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Parental reaction to a child's hearing impairment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditionally, parental reactions to a child's hearing loss have been discussed in terms of stages of the mourning process. Although this framework has been helpful in describing parent adjustment, it appears too simple. Parents react in complex ways to their children's disabilities; these complexities must be considered when working with families. A model of transition that accounts for individual differences is used to discuss the potential interaction among variables associated with the mourning process.  相似文献   

This article explores the centrality of the mourning process in the education of developing health care professionals who are the survivors of complex and manifold losses. This was discussed in an elective seminar for senior medical students and graduate nurses. Learning about clinical responsibility often occurred in the context of loss and mourning. The outcome of mourning included for some a greater sensitivity to the impact of clinical interventions and a more accurate empathy for losses incurred by patients as a result of illness. Old and unresolved loss and mourning experiences were reawakened as a result of the seminar, which led to a sorting and mastering of these experiences. This is felt to be a common result of discussions about encounters with death and loss. Courses on death and dying for the health care professional, although important, are not sufficient by themselves for mastery of these topics. Clinical teachers must be aware of the student's response to loss and provide an atmosphere that legitimizes learning about these issues. The principles of awareness and open acknowledgement of loss and mourning are applicable to all health care settings.  相似文献   

A bstract .  In this essay, Michalinos Zembylas examines how the work of mourning can evoke public and school pedagogies that provide an alternative way of relating to otherness and trauma — not through remaining fixated on simply representing the other's or one's own trauma, but in the insistence on remaining inconsolable before suffering. A major concern is the normalization of mourning in school and public discourses through the establishment of boundaries between grievable and ungrievable lives. Zembylas argues that the violence unleashed through national mourning and the reproduction of loss through rituals of commemoration in schools raise important issues about the ethics and politics of mourning embedded in public and school pedagogies. Using two examples of the workings of mourning — one in the context of the South African reconciliation tribunals and the other in the context of collective mourning of Missing Persons in his home country of Cyprus — Zembylas demonstrates that the recognition of our common vulnerability to loss can form the groundwork of school and public pedagogies of aporetic mourning.  相似文献   

丧失是人类生命历程中最为深重的情感,在不同的文化背景下,人们对丧失与哀伤有着不同的言说,每个个体对丧失的理解不同,就意味着对生命意义的理解不同,也意味着面对丧失与哀伤的方式不同。本文通过对几个有关丧失的个案,讨论了如何在中国文化容器下安放哀伤与哀悼,促进当事人的稳定化。  相似文献   

The first few weeks of college is a difficult time for students and their parents. As they start college, students must cope with the loss of their existing support systems, a higher level of competition than they have experienced before, and the task of reestablishing their identity in a new context. These issues are described in a framework easily understandable by parents. This chapter then suggests specific actions parents can take to help their son or daughter in the first few weeks of college.  相似文献   

This paper is grounded in a phenomenological‐interpretive exploration of how mourning is experienced and understood by the victim’s nuclear family – the victims are Greek‐Cypriot missing persons whose remains have been recovered, identified and properly buried, after exhumations of mass graves in the aftermath of war. Particularly, the focus is on the pedagogical openings that are created for educators and students who seek to engage in learning about mourning and/or how to mourn in schools. Two in‐depth mourning narratives are analyzed and the pedagogical implications of the nationalization of mourning are discussed. A careful critique of the nationalization of mourning formulates a critical discourse from which it becomes possible to launch a renewal of an affective community, that is, a restructuring of affective spaces in schools and the public arena so that new affective connections with the Other are created. The analysis shows the complexities involved in attempts to formulate public and school pedagogies of mourning.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a family‐focused early intervention program developed to meet the needs of children with hearing loss and their parents. The participants were 12 children with severe and profound hearing loss who lived in a rural area of Turkey. They did not have any additional disabilities. Their ages ranged between 0 to 4 years. These children and their families had not participated in any intervention program before this research was designed. The 12 participants and their families were assigned to either an experimental or a comparison group. The data was collected before and after the implementation of the program, using three instruments; a preliminary information form for parents, a Scale of Parental Needs and an observation form to evaluate verbal communication. After the implementation of the intervention program, statistically significant differences were found between the experimental and comparison groups regarding their verbal communication.  相似文献   

在维吾尔族人民生活中,为了表示对死者的悼念,死者的亲属根据血缘关系的亲疏,穿孝服服丧3至40天,并通过穿黑色衣服、黑色皮帽上缠散兰(缠在头上的自布)、黑色大衣腰上系自布、出声或无声地哭泣等形式营造一种悼念的氛围。在服丧期问一般禁止男士理发剃胡、女士化妆,不能说笑和参与娱乐活动,不能擅自脱掉孝服。这种文化现象称为“服丧”。不同历史时期的服丧形式不仅各具特点,而且跟人民当时的生死观、宗教信仰、人际关系以及愿望有着紧密的联系。本文联系实际分析服丧的形成过程、具体表现形式、服丧期限、除孝的方式以及各种服丧形式所表现的社会内涵和意义等。  相似文献   

