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相较于传统的汽车故障诊断,汽车故障预测通过对汽车运行状态数据的分析,实现对汽车未来发生故障的可能性和故障类型进行预测和分析,充分保证汽车行驶的安全。通过对汽车故障类型和特点的深入研究,在已有的故障预测技术的基础上,设计了一种数据驱动的故障预测推理系统。该系统利用支持向量机完成对汽车不同类型故障的分类,结合贝叶斯推理网络,实现对当前汽车状态的综合分析,得出汽车在未来发生不同类型故障的概率,进而完成对汽车故障的预测。最后,编写软件实现汽车故障预测系统。  相似文献   

黎仕增 《广西教育》2013,(15):180-181
分析汽车后市场发展现状,介绍汽车后市场的职业岗位概况,讨论汽车后市场人才现状及汽车后市场对汽车类专业人才的需求,对高职院校汽车类专业人才的能力培养提出建议。  相似文献   

分析汽车后市场发展现状,介绍汽车后市场的职业岗位概况,讨论汽车后市场人才现状及汽车后市场对汽车类专业人才的需求,对高职院校汽车类专业人才的能力培养提出建议.  相似文献   

汽车专业人才培养中的汽车文化教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车文化教育对提高汽车专业人才的综合素质具有重要的意义.文章从汽车文化内涵的角度阐述了汽车文化教育对培养汽车专业人才的必要性,并对其教育的基本内容和方法进行了探讨.  相似文献   

由于汽车行驶速度越来越高,汽车的操纵稳定性对汽车安全影响越来越重要,汽车车轮的定位参数变化会使汽车操纵稳定性恶化.因此,汽车车轮定位参教与汽车的行驶性能关系非常密切.  相似文献   

随着近年来国家对职业教育发展的大力支持以及地方教育对职业教育的重视,梧州的职业教育得到了蓬勃的发展。随着梧州市经济的不断发展,梧州市的汽车保有量逐年增加,梧州市汽车维修行业得到了良好的发展,汽车维修企业逐年增多,汽车维修厂、汽车销售店、汽车零配件销售店等汽车服务厂家、企业对汽车维修专业人员的需求也逐年增多,梧州市中职学校的汽车运用与维修专业也应运成为热门专业,随着梧州市中职学校对汽修专业实训设备资金投入不断加大,《汽车电控发动机》被各中职学校列为汽修专业中的专业技术核心课程。  相似文献   

中国汽车产业呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势,使得中国汽车制造、维修企业对汽车类人才,特别是汽车检测与维修专业人才需求量大幅增加。作为第三产业的汽车维修业,面对现代汽车的高技术含量和维修工艺规程化,以及维修、检测诊断设备的智能化和自动化,对汽车维修人员的整体技术要求上了一个更高的档次,因此对高职院校就如何开设汽车检测与维修专业、培养符合现代汽车维修要求的专业人才来说更是个巨大的挑战。  相似文献   

汽车文化人才的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车文化人才是汽车产业人才的重要组成部分.文章对汽车文化的内涵、汽车文化教育在汽车专业人才培养中的必要性,汽车人才的类型、要求和培养途径等层面进行了分析,以期推动高等院校对汽车文化人才的培养.  相似文献   

汽车博物馆是汽车历史的浓缩,是汽车工业的承载体.通过对国内外典型汽车博物馆建筑实例进行剖析,分析汽车博物馆建筑设计理念,探讨汽车博物馆建筑设计的方法.  相似文献   

中国汽车产业呈现出蓬勃发展的趋势,使得中国汽车制造、维修企业对汽车类人才,特别是汽车检测与维修专业人才需求量大幅增加.作为第三产业的汽车维修业,面对现代汽车的高技术含量和维修工艺规程化,以及维修、检测诊断设备的智能化和自动化,对汽车维修人员的整体技术要求上了一个更高的档次,因此对高职院校就如何开设汽车检测与维修专业、培...  相似文献   

彝语东部方言八堡话中的是非疑问句共有助词式、选择式、反复式和重叠式四种形式.是非疑问句演变的路径:一是正反选择问“V+ conject+ neg+V”→反复问“V+neg+V”→反复问的缩略形式“V+neg”→助词式“V+助词”;二是正反选择问“V+conject+ neg+V”→反复问“V+neg +V”→VV式.前一种演变路径在汉语研究中得到了证明,后一种演变路径,彝语方言八堡话是有力的证明.  相似文献   

