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华莱士和达尔文分享了共同发现"自然选择"理论的殊荣,虽然对性别选择、种间不育和人类起源问题上存在着分歧,但二人在世时并没有意识到他们的"自然选择"理论本身也存在着侧重的不同,后来的研究者们关注到了二人在"自然选择"理论中的微妙差异。对比华莱士和达尔文存在不同的出身经历和社会关系,以及不同的博物学动机和理论兴趣,能更好地理解两人在博物学实践中产生不同的习惯与方法。而二人在博物学实践中不同的习惯与方法,又能让我们更好地理解华莱士在标本采集中对种与属层面的关注,以及达尔文相关工作中对个体细节的关注。对比两人不同的博物学实践工作之后,展现出来的是两条完全独立的"自然选择"之路。  相似文献   

博物学具有广泛的参与性,被当成最没有阶级性的科学活动。然而,不同阶级参与的方式和程度大不相同,与高雅文化联系在一起的贵族博物学,以财富、地位和权力为支撑,将自然知识物质化和权力化,在国家战略、学术圈和大众文化中都产生了巨大影响力。皇室的博物学兴趣带动了博物学在全社会的流行,班克斯领导下的皇家学会把博物学当成学会的重心,并借助国家权力把帝国博物学纳入殖民扩张战略,猎奇的自然收藏品和昂贵的彩色绘本成为自然知识高度物质化的表现,在跨阶级的博物学网络里不同阶级的处境也完全不对等,甚至动植物的命名也无不彰显着知识的权力。因此,看似跨越阶级的博物学却难以抹去其阶级差异和贵族特色。  相似文献   

中国博物学源于中国传统文化,受儒家思想影响较大,是人们所见所闻的各种知识的总汇,它既包括自然世界的知识,也包括社会生活的人文知识。中国特有的“博物”学术系统的分合消涨、源流演变构成了中国博物学的变迁史,它是和西方博物学既有联系,又有显著差异的另一种学术体系。  相似文献   

佛教典籍中极其丰富的博物学知识及其著作,主要存留于佛教类书。文章从博物学的角度,以四部佛教类书(《经律异相》、《诸经集要》、《法苑珠林》、《释氏六帖》)为典型,分别从编纂宗旨、知识分类模式、古代博物学知识的扩展这三方面,论述佛教类书的博物学特色的演变过程,力求丰富中国古代科技史研究的内容、拓展其研究领域。  相似文献   

博物学相关知识在小学科学课程中占有较大的比重,从小学科学课程的发展历史上看,博物学与小学科学课程注重基础、注重综合、注重实践的理念具有较强的一致性。民间自然教育的兴起既反映了当代小学科学课程在博物教育方面存在的不足,也对其形成了一定的挑战。调查显示,当前小学科学教师的博物学素养存在明显的问题。以博物学纲领为指导的小学教育(科学)专业课程设置注重该专业师范生的博物学及自然教育训练,希望借此培养出具有博物学素养的合格的小学科学教育师资。  相似文献   

在西方社会中,人们很早就认识到谚语的功能和意义,并有意识地收集谚语。然而随着近代理性主义的兴起,谚语传统一度受到忽视,不仅"谚语"(proverb)一词的语义缩减,谚语的语境范围也从广阔的生活世界退守至狭隘的文学与民俗学研究。近年来谚语研究出现新的进展,谚语中包含的博物学思想也逐渐受到重视。本文拟从英国博物学家约翰·雷编写的《英语谚语集》入手,在博物学语境下探讨谚语中展现的生活世界,剖析谚语与博物学的关系。  相似文献   

分析和考证创刊于1918年的《博物学会杂志》的历史地位和传播特点,认定该刊是中国最早的生物学期刊之一,它传播了大量的生物学知识,发表中国学者所撰生物学研究调查报告15篇,规范了生物学名词术语,深化生物进化论的传播,推进了从博物学到生物学的学科进化,扮演了五四前期科学传播的重要角色。  相似文献   

<正>(加)卡拉·纳皮(Carla Nappi)著,刘黎琼译,《本草:李时珍与近代早期中国博物学的转向》(The Monkey and the Inkpot:Natural history and its transformations in early modern China),北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2022年,170千字,定价:42元。国外汉学家对中国科学史与博物学史的传统的关注似有延绵不断的趋势,近年来,更是有不少被译为中文出版。2015年,吴秀杰、白岚玲译的《工开万物:17世纪中国的知识与技术》出版后,在国内引起了江晓原、张学渝、龚俊文等学者的关注,并提供了一个国外学者研究晚明技术知识的新视角。  相似文献   

近代早期博物学与科学革命的关系是近代早期博物学编史学必须处理的核心问题。20世纪中叶前后,很多传统科学史研究者并不倾向于强调近代早期博物学内部的断裂和革命,在这样的叙事中,近代早期博物学和科学革命的关系多是外在或无关的。福柯则率先主张近代早期博物学中存在一次与数理科学革命有内在关联的认识型转换。八十年代以来,英美科学史界不同程度地接受了福柯的看法,根据不同的主题对近代早期博物学内部的变革进行了分析,同时也研究了博物学和数理科学在近代早期科学文化上的统一性。  相似文献   

