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科比:无心伤害 原文:If I felt like he was a distraction, I would have said it. But I didn't say anything like, 'I don't want him to come back' or 'He's a distraction.' I didn't say anything like that. I'll try to give him a call and square it all out. What I said was in no way directed toward him or a personal attack toward him in any kind of way whatsoever. If he felt some type of way about that, I apologize.It was in no way intended to be an attack toward Karl or anything like that. I just want to make sure that my players know that I believe in them and I believe in what we have.So if Karl comes back, it's going to be a tremendous addition to our ballclub. But if he doesn't, I'm fine with rolling with the guys that we have here because I have confidence in them, too. 译文:如果我真觉得他让人分心了,我会直言不讳。可我压根儿没说过诸如'我不希望他回来'或者"他让人分心"之类的话。我从没那么说过。我会试着给他打个电话把事儿说开。无论如何,我所说的话绝不是有意对他搞个人攻击。假如他这么觉得了,我向他道歉。我无意批评  相似文献   

Xiao Li won the gold medal in the Olympic Swimming competition. A reporter isinterviewing him.小李在奥运会的游泳比赛上获得了金牌,一名记者正在采访她。Reporter:You set a new record on the way to wiming the woman's 100-meterbutterfly gold medal.congratulations,Miss Li.  相似文献   

Charles Barkley was as quick with his wit as his offensive boardBarkley was famous with what he said,because he always said whathe thought. Barkley said he would join the last regular game in Houston this year,in order to express our admiration to him,Wegathered some of his best quotes through his his career. 查尔斯·巴克利机智诙谐的语言像他的进攻篮板球一样犀利。巴克利经常一语惊人,因为他总是说实话。他说他要在休斯敦打最后一场常规赛,为了表达我们的敬意,我们收集了他生涯中的部分经典妙语。 “Tha…  相似文献   

serra 《网球》2012,(6):25+27-31
如果没有纳达尔.红土专家这个词语会很快消失.其实它也确实消失过一段时间,这段时间是纳达尔在夺得澳网,温网和美网的时候,他提醒着我们场地的边界原来可以如此轻易地去抹杀,他从未安心干红土之内,所谓的专家其实就是一个贬义词。纳达尔突破于红土之外的时候,也有人突破到红土之内,费德勒和德约科维奇都在满怀热情地做着这件事情。他们基本都已经做到了,BIG4的竞争再也不会因为场地而有所改变,人们不会再讨论红土场地和其他场地到底有什么不同,红土专家几乎成了泥塑般脆弱的代名词。只有当我们看到另外一个事情的发生,那就是纳达尔在失去一切的时候还会拥有红土,我们才不得不承认那条界限其实依然是存在的,那些冲进红土的人,完成的是和那些冲出去的人同样难度的反串,他们成功地找到了别的方式来替代上旋拉锯。需要说明的是,胜利并非是成功实现反串的最重要标准,最重要的是如何让自己的天份在红土找到生存之道,那些不擅长上旋拉锯的英雄们,他们用不拘一格的胜利让红土变得更加丰富,因此,我们把他们在红土上的效果放在结果之前。能够反串红土的选手越来越多,我们以下列举的6名选手或许可以代表各种不同的风格。  相似文献   

In the 1950s and early 1960s,the American society took on an air of unprecedented material prosperity.However,the flourishing economy failed to provide people with the spiritual content they expected to come with it.The inanition in the spiritual world and the affluence in the material world created a sharp contrast which led to a growing sense of anxiety and dissatisfaction.As a result,"many Americans reacted to these developments with ambivalence,even hostility." (Brinkley 1999:1010) It was against this milieu that Jerome David Salinger examines his growth as a young middle class American in retrospect and started his literary career.  相似文献   

Though noted for his persistent low-key attitude andcalmness, Meng Xuenong still spoke his mind in an individualpassionate way in his first press conference as Beijing mayor. While recalling the election in the just-closed first meetingof the 12th peoples congress of Beijing municipal government,Meng held that the masses of people have the most direct butfairest evaluation of government officials. Everybody is bornwith a sense of justice, Meng said. A native of Penglai city in east…  相似文献   

The SwimmerThe teacher told the class the story of a man who swam across a river three times before breakfast. Johnny laughed. "Do you doubt that a good swimmer could do that?" asked the teacher. "No, sir," answered Johnny, "but I wonder why he did not swim it four times and get back to the side where his clothes were." 一个游泳的人老师给同学们讲了一个小故事,说有一个人早饭前要在河里游泳,横渡三趟。约翰尼笑了。老师问道:“你不相信一个游泳很好的人可以做到这个吗?”约翰尼回答说:“不是,先生,但我不明白他为什么不游四次,回到他放衣服的那边。”  相似文献   

Background:During an experiment,a ski racer equipped with various measurement devices suffered an anterior cruciate ligament(ACL)rupture in his right knee.The aim of this study was to describe the underlying injury mechanism from a functional perspective.Methods:Eight giant slalom turns(i.e.,4 left turns),followed by 1 left turn at which the ACL injury occurred,were recorded by 2 video cameras,electromyography of 4 relevant muscle groups,inertial measurement units to measure knee and hip angles,and pressure insoles to determine ground reaction forces.Results:Due to a loss of balance,the ski racer began to slide sideways at the apex of a left turn.During sliding,his right(outside)leg was actively abducted upward without touching the ground.The ski racer then attempted to stand up again by dropping his leg back towards the snow surface.The end of this dropping was accompanied by a decrease in electromyographic activity in the knee stabilizing muscles.Once the inside edge of the outer ski caught the snow surface,a rapidly increasing peak force,knee flexion,and an aggressive sudden activation of the vastus medialis muscle were observed,while biceps femoris and rectus femoris further decreased their activation levels.This likely resulted in excessive anterior translation of the tibia relative to the femur,causing damage to the ACL.Conclusion:Our example emphasizes that ski racers should not get up until they stop sliding.Remember:“When you’re down,stay down.”  相似文献   

