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林业科技论文函数图横坐标标值的几种错误及正确表达   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
指出已出版的林业科技论文中函数曲线图存在的以非数值作为横坐标标值和以数值范围作为横坐标标值,以及横坐标标值间隔不相等3种错误,提出了正确的表达方式.  相似文献   

通过"中国知网"检索2011年发表的主题为"土壤深度"的论文,选择其中90篇查阅并下载图的标目为"土壤深度"及其含义的41篇论文进行图形式样调查统计,以探讨此类图形的正确、规范表达模式。结果显示:有34篇用曲线图,且曲线图出现7种不同的表达形式。对各曲线图式样以及图中标目的量与单位表达的谬误辨析结果表明,有关土壤特征指标曲线图的准确、规范表达模式为:以"土壤深度"为横标目(自变量),土壤特征指标为纵标目(因变量)且纵坐标轴向上,标值均为正数,标值增量方向与坐标轴方向一致,标值线向内。  相似文献   

浅谈科技论文图稿的编辑加工   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
王国祯 《编辑学报》1999,11(2):73-74
为保证科技论文的简明易懂,严谨准确,结合自己的实践讨论了有关编辑加工中图稿标目的严谨性,标值的科学性,标目中的“cps”和“au”,以及插图的合并等问题。  相似文献   

周继荣同志《书稿编辑过程中量与单位方面应注意的几个问题》(下文简称《问题》)一文中列举了科技书刊中存在的一些量和单位方面的问题 ,而作者在举例中又存在两个错误 :1 插图不规范科技期刊中规范的函数曲线图应该是 :若坐标轴表述的是定性的变量 ,即未给出标值线和标值 ,则在坐标轴的尾部应按变量增大的方向画出箭头 ,并标注变量 ;若坐标轴上已给出标值线和标值 ,即坐标轴上变量增大的方向已经示明 ,则不应该再画箭头。标目应与被标注的坐标平行 ,居中排印在坐标轴与标值的外侧。既然作为范例就应该是标准规范的图 ,而《问题》的作者所…  相似文献   

中国高等医药院校科技论文产出力及影响力分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章根据《中国科学引文数据库》CSCD和美国《科学引文索引》SCI数据库统计的高等医药院校在SCI和CDCS来源期刊上发表科技论文的数量以及国家自然科学基金资助项目发表论文数量、机构间合作发表论文数等项指标进行排队分析,揭示我国医药卫生科技论文产出的核心区域.根据SCI、CSCD统计科技论文论文引文率、专著译著被引频次、以及高等医药院校学报的被引频次等指标,列出高等医药院校在我国科技论文影响力核心区域排位情况,分析评价了高等医药院校在生物医学科学领域中科技论文的影响力.  相似文献   

科技论文的统计检验式审读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计学方法是进行科学研究及撰写科技论文所必需的重要手段之一。它运用概率论和数理统计的原理、方法,对所收集的材料进行分析,选择正确的统计指标,并对统计指标作出正确的解释。由于科学研究的对象通常变异较大,各种影响因素又错综复杂,故需运用统计方法透过偶然现象来推测其规律性。作为一名科技编辑,对科技论文除了“能编”之外,还应“会审”。运用统计学知识对科技论文进行审  相似文献   

文章对依托中国科技论文在线OA出版的659种科技期刊的学科类别分布、地区分布、OA出版建立时间、OA出版数据特征等多个方面的数据进行整理、统计,分析了科技期刊依托中国科技论文在线OA出版的现状,并从提高科技期刊学科分类和数量统计的准确度,加强与期刊自建网站的互链接以提高期刊的显示度,加强宣传以促进更多的期刊依托中国科技论文在线OA出版,加强人文社科类期刊OA出版,提高中国科技论文在线OA出版数据的时效性等方面,提出提高科技期刊依托中国科技论文在线OA出版数量和质量的建议。  相似文献   

王继鸣  王广治 《编辑学报》2002,14(Z1):30-31
坐标轴上标值线的形式未见有规定,在实际应用中,它有长、中、短3种形式,它们在坐标图中各自扮演着不同的角色,发挥着不同的功能与作用.对于重要的、起到以点带面启示作用的标值处要用长标值线,余均用短标值线;中标值线的功能与作用介于长、短标值线之间,标值线侧旁有时要带有标值,有时又无须带有标值.长、中、短3种标值线在坐标轴上的分布,务必均衡、对称和有规律性.  相似文献   

文章以中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)为基础,采用文献计量学方法,从科技论文产出、发表期刊、学科分布、核心作者、高被引等方面统计了西安科技大学2007-2016年被CSCD收录的科技论文,并分析了我国科技论文的发展现状,旨在为提高高校的科研产出力以及科研影响力提供一些建议.  相似文献   

10月27日,中国科学技术信息研究所在北京发布了“2005年度中国科技论文统计结果”。据介绍,在2005年度科技论文与引文统计工作中,国际论文数据取自《科学引文索引》(SCI)、《工程索引》(EI)和《科学技术会议录索引》(ISTP)3种在国际上颇具影响的检索工具。自2005年起,新增加了  相似文献   

李存葆  张思琪 《编辑学报》2019,31(4):395-397
鉴于对数坐标图在科技期刊中的重要应用,对其编排模式以及相应的标目标注形式等细节进行了探析。对对数坐标原理进行了分析论述,以常用对数坐标为例,从坐标图的编排、刻度线的编排与显示、标值的标注及与标目的形式匹配等方面分析研究了对数坐标的科学编排模式及其绘制修饰方法,对于科技学术期刊编辑处理对数坐标图具有积极的参考意义。  相似文献   

