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入学准备不仅影响儿童对正规学校教育的适应程度,还对儿童个人的可持续发展起着决定性的作用。对于入学准备的认识及实施,不同主体之间仍存在较大的差异。作为本研究系列的第一步,本文系统回顾了国内外对入学准备研究的现状,指出现阶段国内在入学准备方面存在的问题:研究对象单一、干预研究过少、缺少入学准备对儿童成长影响的研究、缺少"独生子女"身份对儿童入学准备的影响研究。  相似文献   

学前末期到学龄初期是儿童全面发展的重大转折期,做好儿童情绪与社会性方面的准备对其顺利完成幼小衔接具有重要意义。目前国内在学龄前儿童入学准备方面的研究起步较晚,缺乏评估儿童在该领域入学准备的针对性测评工具。本研究旨在编制出适合我国学龄前儿童使用的情绪与社会性发展水平测评工具,从人际交往、道德品质、自我意识、情绪情感、社会适应五个层面入手,制定准备入学儿童情绪与社会性发展水平评估量表,并筛选出在该领域入学准备不足的儿童。同时利用SPSS统计软件包对量表进行信效度分析,发现量表设计比较合理,可以作为评定儿童情绪与社会性发展水平的测量工具。  相似文献   

与非流动儿童相比,流动儿童的入学准备状态不佳,这将影响其后期的学校适应。为帮助流动儿童以更好的状态步入小学,应重视入学准备的奠基作用,为其提供尽早接受系统教育的机会,进一步提升托幼机构的保教质量,转变养育者的教育观念和行为,并做好相关课程与资源库的建设工作。  相似文献   

儿童入学准备的访谈研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过对小学一年级教师的访谈研究,对我国儿童入学准备提出5个基本维度,即身体和运动发展、情绪与社会性发展、学习相关、言语发展、认知发展和一般知识基础。其中,小学教师普遍反映我国儿童在入学准备上最为不足的是自理能力和前学习技能。  相似文献   

教师对儿童入学准备状况的团体评定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究采用教师团体评定的方法,发现在入学准备的5个领域中,“学习方式”“情绪和社会性发展”领域存在问题的儿童最多,“身体和运动发展”领域存在问题的儿童较少。“言语发展”和“认知与一般知识”领域存在问题的儿童最少;儿童在“学习方式”领域存在的入学准备问题主要体现在“注意力”“学习主动性”“自省能力”方面;“情绪和社会性发展”领域的入学准备问题主要体现在“与教师交流”和“自拉能力”方面;儿童在“注意力”和“自我反省”两方面的入学准备存在性别差异。  相似文献   

入学准备是指学龄前儿童为了能够接受正规学校教育所需要具备的各种关键特征或基础条件。维果斯基的社会文化理论表明,应在学校、家庭、社会与儿童之间建立三位一体的双向交互作用帮助儿童做好入学准备,反对之前以生理成熟理论为基础的儿童入学做好准备的观点。这对学前教育产生了重要的启示。  相似文献   

儿童入学准备生态化环境的建构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"入学准备"问题一直是学前教育研究领域中的热点问题,同时也受到来自父母、教师以及政府极大的关注.基于生态学观点的儿童入学准备理论被美国教育部2000年目标工作委员会(NEGP)采纳,成为当前最有影响力的入学准备理论之一.美国儿童入学准备生态化理论模型对建构我国儿童入学准备生态化环境有一定的启示.  相似文献   

本研究选用东北师范大学盖笑松等人编制的《儿童入学准备综合测评工具》,对南通市4个区的163名刚入小学一年级的儿童进行测查。研究发现:流动儿童入学准备水平整体不足,各领域发展状况不均衡,这缘于其家庭和幼儿园教育的限制。鉴于此,本研究提出:父母应改变片面的准备观念和行为、托幼机构应提高教育质量、小学学校可采取补偿措施、政府...  相似文献   

