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观点一:给孩子养安全的小动物有些动物是相对安全的,比如鱼和小鸟。养在鱼缸里、鸟笼里,孩子和动物的直接接触少了,受寄生虫感染和动物伤害的机会自然就小了。并且鱼和鸟性情温和,也不会攻击孩子。这样既满足了孩子的好奇心,也可以保证孩子的安全。观点二:根据孩子的年龄决定现在的孩子太孤单了,家家都  相似文献   

似乎孩子与动物之间本来就有着一种不解之缘,孩子喜欢动物,动物也似乎更乐于亲近孩子。城市的环境所限,孩子们能够亲近大自然的机会正在减少,动物园成了他们认识动物、亲近自然的场所。然而,有一道坚实的栅栏阻隔,这样的亲近又怎能称为亲近?……  相似文献   

“你为什么不吃呢?” “不想吃。” “吃!不然非给你厉害看看不可!” 孩子拿起勺子,慢吞吞地搅拌着盘子里的菜汤。母亲看他还不吃,就跑过来,怒气冲冲地在孩子头上挥舞着拳头。儿子吓得要  相似文献   

家庭饲养宠物已成为一种时尚。但我们提醒和忠告家长们,别让孩子饲养宠物,小朋友们也自觉地远离宠物,因为,孩子饲养宠物容易诱发传染病。  相似文献   

女儿出生后几天,从广州天河区妇产医院回家时,在家 里欢迎她的就有一条可爱的长毛小狗花花。花花颇有灵性, 很快就明白了小宝宝在我们家中的地位,从来也不敢去碰一 下孩子,只是不近不远地守着,而且非常尽职。女儿三四个 月大的时候,似乎不会哭,她醒来时,没什么声响,我们不  相似文献   

很多人都喜欢在家中喂养一只或几只宠(chong)物,如小猫、小狗、小鸟等动物。宠物能给你带来很多乐趣(qu),帮你缓(huan)解(jie)压力。但是多数情况下,宠物会给你的健康带来危害。  相似文献   

一、近视儿童近视多半是"假性近视",因为这阶段的孩子视力仍在发育,眼睛睫状肌的调节能力较强,过度近距离用眼,使睫状肌痉挛,便产生近视症状;当睫状肌放松时,又恢复到原本视力。当家长发现孩子有类似症状时,应先至"眼科"检查,确定是否患近视,再进行适当治疗。  相似文献   

父母能给予孩子的最重要的礼物是“快乐的本领”。这个本领不是巧克力、漂亮衣服和耐克鞋就能带来的,你需要培养他们具备一些快乐必备的特殊品质,比如自尊、乐观、自我控制能力,等等。下面有8种快乐秘方:  相似文献   

自古以来,天下所有父母都希望能教养出聪明伶俐的孩子。处于婴幼儿时期的孩子,是一生中脑发育的激增期。这个时期,给儿童吃一些健脑物,有利于儿童大脑的发育。以下介绍几种健脑食物:1、红萝卜:红萝卜除了含有丰富的胡萝卜素外,还含有丰富的维生素B2(缺维生素B2的人,会发生思维迟缓和忧郁症状)。2、菠菜:菠菜含有丰富的维生素A原、B、C。尤其重要的是,它含有对大脑记忆功能有益的维生素B1、B2,缺乏B1会出现神经炎,神经传导受阻,出现健忘和不安等症状。除此之外,菠菜里还含有叶绿素和钙、铁、磷等矿物质,也具有健脑益智之作用,它在各种蔬…  相似文献   

Threats to the inclusive movement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Anthony Feiler, senior lecturer in special needs, and Howard Gibson, senior lecturer in language and literature (both at Bath Spa University College),suggest that within the field of special educational needs the movement towards inclusion is endangered. Four key threats are explored: the lack of precisionin definitions of inclusion; the lack of research evidence; the tendency for some children to experience what is termed 'internal exclusion' inschools; and the continuing inclination to label children (as an example of labelling the media's presentation of the term dyslexia is examined). Theauthors argue that if inclusion is to take hold in schools more attention needs to be paid to these threats.  相似文献   

