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根据对Elatostema gagnepainianum H. Schröter模式材料的研究,为它指定了后选模式,并将其处理为藤麻Procris crenata C. B. Robinson的新异名。  相似文献   

根据对Elatostema gagnepainianum H. Schröter模式材料的研究,为它指定了后选模式,并将其处理为藤麻Procris crenata C. B. Robinson的新异名。  相似文献   

The present paper reports the first record of the genus Hymenopyramis in China. H. cana is a new record on Hainan Island of Guangdong Province. It grows in deciduous mon- soon forests or shrubby savanna (western Hainan) at 50 to 150 m alt.  相似文献   

报道了产滇东南斑果藤属的2个中国新记录,即锥序斑果藤Stixis ovata (Korth.) Hall. f. ssp. fasciculata(King) Jacobs和闭脉斑果藤S. scandens  Lour.  相似文献   

中国棕榈科植物新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文通过对本属研究历史、形态特征和各类标本的系统研究,确认了M . compactilorus命名模式在中国有分布,发表了2个新种,M . scandens Hsueh et Hui和M . fimbriatus Hsueh et Hui编制了分种检索表。  相似文献   

云南檀香科二新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

有一种沙漠植物吸取水分的方法让人不寒而栗。这种被当地人称为“食人藤”的沙漠植物为了维持自身的水分,吸取的竟是动物的血液。  相似文献   

In order to get a thorough understanding of the Characeae, the specime- ns collected from Guangxi and Gansu were identified.  The result shows  that  the two provinces, especially Guangxi, are abundant in this family.  In this paper,  ho- wever, reported are only new species, new varieties and new records of Chara in China. They are Chara vernicosa sp. nov. C. globularis var. inflata var. nov. and C. howe-ana var. subgymnophylla var. nov., C. brionica stapf and C. calveraensis comb. nov.  相似文献   

 In the present paper, we new species and two new varieties of Saxifragaceae and Rosaceae are  described   from  the  Hengduan Mountains.  They are Philadelphus lushui- ensis Ku et S. M. Hwang, Parnassia lanceolata Ku var. oblongipetala Ku, P. nubicola Wall.ex Royle var. nana Ku and Malus muliensis Ku.  相似文献   

This paper reports a diatom assemblage found by the author from the Upper Tertiary continental strata in Shangdu County in Niemongol Autonomous Region and Dun- hua County in Jilin Province of China. The diatom assemblage in Shangdu County com- prises 4 new species and 2 new varieties: Tetracyclus ellipticus var. ovalifolium Li;  Tetra- cyclus ellipticus var. rostrata Li;  Tetracyclus jaoi Li;  Tetracyclus navicularis Li;  Tetracyclus shangduensis Li and Tetracyclus sinensis Li. From the Miocene of Dunhua County;  JilinProvince are recorded 2 new species: Tetracyclus dunhuanensis Li and Tetracyclus ovaliformis Li.  相似文献   

本文报道采自贵州的轮藻植物,计有4个新种(平滑丽藻Nitella rasilis sp.nov., 沼泽丽藻N. paludosa sp.nov.,拟乳突丽藻N.pseudopapillata sp.nov.  贵州丽藻N.guizhouensis sp.nov.); 1个新变种(奇异丽藻疏枝变种N.mirabilis var. libera var. nov.);3个新记录(笔状丽藻N.peni- cillata Braun缅甸轮藻Chara burmanica Pal,普生轮藻裸枝变种C.vulgaris var. gymnophylla (A. Br.) Nyman),  而拟松形轮藻 C.  pseudohydropitys Imahori为大陆首次发现。  相似文献   

本文报道了在我国分布或栽培的5属、41种和变种的芸苔族植物的花粉母细胞减数分裂期的染色体数,其中15种和变种是新报道。个别种类的数目与以往的报道不完全一致。  相似文献   

本文报道了广西的轮藻新植物。在这些新分类群中,单顶丽藻(Nitella haplodactyla)为雌雄异 株,能育小枝仅具1枚末射枝;短枝丽藻(N.brachyclema)和稀见丽藻(N.rarissima)的末射枝都 是多细胞;拟扇形丽藻四强变种(N. pseudoflabellata var.tetradynana)的能育小枝为四强式的射 枝;松状轮藻(Chara piniformis)的主要特征是具有单列式皮层、长的刺细胞和退化叶托的。  相似文献   

 In this paper, a new species, a new variety and a new record for china of Navicu- la from Anhui Province are reported. They are Navicula anhuinsis sp. nov. and N. muticaKütz. var. sinica var. nov.  and N.  mutica var. stigma Patrick.  相似文献   

Three new species and a new variety, Epimedium coactum, E. coactum   var. longtouhum, E. trunctum, E. glandulosopilosum are described in this paper. The morphological characters of trichomes, cuticle of leaf surface and pollen grains of the new species and theirallies were studied under LM and SEM, and shown in plates 1-3.  相似文献   

Reported in this paper are two new species, one new variety, and three new re- cords of the Characeae collected in China.  They are Nitella anhuensis sp. nov., Chara pauci- carpa sp. nov., Nitella alleninda var. tenuireticulata var. nov., N. gracilliformis J. Grove., N. formosa T. F. Allen and Chara tenuispina A. Br.  相似文献   

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