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Over 2000 undergraduates for whom SAT scores were available completed the Student Orientations Survey (SOS) and the Rotter I-E Control Scale. F tests showed that high SAT-Verbal scores were associated with an Exploratory orientation to college, and low SAT-Verbal scores with a Preparatory outlook. Low SAT-Math scores were associated with three of the Preparatory scales, but also with three of the Exploratory scales of the SOS. In terms of SOS results, individuals with high-Verbal/low-Math scores tended to have an Exploratory orientation and individuals with low-Verbal/high-Math scores were more Preparatory in their outlook toward college. SAT pattern was not associated with Rotter I-E scores. The relationship between I-E scores and SOS scale scores indicated that inner control, as measured by the Rotter scale, does not appear to be synonymous with autonomy and a liking for self-direction. Suggestions for further research into the congruence of students' educational attitudes with institutional philosophies, departmental objectives, and the orientations of instructors were discussed.  相似文献   

The study examined whether an academic, social, or both an academic and social focus might relate with achievement goals and academic achievement. Participants were 412 urban elementary school students. Results suggest that students with an academic focus toward school have more mastery‐approach and less mastery‐avoid achievement goals. Academic achievement (standardized test scores) did not relate with boys’ or girls’ focus toward school. These findings suggest that academic motivation, but not achievement, correspond with self‐perceptions of school as being a place to learn or school as a place for social interactions.  相似文献   

Data from college admissions tests can provide a valuable measure of student achievement, but the non-representativeness of test-takers is an important concern. We examine selectivity bias in both state-level and school-level SAT and ACT averages. The degree of selectivity may differ importantly across and within schools, and across and within states. To identify within-state selectivity, we use a control function approach that conditions on scores from a representative test. Estimates indicate strong selectivity of test-takers in “ACT states,” where most college-bound students take the ACT, and much less selectivity in SAT states. To identify within- and between-school selectivity, we take advantage of a policy reform in Illinois that made taking the ACT a graduation requirement. Estimates based on this policy change indicate substantial positive selection into test participation both across and within schools. Despite this, school-level averages of observed scores are extremely highly correlated with average latent scores, as across-school variation in sample selectivity is small relative to the underlying signal. As a result, in most contexts the use of observed school mean test scores in place of latent means understates the degree of between-school variation in achievement but is otherwise unlikely to lead to misleading conclusions.  相似文献   

When students self-regulate studying, they monitor achievement and study tactics. Proximal input to monitoring is perceptions that the student constructs based on experience. Productive self-regulation theoretically requires strong correspondence between (a) perceptions of achievement and actual achievement and (b) perceived use of study tactics and actual use of study tactics. That is, calibration should be high. Students studied using a software tool that traced study tactics they used. Subsequently their self-reports about study tactics and estimates of achievement were gathered, and a test was administered. Students were slightly positively biased (overconfident) about their achievement and moderately positively biased about (overestimated) their use of study tactics. An individual difference measure of calibration was very high for achievement but modest for study tactics. It is explained why calibration of self-reports about study tactics did not predict achievement, examine theoretical links between calibration and other prominent constructs, and discuss issues of self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

The relationship between affect and achievement in science was examined in two stages. First, a model was developed and tested for science-related affect, the complex of students' attitudes toward, interests in, and perceptions about science at school. The LISREL approach to path analysis was used to demonstrate the fit of the model to data collected from grade 8 students in two different schools on two different occasions. In the second stage of the research, multiple linear regression was used to examine the direction of the relationship between science related affect and achievement and to apportion variance common between previous and subsequent achievement and the components of science-related affect. It was found that affect is related more strongly to previous than subsequent achievement and that much of the common variance can be attributed to students' perceptions of their competence in science.  相似文献   

The relationship between cognitive style and academic achievement   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Field independent students are generally expected to perform better academically than those who are field dependent, and this is particularly marked in distance learning where students learn without the traditional support offered in conventional instruction. In this paper two studies of the relationship between field dependence and academic learning in the context of distance learning are reported with Bachelor of Health nursing students in Hong Kong. In both studies field independent nurses performed significantly better than field dependent ones. Some implications of these findings for distance learning are discussed.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of research results for correlation between science achievement and attitude was conducted. Forty-three studies were utilized and 15 variables were coded for each correlation found in each study, yielding 280 coefficients. Overall relationship is moderate (0.16), with differences between elementary, junior high, senior high, and college subjects. Causal ordering results support achievement causing attitude in grades three to eight and mixed results thereafter. Sex differences exist through high school. Other effects are mixed across grade level.  相似文献   

Visual Aural Digit Span Test (VADS) scores and Bender Gestalt Test (BG) scores as predictors of Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised (WRAT-R) scores were examined in this study. The sample consisted of 115 children referred for low academic achievement. They were divided into three age groups: (Low) 6–0 to 7–11; (Middle) 8–0 to 9–11; and (High) 10–0 to 11–11. The scores on the 11 VADS measures and BG errors were used to predict the WRAT-R achievement. The VADS Test scores were found to predict Reading and Arithmetic in the Low Group. The BG Test did not correlate with achievement in the Low Group. In the Middle Group, the VADS Test correlated with Reading and Spelling, but not with Arithmetic. The BG correlated with all three achievement measures. In the High Group, neither the VADS Test nor BG correlated with any of the achievement measures. The results suggest that the BG and VADS Test can be used as an effective screening device for young children with potential learning problems.  相似文献   