王妮 《教育导刊》2002,(10):16-18
在平时的思想教育时,教师往往首先想到的是对普遍学生或后进生的思想教育,很少提到学习优等生,因为这部分学生平时很少有捣乱行为,表面看来他们不会令老师和家长操心.但事实果真如此吗?对于学习优等生需不需要进行思想教育?该如何进行教育?这些都是值得我们探讨的问题.  相似文献   

爸爸妈妈终于盼到宝贝上学了!可宝贝时不时的厌学情绪让爸爸妈妈不知如何是好。到底什么样的话才能让宝贝乖乖学习呢?厌学情绪我今天不想上学了!忌语1什么?不上学?那你长大了去做乞丐吧!父母千万不要以为这样就能把孩子吓住。孩子对乞丐可没有什么概念,他们只是觉得爸爸妈妈不想听自己说话了。你再想弄清楚原因,可没那么容易了。  相似文献   

Validity is the most important quality of an assessment, but its evaluation is often neglected. The step‐by‐step approach suggested here provides structured guidance to validators of educational assessments. Assessment is depicted as a chain of eight linked stages: administration, scoring, aggregation, generalization, extrapolation, evaluation, decision and impact. Evaluating validity requires careful consideration of threats to validity associated with each link. Several threats are described and exemplified for each link. These sets of threats are intended to be illustrative rather than comprehensive. The chain model suggests that validity is limited by the weakest link, and that efforts to make other links particularly strong may be wasteful or even harmful. The chain model and list of threats is also shown to be valuable when planning assessments.  相似文献   


Students’ capacity for making evaluative judgements of their own work is widely acknowledged as central to their learning within programmes as well as being vital to their subsequent professional practice. In higher education literature, the act of evaluative judgement is usually portrayed as a process of deliberative, analytical reasoning requiring student agency and objectivity, typically scaffolded by points of reference such as explicit criteria, rubrics or exemplars. This article challenges this common portrayal of judgement by drawing attention to research from outside higher education on the role of unconscious factors in judgement and decision-making. Drawing from the field of heuristics and bias studies, the article outlines six unconscious factors that have the potential to distort students’ analytical judgement of their work. A recent challenge to the heuristics and bias approach that radically repositions the place of reasoning in judgement is also considered. Since these unconscious factors have received scant attention in higher education literature, the purpose of this article is to draw attention to them, to identify the challenges they pose to current understandings of evaluative judgement, and to outline their implications for enhancing assessment practice.  相似文献   

数据库在单机版本时代是相对安全的.随着互联网的发展现有绝大多数互联网的应用系统采用数据库技术,由此而造就了很多的黑客以及带来了各种入侵手段,威胁着数据库的安全.本文就数据库安全威胁提出一些解决的方法.  相似文献   

A case study investigation was undertaken to identify threats to the professional understanding of assessment error which arise from accounts presented within the education press. Through a predominantly qualitative analysis of articles published in a leading education newspaper, during 2002 and 2003, it explored how assessment agencies in England were represented as responding to allegations of error. A number of threats to professional understanding were identified; in particular, the overarching threat that media reports may help to construct, and to maintain, a mythical image of assessment as a process which can and ought to be free from both measurement inaccuracy and human error. The results highlighted an underlying tension between the need to increase public understanding (of assessment error) and the need to retain public confidence (in our assessment systems). It was concluded that assessment agencies need to develop approaches to enhancing the public and professional understanding of assessment error, to counteract potentially misleading images from media reports.  相似文献   

针对无线传感器网络各层可能面临的威胁进行论述,并提出解决各种威胁的策略,可为传感器网络技术人员提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生心理健康观、应对方式及其与个人心理健康状况之间的关系;方法:使用一般健康问卷、自编大学生心理健康观问卷以及自编大学生应对方式问卷,对640名大学生施测,建立结构方程模型;结果:心理健康观和心理健康水平对应对方式的预测作用显著,是影响应对方式的两个重要因素.但是二者的调节效应并不显著.中介效应检验表明,心理健康状况是心理健康观影响应对方式的部分中介变量;结论:心理健康观和心理健康水平是影响应对方式的重要因素;心理健康状况是心理健康现影响应对方式的部分中介变量.  相似文献   

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