门,从而抓住机遇实现可持续发展。具体地说,报纸要应对新媒体挑战,有“三张牌”可以打。  相似文献   

当今时代,报业正处在一个变化的市场中,面临着一系列的挑战:越来越少的订户;难以吸引和保留年轻读者j广告印刷利润减少;来自网络,电视媒体快速发展带来巨大冲击……变革中的一切,都促使报业发行商去寻找创新的利润增长方法。而柯达的数码印刷技术恰恰是能使报业发行激流勇进,再现辉煌的最佳方案。  相似文献   

支英珉 《传媒》2015,(22):20-22
全球化趋势日益明显和互联网信息技术日益创新的时代和背景下,传统产业和传统模式正在经历一场前所未有的深刻变革和挑战,世界的格局、资源配置和发展方式正在改写,传统产业面临升级改造,新兴产业正在快速崛起,人们的生活消费方式正在发生深刻变化,这种变化已经极具颠覆性地“倒逼”一个创新时代的到来,传统报业在这样的时代里也正在上演一场深刻的转型与变革.面对这个时代,传统报业遭遇到前所未有的挑战和压力,特别是都市类报纸广告遇到了来前所未有“断崖式”下滑,单一的广告盈利模式受到严峻挑战,传统报业正在经历一场空前的“洗礼”.当下,面临着经济新常态下的新旧经济更替和新媒体冲击两大挑战,传统报业如何寻求突围,寻求未来的生存和可持续发展空间,已成为报人必须面对的课题.  相似文献   

报业数字化:报业体制改革的突破口   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在集团化的制度安排下,报业集团与政府由博弈渐渐走向稳定结构性平衡,报业集团成为改革的获益者.为维护其既得利益,报业集团对现有体制产生了较强依赖.数字化使传统报业集团面临前所未有的挑战,使报业对现有体制的依赖性更强,报业由此丧失了改革的动力.在数字化背景下,报业必须寻求数字化转型,其面临的巨大资金缺口使报业产生了对资本的强烈需求,从而带来了数字化时代报业体制改革的契机.  相似文献   

媒体融合的趋势与路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传媒产业正在经历一场深刻的变革,媒体融合已经从10年前的一种方向演变成今天的一种现实。如今,我们需要梳理思路,迎接媒体融合面临的新挑战,把握住媒体融合的新趋势,探索出媒体融合发展的新路径,最终实现报业发展的新转型。大挑战——媒体融合跟不上新媒体的推陈出新,浅层次融合也并未给报业带来传播和经营方式的实质性转变  相似文献   

世纪之交的中国报业,不仅面临着传播技术不断更新的挑战,面临着入世带来的发展机遇,同时还面临着国内报业结构调整所造成的报业市场的分化组合。报业面临着发展的大好时机,呼唤着新的改革和创新,也期盼着开拓报业新经济。  相似文献   

新媒体时代日本报业面临发行量逐渐下降的困境,只有变革才能求得报业的发展。90年代后期开始,日本报业进行了一系列变革:在中小学推广新闻教育事业、为吸引中老年读者放大报纸的字体、报社之间实行印刷和发行的合作等。其中报社联合共建网络新闻的尝试促进了日本报业在网络上的融合。日本报业的变革对于中国报业的发展是有利的借鉴。  相似文献   

刘萍  王百恒 《新闻前哨》2005,(12):48-48
有专家预测,未来3-5年,是传统报业朝着面向未来的新型报业变革的过渡阶段,是中国报业发展至关重要的战略机遇期。作为行业类报纸,必须高度重视和积极应对报业发展面临的重大挑战,顺应发展潮流。 2005年报业竞争力年会上发布的《中国报业年度发展报告》指出,行业产业报可能成为今后发展空间最大的报纸。根据目前行业报的现状,突出的问题是怎样面向市场,开发行业资源,让这个“最大的发展空间”为己所用。  相似文献   

数码摄影技术的迅猛发展为报纸传媒在争分夺秒的新闻大战中抢得先机,也给报业的运作方式带来了变革的契机。这种变革目前已初露端倪。在不久的将来,由图片数字化革命而催生的几大改革将使报业发展到新的高度,让报纸媒体以全新的面貌迎战新的挑战。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):217-232
In the light of newspapers’ struggle to maintain readers and viability in the digital era, this study aims to understand better how newspapers in Latin America are responding to this shift toward user-generated and multimedia content. Using a content analysis of 19 newspapers from throughout Latin America, this study found that newspaper websites are bringing citizens into the virtual newsroom on a limited basis, allowing them to interact with each other and with the newspaper but only to a modest degree. Thus, while all newspaper websites have some multimedia content and most have Facebook and Twitter accounts, few allow readers to report errors, submit their own content, or even contact reporters directly. Further, most online newspaper articles include photos, but video, audio and hyperlinks rarely are used. These results further our understanding of how online interactivity is changing the traditional role of journalists and how Latin America is responding to the challenge.  相似文献   