The MAT was administered to 35 original Head-Start children 3–4 years after initial WPPSI testing. WPPSI verbal IQ did not correlate significantly with any of the subject areas of the MAT, while Performance IQ correlated only moderately with mathematical components of the MAT (r = .42 – .52).  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between elementary pupils' attitudes toward science and their science achievement. Residualized gain scores were used to analyze the data. By using residualized gain scores, the effects of individual differences can be minimized. In addition to controlling for these differences, residualized gain scores do not possess the measurement errors that are normally associated with simple change scores. The subjects of this study were 583 intermediate elementary pupils. The average class size was 21. A pretest-posttest design was used. To insure consistency in the teaching of the lesson, each teacher was given an identical detailed science lesson that included all the instructions and materials needed for the activity. The pupils were pre- and posttested. The pupils' science achievement was assessed by a test, the “Hough Pupil Process Test.” It consisted of multiple choice and fill-in questions. The attitude instrument, the “Hough Attitude Inventory,” was given to the elementary pupils involved in this study. It was field tested and found to discern attitudes. The instrument consisted of six statements to which the subjects responded by circling either yes, I don't know, or no. The analysis revealed that there was a significant relationship between the pupils' residualized gain scores on the “Hough Pupil Process Test” and their residualized gain scores on the “Hough Attitude Inventory” (r = 0.45).  相似文献   

大学生英语阅读过程中的阅读动机与阅读成绩、性别的相关性研究表明:(1)大学生具有较强的英语阅读动机。(2)学生的阅读动机总体水平与阅读成绩呈正相关,并且达到了统计学意义上的非常显著水平;效能信念、成就价值分别与阅读成绩相互正相关,相关程度达到显著水平;高、低分组的阅读成绩呈现显著差异。高分组的效能信念平均值高于低分组,其差异达到统计学上的显著水平。(3)女生阅读成绩高于男生,但两者无显著性差异。女生效能动机、成就价值和社会因素的平均值均高于男生,且差异均达到显著水平。因此,有效地激发学生阅读动机,针对男女性别差异的特点区别对待,可以更好地促进学生阅读能力的提升,这对外语教学的有效开展具有启示作用。  相似文献   

The relationship between alumni satisfaction and work experiences   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
Although alumni surveys frequently include questions about work experiences, little information is available about the relationship between work experiences and alumni satisfaction with college. The results of the present research indicate that work experiences are significantly related to alumni ratings of their college experiences. Specifically, alumni who are satisfied with their jobs are more likely to report being satisfied with their education experiences. The results of this research also indicate that women are less satisfied with their pay than men. Compared to men, women are neither more dissatisfied with the types of work they are performing nor more likely to be looking for another job. Counter to expectation, dissatisfaction with pay has a more significant effect on ratings of college experiences for women than for men. Presented at the 1993 AIR Forum, Chicago, May 1993.  相似文献   

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that U.S. secondary schools begin after 8:30 a.m. to better align with the circadian rhythms of adolescents. Yet due to economic and logistic considerations, the vast majority of high schools begin the school day considerably earlier. We leverage a quasi-natural experiment in which five comprehensive high schools in one of the nation’s largest school systems moved start times forty minutes earlier to better coordinate with earlier-start high schools. Here, disruption effects should exacerbate any harmful consequences. We report on the effect of earlier start times on a broad range of outcomes, including mandatory ACT test scores, absenteeism, on-time progress in high school, and college-going. While we fail to find evidence of harmful effects on test scores, we do see a rise in absenteeism and tardiness rates, as well as higher rates of dropping out of high school. These results suggest that the harmful effects of early start times may not be well captured by considering test scores alone.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生人际型心理资本现状及与自我和谐的关系。方法:采用人际型心理资本量表和自我和谐量表调查1028名广西在校大学生,并对结果进行相关和回归分析。结果:1大学生人际型心理资本总体及包容宽恕、谦虚诚稳、感恩奉献、尊敬礼让四因子得分分别为3.54、3.27、3.86、3.62及3.31。2大学生人际型心理资本与自我和谐症状呈显著的负相关(r=-0.354,P<0.01)。3自我和谐可解释大学生人际型心理资本23.7%的变异量。结论:提升大学生自我和谐程度,可有效提升大学生人际型心理资本的水平。  相似文献   

采用《社会自我效能感量表》和《成就倾向个体差异问卷》,对随机抽取的284名体育教育专业学生进行测量,探讨成就动机与自我效能感的关系.结果发现自我效能与成就动机呈显著正相关;成就动机中追求成功变量与自我效能感存在显著相关;成就动机中避免失败变量与自我效能感存在显著负相关.本研究所调查的自我效能感在性别、学历以及生源地上差异无统计学意义.  相似文献   

大学生就业问题是当前很多人关心的焦点问题之一,随着越来越多的大学生步入就业,大学生就业难正在成为一种社会共识。而另一方面,企业对大学生的需求有增无减,这就造成了双方之间的矛盾,如何处理经济发展与大学生就业之间的关系也引起了专家学者的思考。本文即基于对当前形势的分析探讨了两者之间的关系,希望能为相关研究人员提供一点参考。  相似文献   

Any instrument designed to measure broad cognitive ability is expected to correlate substantially with valid measures of academic achievement. This report describes an investigation designed to evaluate the relationship between the Cognitive Levels Test, a newly available instrument, and two tests of academic achievement that have been widely used for nearly two decades: the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests and the KeyMath Diagnostic Arithmetic Test. The study included children in grades K-2 who were enrolled in a remedial summer school program. The results showed the Cognitive Levels Test (Cognitive Index) to be rather highly correlated with the KeyMath Diagnostic Arithmetic Test Total score (r=.72) and moderately correlated with the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests Total Reading score (r=.55). A repeated measures analysis of variance comparing standard scores for the Cognitive Levels Test with those of the Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests indicated few mean differences between the two sets of scores. Implications concerning the validity of the Cognitive Levels Test were discussed.  相似文献   

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