"问题意识"是对学习对象进行探寻、质疑、研究的心理习惯。以"问题意识"组织教学,可以超越原有以"教科书体系"为主的教学模式,适合于以文论文本导读为主要方式的古代文论教学。实施"问题意识"教学的基本策略就是"向古人提问",即从文学观念或文学发展史角度,依据文论文本所涉及的问题域,追索古代文论文本涉及怎样的问题,而今人对同样的问题又是如何界定和阐述的。这样就起到了一种古今对话融通的作用,有利于将古代文论知识融会到学生总体文学观念和知识体系中。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the distributed presentation of different versions of a question would produce better performance on a new version of the question than distributed presentation of the same version of the question. A total of 48 four question sets of five alternative multiple‐choice questions were presented during a college lecture course. The answers to all the four questions in each set required an inference from the same fact statement. One question in each set appeared on both a block exam and the final. Each of the other three questions was presented either on an online quiz before class, during class or on an online quiz a week after class. Answering different versions of a question before class, during class and after class resulted in better performance on a fourth version of the question on the exam and final than answering the same question before class, during class and after class. On the final exam, 44 questions were answered twice, first under a time constraint of 90 seconds and then when response time was unlimited. The two responses were virtually identical.  相似文献   

物理教学中运用探究题培养学生高级思维能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对近年高考中频繁出现的分值较高的新题型“探究题”,通过界定了高级思维能力,总结培养学生高级思维能力的八种方法。从类比型探究题、聚合型探究题、评价型探究题、实验设计型探究题等探究题的不同题型上分析了探究题的运用可能会为物理教学在如何培养学生高级思维能力方面找到新思路、新方法。  相似文献   

韦伯的核心问题及其研究理路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马克斯.韦伯探讨了现代西方社会发展的基本问题——除魅的世界与社会的理性化,以及人的灵魂问题。但西方社会学界对韦伯的基本问题及其问题域的理解,却存在两种不同的形象。本文从经典学者关于韦伯基本问题的论述出发,通过韦伯在《经济与社会》、《政治与学术》等著作的研究主题,分析了韦伯的核心问题:理性化与自由,及在这一问题基础上形成的问题域和研究进路。  相似文献   

This study investigates the development of language interrogatives in deaf children through a program using expanded question structures. Ten young deaf children, (age range 6 to 8 years) were assigned to matched groups on the basis of chronological age and results of Raven's Progressive Matrices. One group was given six traditional question structures and the other was given six expanded question structures, on each of four consecutive days. On the fifth day, the traditional question structures were asked of all the subjects. The analysis of responses showed that even with a small sample the expanded question structures affected the number of accurate responses for the conceptual type of “wh” questions.  相似文献   

One challenge in science education assessment is that students often focus on surface features of questions rather than the underlying scientific principles. We investigated how student written responses to constructed-response questions about photosynthesis vary based on two surface features of the question: the species of plant and the order of two question prompts. We asked four versions of the question with different combinations of the two plant species and order of prompts in an introductory cell biology course. We found that there was not a significant difference in the content of student responses to versions of the question stem with different species or order of prompts, using both computerized lexical analysis and expert scoring. We conducted 20 face-to-face interviews with students to further probe the effects of question wording on student responses. During the interviews, we found that students thought that the plant species was neither relevant nor confusing when answering the question. Students identified the prompts as both relevant and confusing. However, this confusion was not specific to a single version.  相似文献   

This paper presents a detailed quantitative analysis of the use of seen questions within examinations in Economics option modules at one UK university. 4622 marks for seen and unseen questions awarded over a period of three years were analysed; the impact of personal characteristics was analysed using a sub-sample. It was found that the number of attempted answers to the seen question was somewhat lower than might be expected if students had engaged in random selection of examination questions and the proportion of students who attempted to answer the seen question varied both across modules and years. The majority of students who answered the seen question did so in only one module, and answering the seen question in more than one module did not have a positive impact on obtaining a good mark for the seen question. Most notably students who answered seen questions were more likely to obtain a good mark for seen than for unseen questions. The personal factors found to correlate with the likelihood of answering a seen question were gender, performance in Economics core modules, and type of school attended. Reasons for the findings are discussed and set within the context of innovation in Economics assessment.  相似文献   

The focus of this research is on the practice of education examination question writing. Educational examinations are tests that are taken by candidates in schools or colleges but that are externally developed, administered and marked by an assessment organisation. Whilst the practice of writing external examination questions is ubiquitous, previous research in this area is limited and has tended to adopt a cognitivist approach. This current project sought to extend this area of enquiry by looking at educational examination question writing as a socio‐cognitive process. The project involved a group of seven examination question writers (known as ‘setters’) from a range of subject areas. To capture evidence of question writing practices, each setter was observed remotely using video technology whilst they carried out a question writing task. The video material was then used to facilitate a stimulated recall session where individual setters could explain the processes that motivated their observed behaviours. Analyses suggested that the setters shared a common model of the writing process, which comprised three basic but interconnected phases: thinking about writing; writing and reflective thinking; and reviewing. In addition, question writing practice was influenced by the social system of examining through the way in which the setters considered a variety of perspectives during the writing task. This insight gives an indication of how setter practice develops; implicating a sociocultural perspective which suggests that the broader social context of examination question writing is an inevitable influence on setter practice.  相似文献   

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