科技创新型人才的规模成为国家综合实力的重要指标之一,专家给予人才的评价往往存在犹豫而适合采 取区间数打分,为此建立集结信息的非线性规划模型,提出利用模拟植物生长算法集结区间数信息,构建群决策偏好 矩阵。采用可能度和排序向量法进行排名,选取创新意识、创新人格、创新能力和智力4 个指标,以实例进行科技创新 型人才的评价研究。研究结果表明,模拟植物生长算法能有效地集结多个专家的随机区间数,具有简便、灵活的特点。  相似文献   

In its original presentation, scores on two of the three subscales of the Classroom Citizenship Behavior scale were highly reliable. Scores on the subscale measuring the third dimension of classroom citizenship behavior, Courtesy, had poor reliability. We inductively derived additional items for the Courtesy subscale and tested structure and reliability of the revised scale. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the scale readily divided into three factors of six items each, consistent with the proposed model. Furthermore, the subscale scores associated with these factors demonstrated high reliability. Next, two additional communication classes completed the revised scale and confirmatory factor analyses were run on the new version of the three-factor scale. Fit indices were good. The revised Classroom Citizenship Behaviors scale provides a stronger tool for investigating student behaviors that contribute to the effective functioning of the classroom environment.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with 150 male college undergraduates playing different video games to investigate the impact of violent content, frustration with gameplay, and the interaction of those factors with aggressive personality (trait hostility). Results indicate that both violent content and frustration individually leads to greater scores on a state hostility scale, and the interaction of violent content and frustration leads to the highest scores on that scale. Results are discussed in terms of the Frustration-Aggression hypothesis and the General Aggression Model.  相似文献   

网络环境下信息扩散的模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在网络空间信息扩散系统构成和动阻力分析的基础上,将信息扩散过程置于以时间、信息量和信息扩散表现为坐标轴的三维空间中,将其看作是曲折上升的阶梯式攀登过程,构建网络环境下信息扩散的阶梯网状模式。并在此基础上,对该模式的特点进行阐述与分析,揭示网络环境下信息扩散的微观运动形式。  相似文献   

目前医学期刊中生存分析的应用十分广泛.在处理生存分析类稿件时,编辑需审查生存曲线是否仅有横纵坐标,生存曲线是否存在交叉,多因素分析时样本量是否足够,多因素分析时变量纳入方法是否正确,多因素分析结果是否完整,RR值、RR 95% CI及P值之间是否一致等.本文详细阐述了上述生存分析中的审查要点,以供编辑人员参考.  相似文献   

肖骏  王淑华  谢晓红 《编辑学报》2016,28(5):437-438
为使坐标图标值的书写格式更加规范化,基于行业相关标准、有效数字和科学测量理论,辨析标值的科学表达方式,并依照国家标准和行业规范分别阐明标值合理的位数、疏密程度、位置和方向.建议:坐标图的编校工作中应注意标值不应该用有效数字表示,设定时应以科学、规范、美观、简明为出发点,摒弃那些似是而非的习惯.认为规范且符合科学理论的标值不仅有利于提高坐标图的科学性和观赏性,使其达到科学与美观的统一,而且在一定程度上能提高出版物的质量.  相似文献   

This paper deals with automating the drawing of subway maps. There are two features of schematic subway maps that make them different from drawings of other networks such as flow charts or organigrams. First, most schematic subway maps use not only horizontal and vertical lines, but also diagonals. This gives more flexibility in the layout process, but it also makes the problem provably hard. Second, a subway map represents a network whose components have geographic locations that are roughly known to the users of such a map. This knowledge must be respected during the search for a clear layout of the network. For the sake of visual clarity the underlying geography may be distorted, but it must not be given up, otherwise map users will be hopelessly confused. In this paper we first give a rather generally accepted list of rules that should be adhered to by a good subway map. Next we survey three recent methods for drawing subway maps, analyze their performance with respect to the above rules, and compare the resulting maps among each other and to official subway maps drawn by graphic designers. We then focus on one of the methods, which is based on mixed-integer linear programming, a widely-used global optimization technique. This method guarantees to find a drawing that fulfills a subset of the above-mentioned rules (if such a drawing exists) and optimizes a weighted sum of costs that correspond to the remaining rules. The method can draw even large subway networks such as the London Underground in an aesthetically pleasing manner, similar to maps made by professional graphic designers. If station labels are included in the optimization process, so far only medium-size networks can be drawn. Finally we give evidence why drawing good subway maps is difficult (even without labels).  相似文献   

Regarding evaluation of individual researchers, the bibliometric indicators approach has been increasingly discussed recently, but there are some problems involved with it: construct definition, measurement errors, level of scale, dimensionality, normalization. Based on a psychometric model, the Rasch model, we developed a measuring scale for the theoretical construct ‘researcher’s performance capacity,’ defined as the competency of a researcher to write influential papers. The aim was a scale that is one-dimensional and continuous, is applicable to bibliometric count variables, and takes measurement errors into account. In this paper we present the psychometric model (Bayesian Poisson Rasch model, BPR) and its assumptions and examine the behavior of the model under various sampling conditions. For a sample of N?=?254 researchers in a quantitative methodology section of an undisclosed German academic society for social sciences, using the BPR model we developed a scale that we named ‘Bibliometric Quotient’ (BQ, M?=?100, SD?=?15) (following the term ‘intelligence quotient’). The scale fulfills most of the test-theoretical requirements (e.g., high reliability αt?=?.96, no differential item functioning except for academic age and German states) and in addition allows researchers to be ranked. Women’s BQ scores were 8.3 points lower on the scale than men’s BQ scores.  相似文献   

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