Formula One opened a new season under new rules, producing a striking result: Michael Schumacher of Germany failed to finish among the top three.In a sport ruled by Schumacher and his Ferrari team, the Australian Grand Prix was won by David Coulthard. It marked the first time in 2O races that Schumacher was not on the podium.  相似文献   

"Grandma Scandal" Shakes SchumacherFive-time Formula One champion Michael Schumacher and his brother and challenger Ralf are anything but heroes to his lonely 78-year-old grandmother.The media have gone after the two high-speed drivers because they have no time for Grandma Agathe in Cologne. Alone and poor, she s waiting for a visit from her grandsons read the headline in the tabloid Bild , while the Hamburg Morgenpost wrote: Forgotten by her grandsons, existing on a small pension.  相似文献   

胡捷  徐加业 《网球天地》2023,(12):52-53
<正>元旦之日,阳光和煦,温州和平国际女子网球俱乐部以一场别样的红土体验友谊赛迎接2024年的第一天。队员们齐聚浙江温宁网球俱乐部的标准红土网球场地,手持复古木拍,怀揣着对网球的热爱与激情,共同书写新的篇章。红土场地,木拍轻舞,这是一场穿越时光的网球之旅。红土,以其特有的柔软与摩擦力,为比赛增添了几分挑战与未知。木拍,那古老而质朴的拍面,与红土相得益彰,仿佛回到了网球的初心。在这片红土场地上,每一次脚步的起伏、每一次拍子的挥动,都仿佛与大地共舞。当球与拍相遇,仿佛时间在这一刻凝固,只有那清脆的击球声在空气中回荡。  相似文献   

Radcliffe ran World women'smarathon bestPaula Radcliffe ran a stunning Worldwomen's marathon best of 2:15:25 inLondon on 13 April.she took women'sworld marathon running into a new era.Radcliffe led every step of the way andwas almost a mile clear of former worldrecord-holder Catherine Ndereba of Kenyaby the finish. While World and Olympicmen's champion Gezahegne Abera once a-gain triumphed after five athletes beganthe final sprint to the finish.  相似文献   

By August,Jordan exhibited new confidence and a quiet swagger.He already possessed the qualities to become a great player,1 but his confidence matched his physical talent. 2Jordan looked impressive during preseason pickup games against established NBA players Mike O'Koren,Al Wood,Dudley Bradley,Phil Ford,Mitch Kupchak,and Walter Davis,Tar Heel returnees Perkins and Doherty,and incoming freshmen.He once soared over Davis to dunk the ball with tongue wagging and eyes wide open.Dur-  相似文献   

President: Sina.com Built on Sports SpiritSina president Jiang Fengnian has earned an unofficial title as Sina sports spokesman because he stands a towering 1.93 meters and loves this game . He had been a professional basketballer in Taipei and now owns a basketball team - Sina Lions. He once said: Internet reporters are complaining that they have to check Sina sports pages to know the whereabouts of Jiang Fengnian.Sports frenzy is global and sports market is very tempting, we simply jumped on the bandwagon, said Jiang.The athlete-turned Internet guru said the Olympic motto of Citius, Altius, Fortius had long been in his blood. For a higher goal, he co-founded Sina and helped it become the largest Chinese-language Internet portal in the world.Jiang holds that sports taught Sina how to work as a team  相似文献   

"Nobody said that sex, at the right place and the right time,could do anyone any harm"——Poland soccer coach Jerzy Engel没有人说分场合和时间的性爱会对身体有害。——参加日韩世界杯的波兰主教练英格尔对世界杯赛期间队员的性需求十分开明,不过条件是每人需付3000欧元才能将妻子或女朋友带上飞机。"He puts up his sun to shield his hand from the eyes."——Commentator Russell Dower during a WAFL foot-ball match on Perth radio station 6AR他抬起他的太阳去遮挡刺眼的手。——澳大利亚珀斯一家电台体育评论员对…  相似文献   

1 Foreword Teenage and adolescence is a critical period for one's physical and mental and the development of his/her physique.Physique refers to the capability of body's activity,which in fact is a combined physical capacity of strength,  相似文献   

49.运球目的:训练运球。人数:8~16人(两个队,每队4~8人。场地:用一条线把罚球区分成两部分。时间:20分钟。方法;两个队各占半个场地。每个队员一个球,都在本方场地运球。每个队向对方派一个队员,目的是把尽可能多的队员吸引开,但不失掉球。  相似文献   

ANAHEIM, United States- Li Xiaopeng's golden double gilded a day to remember for China on Aug. 25 as the 37th world gymnastics championships drew to a close. Li successfully defended his world titles on men's vault and parallel bars as China secured four medals in the second and final individual apparatus program. 体操世锦赛李小鹏独揽3金。  相似文献   

今天,让我们再重复一遍这句台词:If You love him,take him to New York,for it’s heaven; If you hate him,take him to New York,for it’s hell。(如果你爱他,送他去纽约,那是天堂;如果你恨他,送他去纽约,那是地狱。)可以说,一年之前的纽约和地狱没有什么分别;但一年之后,至少在法拉盛国家网球中心,纽约又成了天堂,美国人的天堂。  相似文献   

1"I don't Know him as a person but,as aPlayer,you'd have to say he's been thebest in England-maybe Europe-overthe last 1D years."Especially when you think of theinjuries he's had,the goals he's gotand the all-round package-he's beengreat,I just wist he'd come here.Itwas a pity he never came here."  相似文献   

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