用现代文体学批评理论对弥尔顿悼亡诗与苏轼悼亡词中的不同语音特征、词汇句法、语言风格、修辞应用、意象选择和语篇衔接方式进行文体比较研究。从现代文体学批评这一崭新的视角对这二人两首诗词进行比较赏析,深刻地体会中西方两位大文豪以不同的语言文体风格,表达内心深处同样的哀思,不同的悲情。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Home visitation has been shown to be effective in reducing rates of child maltreatment and in enhancing psychosocial outcomes in children and their parents. Even when available, however, it is underutilized by parents in some urban settings. We tested a supplemental 10-session group intervention for its ability to increase active participation in home visitation, enhance the quality of caregiving behavior of parents, and improve social developmental outcome in children. METHOD: A randomized controlled design was utilized, involving two separate cohorts of parents of 3- to 18-month old infants, totaling 148 parent-child dyads. The intervention focused on practical experience in promoting parent-infant attachment relationships. RESULTS: At 6 months follow-up, there was a substantial increase in the proportion of intervention group parents participating in home visitation, compared to parents in the control group (Fisher's exact p = .008). Parents in the intervention group exhibited a trend for improvement in their capacity to appropriately interpret infants' emotional cues (p = .08), independent of the effects of home visitation itself. Attrition in both the treatment and control groups was inversely associated with income and level of education. CONCLUSIONS: Group meetings may constitute an effective means of engaging stressed urban families in home visitation.  相似文献   

This study examines factors contributing to parents' selection of a communication mode to use with their children with hearing loss. More than 90% of children with prelingual hearing loss have normally hearing parents. Communication difficulties are among the obstacles facing these parents in connection with these children's development. Controversy over manual and aural/oral methods of communication creates further complications. Case studies of two families with deaf children were conducted to identify factors that could influence parents' selection of a communication method. Semistructured questionnaires and unstructured interviews were used in data collection. A qualitative approach was used in data analysis. Based on the results, the factors influencing parental choice were grouped under four themes: (a) the influence of information provided to parents, (b) parents' perceptions of assistive technology, (c) attitudes of service professionals and educational authorities, and (d) quality and availability of support services. Implications of these themes for service provision are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis and discussion of the opinions of two generations of Asian parents with regard to their young children's education. A large number of parents (n = 200) were interviewed during 1970-1974 and a smaller number (n = 40) during 1995 to ascertain their views on a variety of topics relating to their children's early education. The findings are discussed in a qualitative way and reveal the increasing satisfaction of Asian parents with their children's education. A higher proportion of the mothers of the 1990s help their children with homework, read them stories and are generally more participatory in their children's education compared with the 1970s group. The second generations are concerned with the lack of facilities for the teaching of mother tongues in schools. These and other findings are discussed within the changing lifestyles of second-generation Asians.  相似文献   

The preceding symposium articles speculate on the psychosocial dynamics of discrimination as reverberating with grief, mourning, melancholia, and denial. They invite a psychoanalytic paradox on the fate of inchoate loss and its complex relation to oppression and depression: constellations of attachment to loss met with its social and psychical disavowal render inexpressible to the other the work of mourning and drive its myriad expressions. A different way of putting the dilemma is that grief calls upon symbolic equation (collapse of subject with object) and the pain of symbolization (contingency without certainty). Deborah Britzman's coda reads the psychoanalyst Melanie Klein's consideration of depression as the origin of the human condition with Paulo Freire's call to educators for a radical humanization to release oppression. Between Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed and Klein's Love, Guilt, and Reparation, the coda traces a signifying loss that attests to the entwined roots of the self/other matrix with attention to the needed fluctuations within interiority and exteriority, loss and the depressive position, illness and health, and psychoanalysis with pedagogy.  相似文献   

大学生"丧文化"是青年亚文化的表现形态之一。虽然"丧文化"对大学生的影响并非都是消极的,但仍然可能会导致大学生滋生悲观厌世的人生态度、出现政治信仰迷茫问题、助长消极颓废的社会心理等问题。针对大学生"丧文化"现象,要切实满足大学生的成长成才需求,为大学生创造合理的宣泄渠道,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,并给予大学生以人文关怀,促进大学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

