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This study compares the performance of learning disabled students on the WISC-R and the Tests of Cognitive Abilities from the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery. This study finds that learning disabled subjects performed more poorly on the Tests of Cognitive Abilities than on the WISC-R. Data relative to a number of possible explanations for these results are reported.  相似文献   

Conclusion It has been assumed that by manipulating redundancy (both SR and BCR), it is possible to make LI Ss perform IP tasks as effectively as HI Ss. The difference between HI and LI Ss may be eliminated or reduced by improving the performance level of LI Ss. The simultaneous AV channel presenting identical or high redundancy information (high BCR) would make it possible to raise LI Ss to a level of performance as high as that of HI Ss. This study was supported by the Research and Development Center for Learning and Re-Education, University of Wisconsin, pursuant to contracts with the United States Office of Education (Center N. C-03 /Contract OE, CRP No. 2850). The writer wishes to thank his major professor, Bruce H. Westley, for his guidance of this study.  相似文献   

Correlations between the WISC-R, the Woodcock-Johnson Achievement clusters, the Woodcock-Johnson Aptitude clusters, and the Broad Cognitive Ability Score were evaluated, using as a sample 60 BD male adolescents. Aptitude cluster scores were found to have insufficient validity to justify computation for such a population. The Broad Cognitive Ability Score was found to be significantly correlated to all W-J Achievement cluster scores. Implications were discussed of Hotelling's t-test analyses examining the correlations between the four W-J Achievement cluster scores and the WISC-R VIQ as compared to the four W-J Achievement cluster-Broad Cognitive Ability correlations.  相似文献   

The Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery has become a popular instrument for assessing students with learning problems. Previous research has indicated a possible discrepancy between overall scores on the WISC-R and the congnitive portion of the Woodcock-Johnson with samples of learning disabled (LD) students. The current study, conducted with samples of students not designated as LD, also found significant differences in the mean scores between the two measures. The hypothesis that the difference between measures is a function of grade level was not supported. Other findings of the current study, coupled with previous research, suggest that the congnitive portion of the Woodcock-Johnson may be loaded with verbal factors.  相似文献   

This study examined whether audiovisual computer training without linguistic material had a remedial effect on different learning disabilities, like dyslexia and ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder). This study applied a pre‐test–intervention–post‐test design with students (N = 62) between the ages of 7 and 19. The computer training lasted eight weeks occurring twice a week for 15 minutes per session. After the training period, an improvement in the auditory‐visual matching test was found. According to the hypothesis of this study, the youngest children with dyslexia would benefit most from the intervention. However, the training had also a positive effect on auditory‐visual matching with older students with dyslexia. Surprisingly, the students with ADD benefited from this intervention. According to the teachers, this intervention had also a positive effect on the students' school behaviour.  相似文献   

本文依据教学的认知过程,在对学习感受、学习成绩、学习效果、学习时间、学习效率的相互关系分析的基础上,结合学习效果形成条件,给出了学习效率、标准学习效率的计算及其应用方法.同时就学习效率的定量计算及其应用进行了定性、定量论证.  相似文献   

Children aged 8 through 11 (N = 250) were given a word-by-word sentence task in both the visual and auditory modes. The sentences included an object relative clause, a subject relative clause, or a conjoined verb phrase. Each sentence was followed by a true-false question, testing the subject of either the first or second verb. Participants were also given two memory span measures: digit span and reading span. High digit span children slowed down more at the transition from the main to the relative clause than did the low digit span children. The findings suggest the presence of a U-shaped learning pattern for on-line processing of restrictive relative clauses. Off-line accuracy scores showed different patterns for good comprehenders and poor comprehenders. Poor comprehenders answered the second verb questions at levels that were consistently below chance. Their answers were based on an incorrect local attachment strategy that treated the second noun as the subject of the second verb. For example, they often answered yes to the question "The girl chases the policeman" after the object relative sentence "The boy that the girl sees chases the policeman." Interestingly, low memory span poor comprehenders used the local attachment strategy less consistently than high memory span poor comprehenders, and all poor comprehenders used this strategy less consistently for harder than for easier sentences.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 100 behavior disordered male adolescents, correlations between the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) and the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJTCA) were computed. All WISC-R subtests correlated with the W-J Broad Cognitive Ability score at the .0001 level. Analysis of the forward selection multiple regression procedure resulted in the inclusion of only WISC-R Verbal subtests for the first six steps. Implications of such results were discussed and a predictive equation reported.  相似文献   