在知识社会,知识资本化问题日益受到关注。大学知识资本化实践致使大学在坚持公益性为本的基础上,其经济性得以凸显。与此同时,默顿规范也受到了一定影响。鉴于此,文章尝试提出知识资本化共同体所应遵守的"虔诚规范(PIETY)",并分析了学术型企业家的人性假设和多元价值追求。  相似文献   

Today, the production of knowledge in the experimental life sciences relies crucially on the use of biological data collections, such as DNA sequence databases. These collections, in both their creation and their current use, are embedded in the experimentalist tradition. At the same time, however, they exemplify the natural historical tradition, based on collecting and comparing natural facts. This essay focuses on the issues attending the establishment in 1982 of GenBank, the largest and most frequently accessed collection of experimental knowledge in the world. The debates leading to its creation-about the collection and distribution of data, the attribution of credit and authorship, and the proprietary nature of knowledge-illuminate the different moral economies at work in the life sciences in the late twentieth century. They offer perspective on the recent rise of public access publishing and data sharing in science. More broadly, this essay challenges the big picture according to which the rise of experimentalism led to the decline of natural history in the twentieth century. It argues that both traditions have been articulated into a new way of producing knowledge that has become a key practice in science at the beginning of the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Benson KR 《Endeavour》2000,24(2):59-62
The modern discipline of biology was formed in the 20th century from roots deep in the natural-history tradition, which dates from Aristotle. Not surprisingly, therefore, ecology can also be traced to natural history, especially its 19th-century tradition emphasizing the adaptive nature of organisms to their environment. During the 20th century, ecology has developed and matured from pioneering work on successional stages to mathematically rich work on ecosystem energetics. By the end of the century, ecology has made a return to its natural-history heritage, emphasizing the importance of the integrity of ecosystems in considering human interactions with the environment.  相似文献   

During the late nineteenth century, many countries in tropical Latin America organized research institutions for the study of natural history. The political and economic élites who sponsored these institutions hoped to find new natural resources that could be sold to Europe and North America's expanding markets. The coffee, sugar and banana industries in tropical Latin America were growing rapidly, and the northern markets were hungry for tropical products. The scientists who worked at the museums hoped to meet these national goals while at the same time participating in the international scientific community. Costa Rica, one of the smallest countries in the region, was also one of the most successful at organizing a productive and vibrant natural history research community.  相似文献   

The changing and challenging conditions of the 21st century have been significantly impacting our economy, society and built and natural environments. Today generation of knowledge, mostly in the form of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and arts, is seen as a panacea for the adaptation to changes and management of challenges. Making space and place that concentrate on knowledge generation, exchange, and marketing has become a priority for many nations. Consequently, the concept of knowledge city is coined at the beginning of the century and since then it is widely researched and practiced. This paper aims to scrutinise and provide a clear understanding on the evolution of knowledge city research and practice. As the methodological approach, the study employs systematic review of the knowledge city empirical studies in peer-reviewed journals. The findings shed light on the emerging patterns, identify research and practice gaps, and point out research directions to advance the field.  相似文献   

合成生物学:开启生命科学“会聚”研究新时代   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
赵国屏 《中国科学院院刊》2018,33(11):1135-1149
自然科学各学科的研究对象在时空尺度上的差别与相连,既决定了学科间的差别,也决定了学科间的交叉。生物学在发展到以机理研究为主的"生命科学"阶段后,得益于学科交叉和技术创新,在20世纪"分子生物学"和"基因组学"革命基础上,通过引入工程学理念,形成了"合成生物学",并迅速形成"会聚研究"的第三次革命。文章在阐述合成生物学的内涵并回顾其学科发展历程与取得成果的基础上,特别提出了合成生物学的科技支撑与社会治理问题,期望引起科学界、社会公众与政府管理层面的关注。  相似文献   

Over the past few years there has been an increasing acknowledgment that all knowledge is "sited knowledge." While place, mobility, and travel have become central issues in the history (and geography) of science, much of the discussion has nevertheless revolved around "formal scientific knowledge." This essay focuses on a specific type of popular "mobile" scientific knowledge making that emerged in the last decades of the nineteenth century: the educational cruise. In particular, it considers a series of voyages d'etude organized by the French scientific periodical Revue Générale des Sciences Pures et Appliquées between 1897 and 1914 that were open to the general public. It examines both the ways and the spaces in which knowledge was produced and the type of knowledge that was produced.  相似文献   

21世纪是知识经济的时代,知识经济的核心是科技创新。从世界经济发展的历史来看,科技是先进生产力的集中体现和主要标志,一个国家或地区科技水平的高低决定着一个国家或地区的综合实力。面对科技竞争带来的机遇与挑战,大力发展科技创新已经成为我国经济发展的战略选择,而适度的税收优惠政策则可以促进企业进行科技创新的投入。为了实现这一目标,本文采用列表分析的方法,列举了我国目前的科技创新税收政策,并进行分析,并提出了要完善我国科技创新税收优惠政策体系、争取对不发达地区科技创新工作的税收优惠政策支持以及增强科技创新工作税收政策的实施力度的建议。  相似文献   

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