这项研究关乎两个主题:一个是仪式,另一个是比较。一方面,主要从葬礼前的哀哭和丧服两个层面来论证丧葬仪式的文化功能、目的和社会影响,从而看出古代中国人和古代希腊人在面对同一种境况——死亡时,他们所遵循的意义模式是不同的。另一方面,也力图以希腊古风古典时期与中国先秦时期哀悼仪式的比较为例,阐述比较研究中的一些原则和方法。最终,通过找寻同一个仪式对象在不同文化里的表现,回答这样一个问题:何以中希两个古代社会的哀悼和葬礼在早期有着程序及表演行为上的相似之处,但随后却表现出巨大的差异性?这一切都是源于哀悼和葬礼背后不同的思想观念:希腊人严守一种带有神性规定的仪式程序,却没有涉及现实的社会秩序、政体模式,也没有将其上升到一种理论的高度去阐发。因此,希腊仪式中的程序与表演的成份得以比较完整地延续下来,甚至在现代希腊社会中仍可见其痕迹,但却始终只是存在于民间、停留在仪式行为的层面。而中国自先秦以来,儒家的先贤们则将其社会理想及政治观念贯穿于种种仪式之中,使之深深地渗透到社会生活及个人生活的方方面面,从而造就了中国传统社会独有的文化模式。  相似文献   

Five groups of Greek migrant children 8–10 years old, living with or without their parents in Greece and Germany, were compared to a control group on: a) A behavioural questionnaire concerning child's behaviour on different spheres of life and b) A parents/caretakers' attitudes questionnaire concerning child's behaviour.Results showed that the most high risk children according to their parents/caretakers judgement are those who have recently moved to join their parents in Germany followed by the children who have always lived in Germany with their parents. Children who have recently moved to Greece with or without their parents appear to have less difficulties across the same variables.Results from the attitudes questionnaire showed that problems identified in children of the return group seem to be connected with parental attitudes which is not the case for the other groups. Within this context a framework for counsel ling is proposed.  相似文献   


This article uses Derrida?s (1994) concept of philosophical mourning as an analytic to explore the aftermath of broken silence about sexism and discriminatory treatment in the public school superintendency. The two major sections of the article focus on the mourning work done by a researcher and three female former superintendents in reconstructing their thinking following the participants? speaking up in research interviews about their differential treatment as women working in the most gender stratified executive position in the United States.  相似文献   

A substantial body of research has shown how white, middle-class parents in urban school districts use school choice as a tool to pursue educational advantages for their children. The purpose of this qualitative research was to examine the debate over neighborhood schools and school choice among a diverse group of parents in a gentrifying, yet highly diverse New York City neighborhood that I call “Prospect Point.” My central focus was studying a parent advocacy group that supports neighborhood schools. Findings show that about one third of families living in Prospect Point choose to send their children to charter or gifted and talented (G&T) schools located outside of the neighborhood. Given this outflow of parents and resources via school choice, most of the gentrifier parents in the sample who opted in to the local schools viewed their choice as a politically charged decision, and they credited the parent advocacy group as having influenced it. As a group, they rejected the consumer model of school choice, which they believed put the local schools at a disadvantage and was the norm for their racial/ethnic and socioeconomic demographic. Opt-in parents in this context recognized their privilege, and their children’s privilege, in the school-choice process and actively sought to diminish it through their choice to opt in. This research has important implications for the transformative role that parent mobilization can play in the future of diverse, high-quality public education and our democratic society.  相似文献   

宋代福建同安苏氏家族出现五世十人登科的盛况,并非偶然现象,这与苏氏家族非常重视提供良好的科考环境和学习方法的科举教育不可分离。文学和天文历法学作为家学中的重要组成部分,与苏氏家族重视培养文学创作能力的文学教育。与对科学的热爱所采取的科技教育关系密切。而安邦匡朝、忠君爱民与父母在世尽职赡养、父母过世则尽丧礼的道德教育。对苏氏家族忠、孝家风的形成,起着至关重要的作用。宋代同安苏氏家族文化传统的形成,离不开家族教育.它是一个不可忽视的因素。  相似文献   

Objective: Home visitation has been shown to be effective in reducing rates of child maltreatment and in enhancing psychosocial outcomes in children and their parents. Even when available, however, it is underutilized by parents in some urban settings. We tested a supplemental 10-session group intervention for its ability to increase active participation in home visitation, enhance the quality of caregiving behavior of parents, and improve social developmental outcome in children.Method: A randomized controlled design was utilized, involving two separate cohorts of parents of 3- to 18-month old infants, totaling 148 parent-child dyads. The intervention focused on practical experience in promoting parent-infant attachment relationships.Results: At 6 months follow-up, there was a substantial increase in the proportion of intervention group parents participating in home visitation, compared to parents in the control group (Fisher’s exact p = .008). Parents in the intervention group exhibited a trend for improvement in their capacity to appropriately interpret infants’ emotional cues (p = .08), independent of the effects of home visitation itself. Attrition in both the treatment and control groups was inversely associated with income and level of education.Conclusions: Group meetings may constitute an effective means of engaging stressed urban families in home visitation.  相似文献   

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