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1Introduction Inamobilecommunicationsystem,themobile phoneusesabatterytosupplyenergy.Sincethebat teryenergyislimited,minimizationofenergycon sumedinprocessingandtransmission[1]inmultimedia communicationbecomesanimportantconsideration.Hereweconsidertransmissionenergy.Twofactors areconcernedwithtransmissionenergy,i.e.,trans missionpowerandtransmissiontime,theformeris basedonchannelcharacteristicandconsumerrequire ments,whilethelatterisdecidedbythenumberof bits.Researchonthesetwotopicshasreceive…  相似文献   

Based on minimum output energy,an improved blind multiuser detection algorithm is proposed by the use of Hopfield neural network.Compared with traditional algorithms,the proposed algorithm does not need the circuit for constraints.The resources are greatly saved and the complexity is reduced as well.The simulation results show that the performance of the improved algorithm is similar to that of the optimal multiuser detection algorithm which is not suitable for the mobile station.Compared with the traditional gradient blind multiuser detection algorithm,the convergence speed of the improved algorithm is quickened.  相似文献   

提出了流约束通讯网络的一个快速有效算法,系统是可靠的当且仅当特殊指定的流能从源点传递到汇点,中算法与传统算法有所区别,将传统的两阶段算法转化为一阶段算法,算法Ⅰ以任何一个有效组为初始有效组,所有的有效组都可以从此初始有效组中生成,且由此生成的所有有效组彼此不交,算法Ⅱ是第一个算法的对偶算法,同时中给出一个反例表明[8]中算法会遗漏有效组。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new algorithm for clustering a large amount of data.We improved the ant colony clustering algorithm that uses an ant’s swarm intelligence,and tried to overcome the weakness of the classical cluster analysis methods.In our proposed algorithm,improvements in the efficiency of an agent operation were achieved,and a new function "cluster condensation" was added.Our proposed algorithm is a processing method by which a cluster size is reduced by uniting similar objects and incorporating them into the cluster condensation.Compared with classical cluster analysis methods,the number of steps required to complete the clustering can be suppressed to 1% or less by performing this procedure,and the dispersion of the result can also be reduced.Moreover,our clustering algorithm has the advantage of being possible even in a small-field cluster condensation.In addition,the number of objects that exist in the field decreases because the cluster condenses;therefore,it becomes possible to add an object to a space that has become empty.In other words,first,the majority of data is put on standby.They are then clustered,gradually adding parts of the standby data to the clustering data.The method can be adopted for a large amount of data.Numerical experiments confirmed that our proposed algorithm can theoretically applied to an unrestricted volume of data.  相似文献   

A new optimization algorithm based on chaos   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
INTRODUCTION Chaos (Wang et al., 2002) is a common nonlin- ear phenomenon, whose action is complex and similar to that of randomness. The characteristics of chaos being highly sensitive to the initial value of chaos make a world of differences due to the ergodic prop- erty of the phase space—chaos can go through all states in certain ranges without repetition; the inher- ent randomness of the system—means that chaos behavior is similar to randomness which is disorderly; but at the same t…  相似文献   

在地理图形中,线性特性目标的能量密度与背景图像的能量密度不同,根据这一特性,分析了基于能量密度对线性目标识别算法的不足,提出基于多个模板搜索目标算法,不同的模板应用不同的规则以及自适应的算法,通过仿真实验,该算法能较好地识别出地理图像的目标要素.  相似文献   

1IntroductionPitch periodis ani mportant parameterinthe analys-is and synthesis of speech signals.Pitch period infor-mation is used in various applications such as(1)speaker identification and verification,(2)pitch syn-chronous speech analysis and synthesis,(3)linguisticand phonetic knowledge acquisition and(4)voice dis-ease diagnostics.However the task of esti mating thepitchis very difficult since(1)the human vocal tract isvery flexible andits characteristics varyfrompersontoperson,(2)the pi…  相似文献   