我国儿童入学准备教育研究主要集中在儿童入学准备观、影响儿童入学准备的因素、处境不利儿童的入学准备、儿童入学准备测评工具的本土化开发及对儿童入学准备五大领域中具体领域的研究等方面。提高我国儿童入学准备水平,需要从生态学视角出发考虑影响儿童入学准备的各方因素,兼顾儿童入学准备的的具体内容,关注处境不利儿童,丰富儿童入学准备的测评工具。  相似文献   

赵秀梅 《广西教育》2022,(31):13-15
本文借助问卷调查和访谈形式,对特殊儿童家长的入学准备态度进行分析,提出当前特殊儿童在入学准备方面普遍存在家长焦虑、学校后续支持不足等问题,并相应给出政府部门多方联动、学校做好相应准备、加强教师队伍建设等对策。  相似文献   

The current study specified the extent to which hot and cool aspects of executive functioning predicted academic and social‐emotional indicators of school readiness. It was unique in focusing on positive aspects of social–emotional readiness, rather than problem behaviors. One hundred four 3–5‐year‐old children completed tasks measuring executive functioning, social–emotional readiness, academic readiness, and vocabulary. As expected, age predicted executive functioning components and social–emotional readiness. Moreover, working memory and inhibitory control directly predicted academic readiness, whereas delay of gratification predicted social–emotional readiness. Working memory and inhibitory control predicted delay of gratification, consistent with the notion that simpler executive functions may set the stage for more complex executive functions. Interestingly, social–emotional readiness predicted academic readiness. These findings confirm that hot and cool aspects of executive functioning are related to social–emotional and academic school readiness.  相似文献   

社会经济地位不利儿童的入学准备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
入学准备状态是指学龄前儿童为了能够从即将开始的正规学校教育中受益所需要具备的各种关键特征或基础条件。国外关于社会经济地位不利儿童入学准备状态研究的新进展是:(1)低社会经济地位儿童的入学准备状况;(2)影响低社会经济地位儿童入学准备的背景因素;(3)改善低社会经济地位儿童入学准备状况的干预措施。  相似文献   

Definitions of school readiness tend to focus on social and academic competencies that children are presumed to need to start school ready to learn. However, a child-focused definition of school readiness is limited because it neither identifies processes that lead children to acquire these competencies, nor does it recognize children's dependence on opportunities within settings that support development of these competencies. The model of school readiness presented in this article broadly defines school readiness as a function of an organized system of interactions and transactions among people (children, teachers, parents, and other caregivers), settings (home, school, and child care), and institutions (communities, neighborhoods, and governments). We propose that the primary mechanisms through which children acquire readiness-related competencies are social relationships children form with peers, parents, and teachers. This perspective on school readiness, emphasizing the mediating role of relational processes, offers guidance for designing interventions to improve school readiness through strengthening relationships between parents and children, parents and teachers, and teachers and children.  相似文献   

A developmental ecological model was used to identify child attributes, father characteristics, and familial factors associated with multidimensional father involvement with preschool children enrolled in Head Start. The relations between father involvement and children's school readiness were also investigated. Eighty-five African American fathers and father figures were surveyed about their involvement in child care, home-based educational and school-based educational activities. Children's school readiness competencies were evaluated via teacher report or direct assessment. Father involvement in child care and home-based educational activities were predicted by different contextual factors and child attributes. Fathers were more involved in child care activities when they lived in a child's home and when a child was highly emotional. Fathers who perceived the existence of a strong parenting alliance reported more involvement in home-based educational activities. Father involvement in child care and home-based educational activities was associated with higher levels of children's emotion regulation. Findings are consistent with a contextual, multidimensional perspective of African American fathering and hold policy implications for fatherhood initiatives in the early childhood education field. Efforts to increase father involvement may be most effective when addressing the multitude of influences on fathering behavior and focusing on father-child activities that occur outside of the preschool setting.  相似文献   