刘美娟 《丽水学院学报》2010,32(1):99-101,110
普通话学习是一项技能性训练,学习者能否在认知和行为上积极主动地参与,将极大地影响学习的效率和效果。所以,培养学习者的自我调节学习能力,就显得尤为重要。学习者在学习过程中有明确的学习目标和具体任务,重视研究个性化的学习策略,并能自觉进行自我监控、自我反思,同时注意调控非智力因素,这不仅能有效提高普通话水平,对学习者思维水平的提高也会有很大的帮助。  相似文献   

认知风格、学习策略与外语学习密切相关。本研究以非英语专业本科学生为对象,通过调查发现,分属场独立-场依存认知风格的学习者在学习策略的选择方面没有显著差异,不同认知风格与学习策略的使用频率对英语学习成绩的交互效应不明显,英语学习成绩与整体学习策略与三类分策略,即认知、元认知、补偿策略有显著相关。  相似文献   

评述了应用经典统计学和贝叶斯推断检验资产组合均值-方差有效性的文献,提出了这些方法在我国应用的可能性。  相似文献   

本文主要研究了我国企业在对员工进行培训时的主要问题,并基于"认知效率"理论对企业培训中的问题提出了相关的解决措施,希望企业在对员工进行培训时,要充分考虑员工的具体需求,注重对员工个人发展能力的培训,促进企业每位员工专业和技能的快速进步,加快企业整体的发展进程。  相似文献   

Eighty 11‐year‐old children were assessed for preferred learning mode (pictorial or text), reading attainment and cognitive ability. They also received the Cognitive Styles Analysis which gave their positions on the Wholist‐Analytic and verbal‐Imagery cognitive style dimensions. With respect to learning mode, wholists preferred the mode which corresponded to their verbal‐imagery style; verbalisers chose text while Imagers chose pictures. Analytics, by contrast, were fairly equally divided across the verbal‐imagery dimension. On reading attainment and cognitive abilities, the performance of the wholists was superior by the verbalisers and declined fairly linearly with increasing imagery style, while analytics were again fairly constant across the dimension. The results were discussed in terms of their implications for the cognitive style dimensions.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the relationship between general auditory processing, Chinese tone processing, English phonemic processing and English reading skill in a group of Chinese-English bilingual children with a tonal L1 and Korean-English counterparts with a non-tonal L1. We found that general auditory processing contributed to variance in English word reading skill for Chinese children after controlling for Chinese tone and English phoneme deletion skill. English phonemic processing, on the other hand, explained a significant amount of unique variance in English reading for Korean children after controlling for general auditory and Chinese tone skill. These findings suggest that Chinese children relied more on general auditory processing in reading English, whereas Korean children relied more on phonemic skill in reading English. These findings are discussed in terms of the impact of cross-language differences in bilingual reading acquisition.  相似文献   

Performance of hearing-impaired students on selected tests of visual processing and the relationship between performance on those measures and on a test of reading comprehension were investigated. Seventy-seven subjects, all 7- and 8-year-olds, were tested using the MVPT, ITPA Sequential Memory Subtest, VADS, Jordan, VMI, Slingerland, and SAT-HI. Scores of the hearing-impaired subjects failed to match those of the hearing norm sample of the VADS test but no systematic differences were found on the other tests of visual processing. Performance IQ was strongly associated with both visual processing and reading scores. Significant portions of the variance in reading scores were explained by IQ and performance on tests of memory for visual stimuli. Visual tests without a memory component failed to explain significant portions of the variance in reading performance.  相似文献   

为了考察基于PASS模型的认知训练对一位潜在数学学习困难幼儿的认知能力和数学能力的影响,研究采取单一被试设计中的3个双基线A-B-A实验设计,用游戏的方式对个案进行6个月的认知干预训练,比较其在基线阶段、干预阶段和第二基线阶段的无关行为次数、要求更换游戏次数和游戏中的坚持时间是否存在显著性差异,以及PASS认知能力和数...  相似文献   

从听说能力“低效”产生的原因着手,制定避免“低效”的建议和措施.强调英语听说是技能,我们必须像学习游泳、打字、开车一样来训练听说能力.只有通过学生自己的身体力行,加上教师适当的辅导,才能真正避免“低效”,提高学生的英语听说能力.  相似文献   

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