基于遗传算法的二维排样问题求解新策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对采用自然编码的遗传算法在排样问题(CSP)过程中初始群体设置和交叉变异操作过于复杂的缺点,采用了顺序编码(Grefenstette编码)作为遗传算法编码方案,并对排样问题进行求解。采用这种遗传算法策略对CSP试算的结果表明,该策略利于排样问题的求解,算法操作简单,可推广应用到制造业及其他规划领域的排样规划中。  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm for nesting problems. Many equally spaced points are set on a sheet, and a piece is moved to one of the points and rotated by an angle. Both the point and the rotation angle constitute the packing attitude of the piece. We propose a new algorithm named HAPE (Heuristic Algorithm based on the principle of minimum total Potential Energy) to find the optimal packing attitude at which the piece has the lowest center of gravity. In addition, a new technique for polygon overlap testing is proposed which avoids the time-consuming calculation of no-fit-polygon (NFP). The detailed implementation of HAPE is presented and two computational experiments are described. The first experiment is based on a real industrial problem and the second on 11 published benchmark problems. Using a hill-climbing (HC) search method, the proposed algorithm performs well in comparison with other published solutions.  相似文献   

本文提出一种新的基于聚类的网格简化方法。算法的简化过程从简单模型向复杂模型过渡。算法可根据给定的误差进行简化,整个简化过程由一个八叉树进行组织,简化过程中的简化平面由模糊推理得到。该算法便于数据组织,易于精度控制。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于时空信息的运动目标的提取算法,设计出一套运行于TM1300之上基于MPEG-4编码标准的可行方案,实验结果说明了本文算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Rough set axiomatization is one aspect of rough set study to characterize rough set theory using dependable and minimal axiom groups.Thus,rough set theory can be studied by logic and axiom system methods.The classic rough set theory is based on equivalent relation,but rough set theory based on reflexive and transitive relation(called quasi-ordering)has wide applications in the real world.To characterize topological rough set theory,an axiom group named RT,consisting of 4 axioms,is proposed.It is proved that the axiom group reliability in characterizing rough set theory based on similai relation is reasonable.Simultaneously,the minimization of the axiom group,which requires that each axiom is an equation and each is independent,is proved.The axiom group is helpful for researching rough set theory by logic and axiom system methods.  相似文献   

针对传统离群点检测算法的局限性进行研究,利用数据对象之间的相邻关系,提出了一种基于密度和距离相结合的离群检测算法,该算法解决了基于距离的离群检测算法不能准确识别局部离群点的问题,有效避免由于稀疏和密集簇过于邻近的而出现离群点误判的情况。通过在人工模拟数据及真实数据集上的实验测试证明改进算法的可行性,该算法能更有效地检测出数据集中的离群对象。  相似文献   

针对三维矩形布局问题,提出一种基于评价函数的布局遗传算法.该算法根据布局已知条件建立定序和定位评价函数,然后通过对评价函数值的比较确定布局的定序和定位规则;最后采用遗传算法优化定序和定位规则的参数.算例测试结果表明,该算法具有良好的计算效果.  相似文献   

分析了以新能源汽车作为专业内涵的车辆工程专业特点,给出为满足电车紧密结合为特色的新型车辆工程应用型人才培养而进行的理论教学优化;针对实验教学中存在的问题,重点在实验教学的内容、方法与实施保障环节进行改革与探索;实验教学改革较好地适应了新能源汽车技术发展对新型专业人才培养的需要,提高了学生的专业综合应用能力和创新思维能力。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION To compute the minimum distance between two convex polygons or polyhedrons is often a main step of many applications, such as collision detection (Choi et al., 2006; Li et al., 2003), path planning. In order to reduce the time complexity of the algorithm as much as possible, the convex property must be applied fully. Edelsbrunner (1985) proposed an algorithm for computing the minimum distance between two dis- joint convex polygons. The algorithm takes O(logm logn) time, and …  相似文献   

In this paper, an inverse problem on Jacobi matrices presented by Shieh in 2004 is studied. Shieh’s result is improved and a new and stable algorithm to reconstruct its solution is given. The numerical examples is also given.  相似文献   

首先介绍指纹图像分割的基本概念,接着使用一种基于标准差的图像分割算法对指纹图像进行分割.该方法利用标准差找出最佳分割阈值,再用该阈值将指纹图像脊线提取出来.实验结果表明,该方法能够很好地将指纹脊线从背景中提取出来.  相似文献   

Interior-point methods (IPMs) for linear optimization (LO) and semidefinite optimization (SDO) have become a hot area in mathematical programming in the last decades. In this paper, a new kernel function with simple algebraic expression is proposed. Based on this kernel function, a primal-dual interior-point methods (IPMs) for semidefinite optimization (SDO) is designed. And the iteration complexity of the algorithm as O(n^3/4 log n/ε) with large-updates is established. The resulting bound is better than the classical kernel function, with its iteration complexity O(n log n/ε) in large-updates case.  相似文献   

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