A developmental ecological model was used to identify child attributes, father characteristics, and familial factors associated with multidimensional father involvement with preschool children enrolled in Head Start. The relations between father involvement and children's school readiness were also investigated. Eighty-five African American fathers and father figures were surveyed about their involvement in child care, home-based educational and school-based educational activities. Children's school readiness competencies were evaluated via teacher report or direct assessment. Father involvement in child care and home-based educational activities were predicted by different contextual factors and child attributes. Fathers were more involved in child care activities when they lived in a child's home and when a child was highly emotional. Fathers who perceived the existence of a strong parenting alliance reported more involvement in home-based educational activities. Father involvement in child care and home-based educational activities was associated with higher levels of children's emotion regulation. Findings are consistent with a contextual, multidimensional perspective of African American fathering and hold policy implications for fatherhood initiatives in the early childhood education field. Efforts to increase father involvement may be most effective when addressing the multitude of influences on fathering behavior and focusing on father-child activities that occur outside of the preschool setting.  相似文献   

2 studies examined children's beliefs about the origins of gender differences and addressed 2 main questions: (a) What age-related changes are there in children's beliefs about the contributions of nature and nurture to the development of gender roles? and (b) Do children differentiate between aspects of gender roles that adults believe to be more biologically determined and those they believe to be more socially influenced? 160 4- to 10-year-olds and 32 adults participated in Study 1. Participants were told about a child raised with only opposite-sex individuals and were asked whether the child would grow up to possess a series of gender-stereotyped, biological, and control properties. Until age 9 or 10, children believed that gender-stereotyped properties would develop in an infant regardless of the social context of upbringing. Study 2 provides evidence that children were not merely reporting stereotypical category associations. These studies suggest that young children may have an early bias to view gender categories as predictive of essential, underlying similarities between members, but later come to acknowledge the role of other causal mechanisms (e.g., the social environment) in shaping how category members develop.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between children's emotional and behavioral problems and teachers' social responding. Elementary school students completed the Children's Depression Inventory and a parent completed the Child Behavior Checklist. Teachers rated children on measures of interpersonal attractiveness and personal rejection. Teachers' ratings of student interpersonal attractiveness were significantly correlated with the level of student depression, internalizing problems, externalizing problems, and overall psychopathology. However, teachers' ratings of personal rejection toward students only correlated with externalizing behavior problems. Family income was also related to child adjustment and teacher ratings. Externalizing behavior problems best predicted both lower interpersonal attractiveness and increased personal rejection, even after controlling for family income. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

The position advocated within this article is that the construct of “school readiness” has a social component, and that attempts to evaluate children's interpersonal readiness for kindergarten should be judged in relation to their likely success at mastering specific social school entry tasks. Social school entry tasks, which most likely stem from diverse sociocultural sources, are conceptualized here as interpersonal challenges that children confront as they enter formal schooling—challenges that are inherent within kindergarten classrooms and predictive of children's future school adjustment. A related contention is that attempts to enhance children's readiness for kindergarten should be guided by research on the prerequisites of social task mastery—that is, evidence gathered during the preschool years that forecasts children's later success at social school entry tasks. Evidence bearing on these premises is reviewed as a means of considering the validity and heuristic utility of these propositions for future research on school readiness.  相似文献   

Emotions and behaviors observed during challenging tasks are hypothesized to be valuable indicators of young children's motivation, the assessment of which may be particularly important for children at risk for school failure. The current study demonstrated reliability and concurrent validity of a new observational assessment of motivation in young children. Head Start graduates completed challenging puzzle and trivia tasks during their kindergarten year. Children's emotion expression and task engagement were assessed based on their observed facial and verbal expressions and behavioral cues. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that observed persistence and shame predicted teacher ratings of children's academic achievement, whereas interest, anxiety, pride, shame, and persistence predicted children's social skills and learning-related behaviors. Children's emotional and behavioral responses to challenge thus appeared to be important indicators of school success. Observation of such responses may be a useful and valid alternative to self-report measures of motivation at this age.  相似文献   

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