The first newspaper publishers of the seventeenth century faced a momentous challenge. How could they compete in a highly competitive news market with their periodical invention? The newspaper was generally a cautious medium, offering an assortment of short international news reports without overarching editorial opinion. The newspaper rarely displayed the wit and polemic present in other news media of the early modern period, and operated with a rigid schedule of publication. This article portrays how such standards could be cast off in the face of military victory and defeat. The naval battle of the Downs in 1639 engaged two rival newspaper markets in Amsterdam and Antwerp. By analysing the simultaneous reporting of the battle in the Dutch Republic and the Habsburg Netherlands it becomes clear that newspaper publishers employed numerous tactics in order to shape the coverage of the battle—and to strive for the relevance of their newspapers.  相似文献   

在媒体及信息多元化的时代,媒介环境也越来越复杂化,而作为传统媒体典型代表的报纸,正面临着严峻的市场竞争和新媒体异军突起的挑战。面对这样的局势,探析报纸媒体的新发展已成为了一项重要议题。本文针对灾难新闻报道具有特殊代表性的特点,在梳理现有研究和相关概念的基础上,以《光明日报》对1998年长江特大洪水、2008年汶川地震、2013年雅安地震的报道为例,利用内容分析法从报道内容、报道语言、关注程度三个角度出发进行了对比分析,总结其报道的差异性,从信息交流的角度分析报纸媒体如今的发展变化,并总结今后的发展趋势。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):33-43
In a cross-market examination of newspaper accuracy, this study tracks errors identified by news sources in 2700 news stories published by US daily metropolitan newspapers. While journalists widely hold that errors are commonly detected and corrected, the study found that only about one in ten news sources had informed the newspaper of the errors they perceived. While many errors were considered too inconsequential to correct, news sources also expressed a sense of futility—that a correction would do little to set the record straight, or worse, that their complaints would either be ignored or draw reprisal from the newspaper. The findings challenge how well the “corrections box” sets the record straight when inaccuracies occur or how well it serves in journalism as a safety valve for the venting of frustrations by wronged news sources.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the content of the editorial commentary in the Melbourne-based commercial Italian-language newspaper Il Globo from 1979 to 1989 and argues that throughout the period under examination it consistently maintained a proactive role for, and on behalf of, the Italo-Australian community. A longitudinal study on selected editorials written by then editor-in-chief Nino Randazzo shows that the newspaper lobbied relevant authorities and Australian governments alike on issues that mattered most to the Italian community, especially those related to domestic politics, migrant settlement and immigration. Using a content analysis methodology, the editorials were categorised into commonly emerging themes, highlighting the extent to which the newspaper commented on issues that affected the rapidly changing Italo-Australian community which experienced an important demographic shift from being predominantly Italian-born to increasingly Australian-born.  相似文献   


It is generally accepted that newspaper firms are passing through hard times. Readers and advertisers—their 2 main income sources—seem to be turning to other media, thus negatively affecting newspaper financial performance. To respond to these challenges, newspapers are changing the way they organize their activities. This study looks at a sample of newspapers to investigate extent to which 2 of these organizational changes (i.e., integration and outsourcing) are affecting performance. The study shows that the higher the degree of integration within the firm, the more positive the performance. Outsourcing is found to have a negative impact. These effects are over and above those of the perceived environment.  相似文献   

Jane Chapman 《Media History》2015,21(3):238-251
Within the cut-throat world of newspaper advertising the newspapers of Britain's Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) Votes for Women and the Suffragette managed to achieve a balance that has often proved to be an impossible challenge for social movement press—namely the maintenance of a highly political stance whilst simultaneously exploiting the market system with advertising and merchandising. When the militant papers advocated window smashing of West End stores in 1912–1913, the companies who were the target still took advertisements. Why? What was the relationship between news values, militant violence and advertising income? ‘Do-it-yourself’ journalism operated within a context of ethical consumerism and promotionally orientated militancy. This resulted in newspaper connections between politics, commerce and a distinct market profile, evident in the customisation of advertising, retailer dialogue with militants and longer-term loyalty—symptomatic of a wider trend towards newspaper commercialism during this period.  相似文献   

In 2015, Houston, Texas voters defeated a bill that would have expanded civil rights to previously unprotected groups, including transgender people. Using a critical framing analysis, this paper investigates how the city’s daily newspaper, the Houston Chronicle, covered the debate over the bill. As such, this study found that the newspaper used almost exclusively elite sources, provided almost no in-depth context, and employed four frames—Equality, Bathroom Boogeyman, Bureaucratic Process, and Religious Freedom—in its Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) coverage. Together, these elements aligned to form a daunting challenge to an effort to protect one of society’s most vulnerable groups: the transgender community.  相似文献   

The Web offers an exciting opportunity for geographic information services in the library. It presents both increased visibility and the challenge of providing meaningful service in an untested environment.  相似文献   

跨媒体经营正在改变美国信息知识的提供形式和成本 ,使传媒业务结构更趋个性化 ,避免恶性的同位竞争。纽约时报公司是一个有代表性的经营个案。公司重视资本运营和品牌资产 ,以报业为主业 ,以“内容供应”为经营理念 ,弱化传媒形态的区隔 ,建立了印刷媒体、网络媒体和广播电视媒体的综合平台 ,通过技术共用而达到媒体融合、资源共享 ,开拓全国和地方市场  相似文献   

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